By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The current H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak can be traced back the the USDA Poultry Research Center in Athens, Georgia, as the proximal origin. The strain that likely emerged through gain-of-function serial passage experiments in mallard ducks spread in the wild to sea mammals and then cattle. US government research most probably expanded the host range and created the problem we have now. Fortunately it is a mild strain when occasional human infection occurs which is usually from hand contact to the eye resulting in conjunctivitis. We have seen no human-to-human spread and there has never been a human US fatality due to H5N1.

Please watch this full feature interview on InfoWars hosted by Chase Geiser where the fallacy of more PCR testing, quarantines, culling, and vaccines are revealed. These interventions are useless because the mallard ducks keep reinfecting the farms as they fly and settle from farm to farm. For decades the only solution to bird flu is to let the birds and animals develop natural immunity. The infection is mild in chickens as the Bird Flu Summit at the University of Arkansas revealed this year with an estimated ~10K poultry deaths due to infection. This pales in comparison to millions of healthy birds intentionally killed by a process of culling—a signature “biosecurity measure” promoted by agriculture secretaries and public health officials.
The slow-rolling four-year avian influenza outbreak will serve as a good example of how the Bio-Pharmaceutical will navigate increasing public skepticism to the strategy of manufactured health crisis driving highly profitable vaccine development and population mass administration.
The best prevention remains nasal and throat sprays, gargles, and preparation with a Contagion Kit from The Wellness Company. These tools are available now and will be far more effective than any of the measures promoted by public health officials on the mainstream media.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
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