Try to look on the bright side…some people are thought to have received doses that were “duds” — basically dead on arrival in their arms because of careless storage and handling. And possibly, in some cases, placebos. That’s what I’m hoping was the case with my vaxxed husband and adult kids 🙄🫰🏻🙏🏻
Danish study est 30% placebo. German study showed about that same % had no quality control testing (implying f they were saline). says 90% of AE’s are from 5% of the lots. Hot lots are real. 🤬 that it has been determined that likely ALL the doses had LNP encapsulated DNA floating around in them, that changes the calculus. Now we're talking not about imminent illness and death, but multigenerational illness and death.
Im trying to get my head around what this will mean for the population next year and in five years.
Try to look on the bright side…some people are thought to have received doses that were “duds” — basically dead on arrival in their arms because of careless storage and handling. And possibly, in some cases, placebos. That’s what I’m hoping was the case with my vaxxed husband and adult kids 🙄🫰🏻🙏🏻
I hope many, many were duds.
Danish study est 30% placebo. German study showed about that same % had no quality control testing (implying f they were saline). says 90% of AE’s are from 5% of the lots. Hot lots are real. 🤬 that it has been determined that likely ALL the doses had LNP encapsulated DNA floating around in them, that changes the calculus. Now we're talking not about imminent illness and death, but multigenerational illness and death.
Wasn’t aware of all, or even most. Thought smaller %. Devastating!