COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Axillary Lymphadenopathy
Abnormal Mammograms Driving Clinical Concerns and More Testing
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
There has never been a vaccine that has caused more problems for practicing doctors than the genetic COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, AstraZeneca). Once injected into the arm, the lipid nanoparticles laced with mRNA or adenoviral DNA are freely flowing in the bloodstream within an hour. We know from the CDC V-safe data that 7-8% are so sick at this phase they seek emergency care and some are hospitalized. The lymphatic system begins to drain the vaccine product into lymph nodes where mRNA becomes trapped and local Spike protein production causes lymph node swelling and more inflammation. This “reactogenicity” becomes progressively worse with each additional, ill-advised injection. Raj et al reported that women who took the COVID-19 vaccine had a 10-fold increased rate of abnormal lymph nodes identified on breast cancer screening exams.

These women invariably had concerns over nascent breast cancer and were forced to undergo additional imaging and follow-up. Even though the lymph nodes returned to normal size in about 45 days, the mRNA is known to persist and creates a longer term concern that fragments of mRNA or the continued production of Spike protein could be oncogenic. So women who have taken COVID-19 vaccines should note which arm, when, and be vigilant for any new lymph node changes. Both women and doctors should acknowledge they took a risk with a deltoid intramuscular injection of novel foreign genetic code with no assurances on long term safety.
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I learn so much from your articles. I appreciate that they are succinct and to the point, always referenced! You stepped up to advocate for safety while we were hearing a constant chorus of ‘safe and effective’. Many blessings, Dr. McCullough! And Happy New Year! Praying that 2023 reveals the fraud.
Thank you Dr. McCoulough. My sister is an RN and she came down with breast cancer after being "vaccinated" with the gene-therapy bio-weapon. Peace.