One of the main truths to understand about war is that it is a racket. Smedley Butler wrote a book on the subject and I recommend it. I was a marine corps grunt in the vietnam war for nineteen months and I realized this the hard way. It's no understatement to say that war is a racket. It's all about the money.
One of the main truths to understand about war is that it is a racket. Smedley Butler wrote a book on the subject and I recommend it. I was a marine corps grunt in the vietnam war for nineteen months and I realized this the hard way. It's no understatement to say that war is a racket. It's all about the money.
One of the main truths to understand about war is that it is a racket. Smedley Butler wrote a book on the subject and I recommend it. I was a marine corps grunt in the vietnam war for nineteen months and I realized this the hard way. It's no understatement to say that war is a racket. It's all about the money.