What really ticks me off is how many times we as concerned citizens are labeled conspiracy theorists and later vindicated. Why cant this crap be exposed AS IT occurs rather than decades later. There is no oversight from the overseers.

Frankly, we the citizenry as a whole are to blame. We only keep a side eye on the machinations of the political industrial complex, and take action only after the sh*t has hit the fan. We rely too much on the checks and balances to work, not realizing they are compromised by the very people endeavored to maintain them.

We have forgotten the huge responsibility that comes with a Constitutional Republic. It is our due diligence to always be weary of the ruling class as a whole, not just our political opponent. We need to remind ourselves that there are 2 teams in this political battle, but it is not D vs R, but US (citizens) vs THEM (the ruling class)

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Well said,agreed!

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Does Redfield hope to get leniency from the eventual Covid reckoning? After the horrors of lockdown and vaccine deaths, economic destruction, and social polarization I'm not in the mood.

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Redfield was among the worst. And I still remember his false testimony to Congress about the efficacy of masks.

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I suspect that, just like the Purdue case, the Supreme Court will reject the lower court’s opinion on sovereign immunity. DoD lied to their members about the jabs and must be held accountable!

My daughter, along with many other veterans, was vaccine injured when she deployed in the Gulf War. They forced her to take the Anthrax vaccine and she has periodic neurological issues. In 2004, congress passed a law to prevent such experimentation on our military. The last time I looked, DoD was still subject to duly passed legislation!

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People must be made aware that THE GOVERNMENT was the real creator of the ‘opioid crisis’. Adding to this story of corrupt and captured agencies...what was happening at the local level some 20-25 years ago, was the government began pushing “PAIN CONTROL” as a patient “right”. In the hospitals/offices, this took the form of promoting “TAME THE PAIN” policies and mandates even to the point of having physicians and nurses wear "tame the pain" buttons (I still have mine)! But they went even further, insinuating that physicians could be sued for not providing ‘adequate’ pain relief. So the government was not only in bed with Pharma in making opioids available, they were also actively stoking the increased prescribing and usage, at the same time. Simultaneously, adding to this was the governments near total indifference to the beginnings of the massive importation of illicit fentanyl. These events were the true beginnings of the "opioid crisis". As with so many ills plaguing society, YOUR GOVERNMENT IS THE PRIMARY PROBLEM!

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Yep...the 5th vital sign.

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I sold fentanyl, the injectable and the patch, while I was a rep and later a district manager for the manufacturing company, a division of J&J.

Pharma changed from mostly patient focus to $$$$$ focus in the second half of the 20th century. Arthur Sackler and to some extent his brothers were the largest contributors to this change. IMS data, combined with legal and illegal marketing practices drove the change. Greed and power are powerful drivers of behavior. Empire of Pain is a factual and powerful indictment of the industry and the FDA and other government entities. Read Gerald Posner’s book PHARMA. It continues to tell the story.

It is time to change the paradigm. Time to start criminally prosecuting those who have participated in these schemes, including those who pushed these Covid jabs.

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Sovereign immunity sounds like the perfect recipe for creating a tyranny. "I"m from the government and I can do what I want, no matter how illegal, no matter how outrageous, because I have sovereign immunity." I hope this ruling will be challenged, as it sets a precedent that directs us in a straight line to dictatorship.

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Exactly, John.

The attitude of the federal government toward its legal citizenship since the Muslim dude not birthed in Hawaii got lifted from innocuous darkness in Chicago and Illinois with help from Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayres is emphatically F ... OFF!

From the beach....


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Hopefully some headway will be made considering the San Francisco federal court’s latest ruling on water fluoridation.

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YouTube: “Mistakes Were Not Made” an anthem read by Dr. Tess Lawrie. Please listen to it and share!

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The movie Painkiller is another powerful depiction of the opioid crises.

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If "government bureaucrat-criminals" can kill and maim AMERICAN CITIZENS with impunity then, the concept of government “of the people, by the people and for the people" is dead…time to “water the tree of liberty”.

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You were not alone in identifying the process of Empire of Pain preceding Cvd. Agency capture is complete. Vivek is right, imo, tear these agencies down and start over afresh. Rotten fruit doesn't unrot...

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I am only surprised in the public sphere when our government and its people and large corporations are held to account for real wrongdoing. It is such a a rarity that until decades after it matters, evil or even simple criminal actions that hurt people are revealed. And they are almost never attached to anyone who is then prosecuted. It is depressing.

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Regulatory approval needs to be overhauled fundamentally. Here is a path forward:


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I read that heartbreaking story about the 24-year-old young man's death. If the law protects the government in such a situation, then the Judge ruled correctly. The law needs to change.

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Know the protocols of zionism!

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it was in 1992 ina bar knwn where the cia/mossad and mi6 hang out

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Allegedly, Netanyahu to the jailed Jonathan Pollard in 2002: “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.”

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