What's Going On? The Safe and Effective Compilation video contains a glaring error.
Dear Substack Readers,
I (John Leake) just shared a video titled the Safe and Effective Compilation and was promptly corrected by a reader, who pointed out that the subject of the opening frame—Welsh International Danny Jones—died in 2015.
Though most of the headlines in the subsequent montage display a 2021 date, the inaccuracy of the opening frame has prompted me to un-publish the video.
I thank our reader, Sharyel Cox, for informing me of this glaring error.
CORRECTION PS: Further confusion was produced by a report of another Welsh Rugby player named Danny Jones, who purportedly died of a cardiac arrest just a few days ago. Close analysis of this report revealed that it is, in fact, a 2015 report that has appeared in recent weeks with recent (Nov. 2022) dates.
It looks like a Welsh rugby player named Danny Jones did die about 10/31/22 after suffering a heart attack during a game and then died overnight.
Thanks for keeping it honest and updated. Tough business this journalism but you're doing way better than 99% of the censored media.