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That is what they were designed to do, right?

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They were designed to do it with as little PROVABLE evidence as possible. They want stealth death to get that plausible deniability, relatively innocuous optics and to keep the perps perfectly safe and unaccountable just in case the lab rats gnaw through the maze and start looking for retribution.

The also want to be freed up to loot us better and take every asset we have as we're dropping dead or are grievously impaired by the stealth death agent that sometimes does not kill you but just makes you wish it had &/or puts you in the "might as well be dead" zone.

THAT'S why a SYSTEMIC micro clotting inducing shot & bug and inflammatory agent is sooooo almost perfect. It can cause the set of all malady's with what almost seems like random and variable timing with random and variable harm from sudden death to death after some time time and everything in between

Not like a nuke where you just wipe the rats out. Hard to hide that one or disguise who did it. But a systemic micro clotting inflammatory agent? Just what you'd specify if you wanted stealth death and slo mo collapse of the systems run by the lab rats.

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Pure evil that must be dismantled.

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Agreed. But not sure you can EVER completely dismantle evil because it is in all of us

Evil is like black mold in the shower and the walls. You can scrub it down and hold it in abeyance but the spores are always everywhere waiting and will ALWAYS come back unless you are vigilant about starving it of nutrients and scrubbing it away with regularity. Soon as you forget to wipe down the tub or turn the dehumidifier on, oops there it is again.

The point is it never goes away. It just lies in wait for the next opportunity and the west has been grievously irresponsible about staying vigilant against the ever patient fungus that waits for the next opportunity. At this point we are overrun and like the mold invested house it becomes a jump ball whether the remedy is mitigation or burning the whole thing down and rebuilding. Certainly it appears we have many institutions that seem so beyond mitigation that it may take a total cleansing house cleaning and rebuild to ever get close to "fixing" them. MANY of the institutions are not even worth fixing because of multiply redundant agencies and just need to be disbanded. If you have 10 agencies mostly doing the same thing pick the best 1-3 of them and close up the rest then concentrate on cleaning the mold out of the surviving agencies. One thing that became beyond evident Trump 1.0 is that some agencies (perhaps the majority?) are so infested nothing but a complete house cleaning will serve to redirect them

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Yes Mr Blackwell, and as Mr Falciola added, to hide the trail. Normies are so mentally domesticated however, that even if one had hard evidence (as we have if you take off the blinders) they can't come to terms with the scale of the lie.

Regardless, I have two words for this that everyone should be pushing forward. Extreme Accountability.

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Unfortunately, prison is only for Black people and Trump supporters

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And Christians who pray silently offending no one except the policeтАж

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An ambitious project to test new technology out on humans by using

different combinations and potency of mystery ingredients to see how the subjects reacted.

Still perfecting their witchcraft.

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For my money I am absolutely certain the globalist reset puppeteers and the psyop and bio weaponeers like the DOD & DARPA etc have been taking notes this whole experiment and updating their methodology manuals to get better results next time.

Like the saying goes, never let a crisis go to waste, ESPECIALLY the crisis you created because it's not like they were cheap to create. If you don't update your manuals and notebooks the experiment is wasted

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Of course.

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