In recent years we have seen a proliferation of high profile organized crimes that have remained officially undetected in the sense that neither our criminal justice system has investigated them, and nor has our legacy media reported them. Readers of this Substack who are interested in COVID-19 related stories are now familiar with the following organized crime rackets.
1). Lab Creation (and Cover-up thereof) of SARS-CoV-2
2). COVID-19 Countermeasures
3). Suppression of Early Treatment
4). COVID-19 Mass Vaccination
These rackets are examples of regulatory and law enforcement agencies being captured by the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. Neither Congress nor the U.S. Department of Justice has the will to challenge this Complex, which allows these organized crime rackets to remain in business with impunity.
I have long been interested in cases of perpetrators evading detection and prosecution even after they fell under grave suspicion. Such is the dramatic situation of my latest book, The Meaning of Malice: On the Trail of the Black Widow of Highland Park. Starting this morning (Sunday, March 17) the e-book edition is available for FREE on Amazon for five days. Even if you aren’t a fan of conventional true crime stories, you will be amazed by this one—a stunning example of fact being stranger than fiction.
My book tells the story of Sandra Bridewell—a beguiling Dallas socialite in the seventies and early eighties who lived down the street from me when I was a teenager. Her first husband was a prominent dentist who was found shot to death in their home in 1975. The medical examiner ruled his death a suicide. Her second husband, Robert Bridewell, developed the Mansion on Turtle Creek—the first property of Rosewood Hotels and Resorts. Shortly after Mr. Bridewell died of lymphoma in 1982, his treating doctor’s wife was found shot to death in her car at Love Field a few hours after giving Sandra a ride to the airport. The medical examiner ruled the woman’s death a suicide. Three years later, Sandra’s third husband was found shot to death in his car in which he was last seen driving to meet her. The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide and Sandra became the prime suspect but was never arrested.
I began my multi-year investigation in 2007, when Sandra was arrested for committing multiple acts of fraud. Assuming the guise of a Christian missionary, she ingratiated herself with an elderly lady in Southport, North Carolina (near Cape Fear) to steal the unsuspecting victim’s identity and to plunder her financial assets. I visited her in pretrial detention and began documenting her life and wanderings. I then investigated the three gunshot deaths with the assistance of former Los Angeles County criminalist Lynne Herold and former FBI forensic psychologist, Gregg McCrary.
Dallas police photos of the first two death scenes display physical evidence that they were not suicides, but murders that were staged to look like suicides. These murders bear striking similarities to the murder of Sandra Bridewell’s third husband, and she was the last known contact of all three decedents.
Though Sandra ultimately ended up serving two years in a federal pen for aggravated identity theft, she was never arrested for murder. Today she roams free, still claiming on her Facebook page to work as a missionary.
Honestly, I don’t know how we are supposed to go about our lives as if things are anywhere near normal. Everyday feels like a day in the Twilight Zone.
Bridewell is a piker compared with accomplished mass murderers like Fauci, Bourla, Gates, Dr. Mengele, and others who not only never serve time but get awards, stock options, bonuses and Nobel Prizes.