Fred, I cannot answer that question ' scientifically', but their whole reason for infecting and polluting every known animal and human with their poison, is to pollute all our food sources when it comes to animals.. So I would guess once the poison is in that bird there may or may not be a chance of their immune system getting rid of the…
Fred, I cannot answer that question ' scientifically', but their whole reason for infecting and polluting every known animal and human with their poison, is to pollute all our food sources when it comes to animals.. So I would guess once the poison is in that bird there may or may not be a chance of their immune system getting rid of the foreign poison, or maybe not but their intent is always the same Kill or poison and make money at the same time.. That has been their business strategy forever, create a problem, blame it on something or someone or some country or group or ethnic group or religious group or person, then go to war with armaments', after they have already invested in their stocks and or with bioweapons invested in big pHARMA, always the same create the problem, have the solution ready to go, stoke fear, censorship so no TRUTH gets out to their LIES, divide and conquer then have the solution ready to go..
I agree with you. I was thinking of finding a local farmer who would not inject the birds. I was wondering once the birds got over bird flu if they would still be safe to have for dinner.
Fred, there are a ton of parallel systems being set up all over this country, for food, water, seeds, legal, commerce, self sufficiency, currency.. If you can purchase some land, gather your seeds, get with like minded people.. We need to return to GOD and to the land and manufacturing our own clean everything.. Bee keeping, Solar panels and armaments'..
Yes I have the land, well, seeds and other tools to survive with minimal assistance. I hope Government Armageddon doesn't come however if it does I can survive for awhile.
Some considerations to buying land are listed below:
Tax sales in Canada and some in the US are low cost ways to buy remote unused (unpolluted) land.
Road along property is necessary and hydro is a bonus. (my neighbour at the bunky used to spend $250 a month on gas to run his generator 10 hrs a day). Gas has since gone up in price. Forget relying on solar and wind exclusively, the neighbour tried that too and wasn't reliable enough even with the battery bank.
Look for fine sand subsoil as it is much easier and cheaper for the septic system.
Check if you can sell the timber if it is a wooded area with merchantable lumber.
Generally a quarter acre minimum to feed each adult if you only eat veggies plus 1 to 8 acres for a cow and calf depending on water supply. Check that the soil is fertile for growing crops.
A stream is a bonus.
Access for a well driller.
Set up your homestead before the SHTFan as getting people and supplies during a crisis may not be possible
My neighbour had about 1000W of panels, 10 expensive lead acid batteries and a 400W wind turbine. Couldn't keep up with the lights, TV, plug ins, etc. I had 810W solar here with 2 large Group 8D batteries and it ran the computer and freezer and that was it. You have to micromanage solar on cloudy days.
I am going to look into these specs when looking into Solar systems, but that info does not sound to promising.. Sounds like more batteries would be needed in parallel..
WOW thanks Fred that is valuable information you shared, I appreciate the benefit of your experience.. I am saving this information, this is info I would have never thought of so I really appreciate you sharing it with me.. Thanks a lot..
For those considering homesteading, see the excellent new book by Annette Sievert, How To Buy A Homestead Property: A complete guide to finding and buying your homestead. It's by a seasoned realtor and homesteader.
If you cannot purchase land on your own start a coop with like minded friends or do crowd funding and purchase it as a group.. It can and is being done..
Fred, I cannot answer that question ' scientifically', but their whole reason for infecting and polluting every known animal and human with their poison, is to pollute all our food sources when it comes to animals.. So I would guess once the poison is in that bird there may or may not be a chance of their immune system getting rid of the foreign poison, or maybe not but their intent is always the same Kill or poison and make money at the same time.. That has been their business strategy forever, create a problem, blame it on something or someone or some country or group or ethnic group or religious group or person, then go to war with armaments', after they have already invested in their stocks and or with bioweapons invested in big pHARMA, always the same create the problem, have the solution ready to go, stoke fear, censorship so no TRUTH gets out to their LIES, divide and conquer then have the solution ready to go..
I agree with you. I was thinking of finding a local farmer who would not inject the birds. I was wondering once the birds got over bird flu if they would still be safe to have for dinner.
Fred, there are a ton of parallel systems being set up all over this country, for food, water, seeds, legal, commerce, self sufficiency, currency.. If you can purchase some land, gather your seeds, get with like minded people.. We need to return to GOD and to the land and manufacturing our own clean everything.. Bee keeping, Solar panels and armaments'..
Yes I have the land, well, seeds and other tools to survive with minimal assistance. I hope Government Armageddon doesn't come however if it does I can survive for awhile.
Good for you, I am still working on that this year.. WE pray to GOD it will be stopped or at least delayed..
Some considerations to buying land are listed below:
Tax sales in Canada and some in the US are low cost ways to buy remote unused (unpolluted) land.
Road along property is necessary and hydro is a bonus. (my neighbour at the bunky used to spend $250 a month on gas to run his generator 10 hrs a day). Gas has since gone up in price. Forget relying on solar and wind exclusively, the neighbour tried that too and wasn't reliable enough even with the battery bank.
Look for fine sand subsoil as it is much easier and cheaper for the septic system.
Check if you can sell the timber if it is a wooded area with merchantable lumber.
Generally a quarter acre minimum to feed each adult if you only eat veggies plus 1 to 8 acres for a cow and calf depending on water supply. Check that the soil is fertile for growing crops.
A stream is a bonus.
Access for a well driller.
Set up your homestead before the SHTFan as getting people and supplies during a crisis may not be possible
I was looking into Solar with batteries as a partial solution, adding other options with that..
My neighbour had about 1000W of panels, 10 expensive lead acid batteries and a 400W wind turbine. Couldn't keep up with the lights, TV, plug ins, etc. I had 810W solar here with 2 large Group 8D batteries and it ran the computer and freezer and that was it. You have to micromanage solar on cloudy days.
I am going to look into these specs when looking into Solar systems, but that info does not sound to promising.. Sounds like more batteries would be needed in parallel..
WOW thanks Fred that is valuable information you shared, I appreciate the benefit of your experience.. I am saving this information, this is info I would have never thought of so I really appreciate you sharing it with me.. Thanks a lot..
For those considering homesteading, see the excellent new book by Annette Sievert, How To Buy A Homestead Property: A complete guide to finding and buying your homestead. It's by a seasoned realtor and homesteader.
Thank C&C I appreciate that info very much.. Will purchase the book right away..
Bookmarker her site and ordered the book.. Thanks..
If you cannot purchase land on your own start a coop with like minded friends or do crowd funding and purchase it as a group.. It can and is being done..