That always seemed like the plan to me: Suppress the real cures so that Big Pharma could monopolize with the "treatment".
Throughout the fraudulent pandemic, I was holed up with two elderly parents that I was caring for. Both of them got the injections, then (mysteriously) got the virus infection. I wasn't stupid enough to get the injecti…
That always seemed like the plan to me: Suppress the real cures so that Big Pharma could monopolize with the "treatment".
Throughout the fraudulent pandemic, I was holed up with two elderly parents that I was caring for. Both of them got the injections, then (mysteriously) got the virus infection. I wasn't stupid enough to get the injection, and I didn't get the virus, either. Yet I had to care for them in the same house!
Years ago, I was pointed to a speech given by Kill Gates at the World Economic Forum from 2010. In that speech, he proposed the invention of a pathogen that would cause a worldwide pandemic, to be utilized by the WEF to change elected leaders worldwide. In that same speech, he also discussed using this pandemic as a means to depopulate the world, with the intent of killing off 50% of the population for the benefit of the other Malthusians that survived.
That always seemed like the plan to me: Suppress the real cures so that Big Pharma could monopolize with the "treatment".
Throughout the fraudulent pandemic, I was holed up with two elderly parents that I was caring for. Both of them got the injections, then (mysteriously) got the virus infection. I wasn't stupid enough to get the injection, and I didn't get the virus, either. Yet I had to care for them in the same house!
Years ago, I was pointed to a speech given by Kill Gates at the World Economic Forum from 2010. In that speech, he proposed the invention of a pathogen that would cause a worldwide pandemic, to be utilized by the WEF to change elected leaders worldwide. In that same speech, he also discussed using this pandemic as a means to depopulate the world, with the intent of killing off 50% of the population for the benefit of the other Malthusians that survived.