unfortunately this has been known for years now

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whats it going to take to shatter these egregious breaches of public trust. ive never had less trust in "med" or health anything,from drs to science 99% medicines even our food is coopted for profiteering ?? how the fuck did we let this get so far down this path to promoting disease for dollars . We are truly grotesque clowns & not the trusted stewards of human like 7 generations SHAME.

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HALT THE CRIMINAL MADNESS…you’ve murdered MILLIONS already, who knows what the longterm death toll will be.


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After the Congressional report yesterday and Trump's continuing delusion on this matter, we have a big battle even if the data of critical harms in clear. I hope Dr. McCullough can lead a coalition of truthful conservatives to challenge the bought establishment Republicans that are protecting Trump and the status quo.

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And Who is going to be held responsible for all the deaths and disabilities this injection has caused? They KNEW. They KNEW. They KNEW.

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Dear Nicolas:

Just wanted to write and thank you for all your work to bring to light the evil lies and those who promote them in regard to mRNA gene therapy experiments and the great harm they have done and continue to do.

You have been an added and important resource at the McCullough Foundation, which I have been honored to follow and support for several years now (though for some reason substack sometimes says I am a paid subscriber and other times not?)

Keep up the good work!

In Him


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How about halting the injections because (a), they don't help anyone, and (b), they have killed millions of people and left many times that number permanently injured/incapacitated?

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Hopefully our new health leaders that Trump has appointed will immediately remove these products from the market. And just watch, there will be a decent portion of our population that is screaming and crying for them to come back so they can inject themselves some more.

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That is unlikely. Kennedy is downplaying his vax concerns. Jay B and McCarry are vax pragmatists. Jeanetta whatshername is a fool. The Senate rejected Goatz in part because he was planning to investigate Fauci. McConnell told him that was a no-go. Trump loves the vax. So it seems like they are lining up to protect the monied interests and the bio brigade. The time is now for massive external pressure on Trump and the squishy Republicans.

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I’m willing to have a wait and see attitude about what Trump will do regarding the jabs. After all, he did promote early treatments, demonstrated an openness to innovative treatments, such as UV light, and he never mandated the jabs.

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The senate would not have okayed it. we will be lucky if rfk jr gets in.

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I so wish that Trump had nominated Dr. Ladapo for US Surgeon General. We don’t know if he could have been offered the position and turned it down. What a loss for the US!

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Only 47 months too late for millions who have been MURDERED by these insane poisons.

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It’s interesting that anyone feels that ANY level of DNA contamination is acceptable. Why is 10ng oh but 30ng is not? Common sense says that injection of foreign DNA is likely problematic either way. They say the dose is the poison, but sometimes I think a poison is just nothing but a poison and should be avoided period.

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The Devil playing God.

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Just subscribed to both Twitter/X accounts. Thank you for your work!

The work of Dr. McCullough, Didier Raoult, Kevin McKernan, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Dr. Pierre Kory, and many other Covid heroes is addressed in my book Mechanisms of Harm. Mechanisms is a layperson-friendly summary of the pandemic with over 900 links to original source material addressing the suppression of effective treatments for Covid, the devastatingly inappropriate lockdowns and mandates, the harmful experimental Covid shots, and the propaganda that was used to force compliance on the worldwide population. Mechanisms of Harm is published by Brownstone Institute and is available in Kindle and paperback formats on Amazon:


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In this bizarre world, arguing that mRNA gene therapies and research should be halted is like arguing that the more munitions and armaments the congressional military industrial complex builds, the more people die. What is clear is that the business model of Big Pharma, and oligarchs like Bill Gates who fund gene therapies and delivery methods, is similar to the congressional military industrial complex model, namely, the more people they injure and kill, and the higher the rate, the more money they make. Endless wars and ever more "vaccines".

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We’ll see what is done as we go forward in the Trump admin. These jabs were known to be toxic and that info was hidden from regulators. Sadly even though everyone knows now nothing is being done. All those guilty are criminals especially because there are so many deaths and injuries. Who will pay? Who will take responsibility? Fauci, Collins, Birx, THE WHO, Biden, Harris, the FDA, CDC, NIH, hospitals, drs, employers, I could go on but I’ll spare you. Poor healthcare for profit is nothing new. Intentional murder is nothing new. But again I say, WHO WILL PAY????????? Covid wasn’t the pandemic, the response was………..

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If Pfizer and Moderna both told the regulatory and health authorities in US and Canada in 2021 and again in 2023 that they had NO safety data for children under 18 and pregnant women why did the authoritiepush the experimental gene therapies thus killing and injuring millions . This is illegal and people need to be tried and jailed immediately .

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It was all intentional! Hopefully justice is coming soon for all those involved!

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