when you look at Biblical moral precepts and then realize just how many leaders are no longer masculine? You can really understand why the cancer has metastasized. We have been emasculated to the point where it has been ages since we held the democrats (esp their women) accountable and made them pay the consequences. And? most of their men aren't. And the same is true for our own party.
Her family, the von der Leyen family, made their fortune as silk merchants and were ennobled in 1786.
Her husband, Heiko von der Leyen, is a physician and the CEO of a medical engineering company. She was not elected by the people but selected by EU Parliament. Likely a WEF ghoul.
I understand that her husband's company was sold to Pfizer after she concluded that purchase deal with Pfizer. And now her husband is a director of Pfizer.
The EU, like the US is intentionally being invaded with migrants (Replacements) and Poland put their foot down saying NO. Then they experience flooding in September. No coincidences, I am sure.
MONSTERS IN CONTROL OF WEATHER. In Asheville NC?...Locals did not wish to give up their family homes and farms to the corporations who wanted the right to rape and pillage the whole place looking for "lithium"....So guess what?
Extreme flooding "occurred" after a very unusual storm destroying all their homes and washing them out. Another grand coincidence! Many dead and unaccounted for...total destruction. Some blame HAARP.....see Dane Wigingon website....I am not a scientists. But there is much evidence of weather manipulation. And who benefits from it?
I actually read something about the lithium miner wanting to expand and people resisted. It's always money over the people. From what I also read FEMA has not done any flood remapping in decades, and people did not have flood insurance. Mortgage lenders require a flood certification letter prior to closing because if it's in a flood zone insurance is required. I was Loan Manager for large regional bank, so I know this. FEMA should be on the hook for all losses incurred. UN Agenda 2021 & 2030 has been in the works since at least 1994 when a younger Nancy Pelosi was presenting it before the Congress back when they were not so cutthroat.
There's one MP that stands out, Christine Anderson who is a very vocal critic of what is going on but there are not enough that are like her. I am surprised she has not been ousted yet. Canada PM Trudeau was scolded by her saying he was not welcome, but whoever is over her said he would be heard. Not sure how their politics work.
As you say, Ursula was never elected by the European population and can, therefore, not be "President of Europe". She is only President of the European Commission, a purely administrative structure. She owes her position to a tactical deal between the President of France (Mr Macron) and Mrs Merkel, former German chancellor. In her former position as minister of the german army, she had shown lousy performance. She is a medical doctor, but believes that CO2 is a toxic gas. Her actual "performance" is built on ignorance, lies and covering up of the truth.
😂😂😂😂Ursula is like an infectious disease. she is forever spreading misinformation. Why doesn’t she discuss the injuries and cancers and deaths related to the mRNA vaxxes. Why doesn’t she discuss the total mismanagement of the pandemic that caused people to die and ruined the economy around the world. No Ursula would rather point the finger at others. How do people like her live with themselves? How do,they sleep at night? Time to take responsibility Ursula dear for your incompetent and dangerous decision making.
The way I see it, she literally thinks that the EU belongs to her and her family, that she has the sole right to decide what she does to the residents of the EU. Corrupt to the core.
It's here too - I am an Internist I just spoke with a friend who has a fever for 6 days I asked her questions. " They think it is a virus " Yet, they gave her an antibiotic which has no place in her case. They sent lots of cultures and she waits. They have no treatment and I treat all the viruses the same so another useless exercise to make it look as if they are doing something. The one thing that works is politically incorrect so they can't even think about it. Medicine is so broken. Also, so censored.
She would ignore it just as the doctors here ignore it. I don't work in the system - I think if you mention IVM you would probably loose your job here. An ER doctor prescribed it for 3 patients on one shift - apparently by 9 am the next morning they pulled his license. Not quite as aggressive here. At the height of Covid in the spring of 2020 I prescribed Hydroxychloroquine for a patient -- the patient called me because the RX was not ready I called the pharmacy - to my great shock the pharmacist got on the phone and tole m that it was against Walgreens Corporate policy to fill my prescription. That one was first hand experience. Shocking
Well our medical corptocracy has a history of repressing actual cures. As mentioned previously...DMSO works for many ailments and is effective in treating arthritis....Now as most of us find out as we age....arthritis can be quite painful and crippling....Pat Grady wrote a book about the medical attack on DMSO...called "DMSO THE PERSECUTED DRUG".... How they hate this wonderful healer which is actually originally very similar to what trees need in order to transport water from under the ground to hundredsof feet in the air. I do not think scientists have found an explanation for this miracle....but DMSO-- which does come from trees and plants-- has a lot to do with it in my opinion. It fulfills perfectly the rule "Do No Harm"....it is very difficult to damage yourself or "overdose" with DMSO. If it did...I would be dead by now....Instead I have ridded myself of crippling rheumatoid arthritis AND chronic tooth decay. You can buy this on-line...among other places.
Please explain your collective dystopian theory Kayla, or, with all do respect, are you just a petulant virtue signaling liberal that loves your freedom and so many rights, but are to morally pure to defend them while someone else is dying for you.
Ah, yeah, kinda. These are the grandchildren of the “lovely indoctrinated Nazi child brigades” of WWII fame, still in Europe and America. They did not just go poof after WWII or had revelations of goodness. They are psycho-physiologically inherent. The same males (the “Z” brigades of Ukrain) are being used by this administration in Ukraine to antagonize Russia and do psyops in America (Antifa, J6 instigators wearing MAGA gear, and assassinations) of the Deep State that is subordinate to this Executive Branch’s “inclusive” administrations’ regime.
Just actually listen to what they say without the fake American hubris most American’s use to delude themselves that they actually mean what they say like the 2008 Trojan horse of Socialist Medicaid (eventually mandatory for all serf homogenized by illegals by the WEF 2030 reset date) who said in 2007 he would “fundamentally change America” and everyone clapped. Ah yeah! And he would go after bible and gun “toting Americans”, and people laughed, big joke huh? Now he is campaigning with the wretched Clintons for the Kamala caricature avatar.
Where do these morons come off? The problem is the whole world is insane due to the fact that people believe we need someone to decide anything for us. We should decide it all by quality consensus, not these deranged twits. We can do it now, all that's needed is the system and it's not hard with digital tech. How long are we going to be using this silly process of having mere mortals just like us decide the lives of populations?
They spent years amassing power and excluding anyone that did not go along. In medicine they did it quietly for decades and culled the profession. At the same time they gave financial incentives and the doctors, mostly, work for the Corporation. Deal sealed. Silenced. Controlled.
Yes they did spend a long time to have things the way they are now. Pity for them it could all be lost in the flash of a second, when people catch on in droves onto what they are really all about.
That's not an argument at all, that is just an attack on the person. What part is communist? I'd say what you just said is not very well thought out. If we want to live in a world that makes sense, we have to make sense by stating how we arrive at our conclusions. To just call someone a communist, is like calling someone a conspiracy theory and that is always a sign that the speaker lacks reason. .
I think our govt did that too, along with shots for the MPox virus. “JYNNEOS is a 2-dose vaccine developed to protect against mpox and smallpox.” Check out the package insert.
Thanks for reporting. Were I to type here in this handy little comment box the 3 words that convey my opinion of Frau Ursula's attack on free speech, my grandma would haunt me. Hint: rhymes with "duck that spit."
She's just another tool...doing the bidding of her masters. I have a feeling many of whom are not yet known to the public and have handy alibis for all the death and devastation they are causing. They are off partying somewhere...on some beautiful island that they completely own. But they will be found....they will be seen. The deaths from all their ploys...."vaccines", wars, toxic drugs and "foods" sprayed with more and more poisons are mounting up to the heavens. God sees and we will too. Nothing can stay hidden for long--this is a time of "revelations"...Praise God.
Oh, come on little evangelical, you can say it out loud, God and grandma won’t be mad if you get mad and curse the bullies. You are the hero you are waiting for.
You do realize that fake American hubris, mistaking it for pride has caused American’s to delude the fact that America is under multi faceted attack from within and abroad, right? And thinking this attack on America’s unique Constitutional Republic’s freedoms is not something to have fun with, right? Like all Commie bullies, they are counting on your fake hubris that this is about one silly lunatic, but it is rather an insidious undoing of America that began in earnest since WWII ended. And yes, it should scare you.
“Hint”, if you play nice with lunatic bullies, they hurt you more because they want you to beg because they are nihilists, and they count on you turning the other cheek to be “the better person” to continue until they have all of what is yours. You know that.
This is an old saw "Hate the sin--not the sinner." I do not "curse" anyone. I feel sorry for them and am angry for the damage that has been done--much of it inadvertently by idiots and fools. "Cursing" doesn't cure. There is the narrow way of truth--give up "anger"...give up "cursing"....Look for solutions and alternatives.
Dr. McCullough is an example of this. The one God who has created all of us....is real. If this is not real for you...I do not curse you. There are many paths to follow. I have mine.... And I am happy with my life. I hope you are with yours.
I continue to find among those who have passed on as well as those who walk among us--- many shining stars to look up to and admire.... Thank you Dr. McCullough and friends.
Here comes global communism with their big dirty boots on people's door threshold. Can't they see our door mat on which is written : " globalists: scram!".
As it is said: Imagine a boot on humanitys neck, but forever. What annoy me the most is how stupid people are and basically supporting their own enslavement! Covid showed me how scary that was, and how it seems like we can do nothing against the globalists as most people are brainwashed to protect them. I tried to read Solzhenitsyns Gulag archipelago, but didnt reach very far, the mentality he described was exactly what is going on now...
Absolutely. What scared me the most is exactly that: I did not fear the actual virus, we knew anyways that it didn't kill 1% of people from the start... But, the propaganda, the brainwash and sensorship was a big suprise to me. Then the rollout of the elephant in the room: I never thought those around me, the very folks I thought were the smartest and most understanding suddently turned into "ennemies". The division over the shot was a major coup. And after, still the global and individual willfull blindness concerning harm that had happened... How easy it was to brainwash the population in a matter of weeks was terrorizing.
Yes...this amazed me as well. Significant death from heart disease and cancer among the "vaccinated" -- it was NOT A VACCINE.
I knew this from the beginning as I read Sucharit Bhakdi's book CORONA FALSE ALARM...in 2O21. A lot of us DID know...but it's the same old story....those with a big investment in various pillars of society...like PHARMA and CDC and the NIH etc couldn't see the forest for the trees. Your friend and mine -"dr." Anthony Fauci -rode out of town on a $4OO,OOO annuity after murdering more people than Hitler and Stalin put together.....
I'm in Quebec Canada. Already covert socialists here to start with, but still, the awakening was abrupt... It's going bad for Trudeau, it's almost a mutiny in his own party now. We have to get rid of this creep. But the harm has been done. He must be a richer man now, he owned patent shares in a BC lab that came up with the nano encapsulation for the mRNA tech. I can't believe every arm offered to get vaxxed profited Trudeau. :-(
Thank you. It is astonishing how many people on this site are obviously intelligent yet petulantly naive, using deluded virtue signaling and leaving snarky hubris remarks as if this Nazi female is not part of an insidious plan to diminish America before the fall. Apparently they are so busy with everyday life and fake American arrogance they think her comments, like the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Biden, and Harris do not mean what they say and have for decades had the resources and planning to do it. Unbelievable!
I recently watched a talk by that little gnome, Juval Harrari, where he implied that unregulated speech could lead to a holocaust like the historical persecution of witches.
Yes .... she has ole "Wormwood" praising her to the skies. Spawn of the devil/Nazis....Reiner Fuellmich was so correct....they indeed ARE back in Germany. Why Germany?
Every German I have ever met has been kind, thoughtful and honest. How do proto-Nazis climb to power in Germany?
We were raised over decades pretending "Never again" is a given.
Astonishingly all critical voices in the context of "mass migration", "climate change", "pandemic", "vaccines", "defending western values in the Ukraine" ... are deemed "Nazis" by our legacy media/politicians. There is this fine line that divides us here - unbelieveable.
It can be judged regularly e.g. by the the symbols-bullshit on Twitter/X : Masked faces, syringes (3 syringes for being triple jabbed), Ukraine/EU/Rainbow- flags, unicorns in the profiles of the virtue-signallers ...
The societal climate is poisened to death - even more so since the only real political opposition (AfD) gained around 30 % of the votes especially in the eastern parts of the country (ex-GDR) more recently.
The AfD is stigmatized as being a quasi-resurrection of Hitler's NSDAP because of its criticism of flooding the country with millions of (more or less) illegal so called refugees from the Middle East and Africa which is deemed "racism"/"xenophobia"/whatever... - And so is all the rest: Being against mandated vaccination suddenly qualified as being "Nazi" since 2020 , doubting man made climate change qualifies as being "Nazi ... you name it.
Sure enough "antivaxxers", lockdown/mask-mandate critics are also strong opponents concerning war against Russia, mass migration and all kinds of ideological "green" nonsense - as is the AfD.
It has aspects of a religous frenzy to it - like the "pandemic"-psyop. : a gigantic propaganda effort.
Having, what used to be called common sense, means belonging to the bad guys these days - at least that's how we are presented in the legacy media.
And figures like v.d. Leyen are presented as the saviours of "our" democracy - they keep saying it all the time and it has become a kind of running gag : "Ourdemocracy" (TM).
And in the meantime they are trying to forbid the biggest opposition-party (AfD) - no joke ...
I would NEVER have imagined that we would live to see the nightmare that has unfolded for the last 10 - especially the last 5 - years ... and have not the slightest clue how this was possible 70 years after WW II : Perfectly normal folks with perfectly normal views being demonized , while real ugly criminals like v.d. Leyen being praised ...
It is quite astonishing. How did this happen? Why is this horrid woman praised while Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is imprisoned? We spent an entire year hiding in our houses and then literally trampled each other trying to get to the head of a line for "vaccines" that--it turns out--cause cancer and auto immune attacks and myocarditis. Is there any self reflectivity at all? People are still being "urged" to "get vaccinated". Thank God for Edward Dowd and his book CAUSE UNKNOWN and for the Breggins and for Sucharit Bhakdi....who self published his book CORONA FALSE ALARM when everyone else was fighting to be first to get their "vaccines". There are giants and heroes among us. Buy their books. Read their blogs. Send the links out to others. Those are things anyone can do.
On the bright side, her disinformation vax will be as safe and effective as her covid vax so ultimately the, ah, um, disinformation will finally infect the mass formation... if humanity survives the assault.
I'm sorry but, I think the evidence is worldwide, and overwhelming. GET WOMEN OUT OF LEADERSHIP ROLES IN POLITICS. They've been actively working against GOD'S will since the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
First rule when you know you're in the wrong. Accuse your opponents of doing what you are doing!
Perhaps the EU president should change her name to “van der Lying”!
my nickname for her is ursula von der lederhosen
Don't want to denigrate such classic attire! ;-)
Another powerful Richy Rich Elitist proves that $$ corrupts!
She is apparently related to the top guy in The Third Reich !
when you look at Biblical moral precepts and then realize just how many leaders are no longer masculine? You can really understand why the cancer has metastasized. We have been emasculated to the point where it has been ages since we held the democrats (esp their women) accountable and made them pay the consequences. And? most of their men aren't. And the same is true for our own party.
Biblical morality was very immoral.
as the democrats do to trump every minute of the day. every accusation is an admission
Ursula von der Leyen comes from a wealthy family.
Her family, the von der Leyen family, made their fortune as silk merchants and were ennobled in 1786.
Her husband, Heiko von der Leyen, is a physician and the CEO of a medical engineering company. She was not elected by the people but selected by EU Parliament. Likely a WEF ghoul.
I understand that her husband's company was sold to Pfizer after she concluded that purchase deal with Pfizer. And now her husband is a director of Pfizer.
The EU, like the US is intentionally being invaded with migrants (Replacements) and Poland put their foot down saying NO. Then they experience flooding in September. No coincidences, I am sure.
MONSTERS IN CONTROL OF WEATHER. In Asheville NC?...Locals did not wish to give up their family homes and farms to the corporations who wanted the right to rape and pillage the whole place looking for "lithium"....So guess what?
Extreme flooding "occurred" after a very unusual storm destroying all their homes and washing them out. Another grand coincidence! Many dead and unaccounted for...total destruction. Some blame HAARP.....see Dane Wigingon website....I am not a scientists. But there is much evidence of weather manipulation. And who benefits from it?
I actually read something about the lithium miner wanting to expand and people resisted. It's always money over the people. From what I also read FEMA has not done any flood remapping in decades, and people did not have flood insurance. Mortgage lenders require a flood certification letter prior to closing because if it's in a flood zone insurance is required. I was Loan Manager for large regional bank, so I know this. FEMA should be on the hook for all losses incurred. UN Agenda 2021 & 2030 has been in the works since at least 1994 when a younger Nancy Pelosi was presenting it before the Congress back when they were not so cutthroat.
Quid pro quo
"She was not elected by the people but selected by EU Parliament. Likely a WEF ghoul."
None of the EU administration was elected...just like in the United States.
There's one MP that stands out, Christine Anderson who is a very vocal critic of what is going on but there are not enough that are like her. I am surprised she has not been ousted yet. Canada PM Trudeau was scolded by her saying he was not welcome, but whoever is over her said he would be heard. Not sure how their politics work.
"There's one MP that stands out, Christine Anderson who is a very vocal critic of what is going on but there are not enough that are like her."
Yes, that is also a problem in the United States. That is why it is up to the citizenry to correct the problem.
Hope she has a good life insurance policy for her heirs. She is up against entities that have no soul and no morals.
As you say, Ursula was never elected by the European population and can, therefore, not be "President of Europe". She is only President of the European Commission, a purely administrative structure. She owes her position to a tactical deal between the President of France (Mr Macron) and Mrs Merkel, former German chancellor. In her former position as minister of the german army, she had shown lousy performance. She is a medical doctor, but believes that CO2 is a toxic gas. Her actual "performance" is built on ignorance, lies and covering up of the truth.
😂😂😂😂Ursula is like an infectious disease. she is forever spreading misinformation. Why doesn’t she discuss the injuries and cancers and deaths related to the mRNA vaxxes. Why doesn’t she discuss the total mismanagement of the pandemic that caused people to die and ruined the economy around the world. No Ursula would rather point the finger at others. How do people like her live with themselves? How do,they sleep at night? Time to take responsibility Ursula dear for your incompetent and dangerous decision making.
The way I see it, she literally thinks that the EU belongs to her and her family, that she has the sole right to decide what she does to the residents of the EU. Corrupt to the core.
"Time to take responsibility Ursula dear for your incompetent and dangerous decision making."
Wrong. It is long past time citizens of EU countries put an end to this atrocity. They should never have allowed it.
It's here too - I am an Internist I just spoke with a friend who has a fever for 6 days I asked her questions. " They think it is a virus " Yet, they gave her an antibiotic which has no place in her case. They sent lots of cultures and she waits. They have no treatment and I treat all the viruses the same so another useless exercise to make it look as if they are doing something. The one thing that works is politically incorrect so they can't even think about it. Medicine is so broken. Also, so censored.
So what would be the correct treatment? As a lay person, not a doctor, I need it spelled out. What would you do?
Ivermectin? Known to be antiviral
Totally agree. I think someone needs to send Ursula von der Leyen this article on the fraudulent ivermectin studies. Then we can talk again about who is spreading misinformation & disinformation....https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/bombshell-bigpharma-funded-fraudulent
She would ignore it just as the doctors here ignore it. I don't work in the system - I think if you mention IVM you would probably loose your job here. An ER doctor prescribed it for 3 patients on one shift - apparently by 9 am the next morning they pulled his license. Not quite as aggressive here. At the height of Covid in the spring of 2020 I prescribed Hydroxychloroquine for a patient -- the patient called me because the RX was not ready I called the pharmacy - to my great shock the pharmacist got on the phone and tole m that it was against Walgreens Corporate policy to fill my prescription. That one was first hand experience. Shocking
Well our medical corptocracy has a history of repressing actual cures. As mentioned previously...DMSO works for many ailments and is effective in treating arthritis....Now as most of us find out as we age....arthritis can be quite painful and crippling....Pat Grady wrote a book about the medical attack on DMSO...called "DMSO THE PERSECUTED DRUG".... How they hate this wonderful healer which is actually originally very similar to what trees need in order to transport water from under the ground to hundredsof feet in the air. I do not think scientists have found an explanation for this miracle....but DMSO-- which does come from trees and plants-- has a lot to do with it in my opinion. It fulfills perfectly the rule "Do No Harm"....it is very difficult to damage yourself or "overdose" with DMSO. If it did...I would be dead by now....Instead I have ridded myself of crippling rheumatoid arthritis AND chronic tooth decay. You can buy this on-line...among other places.
You would only care about these things if they were not deliberate and well-planned. This hideous woman will NEVER care.
Hitler reincarnated as a woman?
Well, maybe. But I've been thinking Netanyahu must be Hitler reincarnated. . .
Please explain your collective dystopian theory Kayla, or, with all do respect, are you just a petulant virtue signaling liberal that loves your freedom and so many rights, but are to morally pure to defend them while someone else is dying for you.
By all means, please explain.
Ah, yeah, kinda. These are the grandchildren of the “lovely indoctrinated Nazi child brigades” of WWII fame, still in Europe and America. They did not just go poof after WWII or had revelations of goodness. They are psycho-physiologically inherent. The same males (the “Z” brigades of Ukrain) are being used by this administration in Ukraine to antagonize Russia and do psyops in America (Antifa, J6 instigators wearing MAGA gear, and assassinations) of the Deep State that is subordinate to this Executive Branch’s “inclusive” administrations’ regime.
Just actually listen to what they say without the fake American hubris most American’s use to delude themselves that they actually mean what they say like the 2008 Trojan horse of Socialist Medicaid (eventually mandatory for all serf homogenized by illegals by the WEF 2030 reset date) who said in 2007 he would “fundamentally change America” and everyone clapped. Ah yeah! And he would go after bible and gun “toting Americans”, and people laughed, big joke huh? Now he is campaigning with the wretched Clintons for the Kamala caricature avatar.
Where do these morons come off? The problem is the whole world is insane due to the fact that people believe we need someone to decide anything for us. We should decide it all by quality consensus, not these deranged twits. We can do it now, all that's needed is the system and it's not hard with digital tech. How long are we going to be using this silly process of having mere mortals just like us decide the lives of populations?
They spent years amassing power and excluding anyone that did not go along. In medicine they did it quietly for decades and culled the profession. At the same time they gave financial incentives and the doctors, mostly, work for the Corporation. Deal sealed. Silenced. Controlled.
Yes they did spend a long time to have things the way they are now. Pity for them it could all be lost in the flash of a second, when people catch on in droves onto what they are really all about.
Keep going, the globalist Communists have you thinking exactly the way they planned. What you just said is absurd, kumbaya.
That's not an argument at all, that is just an attack on the person. What part is communist? I'd say what you just said is not very well thought out. If we want to live in a world that makes sense, we have to make sense by stating how we arrive at our conclusions. To just call someone a communist, is like calling someone a conspiracy theory and that is always a sign that the speaker lacks reason. .
Isn't she the one who pre ordered about 40 million vials of bird flu vaccines even though it's not transmitted from human to human?
The woman is a danger to,the people of the EU.
CRIMINAL is the actual word. Complicit in murder is the crime. They have to go forward because there is no going back for them....
The coflict of interest is so blatant that an honest government system would force her offstage.
a money laundering scheme
I think our govt did that too, along with shots for the MPox virus. “JYNNEOS is a 2-dose vaccine developed to protect against mpox and smallpox.” Check out the package insert.
Thanks for reporting. Were I to type here in this handy little comment box the 3 words that convey my opinion of Frau Ursula's attack on free speech, my grandma would haunt me. Hint: rhymes with "duck that spit."
She's just another tool...doing the bidding of her masters. I have a feeling many of whom are not yet known to the public and have handy alibis for all the death and devastation they are causing. They are off partying somewhere...on some beautiful island that they completely own. But they will be found....they will be seen. The deaths from all their ploys...."vaccines", wars, toxic drugs and "foods" sprayed with more and more poisons are mounting up to the heavens. God sees and we will too. Nothing can stay hidden for long--this is a time of "revelations"...Praise God.
Oh, come on little evangelical, you can say it out loud, God and grandma won’t be mad if you get mad and curse the bullies. You are the hero you are waiting for.
You do realize that fake American hubris, mistaking it for pride has caused American’s to delude the fact that America is under multi faceted attack from within and abroad, right? And thinking this attack on America’s unique Constitutional Republic’s freedoms is not something to have fun with, right? Like all Commie bullies, they are counting on your fake hubris that this is about one silly lunatic, but it is rather an insidious undoing of America that began in earnest since WWII ended. And yes, it should scare you.
“Hint”, if you play nice with lunatic bullies, they hurt you more because they want you to beg because they are nihilists, and they count on you turning the other cheek to be “the better person” to continue until they have all of what is yours. You know that.
This is an old saw "Hate the sin--not the sinner." I do not "curse" anyone. I feel sorry for them and am angry for the damage that has been done--much of it inadvertently by idiots and fools. "Cursing" doesn't cure. There is the narrow way of truth--give up "anger"...give up "cursing"....Look for solutions and alternatives.
Dr. McCullough is an example of this. The one God who has created all of us....is real. If this is not real for you...I do not curse you. There are many paths to follow. I have mine.... And I am happy with my life. I hope you are with yours.
I continue to find among those who have passed on as well as those who walk among us--- many shining stars to look up to and admire.... Thank you Dr. McCullough and friends.
You don't know the first thing about my grandma. LOL.
Here comes global communism with their big dirty boots on people's door threshold. Can't they see our door mat on which is written : " globalists: scram!".
As it is said: Imagine a boot on humanitys neck, but forever. What annoy me the most is how stupid people are and basically supporting their own enslavement! Covid showed me how scary that was, and how it seems like we can do nothing against the globalists as most people are brainwashed to protect them. I tried to read Solzhenitsyns Gulag archipelago, but didnt reach very far, the mentality he described was exactly what is going on now...
Absolutely. What scared me the most is exactly that: I did not fear the actual virus, we knew anyways that it didn't kill 1% of people from the start... But, the propaganda, the brainwash and sensorship was a big suprise to me. Then the rollout of the elephant in the room: I never thought those around me, the very folks I thought were the smartest and most understanding suddently turned into "ennemies". The division over the shot was a major coup. And after, still the global and individual willfull blindness concerning harm that had happened... How easy it was to brainwash the population in a matter of weeks was terrorizing.
Yes...this amazed me as well. Significant death from heart disease and cancer among the "vaccinated" -- it was NOT A VACCINE.
I knew this from the beginning as I read Sucharit Bhakdi's book CORONA FALSE ALARM...in 2O21. A lot of us DID know...but it's the same old story....those with a big investment in various pillars of society...like PHARMA and CDC and the NIH etc couldn't see the forest for the trees. Your friend and mine -"dr." Anthony Fauci -rode out of town on a $4OO,OOO annuity after murdering more people than Hitler and Stalin put together.....
Way to go America!
I'm in Quebec Canada. Already covert socialists here to start with, but still, the awakening was abrupt... It's going bad for Trudeau, it's almost a mutiny in his own party now. We have to get rid of this creep. But the harm has been done. He must be a richer man now, he owned patent shares in a BC lab that came up with the nano encapsulation for the mRNA tech. I can't believe every arm offered to get vaxxed profited Trudeau. :-(
So glad to hear Canadians are on the move. Little "Castro" must be stopped cold.
It seems to me that people are not just brainwashed to protect them, but brainwashed to exalt them. It’s really quite scary.
Thank you. It is astonishing how many people on this site are obviously intelligent yet petulantly naive, using deluded virtue signaling and leaving snarky hubris remarks as if this Nazi female is not part of an insidious plan to diminish America before the fall. Apparently they are so busy with everyday life and fake American arrogance they think her comments, like the Clinton’s, Obama’s, Biden, and Harris do not mean what they say and have for decades had the resources and planning to do it. Unbelievable!
Just pull your "welcome" mat inside.
So true. I like RFK Jr's explanation best: in all of history, the censors are never the good guys.
I recently watched a talk by that little gnome, Juval Harrari, where he implied that unregulated speech could lead to a holocaust like the historical persecution of witches.
Yes...he is right. He would be one of those who are burnt at the stake.....a real loss--wouldn't you say?
Ha ha!
That man? creeps me out.
Hitler’s spawn.
No good enough to be so.
One of the most evil persons to emerge from that politician snake-pit here in Germany ... And we've got so many of them ... Quite an achievement ...
Yes .... she has ole "Wormwood" praising her to the skies. Spawn of the devil/Nazis....Reiner Fuellmich was so correct....they indeed ARE back in Germany. Why Germany?
Every German I have ever met has been kind, thoughtful and honest. How do proto-Nazis climb to power in Germany?
Interesting question.
We were raised over decades pretending "Never again" is a given.
Astonishingly all critical voices in the context of "mass migration", "climate change", "pandemic", "vaccines", "defending western values in the Ukraine" ... are deemed "Nazis" by our legacy media/politicians. There is this fine line that divides us here - unbelieveable.
It can be judged regularly e.g. by the the symbols-bullshit on Twitter/X : Masked faces, syringes (3 syringes for being triple jabbed), Ukraine/EU/Rainbow- flags, unicorns in the profiles of the virtue-signallers ...
The societal climate is poisened to death - even more so since the only real political opposition (AfD) gained around 30 % of the votes especially in the eastern parts of the country (ex-GDR) more recently.
The AfD is stigmatized as being a quasi-resurrection of Hitler's NSDAP because of its criticism of flooding the country with millions of (more or less) illegal so called refugees from the Middle East and Africa which is deemed "racism"/"xenophobia"/whatever... - And so is all the rest: Being against mandated vaccination suddenly qualified as being "Nazi" since 2020 , doubting man made climate change qualifies as being "Nazi ... you name it.
Sure enough "antivaxxers", lockdown/mask-mandate critics are also strong opponents concerning war against Russia, mass migration and all kinds of ideological "green" nonsense - as is the AfD.
It has aspects of a religous frenzy to it - like the "pandemic"-psyop. : a gigantic propaganda effort.
Having, what used to be called common sense, means belonging to the bad guys these days - at least that's how we are presented in the legacy media.
And figures like v.d. Leyen are presented as the saviours of "our" democracy - they keep saying it all the time and it has become a kind of running gag : "Ourdemocracy" (TM).
And in the meantime they are trying to forbid the biggest opposition-party (AfD) - no joke ...
I would NEVER have imagined that we would live to see the nightmare that has unfolded for the last 10 - especially the last 5 - years ... and have not the slightest clue how this was possible 70 years after WW II : Perfectly normal folks with perfectly normal views being demonized , while real ugly criminals like v.d. Leyen being praised ...
It is quite astonishing. How did this happen? Why is this horrid woman praised while Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is imprisoned? We spent an entire year hiding in our houses and then literally trampled each other trying to get to the head of a line for "vaccines" that--it turns out--cause cancer and auto immune attacks and myocarditis. Is there any self reflectivity at all? People are still being "urged" to "get vaccinated". Thank God for Edward Dowd and his book CAUSE UNKNOWN and for the Breggins and for Sucharit Bhakdi....who self published his book CORONA FALSE ALARM when everyone else was fighting to be first to get their "vaccines". There are giants and heroes among us. Buy their books. Read their blogs. Send the links out to others. Those are things anyone can do.
On the bright side, her disinformation vax will be as safe and effective as her covid vax so ultimately the, ah, um, disinformation will finally infect the mass formation... if humanity survives the assault.
Yes...those who "believed" will not be among us too long after 5 "boosters"....The Bewster
uThe Boatrawker
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⇑ Jun 02 2024
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Bolshevik moles popping their heads up once again. Never ends.
I'm sorry but, I think the evidence is worldwide, and overwhelming. GET WOMEN OUT OF LEADERSHIP ROLES IN POLITICS. They've been actively working against GOD'S will since the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.