Folly? I feel like no one talks about what seems to really be happening. This is no mistake. This is no misstep. This isn't bad policy or stupid leaders. This is all planned to bring us down, to enact a digital currency and have the people begging for daddy govt to usher in socialist controls. Create the problem. Offer the solution.

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No one forced Russia to invade Ukraine. Imperialism is to Russia as friendliness is to America. Macgregor is nuts and McCullough is foolish to allow his site to be sullied by allowing Paranoid John Leake’s support for Russian Imperialism.

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No ones forcing you to listen to lies, that's on you. Did you get jabbed and boosted too? Have you no knowledge of history? Russia you say? You live and sleep with the biggest war mongering nation on earth. You have some nerve and a real lack of sense to make this comment. You're with the vax pushers, the pedophiles, and the reprobates. Same people pushing the Ukraine hoax. Billions and billions to a demanding money laundering monkey in cargo pants and you think its real. It's all theater.

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You are the one listening to lies and spreading them. I never said anyone is forcing me to do anything.

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Says the guy listening to CNN. Cant fix stupid. PS. I have 45 likes you have none. Who lost?

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You have 45 uninformed people who like your paranoid comment. I am a conservative who has degrees in Economics and Law. and 42 years experience as a trial lawyer. I don’t watch leftwing TV.

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Now I get it. Who gives a flip about your study? Memorizing shit youre told, then writing it down is the lowest form of measured intellect.

I have degree(s) too but I'm not bragging because it's a bunch bullshit. I'm embarrassed to be honest. Higher education degrees are for idiots that are good at memorizing..not to mention wasting years and 100s of thousands of dollars. True understanding and intelligence comes experience and from within. Not a degree, not a book.

Look at you. Ukraine?

Putin? You are an educated idiot. I hope you're well off and not the guy that has no wall to put those degrees on or window to throw them out of. But, I'm thinking that is indeed you. You don't even make money with the worthless pieces of paper but you're bragging to me about how smart you are. Ukraine is a money laundering scheme. Jackass.

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And i just noticed youre a fucking Canadian. Dear God they're always Canadian. My experience has been incredibly consistent. Canadians are consistebtly the biggest jackasses on the planet. Only the USA might have bigger idiots in office but Canadians are most defintely the biggest bunch of partly educated backward fools anywhere on earth. You're a trial attorney! I'd talk circles around you in a court room or anywhere else. Ukraine. Pffft. Complete idiot. I regress, a "conservative" hanging from Justin Trudeaus nuts? Ukaine?!. You're jabbed and boosted too! Conservative! 🤣🤣🤣

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IMPERIALISM BEGINS IN THE U.K. and their continued push to World Colonization...A goal NOT SO MUCH RUSSIAN as Russia has not had the resources as the U.K. has had via the North American Continent with the U.S., Australia, India, South Africa to SPREAD ITS POISONS.

ROTHSCHILDS AND THE CENTRAL BANKER FAMILY CARTEL. with their International Mafia Death Cult ARE BEHIND ALL HAPPENING IN THE WORLD. Every war since 1899 has BEEN THEIRS FOR PROFIT. This Russia/Ukraine Event is the same...Another maneuver to SUCK MORE MONEY OUT OF THE U.S. MIDDLE CLASS CASH COW; TO LAUNDER AND REDISTRIBUTE MORE U.S. WEALTH AMONG THE ALREADY WEALTHY ON THE WAY TO 'You'll own nothing and will be happy." in their One/New World Order...WHICH WAS A GOAL ORIGINATING IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND which the U.S. placed the kabosh on 250 years ago and many times since.

John Leake may not be perfect and I don't agree with him all the time; however he really is quite brilliant with his ability to express himself concisely and accurately to promote thought and perhaps a desire for people to investigate what he's imparting for themselves.

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OMG...Thank-You for that Post; A whisper of sanity in a sea of ignorance so pervasive it's impossible to determine if anybody in the United States knows how to read and/or think. Good to know you do...Because, it's lonely out here among those clueless to know WHAT to read, or even willing to read as for most; critical thinking is a waste of time to acquire the skills allowing it as a habitual way of life. While always suspecting our North American society superficial and wrongfully shallow; had no idea until these last three years of exactly how common this malady is.

The Rockefeller and their Billionaire Buddies establishing the North American. Educational System have done their work well to train 'the people' to be their slaves only capable of producing their products creating the wealth without capacity to analyze and think in a critical manner or practice deductive reasoning.

Impossible to express how refreshing your post is.

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It's the same for me. People like many of my commentws like this one but no one comments back with much if any degree of intelect or true understanding as your post has. I do indeed know how it all works, it super clear to me. I believe it was my dads influence. WIthout his constant explanation of how everything worked throughout my life I'm not sure if I'd have the skills to see the BS as EASILY as I do now. I am 50 and It's truly unreal how these elites literally turned a whole race into educated idiots. And I've got to say there is a concentration of these fools in Canada like no place I've ever seen, they are the most brainwashed of all western counties it seems. The USA isn't far behind but Canada is unbelieveable full of confused idiots. I hope to read more of your posts!

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Indeed...I'll be looking for your contributions with relish!

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Nothing these sociopaths do is by accident.

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Steve I have a question for you. Do you think they're all controlled dissent to some degree? Even McCullough? I feel they supply all these people for us to follow so we can talk about it, make sense of it and it maies it feel like we're doing something. lts like a Jedi mindtrick.. if we don't hear these dissenting voices and talk about the insanity maybe we do more which is exactly what they don't want I'd think. It's a way to keep us at bay and keep us monitored. Probably why Musk got Twitter to monitor the conservatives in a place they feel "safe". Total sham.

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To your first question, It's increasingly difficult to discern. "Controlled dissent" doesn't have to mean"directed dissent". Meaning, the voices don't know they're being used as "controlled opposition" so long as these individuals don't pose a serious threat to the "matrix" they let them spout off.

Or it could be that as in a game of "whackamole" there are simply to many voices popping up as others are being censored.

As I nearly reverse everything the state sponsored media reports, I believe nearly everyone they censor for "misinformation".

As you might have thought by the time you've gotten to this sentence, that can be confusing. Your right that's by design. So I tend to focus most on outcomes. Who benefits? If the military industrial complex benefits from war in other countries why wouldn't they benefit from a war in this country? They would. Catherine Austin Fits points this out when she describes what happened following the George Floyd summer of love Urban destruction.... Property values plummet "investors" roll in and bye up the devalued property at bargain basement prices and rebuild and replace entire community's.

That's just one prong of the assault from the new world order.... Remember bush senior used that term. "New World Order" "a thousand points of light".... Remember?

I think we are given the illusion of choice but in reality we are only switching seats on the titanic.

Sorry for the ramble.😉

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Ah, very well said and I almost completely agree. I remember 1000 points of light.. I called that around stage 3. Stage 1 1913 Fed. Stage 2 Kennedy getting smoked. Stage 3 Bushs. Stage 4 Obama. Stage 5 Trump/Corona.

Stage 6? I could.list 15. I'm pretty sure one is correct.

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This 👇 is what they really fear.


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There it is. When in history has it ever happened. I'm sure it had and that's history they've dumped for sure.

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Let me put it another way.

Any voice that actually strikes a cord that unifies previously divided groups of people has and will be silenced. One way or another.

Alex Jones was the first to be targeted but has his own platform that has this far survived censorship efforts.

The Parlor platform was next as it was gaining traction in the room up to the 2020 Selection.

Tucker Carlson was next and because he didn't have his own space he was down for a month. If not for Elon Musk Tucker would still be silent.

JFK Jr. Will be next. His recent performance on state sponsored media was brilliant and because it was brilliant it will get him killed.

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Well Trump didn't die. They I think are all part of it whether they even know it or not. No change is possible.

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I think Trump is more useful to them alive. He's the quintessential narcissist archetype. Using psychological jujitsu they got him to do things that worked in their favor and he thought it was his idea. Ultimate mind f**k.

I do it to my cat all the time. I call her to sit in my lap and she looks away. Then I say, oh ok you need it to be your idea ok. Then I look away. Then she jumps in my lap. Works every time.😉

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Interesting take on Musk and Twitter! I am a skeptic on most things that happen these days, ie the Covid scam, had not thought about Musk being one of them! Hmmmm!

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I am almost sure of it. Wasn't either initially. As another here said.... most of what we see is theater.

Try this out. I assume you know carbon credits are one of the ways they'll control us moving forward to restrict movement etc. Musk sells more carbon credits than anyone on earth. Musk is building starlink. Seen terminator? It's a joke. Actually it's not. He's billionaire how? From whose money? The taxpayer. He bought twitter for free speech? GTFO. And his profile picture.... Halloween costume is suspect anyway.

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So my question is, what are we going to do about it?

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They want anyone to will dethrone them gone.

Less dissent

to deal with then they will have what’s left of the planet to themselves.

They are probably aliens who travel from planet to planet destroying as once they were evicted from their own as criminals or demons $

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"The United States government can’t even conduct an election properly,"

Respectfully, it's not that our government "can't" conduct a proper election. Rather they have no "desire" to conduct a proper election. To do so would not be conducive to the objectives of the military industrial complex. The people who they wish to send into the fake wars would stop them from doing so.

"They" have as much interest in holding proper elections as "they" have in making peace with Russia and everyone else in the world.

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It goes deeper. The disorganization is intended and specifically for an intended purpose.

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I know...I just haven't found the bottom of the rabbit hole.

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I think the rabbit hole bottoms at specific entities...some say Soros, Rothschild and Rockefeller. Ptobably all of them. I think it's whoever is at the top. We are subhuman and of no consequence to these people. They want us enslaved and dead, the whole world is set up to this end becsuse they own and control enough what of you see snd hear to do just that. The end game is indeed them and not us. They are killing and enslaving us slowly so we're gone and it's their world. Not a lot different than the days of kings and queens. The difference is. More control because of technology. People are the same.

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There is no way to ever really know that. You don't have too, as long ss you know it's there and deep as hell. Which should make you trust your own instinct mostly ignoring anyone else's BS. Unless you trust them immensely and they have proven to have a good track record. Otherwise forget it. IMO.

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Why is "the west" at war with Russia?? Because they haven't signed on to the "One World Government" aspiration of the elite. Politicians in the west have been bought and coerced into supporting this aspiration,,with a few outstanding exceptions, Trump being one of many, and Putin. Russia and Trump are in the way.

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I knew the Ukrainians were losing horribly because when the media says they are winning in a big way, that means they are losing in a big way. Always take what the media says the exact opposite. It's so sad that all those people died because of our evil corrupt government! This country will fall one day soon. Our bible doesn't mention the US by name but does talk of Russia ( in it's old term ). So, that means this country will fall but Russia will endure until the Ez. war.

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Exactly. 80% of what the media says is lies. 20% they mix in truth to make it harder to see the pattern

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You are so right but in the last few years, I've noticed that the truth isn't being mixed in as much as it used to be. Now, they are ok with lying and swearing it's the truth. Covid has shown us that. They know they are the mouth piece of this administration and so no problems will come for their lies cuz they were given the lie to spread anyway.

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It has absolutely gotten worse with truth almost disappearing entirely in most places. They are really getting brazen with it all. These rulers literally kill people with their directives and policies while enslaving people but still walk in public. No one does anything, thats whats most incredible t9 me. People are so brainwashed its become incredible to watch. Incredible.

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You are so right!! But, remember, the elite consider us nothing but chattel. We aren't human to them. They are so high above us that we are like ants to them. So, doing all this to us means nothing to them. No more than you stepping on an ant. People are so out of touch with what's going on that they actually believe communist teachers are fine. Communism is ok. Mark Dice did a man on the street and that's what they were saying. These people are so ignorant of what's going on in the world and we wonder how we got like this? IGNORANCE!

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I wrote a response to this days ago and I don't see it! We got to this point for many reasons. BUT the educational system was set up to train people to be educated idiots. To reward people for what??? MEMORIZATION. No real world skills. No money skills. They teach you everything to be a slave, nothing more. That's one reason. The 2nd is the move away from gratitude and humility which comes from a higher power. You don't live on this planet and believe it's a mistake or it just "happened". This mindset is about SELF and is extremely destructive. What's the first thing they ask you to do in AA? SURRENDER. That's how you win. Not by acting like you're a God.

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And more difficult than it already is to convince the deceived that they've been deceived.

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This is all ZOG

MacGregor is just another one of 1,000's of alt-Russian in English homo's playing a narrative about 'war' in UKRAINE

That is only about one thing "Greater Israel"

Both PUTIN&ZELENSKY are owned by same UK/Moscow ZOG Rothschild Bankers;

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Bilbo'sBitch eh? Yeah, you are a moron troll!

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It cannot be stressed enough that every single 99.9% of the entire INTERNET of UKRAINE war coverage is done by cuck'd homo fags, everyone of them;

If you ever actually trained and/or knew a real warrior you would know that all these judge nappy cucks are homos and/or pedos including lira & pepe, team-saker 100% and moon of ala-pedo

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Between this and your other comment that talks about me replying like a 12 year old you make assertions that you call facts but Back None of it up. You use ad hominem insult like cock in your ass - you are clearly fixated on the homo aspect and are likely a pedo homo posing as a truther. You are a sick minded warped individual and like I originally said, nothing but a Troll. I see you - you Pervert~

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Bingo chicken dinner, we have a winner; That's my point all these UK fuck heads like Duran ( disbarred lawyer ) who have re-invented themselves as alt-Urkaine war experts;

Show me one of team-saker that is not a fucking HOMO, just one??

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hey tom rather than reply like 12 year old child with a ZOG cock in its ass, why don't you address the facts like a man??

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Are they though? Putin too is just the same as the rest? So it's ALL a show.... Trump too I guess. Wouldn't surprise me, I feel like the whole thing is a mariix.

Even this interview. More bullshit that isn't accurate. I feel like the world is going exactly where they want. Most people keep calling for a big event. A war, a banking collapse, etc that ship has sailed. There will be no big event or rush into seefdom. We will indeed be like China in 5, 10, 15 years. They're in no rush. And going slow makes it easier for them, no pushback at all. Just a bunch if articles like this throwing u off from what's really happening. And people will keep typing and hoping Trump rfk or some faraway person, they don't know, will save them.

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Never forget that "MODERN CHINA&RUSSIA" were created by ROCKEFELLER

The same guy who created big-oil and big-pharma aka COVID, long dead but his 'trust' lives forever;

HITLER, MAO, Stalin all the assholes of modern history including PUTIN&KISSINGER are all agents of Rockefeller, been this way since 13AD, so that they can keep their elite children trust-funds flush with cash 'forever' by engineering wars looking forward in centurys, now almost 1,000 years of complete control, the most powerful force in human history on earth;

Carrol Quigley wrote +12 books on how the CIA came to own the earth, its suggested you study if you want to know human history; Quigley was chief historian of CIA and died in 1985, but mentored Bill Clinton to Power

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I have power and...... forget the name. Read it 20 years ago. Yeah, it's all locked down. It's pretty obvious.

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"Power and Prosperity" by Mancur Olson ?, to my eye a brilliant documentation of the Economic Tools (tax workers to keep them poor) behind Stalin's brutality against Western Russia and Ukraine, including the 1930's famines and destruction of private farm ownership.

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Just like now all of EUROPE & USA are implementing RIGH NOW destruction of private farms, ergo depopulation

All Gates&Rockefeller back to 1920's was always about de-population including WW1 & spanish-flu ( sar-cov-1.0 now on 2.0 exactly 100 years later )

. Great grandpa gates wrote the book for Hitler on Eugenics;

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Carroll Quigley tragedy and hope

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12 books I said, T&H was his last book;

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TRUMP is a faux ZOG bitch, his father & mother both buried in ZOG feces dirt


All is ZOG

Including 99% of substack and alt-russian 'in english' websites, its all fucking 'simulation' to quote musk, who should know as heir to "CIA" company, he knows the real game of keeping the goyim in the dark and feeding them shit, since 13AD

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At 18:00 Col. Macgregor claims Ukraine had population of "almost 90 million people" in early 90s. That's totally ridiculous and incorrect and frankly makes me doubt everything he says.

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Hmmm totally ridiculous ? What is your guess?

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Greg Connolly

You guessed. As did Macgregor. Or he lied. Vortac took the time to look it up.

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I believe Twitter has gone rogue again, several of us have had our accounts suspended for no apparent reason. I saw before I was banned that even Mr Ramirez lost his blue check and was called a spam account, a grieving father, this is a horrendous sign of what’s to come. Warn others and raise hell. My account was @DrVudu


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Those in power who continue to support, or ignore, the self inflicted wounds to the American Experiment, the intentionally botched departure from Afghanistan, the intentional destruction of American energy dominance, the intentional destruction of national security at our southern border, the intentional failure to stop the CCP-FTO Mexican Cartel Fentanyl murder pipeline, the death of American cities to crime, looters and sidewalk tent-cities...all those fiddling while We the People burn, deserve the traitors fate...EVERY ONE.

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Yes, we do have an imbecile for vice president.

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Lot's of trolling going on today.

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“I would say another ten days it should be completely over.”



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MacGregor was the “expert” that said the war would be over in a matter of days...2 weeks....Here we are a year later....and Ukraine is still standing up to the Soviet hardliners....he’s said other things that have not come to pass as well. He may have been a great source at one time, with a wealth of knowledge and insight but he’s been wrong about Russia Ukraine from the beginning.

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Macgregor predicted that Russia’s war on Ukraine would be over in 3 weeks. 16 months later he is every bit as clueless and refuses to accept that Ukraine is winning this completely unjustified war. Anyone who wants to understand Russia should read Professor Stephen Kotkin and anyone who wants to understand Russia’s war on Ukraine should watch the podcasts of Latvian Georgijs Ivanov.

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They are winning huh!? Kotkin is struggling lately. Nice try but ........,,

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Greg Connolly

You are either a Russian troll or you obviously aren’t following the war. Russia is being driven out of Ukraine. Progress is slow, but inexorable. You might listen to 4 star General Jack Keane at The institute For The Study of War instead of the mere battalion commander Macgregor who has been wrong about this unjustified war throughout.

Darin Saylor provided you with proof of Macgregor’s incompetence when you asked for details.

And how is Kotkin struggling?

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"BY WAY OF DECEPTION, THOU SHALT DO WAR" Is the mass murder of many 100s of 1000s of Ukrainian youth intended by western oligarchy (the few), a grudge-revenge for Ukraine's Axis participation?

We know that such as the 'Arab Spring' & all worldwide conflict are engendered by Oligarchy to pursue this same genocidal & destabilization pattern. We know Victoria Nuland, CIA, Mi5 etc. used Ukraine's Axis heritage economic recovery post WW1 as a propaganda tool to indoctrinate anti-Russian hatred. Oligarchs arm & finance minor enemies to fight major enemies. "Within our system of hidden Oligarch ownership & issue control of our false 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory'), we have a commanded Finance, media, religion, education, military-industrial, legislative, judicial & pharma-med COMPLEX, which constantly toys with our minds.

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

The fake 'capital' (Latin 'cap' = 'head' is supposed to mean 'collective-intelligence') west & fake 'socialist' (L. 'socius' = 'friend' i.e. distributed decentralized among intimates) east are both Oligarch controlled & central top-down command economies. Media constantly reminds us in hatred of all things AXIS, such as the 12 nation block which Ukraine gladly joined.

MacGregor & the west are not aware of the Multistakeholder (Founder, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople etc.) Participatory laws requiring Axis corporations to convene stakeholder investment, ownership & board-representation. This people invested interest gives these Participatory Corporations the ability to distribute decision-making in each department, who improve efficiencies, design, pollution-control & many other factors of profitability & product reliability. This is why German & Japanese products are many levels above western oligarch top-down 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') bad-design.

The >12 Axis Nations with Multistakeholder participation, had a partial economic solution, which brought a huge resurgence from the western caused 1929 Depression & vastly outperforms Oligarchy, but as well for quickly recomposing national economies in their time under conditions of war, had internal hierarchal issues on top of the same war-fixation & aggression which drives western oligarchy.

Axis collective intelligence was not enough to overcome western European Britain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Canada, Australia & colonial empire world resources & brutally established system of 3rd World slavery founded in invasion & genocide of a billion people over millennia.

From 1914 to 1945, WW1 & 2, the western Allies, doing everything they could to maintain their dominance, killed or 'genocided' (UN definition = 'remove people from their resources for livelihood') some 40 million 1st Nation people in our North-American expanding domestic encroachment & worldwide colonies. Since WW2, Western Oligarchy continues to kill about one million people per year in our 2nd & 3rd World violent extraction & exploitation per year according to such eminent analyst researchers as Gideon Polya,

Bringing Oligarchy back into the loving fold of humanity, requires that humanity re-learn about our ancient successful 10s of 1000s of years of interdisciplinary 'indigenous' (L. 'self-generating') 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') & harmonious role in abundant biospheres. www.indigenecommunity.info

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"need to know" that's all MacGregor I call them "TEAM SAKER"

It all started UK ZOG with PJ-Watson flaming homo faggot sodomite that went 'alt-right'

So now using the same formula you have 'alt-ukraine war'

leading homos all UK of course like DURAN, Marty, 100% homo's like LIRA

ALT-Ukraine maybe you can say pro-putin, but not really

Again the problem is 'need to know' folks at ZH think that ABC-media is alt-news, but its owned by SERCO-GROUP the GHCQ which is city-of-london MOSSAD goyim created news

MacGregor & Lira, .. I call 'team-saker' aka PJ-Watson style homo talking heads are just paid to talk, and keep the GOYIM off the ball aka "Greater Israel".


What you will do never do is get any of these homo-pedo cucks like PEPE escobar (cia asian/epoch time lim hangout) admit that CHINA&RUSSIA&USA/UK, & Israel are all owned by same UK-MOSCOW bankers and that is WHAT PRIGO said, and he would know ,he knows who paid his billions of rubles

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It doesn't just end with "DURAN", or marty cuck, or any team-saker

Even their main-man 'Ritter" the US-MARINE on alt-ukraine, is a guy who spend +3 years in jail for trying to bed a 14yr old girl online, on a 'furry site', why would a +50 year old marine be on a furry-site? To find dates?

U all know what 'furys' are right people? They're adults who wear 'bunny suits' and dress up like real life size human teddy-bears and ass-fuck each other at 'conventions' for fury's and of course they have online sites; So they can 'hook-up' locally;

So anyways I don't have the scoop on 'mac-gregor' but given 100% of team-saker all are 'epstein-compromised' mk-ultra fuck-nutz, its a given that you not have to go deep to find out who has their nutz;


In summary "TEAM-SAKER" and all of ALT-UKRAINE ALT-NEWS is ZOG dis-info, and given that PRIGO quit and went to Belaurs cuz he was tired of 'killing the wrong people'

That UKRO war is financed by Moscow&UK London Billionaires of ZOG; That includes all of Moscow GOV in power today;

But don't worry, cuz the PTB that runs ZOG will have you talking about 'aliens' tomorrow, Zelensky and his 'war' for greater-israel will soon be off the GAYDAR;

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According to the Aeschylus entry in Wikiquote, "truth is the first casualty" was not said by him:

In war, truth is the first casualty.

This is often attributed to U.S. Senator Hiram Johnson, but does not appear anywhere in his speeches. Arthur Ponsonby#Falsehood in Wartime (1928) quoted: "When war is declared, Truth is the first casualty", but the first recorded use seems to be by Philip Snowden in his introduction to Truth and the War, by E. D. Morel. London, July 1916: "'Truth,' it has been said, 'is the first casualty of war.'" Samuel Johnson#The Idler (1758–1760) expressed a similar idea: "Among the calamities of war may be justly numbered the diminution of the love of truth, by the falsehoods which interest dictates and credulity encourages."


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