Absolutely, although I think that this, ‘ young unstable person’ had just a wee bit of help!!

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He was a patsy. Autism spectrum = socially naive. There's no credible evidence that he expected to die that day. Where's the suicide note or online manifesto? Why does the audio analysis show more than 2 shooters? He was most likely recruited from his rifle range and thought he was part of the volunteer auxiliary on the outer perimeter, helping to protect Trump. Where's the proof he wasn't shooting blanks? The narrative that's being peddled about a lone wolf out to stage a mass shooting is BS.

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I doubt it. If he thought he was there to do good works he would've told his parents.

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Not necessarily .

"Those resistant to 'love hormone' may also be easier to hypnotize"

"Those with gene variants linked to social detachment and autism were found to be most susceptible to hypnosis."


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I have this idea of him now that he expected to play a role but that he'd not die for it.

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For sure, if it was hypnosis. I thought you were implying it was in full conscious knowledge.

Anyway, the thing is, we all know he was a likely victim.

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Remember that, although nobody with 2 functioning brain cells believed it even for a nanosecond, because it was counter to all the known evidence at the time, in 2003 almost the entire US population fell for the spiel about Saddam having WMDs. Most who were gullible enough to believe it weren't even autistic. According to a credible epidemiological study published in The Lancet back when it was still a reputable journal, by 2006 the US had butchered up to nearly a million Iraqi civilians based on that false intel. The Director of the Secret Service is reportrd to be a close friend of not only Jill Biden but also of Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick. It's not hard to con Americans. Most are already falling for the narrative about the unstable lone wolf shooter who was also targeting Kate Middleton.

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Saddam used chemical weapons against Iran in the 1980's.

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Got an alternate idea... Maybe he thought that if he exploded Trump's head on the first bullet he would have escaped in the confusion.

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That's possible but he fits the profile for perfect patsy and he appears to have been high IQ.

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Not sure what your definition of a patsy is. Are you suggesting he was given blanks? Or didn't fire at all? The arrogance of the high IQ young (smarter than anyone else), may have led him to believe that he could get away in the confusion - this may have been suggested to him.

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Not all suicides leave notes or manifestos. In fact, fewer than half leave notes. According to PUBMED, an average of about 27% leave notes. See https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12028889/

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Lot of help everyone one on the SS team and additional assassins

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Yes, he was abetted by buffoons sent to maintain security on the grounds.

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Sorry if I dissent in believing this groomed misfit planned the Trump assassination after reading a newspaper. This was a government inside job. This kid was an obvious distraction and patsy and not a very good one at that.

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Volunteers were used for security on the outer perimeter. There is no indication he expected to die like a real assasin on that rooftop would have expected. He was probably assigned the location and told to protect Trump.

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yes....the death of that boy is tragic and he was also a victim. To recruit such a naive, gullible and defensible child is unforgivable in my mind. Whoever selected him to do their dirty work is a monster. Though Donald Trump was the target...this boy paid with his life as did the heroic fireman. I have lived around autistic people and their lives are often terribly lonely and fraught with dangers of all kinds. MTC's death was a terrible crime in itself.

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Gabriella--just to be clear-- I never said the shooter MTC was a monster. I said that the people who used a child as a scapegoat for these heinous crimes are monsters.

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Yes and this needs to be talked about. Calling these young confused, gullible people monsters or psychopaths is horrible every time I hear it. And many of them are on psychiatric meds which can numb their emotions further or make them suicidal.

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Gabriella, functionally what is the difference between monsters / psychopaths and people on meds that alter their minds?

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Monsters are not made. That is who they are. Hitler was a monster...as is Bill Gates and I would bet Klaus Schwab as well. People on meds are temporarily insane. They often do not remember their behavior and therefore cannot be held accountable. In Michigan where I live, all the mental institutions were closed down and the inmates were thrust into the environment with no housing and no help. Some took to stealing to get food. Others went to homeless shelters. Still others went to the police and "turned themselves in" so they could have a warm place to sleep for awhile. These were not "monsters". They were much better off on their "medications". Did you ever see the movie "The Collector"? Watch that if you want to know what monsters are.

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Show me how they were better off on SSRI meds, known to cause homicidal/suicidal ideation? PHARMa caused through aluminum and other nasty adjuvants from the “Schedule” a monster and then got to profit with SSRI’s the backend profits. PHARMa made 100%!!

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Do not kid yourself. They certainly can,and,DO make monsters. Mind control is old hat,to “them”,sadly…..is that this kid…?..IDK,My instincts say no. He was some other kind of patsy….

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Thanks for the clarification.

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I agree totally. A patsy is by nature a naive innocent. Secret Service said they were inside on the 2nd floor of the building he was on. It has only one floor. The only 2 storied building is the one behind where the patsy was meaning the SS were looking down at him and could have taken the shots from behind him while he felt secure they knew he was there and helping.

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SS cannot even get their talking points straight. They were on the 2nd floor and the building has only one floor. Pretty good trick. Reminds me of Christopher Steele (remember him? the dossier guy) talking about the Russian Consulate in Miami. There is no Russian Consulate in Miami.

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His classmates said he hated politicians. He most definitely was not a Trump supporter.

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One Hispanic classmate said he ridiculed him for supporting Trump. Another said he pegged him for being Republican. A neighnor said there had been a MAGA sign in the yard.

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it was. does that mean this post is wrong? NO, it does not. nazi, is a code word, hitler is a code word, for someone it is OK to destroy. they mean to use it to get us to really fight each other at some point. SJW will be set against christians. christians will also be set against muslims, a bit later. they are all meant to be destroyed. a new religion is already prepared, they have to eliminate the old. if people are stupid enough to do it, maybe that is what they deserve. I don't tho.

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The most ironic of all, is that if anyone displays autocratic & militant tendencies, it is not Trump, but Biden. Starting on "Day One", every executive order & policy that he has implemented has been demeaning, harmful, & authoritarian in nature. He is also mean-spirited. Trump demonstrates none of this behavior. It is a glaring example of what constitutes the communist mindset: their deceitful nature & their willingness to refer to things as the exact opposite of what they, in reality, are. Up is down. In is out. Top is bottom. Front is back - and so on.... Deceit is the hallmark of their sick ideology. An excellent book that highlights this brand of thinking & behavior is, "Witness", by Whittaker Chambers. Referring to Trump as Hitler is a perfect example of this. In truth, it is Biden & his administration that are the perpetrators of evil.

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It’s in the commie playbook. Projection. Why would they stop? They use it because it keeps working. I don’t understand how anyone believes these people

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You are correct about that. Another excellent & recent book on what is happening in this country is, "Mao's America": A Survivor's Warning by Xi Van Fleet. It is the story of a Chinese Woman, who as been an American citizen for many years, & her experience of having grown-up during Mao's Cultural Revolution. She sees many deeply disturbing parallels between what she saw & experienced in China with what is unfolding in America. The Biden administration is largely responsible for this accelerating trend.

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Trump isn't innocent. He murdered Soleimani. Don't give him a pass.

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America is not built on the principle of non-violent love!

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I would love to have Trump be a knight in shining armor riding in to save America...but facts are facts. Trump got on the tv at the beginning of the "pandemic"(there was never a pandemic...it was all hype) and lied through his teeth about the terrible deaths at the Elmhurst hospital and the refrigerator trucks carting bodies away. He must have known all of it was fake...

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Yes, Trump did not cover himself with glory in his handling of the Wuhan and covid-vax bio-weapons. 'Operation Warp-Speed' was a debacle from its inception. He allowed himself to be rolled by Fauci, Birx, and the bio-pharma complex. He should have known better and in fact did know better, but in this one vital matter lacked the courage of his usually spot-on instincts. True, he was under relentless attack by Dem-Commiecrats, but this was still not his finest hour, or year. He should admit this was a huge mistake and call for an immediate end to mRNA gene-transfection injections.

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To his credit, he mentioned hydroxychloroquine, and other possible treatments, and didn't he also speak with Dr. Zelenko? Anyway, he was open to alternatives, and never believed in mandating the vaccines.

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Yes that's true. If only he'd trusted his own instincts instead of listening to compromised advisors.

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Peter, I agree, mostly, on your view of DJT’s handling of the Convid hoax. However, have you stopped to think about how the Mockingbirds would have demonized him, even more than they did and continue to do, if he had stuck to his instincts?

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

"Pandemic" like the usual flu and colds (granted, not the same diseases). I didn't know or don't recall he'd gone on about the Elmhurst hospital and the refrigerator trucks, though vaguely recall he'd called for ramping up production of ventilators. I don't watch TV.

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Sorry to bust your bubble...Trump was ecstatic over the "beautiful vaccine" and his blathering about Elmhurst hospital is a matter of record.

Is DJT deep state?....???

No one can know whether that is the case. I don't really know what the "deep state" is. I think Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates are just a veneer.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

That shot that nicked his ear could not be made reliably, that is, no way, no way at all, that even the finest shooter on the planet with the best rifle could nick that ear and reliably not explode the adjacent skull. Moving target, MOA all that.

So if there was a bullet that grazed his ear then someone was trying to kill him. And the SS actions are I believe beyond incompetent, it sure looks they were involved in whatever happened. It suggests Trump is not deepstate.

Now a lot of people want to believe there was no bullet, and are promoting the view that while there were bullets hitting people, there was none near Trump by design, he used Ketchup.

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I think so,too.

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What "bubble"? The Deep State is largely Sabbateans.

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"I didn't know or don't recall he'd gone on about the Elmhurst hospital and the refrigerator trucks,"

That's the 'bubble I was referring to. Trump did publicly broadcast statements about Elmhurst and the hundred of bodies put into moving vans. You can find these yourself on-line.

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Thank you the reminder.

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Yes 100%!

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Substack does not allow me to ❤️a comment,even when I’m a paying subscriber.. I would ❤️ Your comment if I could…and,so many more!

I can not figure out how to fix this frustrating issue.

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I have this same issue. This only started happening a few months ago. However, when I use another laptop, I do not have that problem. I think it is a browser issue, rather than a substack issue.

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Maybe it's your web browser, or a plugin/addon in the browser. I would try a different browser with no addons installed, and if it works, then you have to figure out what's going on with your current browser.

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What the mainstream media and social media platforms have done for the last seven years is the equivalent of “yelling fire in a crowded theater.” They are abusing their first amendment freedoms and in the process destabilizing the country.

The government and the media have a duty to “Ensure Domestic Tranquility” and they’re failing to do so.

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Regrettably, a significant portion of our history has recently been edited, and manipulated by the ruling establishment that wields control over various influential domains such as the media, banking, big Pharma, the judicial system, and especially Hollywood.

During my youth, I avidly delved into the study of history, finding it utterly captivating, and in the process, I had the privilege of meeting numerous esteemed historians, with whom I forged lifelong connections. However, 25 years ago, I witnessed firsthand how historians became the initial targets of cancel culture, as their lectures, which aimed to shed light on truth, were unjustly deemed as taboo, veering into the realm of so-called "hate speech."

Sadly, a significant portion of the younger generation will never truly grasp the authentic chronicles of our past. Instead, they are subjected to a distorted rendition that breeds self-derision, robbing them of the profound richness inherent in our historical legacy and depriving them of the capacity to embrace a genuine sense of pride in their ancestors.

90% of you, my like-minded friends and fellow Freedom advocates, will not realize why it is relevant to the current conversation.

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I realize it fully. My three grown daughters know some history....but their interests tend toward technical/medical matters. My grandson...aged 11...is NOT being taught anything about our rich history and what our country means to the world. There is a great history series for kids...


Great Battles for Boys The American Revolution (May 31, 2022)

by Joe Giorello (Author)

4.8 4.8 out of 5 stars 499 4.8 on Goodreads 59 ratings

Does your son understand the meaning of “freedom isn’t free?

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I’ve often said that Freedom is not free, but not only that, it has a shelf life!

Time to pay up.

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The MSM is not only complicit, but proudly so.

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I’m guessing that 95% of all Dems would have been dancing, hugging and high fiving had the orange guy actually been taken out. Tolerant, loving and caring hahahahahahaha

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Given they didn't come out with their usual schtick on gun control, yes, it seemed they would've been quite happy about that piece of gun violence.

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Lefties never take personal responsibility for anything. It is always someone else’s fault.

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Yes I think President Trump should be suing everyone who is liable for slander & death threats against him!?!

I’m all for Free Speech except when it’s lies & death threats that can lead to real harm.

The hateful, lying, violent fake MSM & infamous people should be held accountable for their lies & violent rhetoric that causes real harm or death to innocent people.

I’m so disgusted with all the evil lies hateful people & MSM spew 24/7.

They will not stop until forced to stop with serious repercussions???

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The only political way to stop it is either by convincing enough people that it is wrong, or by making laws to hinder speech.

You have to realize that these news agencies do this because their readers want it, or are open to it. A society that consists of sinful people eventually degrades into violence. That's the long unvarying pattern of history.

The best non-political solution is to school yourself in the principles of God's non-violent love, as shown in Jesus Christ, and make sure they are deeply planted within you. You may not be able to stop the country from decaying, but you will still be the salt of the earth, and God will protect you and use you to "pull others from the fire."

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Trump's not going to sue anybody.

The people who would sue are the wounded and the family members of the deceased.

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How about all of the Congress people who have done the same? “A threat to democracy!” “A dictator.” And the incendiary rhetoric continues. Joe Biden himself, 2 days after the assassination attempt, lied, again, about Charlottesville in an interview, amongst other despicable lies. So much for toning done the violent rhetoric.

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Proclaiming loudly from the rooftops that Trump is Hitler incarnate is the worst sort of political animus. May their conscience be awakened before they fully are lost to the eternal consequences of their words.

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Trump is the opposite of Hitler. Hitler had the same personality structure as Fauci and Hillary Clinton. Europeans call it "Anankastic."

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Yes! Hitler had a real chip on his shoulder and failed at everything he did...except becoming the most hated man that ever lived. Trump has a beautiful family and highly successful business ventures. He has the kind of life people envy--if they are prone to envy--I do not envy him, but I do admire his guts and his fortitude. I remember his Maar lago estate was almost destroyed by 'hurricanes' at one point. Looking back on that it looks more like "weather control". Or am I misremember those events?

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“Trump has a beautiful family and highly successful business ventures.”

Which beautiful family are you taking about? Three marriages and numerous illicit flings does not qualify as beautiful family in my book.

By “highly successful business ventures” do you mean like his bankrupted airlines and his casino hotel that went belly up? Casinos…, nobody can bankrupt a casino. It’s damned near impossible to bankrupt a casino. Somehow his orange highness managed to do just that. He achieved what nobody before him had done - scam major lenders and contractors every turn and then somehow managed to convince his cult followers that he is a successful businessman. Huh???

Silly people.

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Yeah...I admit it...I like the kool-aid as much anyone. I go back and forth. My intellect is well aware what a horrible phony Trump is...but I still need my knight riding in flashing his billion dollar bank account and his beautiful family. People HAVE died around him and he has lied and cheated and was a terrible business man. I still wish he would save us.....Vance is looking good?

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I don't know much about Vance. What I hear on the news media is highly inflammatory, obviously biased either for or against Vance.


The days when people could talk to each other without getting into screaming matches seems so distant now. Sad.

At least when the Fairness Doctrine was still in effect for broadcast news, 1949 - 1987, there was an attempt to provide fair and balanced news. All broadcast stations were mandated to provide a half hour of commercial free news reporting as part of their licensing requirements. The Fairness Doctrine provided the guidelines that they needed to adhere to.


But the potential for news to be a part of the profitable entertainment package of TV and radio broadcasting was not lost on the station owners and broadcast networks. The news was no longer seen as just a necessary mandate that ate up a half our of their broadcast time. The requisite half hour news package with no commercials soon morphed to an hour or more with commercial breaks. Money needed to be made if these stations were to sacrifice more than the minimum air time for the news. The incentive to provide fair and balanced reporting fell by the wayside when broadcast profits were on the line.

Balanced news reporting doesn't sell as well as biased inflammatory reporting. Selling the news is the only objective now - drawing larger rating numbers to justify more commercials. So now, infotainment has become the norm.


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This was upended with the "Trusted News Initiative" and the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (signed by Obama) which legalized propaganda to be directed at the american people.

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Anyone who makes threats on President Trump should be arrested!! They are inciting murder!!

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This article is behind a paywall. So I don't know exactly what was said. I don't think Trump is Hitler. However, I would still argue that short of direct calls for violence, everyone has a right to free speech. For instance, I think it's fair game to liken Biden to Pétain, the elderly dictator who ruled over Vichy France during the Nazi occupation. He is thought to have suffered from dementia and thus made a good puppet for the Nazis. He was a war hero in his early life though, which is more than can be said of Biden. So these comparisons only go so far. Of note, Pétain was known for imposing censorship and reinstating a crime known as "felony of opinion."

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WAPO is for housebreaking dogs and lining your cat's litter box. The Gray Lady too.

From the beach....


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I don't know if it is me that has changed or these publications. Twenty years ago I bought the Sunday NYT every week and always kept the book review section. Steadily downhill for years. It's trash. I remember a NYTss book review section recently which glamourized a black obviously homosexual man on its cover.....I remember thinking that the NYT did not care anymore about their subscribers or even the majority of the population. I have black friends and gay friends. I know they are as good (or as bad) as anyone else. I just felt the "in your face" right on the front cover, made a cultural statement that was chilling. It was like "You go your way....and we will go ours. You don't matter anymore" ...but maybe I am just another phobic racist trans-hater....maybe I will have to be assigned to one of their "cultural re-education camps"......Like the do in Australia.

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Born in The NYC borough of Brooklyn.

Returned to NYC in '68 after college, the USMC and 'Nam. NYT was pretty much a daily routine. That was then.

Have not touched a copy since 1973 when I left the area for good. I understand your narrative. Thank you.

Stay strong, Kathleen. I will rescue you from the camp.🪖

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ok--Thanks!....and you are right. We all need to rescue each other. It's not over. Good thing we have Doc McCullough on our side. Hope he doesn't go in the slammer like Reiner fuellmich....and Dolores Cahill--but she had just a brief stint. Out last I looked.

Reiner is going on a year (?) i think. He was kidnapped in Mexico and dragged away by armed thugs. Unbelievable...

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We stand together, Kathleen.

Believe the kidnapping of Reiner. Bring overtly critical of the Leftist narrative is uncommon courage. He is paying a price. Dr. McCullough was expelled from the pharmacy/ insurance cabal controllers of hospital corporate medicine for speaking the truth. I am a big fan. Fortunately for each of us and others, Peter has landed on his feet. His expulsion was a gift to him.

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I agree!...except I think Peter's expulsion from the "medical mafia" was a gift beyond price to the world. When I tell people about Peter McCullough and his views on "viral infections" and "vaccines"-- I tell them he has written or co-written over 900 articles in top medical journals. And I have sent links to people to his documents page. It's on-line. Interestingly he is extremely modest and credits his activism to his wife. She stays hidden. You can find out very little about her.

"Free Reiner Fuellmich" is my battle cry. I hope I never have to ad "free Peter McCullough" to that. Please stay safe Peter!

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Raid the library's waste bin.

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You are too kind in describing this young man as unstable. It is time to stop calling sin a mental instability or illness. Unless people are certifiably institutionalized as mentally ill, everyone chooses how they behave - even the Washington Post and their ilk. I will remind people of Bonhoeffer’s truism, “Silence in the face if evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to act is to act. Not to speak is to speak.”

In this woke era too many people have chosen to discard their inherently moral compass.

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Tershia --I wasn't talking about "instability". I was talking about a medical condition-- autism. It is a sad and irreversible disease. I have known people with this diagnosis and they really cannot distinguish between their hallucinations and reality. For their own safety and that of others they need to be either kept in an institution or be under the care of a responsible supervisor at all times. Autism is not a sin. It can be dangerous. It usually strikes young people just arriving at sexual maturity--.

The boy had no criminal record. His parents KNEW there was something wrong with their child and tried to warn the police. They told the police he was missing and could possibly be headed to Penn. The police ignored the boys parents. That is criminal and has left the parents in a terrible situation. They will never recover from this trauma is my guess. MCT is beyond pity or hate. My compassion goes out to his parents. They did the right things and lost their son.

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My reply got lost so I will try again. My comment was a generalization on what I read in the article. It was not directed at you or anyone else. I never said anything about autism nor that it is a sin. Only that murdering a man, wounding two others and attempting to kill Mr. Trump is what is a sin. I am sure many people are left traumatised, some for life, over this senseless act. This boy was not under supervision so he made a choice.

I am sorry you did not get the gist of my comment.

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You said " everyone chooses how they behave" -were your exact words

My point is that "everyone" does not choose how they behave. This child had a condition that makes "choice" irrelevant. We are parsing hairs. I know we are both appalled about the events that have taken place. If the boy was autistic then I believe he had no choice in his actions. The parents knew he was dangerous and warned people-- no one listened.

"Sin" has nothing to do with this. The people in charge of this event should be charged with derilection of duty and face a trial by jury. That is the course that should be followed. Who knows what will actually happen, though.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20

While you may indeed have a substantial point here, John, it is curious that you have left out why such comparisons, dangerous though they may be, have been made at all.

For example,Trump's failure, again and again to declare the wrongfulness of White Nationalism, ( Charlottesville murder: "There were good people on both sides", to the Proud boys: " Stand back and stand by" etc, etc), and his quite frequent, encouragement of violence to bolster his point of view ( January 6th: "Fight like hell or you aren't gonna have a Republic") are just a very few examples off the top of my head. Not to mention his recent promise to "lock up his enemies" on day one of his next Presidency, mimicking totalitarian rulers of banana republics.

Trumps own repeated and frequent declarations encourage such descriptions, wrong though they may be for your reasons stated.

Whatever else the President is, he or ( one day, perhaps) she is the moral leader of the republic. Under Trumps violence promoting rhetoric since he became President in 2016 the number of public officials receiving death threats,( including ordinary people like those that help out in such mundane tasks as the volunteer processing of paper ballets) collectively went up across the country approximately ten fold-- from approximately 900 times a year to 9000 times a year. Under Biden it has dropped somewhat to about 7200 times a year, but still remains much higher than it was prior to Trump appearing on the political scene.

Yes, you can point to the polarized political climate in general as part of the causal analysis of those rising threats, but the Presidents, and leading Presidential candidates speech simple cannot be ignored in terms of setting the trajectory of such threats.

Given the observations on the left of the dangers of such speech, why should they encourage such statements? Because both sides tend to demonize each other, seeing the other as untrustworthy.

Consequently Trump feels free to encourage violence, inciting murder and the subversion of our electoral process, and the opposite side of the aisle, in some cases, feels free to call him on it, albeit using his own version of demonized rhetoric. And so the merry-go-round spins again and again, with no winners. Only losers-- No matter who "wins".

Something new must emerge from this tribal madness, or the long term outlook is grim.

Got a good book recommendation on the subject: Not-Two IS Peace

Peace, brother John.

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You obviously did not listen to the entire interview when those comments about Charlottesville were made. Trump was talking about preserving our history that is depicted in statues. There were two sides, those who wanted the removal of statues and those who wanted them left standing as a symbol of history. Those were the “fine people on both sides.” You have twisted Trump’s words. You are a puppet of the left and their propagandists.

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You better go back and listen to it again. His comments had nothing what so ever to do with what you are talking about. Aint civil discourse grand! Oh, I forgot. You were not civil. Better luck next time.

Its not like I am particularly supportive of the left. But John did such a good job of criticizing that, I just thought I would point out the problem is far bigger then any one side. But you seem to have totally ignored my summary point. God Bless.

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Oh but I did listen to the entire interview, not just what Biden and the leftists aired. But I do agree that violent rhetoric must stop and lies on all sides must stop. The lamestream media needs to get back to doing some serious journalism rather than being the mouthpiece for any party.

🕊️ Peace

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You should probably go back and review the Charlottesville “there were good people on both sides” narrative that leaves out context and the continuation of that sentence. After that biased and uninformed intro, it’s necessary to reject the rest of your screed as vapid.

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I knew I would be attacked for expressing myself here. You lived up to my expectations. That one sentence was only representative of hundreds and hundreds of such references of violent rhetoric in Trumps language. If you don't like that particular choice, take your pick from the many others. Or stick you head in the ground and be content with your point. Your choice.

Its not like I am particularly in favor of the other side either. Its just that I think its important to point out the wrong approach of both sides. John already pointed out the fault from the left. The problem is far bigger then any one sides follies. If both sides are fighting on a burning ship, what matters if one side is 80 percent right and the other side is 20 % right , if no one puts out the fire and the boat sinks drowning all on board. The world is our ship and it is sinking unless something entirely different is realized by all parties. That is my most salient point here. Not which side is more correct.

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Yes, but I think this is the most important thing you wrote:

"Donald Trump has never shown the least interest in military adventurism, which is doubtless one reason why the Deep State and its Military-Industrial Complex cronies want to get rid of him"

It was an inside job. The shooter was a patsy. There is solid evidence that there were two different guns used in the assassination attempt. The sniper shot that took Crooks was later.

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yup... as I said previously-- this kid was --or was close to -- autism syndrome.

If you go to Mike Adams Health Ranger videos collection you can find the audio analysis which prove there were two or more shooters from different locations.

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ealth Ranger Report - Rumble

3 days agoBrowse the most recent videos from channel "Health Ranger Report" uploaded to Rumble.com ... Brighteon Broadcast News, July 19, 2024 - Joe Biden DROPPING OUT; at least THREE shooters found in new audio forensic analysis - Audio forensics of Trump assassination attempt showing

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