Just a brief look the Wiki page on Dr McCullough shows how utterly appalling the attempted character assassination is.

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BTW, I love the ‘rational theorist’ designation and plan to include it on my business card! Brilliant. Thank you!

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Yes, now more than ever, we have awakened to view life much more diligently and worthy.

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Dr. McCullough’s Wikipedia page shows what a fascist nation we have become. His Wikipedia page is a government controlled propaganda hit piece. No one can offer edits to this page because the propagandist organizations, pharmaceutical companies, unelected bureaucrats want to control the content. They don’t want the public to see the truth about the virus or the vaccine. Say goodbye to democracy. How can we band together to force a change on this page? Have we no power left?

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No critically-thinking person EVER consults Wikipedia. It is pure trash. Groupthink is pure idiocy. Peace.

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Exactly. It`s a disinformation dump

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There really should be a way to claim you’re own identity on that platform! This is nuts! Wonder if a 2nd page could be started? Maintained accurately & locked down from other edits?

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No, it can't. Everything in our country is compromised.

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This is such an excellent piece. Well done.

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If we can refer to ourselves now as rational theorists instead of conspiracy theorists – I recommend we also refer to ourselves as "Vaccine Injury Specialists" instead of allowing others to refer to us as anti- Vaxxers!

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As the parent of a child injured and disabled by vaccination (HepB and DTaP in her case), I like that title "vaccine injury specialist." Over the years after my child's vaccine injuries, I spent hundreds of hours studying vaccines and their effects, and sharing what I learned on social media. Many parents (especially mothers) of vaccine-injured children do this; online, I met moms who knew way more than I did, even after all my study. Since COVID came along, I've spent hundreds more hours studying the COVID vaccines and their effects, and sharing what I've learned on social media and substack.

Gotta say, though, that I don't mind being described as "anti-vaccine", because I'm about as anti-vaccine as they come. Like 99.9% anti-vaccine. I'll give the anti-toxin vaccines (diphtheria and tetanus; and I include both the whole cell and pertussis vaccines in the anti-toxin category based on FDA research published in 2012) one-tenth of a percent "benefit credit" for preventing the worst symptoms of diphtheria, tetanus, and (in most patients) pertussis, although this benefit means, in the case of diphtheria and pertussis, that the vaccines turn infected people into asymptomatic carriers.

But I also have to say that it's frightening to see the instant hate in people's eyes (even close friends' eyes) when they realize you're an "anti-vaxxer." The vaccine industry propaganda has been highly effective, and highly unsafe for anybody critical of vaccines. The "pro-vaxxers" have learned their lessons in pride, and hate, all too well.

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In medical school they taught us nothing about vaccines other than we needed to know the CDC schedule. I drank the lemonade with everyone else. It wasn’t until Covid 19 that I woke up and started questioning. The last 3 years has been quite an education. They should let you give medical students even 1 lecture and it would be the start of a revolution. But that won’t happen.

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As a pediatric nurse for over 40 years and former coordinator of the Defeat Autism Now! conferences for 10 years, I couldn’t agree with you more

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Yeah... it's really surprising to experience the total lockdown of the Covid Vaxx true believers. I've seen friends faces become hateful. And then, we are no longer friends. There's no openness. These people still believe that the unvaccinated were/are the problem. They are living, breathing, auto-bots. Programmed & controlled by the powers that be. Shocking, but true. I remember some former friends walking out of a church service and expressing their shock that 'they weren't wearing masks inside', so they left. My reply was 'masks don't work anyway. The latest CDC report says that masks stop particles as small as .1 micron. But the Covid virus is.03 microns. Too small for masks to stop.' They gave me a horrified look, as if they recognized that I was 'one of them'. They are no longer my friends. No contact.

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It blindsided me how readily intelligent, well-educated people I know put their trust in Fauci and believed all the approved-narrative lies. I guess I thought anybody intelligent would already (by February 2020) have discovered the value of "alternative medicine" and would have realized the wisdom of going straight to the written and spoken words of "controversial people" to find out for yourself what they are saying. . .because so often what they're actually saying is sensible and turns out to be true.

Among people I know, there are angry "Unvaccinated people are the problem" folks. And then there are some people who are terrified when I bring up the topic of vaccine injuries; these people are desperate to keep their eyes closed. . .I feel more successful influencing random people I encounter on the web than trying to influence my friends and relatives.

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Yeah... there's no doubt that we've lived through a massive PSYOP. And it's still ongoing. Some did better than others. Many who embraced the narratives of 'trusted sources' do not ever want to know the truth. And they hate those who would bring it up. It's now, 'All that's in the past. Lets move on'. Wow ! I don't forget that not too long ago, I couldn't fly on a plane, or eat in a restaurant, or shop in a food market w/o a vcxx card. Then the president MANDATED a not fully approved 'Vaccine'... which is ILLEGAL ! And finally his mandate was overturned. Some schools still require being up to date with boosters to attend. And all those poor children that had to wear masks 8 hrs each school day. Co2 poisoning and emotional scarring. There was talk of internment camps for the unvaccinated. How close were we to internment camps being activated ?Very close. And in fact ,New York State is appealing a judgement that overturned the governors right to create internment camps. That appeal is ongoing. When I visited my brothers family in late 2020, I stayed in a private room, away from the main apartment. They were terrified that I might be carrying covid. My own family. No hugs. Just bumping elbows. THIS is just 'yesterday'. So No ! I cannot let this all be in the past and move on. Never. What happened was an outrage and totally unacceptable. It's up to those of us who experienced these travesties to keep reviving awareness & remembrance of them.

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A standing ovation for your comment, Richie!

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I never looked at your Wiki page, Dr. McCullough. After reading Wakefield’s I ceased giving them any money. Why Wiki has been captured is a puzzle. If they are funded by Pharma they should not be begging readers for a few bucks every year.

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Wiki is 'captured' because it was created by individuals with close ties to CIA and MI6 or whichever it is. I rarely if ever use it.

Rational theorist is a much better term, and I hope it gains traction.

As for me, I am just contrary enough to embrace the CT label, but clarify that if one has theories about likely or potential conspiracies amongst humans, especially those humans in government and positions of power, one is simply a conspiracy theorist. Having read Conspiracy Theory in America by Lance DeHaven-Smith years ago, I understand the provenance of the term and know it is manifestation of what Orwell noted--first corrupt the language, and what follows naturally is corruption of thought processes.

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Wiki is managed by the CIA since 2008.

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No puzzle it`s cia. The donation request is a psyop

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They also want $ not subject to oversight.

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Of course! Thank you!

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The shear fact that at 70 clear years of age, I consider myself a "realist" !

Thus embodies the same truth that I am more than a "Rational Theorist"! I'm a seasoned One.

I place my thinking as a force for understanding behaviors that serve no purpose to mankind.

Like the Panic attack fear based mongering we have deluged by day after day. Utter NON-sense!

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I agree we need to pick apart the language they use against us, and refuse every premise they assume in every conversation. On the other hand, I don’t personally expend any energy being concerned about the labels they give us. I know who I am and I know how they are, so their labels just give me a chuckle as I move past them to what really matters in life.

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It should be "reality theorist."

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While Wikipedia has some usefulness, particularly in technical STEM subjects, the rest is pure Leftist/ Google propaganda.

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No critically-thinking person EVER consults Wikipedia. It is pure trash. Groupthink is pure idiocy. Peace.

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I disagree with changing the term to "Rational Theorist" You (Dr. McCullough), Malone, Kory, Kirsch, etc, etc. have given so much to humanity through your relentless bravery and sacrifices by fighting the establishment. Changing the name makes will distort history and let the establishment/government/media off the hook for their malicious attacks upon you.

All of you are new world "Conspirators" and should be very proud of it.

Steve Kirsch or someone should take on the task of all tableting all of the conspiracies that somehow morphed into the truth.

I would concede to the name "Rational Conspiracy Theorist."

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Early in the COVID mess, there was a joke making the rounds:

"What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality?"

Answer: "About six months."

After the vaccine rollout, some of us updated the answer to "About three months."

And along the way, some brilliant person (whose name I don't know; sorry I can't give credit where credit is due) declared, "I've upgraded my title from Conspiracy Theorist to Conspiracy Analyst."

I loved this new title and have occasionally used it myself.

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Recently, it was uncovered, that Wikipedia was taken over, since 2008, by the CIA. Watch video about it on Jimmy Dore, on YouTube.

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Anyone who takes Wikipedia seriously has already spoken volumes about themselves.

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Excellent! I am truly a rational theorist, which, in old-school speak means I'm not stupid. I'm not attracted to failed ideologies like communism and marxism. The people who write derogatory comments are stupid by a very specific definition:


Let there be peace on earth. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.

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Excellent video. We are rational theorists.

Because words are crucial.

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