My sister died days after a booster shot, in Wolf Creek Oregon. My also vaxxed twin brother developed massive system-wide clotting in legs n lungs and a lifelong need for the vax-pharma-fix.

His unvaxxed brother, me, is neither ill, nor concerned about dying. Knowing God confers so many benefits...and all I did was listen.

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Sorry to hear of your family tragedy. Knowing God makes all the difference. Blessings.

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Doug: Please accept my sincere condolences on your losses. Please see:


The above photo progression (from February 2021 !!) is an attachment to my letter to United States Secret Service Director Ms. Kimberly Cheatle; that directory is here:


Note CONCLUSION on cover letter of link 2, Page 7 of 8.

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So when the hell will these people be held accountable for the harms and deaths they have visited on humanity? The medical-pharmaceutical-industrial-government complex has completely destroyed any faith or trust in them through this action.

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With fear porn (WEF, climate change, digital currency, violence, cvd vx carryover, arson in Yosemite, weaponized agencies, denial of facts...), there is constant, aggravating anxiety, which helps to raise inflammation and disease. Great. Just great.

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Dear Jamie Foxx,

There Will Be More.

There Will Be Plenty More Public Figures To Come

That Will Suffer The Obvious Horrors Of Vaccine Injuries.

Know This:

When They Step Forward Before You

You Won't Be Remembered

But For The Indecency That You Are Showing

Those Who Have Yet To Figure Out What You Already Know.


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This article looks at mortality following MRNA vax at 1.03 while that from the competing adenovirus modality at 0.37. Something good from old vaccines?

What does Peter think of it?

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Is this toxic and sloppy or toxic and deliberate?

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