In this bizarre world, arguing that mRNA gene therapies and research should be halted is like arguing that the more munitions and armaments the congressional military industrial complex builds, the more people die. What is clear is that the business model of Big Pharma, and oligarchs like Bill Gates who fund gene therapies and delivery m…
In this bizarre world, arguing that mRNA gene therapies and research should be halted is like arguing that the more munitions and armaments the congressional military industrial complex builds, the more people die. What is clear is that the business model of Big Pharma, and oligarchs like Bill Gates who fund gene therapies and delivery methods, is similar to the congressional military industrial complex model, namely, the more people they injure and kill, and the higher the rate, the more money they make. Endless wars and ever more "vaccines".
In this bizarre world, arguing that mRNA gene therapies and research should be halted is like arguing that the more munitions and armaments the congressional military industrial complex builds, the more people die. What is clear is that the business model of Big Pharma, and oligarchs like Bill Gates who fund gene therapies and delivery methods, is similar to the congressional military industrial complex model, namely, the more people they injure and kill, and the higher the rate, the more money they make. Endless wars and ever more "vaccines".