I want to do everything possible to not buy from fascist retailers like Amazon. Any help you can offer is appreciated. There has got to be another retailer or retailers who can compete. McCullough is among the true heroes and we need to help him and others like him before we lose all of our freedom.
I want to do everything possible to not buy from fascist retailers like Amazon. Any help you can offer is appreciated. There has got to be another retailer or retailers who can compete. McCullough is among the true heroes and we need to help him and others like him before we lose all of our freedom.
I just purchased 3 hard copies directly even though I already read and previously purchased your paperback last year. One will be donated to my local library. Everyone. Please purchase at least one copy to donate to your local library and get your community and friends to borrow this book so it stays in circulation.
I've got probably 50 books on my "to-buy" list at Amazon. Because I think we need to have hard copies of important works, I think I will try to buy all of these now, rather than waiting for "when I have time to read them," because even if I do not read them all (and I never will) I will make them available to family and friends.
We absolutely need to buy hard copies of every single book like this and pass them to every generation that comes after us. One of the greatest inheritance we can leave to the next generations are these books. This way, our children and grandchildren will know that trusting the government and health authorities is very risky. I believe it's one of the best way we can protect them against those that were supposed to protect us. What a strange world we live in. But nothing last forever. And this nightmare will also come to an end one day.
I have a vision impairment and so can't read most printed material. Buying books in Kindle form and reading using a magnifier app/functions on my desktop computer has been my default option. I am beginning to wonder if there a free speech option for buying and accessing most e-books? If anyone out there has experience like mine and suggestions, please reply to this message!
I own the book on Kindle and it is still there, so presumably the publisher could put it out directly. When you have a Kindle you get an email address you can send content to (in various formats), and it shows up on your list.
The stores linked to from the Skyhorse site that have it don’t list an ebook version, but sometimes ebooks come later. Don’t know if there was ever a Kindle version. I’d say check the public library, but those are also woke.
I just emailed my wife and staff this:
I want to do everything possible to not buy from fascist retailers like Amazon. Any help you can offer is appreciated. There has got to be another retailer or retailers who can compete. McCullough is among the true heroes and we need to help him and others like him before we lose all of our freedom.
FYI, I just purchased this book directly.
I haven’t bought from Amazon in 2 years.. I despise them
The lockdowns seemed tailor made for Walmart and Amazon, didn't they.
I ordered 1 thing from Amazon 10 years ago and only because I couldn't find it elsewhere on short notice. Never again!
I just purchased 3 hard copies directly even though I already read and previously purchased your paperback last year. One will be donated to my local library. Everyone. Please purchase at least one copy to donate to your local library and get your community and friends to borrow this book so it stays in circulation.
This is a company I buy books from and his book is in stock: https://www.thriftbooks.com/browse/?b.search=The%20Courage%20to%20Face%20COVID-19%3A%20Preventing%20Hospitalization%20and%20Death%20While%20Battling%20the%20Bio-Pharmaceutical%20Complex#b.s=mostPopular-desc&b.p=1&b.pp=30&b.oos&b.tile
I'd forgotten about them. Thank you.
I've got probably 50 books on my "to-buy" list at Amazon. Because I think we need to have hard copies of important works, I think I will try to buy all of these now, rather than waiting for "when I have time to read them," because even if I do not read them all (and I never will) I will make them available to family and friends.
We absolutely need to buy hard copies of every single book like this and pass them to every generation that comes after us. One of the greatest inheritance we can leave to the next generations are these books. This way, our children and grandchildren will know that trusting the government and health authorities is very risky. I believe it's one of the best way we can protect them against those that were supposed to protect us. What a strange world we live in. But nothing last forever. And this nightmare will also come to an end one day.
I did the same. I buy each one as a hard copy just to have them before they're unavailable and to support the authors doing important work.
I completely agree. I always buy hard copies even if it takes me a while to get to them all.
I just tried to order the book, but it says temporarily unavailable 😞
Oh sorry to hear that, but it must mean people went out and ordered them after I posted it. Hopefully it will be in stock soon.
I have a vision impairment and so can't read most printed material. Buying books in Kindle form and reading using a magnifier app/functions on my desktop computer has been my default option. I am beginning to wonder if there a free speech option for buying and accessing most e-books? If anyone out there has experience like mine and suggestions, please reply to this message!
Duncan~ Archive.org has a FREE program for those with vision needs. They carry a lot of “banned” books too
Thank you -- I didn't know about this resource.
Maybe try the Brave search engine? It came up just fine.
I own the book on Kindle and it is still there, so presumably the publisher could put it out directly. When you have a Kindle you get an email address you can send content to (in various formats), and it shows up on your list.
The stores linked to from the Skyhorse site that have it don’t list an ebook version, but sometimes ebooks come later. Don’t know if there was ever a Kindle version. I’d say check the public library, but those are also woke.
It’s back on Amazon. I just purchased from Amazon