I would like to mention Dr. Richard Fleming's well-documented book (2021), "Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?" -which exposed a number of associations between US and Chinese players in this GOF game. The evidence was known even then, yet Congress still dances around it. ( Available as an e-book.)
I would like to mention Dr. Richard Fleming's well-documented book (2021), "Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?" -which exposed a number of associations between US and Chinese players in this GOF game. The evidence was known even then, yet Congress still dances around it. ( Available as an e-book.)
I would like to mention Dr. Richard Fleming's well-documented book (2021), "Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?" -which exposed a number of associations between US and Chinese players in this GOF game. The evidence was known even then, yet Congress still dances around it. ( Available as an e-book.)