When Mary Shelley wrote "Frankenstein", could she have ever imagined the day when Victor Frankenstein types are provided with lavishly funded laboratories for their experiments, and along with legal immunity?

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If nothing else, the last four years should have taught us the experimental mRNA platform is inherently dangerous and wholly unsuitable for human use ... that is, if the intention is to help and not to cause harm. In a rational world, no sane person possibly could think that it ever could make sense to inject a person with genetic instructions for causing the human body to create human pathogens like the (manmade) and extremely toxic spike protein. It's time to stop pretending there is any legitimate research to be done on so-called mRNA "vaccines." The idea itself is anathema to human health.

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And it's way past time to stop pretending any imagined benefit of gain-of-function "enhancement" of existing viruses outweighs the risk. It's also way past time to admit these souped-up pathogens WILL be -- not MIGHT be -- unleashed on an unsuspecting public, whether by accident or intention.

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You nailed it, was it meant to help? Absolutely not. I was following Luc Montagnier very early on and what he had to say about it was possibly the darkest I've seen throughout this time frame of the last 4 years... plus we cannot discount Deagel.com ...

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Please, please, please... press on Dr. McCullough and friends, until we have prosecutions and monetary awards/imprisonment for the head of the snake.

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Please call these by their proper historic name.. they are mRNA Transfections a failed cancer therapy because human bodies NEVER tolerate foreign proteins inside us.

As Mike Yeadon has explained many times, the immune system differentiates between self & non-self to protect the body from foreign threats.. every transfected cell will be a target for destruction. Spike protein is incidental.. every foreign protein will cause a cascade of autoimmune problems it's a matter of degree.

For decades biologist & gene therapy medicine has known this is a failed approach to healing or usefully augmenting an immune system. It's criminal insanity.


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It was done with intent. Great comment

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Unbelievable! How we, the people, would know about it if it weren’t for your work, doctor?! Thank you for not giving up!!! ❤️

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Too bad our “scientists” can’t understand basic immunology as presented by your nicely done video.

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That was really good.. one of the problems is that all virology & vaccinology are created based on models & antibody reaction is misconstrued as a correlate of immunity. Unfortunately human immune systems are not petrie dishes.

You should connect with Jonathan Couey who is the only biologist I know who is challenging the models & boiled down to the idea of intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb. You should connect with him and possibly find some synergy!


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Stop all MRNA shots for all human beings.

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Let this short article speak for itself...the level of idiocy in the world right now beggars belief:

https://twitter.com › Virg21Nicholls › status › 1464880394386305029

Sydney man Harold Molle had to have his leg amputated after developing ...

"Sydney man Harold Molle had to have his leg amputated after developing a blood clot 3 days after his AZ shot. "The vaccine worked because it saved me in hospital because I caught COVID there, and if I didn't have the vaccine they said I would have most probably got real sick."

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"Vaccine" worship is absolutely a cult religion at this point, no different from the Jim Jones Kool-Aid drinkers.

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Yes except for one thing....the poorly educated and for the most part-- enslaved people at Jim Jones "prison camp" had no money, no where to go, and no education.

I see many college educated people here with plenty to live for--still buying into this horrifying world wide genocide and even inoculating their children. It makes no sense to me....Is denial really ALL THAT POWERFUL? or worse did the fake "vaccine" eat out their brain?

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resist....that is the first step we must take. DO NOT COMPLY

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Doctor McCullough could you please comment more on the "self replication" aspect of this - it seems by far the most worring concept here. If the self replication actually works, surely we are creating something coming close to a synthetic organism/pathogen which could potentially shed/transmit to other people in an out of control manner in an indefinite way...

[yep I understand viruses or much smaller bio-molecules like this sr-RNA snippets are not "alive" in traditional biological definition of a "life form" - but surely this stuff can spread and grow potentially indefinitely and we have no idea what the scale of the resulting danger and damage could be for the human race - that seems vastly more worrying than the previous mRNA vaccines where at least those of us who choose not to take it can feel relatively safe... it is already bad enoughthat mRNA from previous jabs seems to stay active in the body and continue genersting spike indefinitely even thoughthe RNA itself is not replicating]

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Personally, I would prefer, since I only read alternative media, is to be told when and if there is a safe and effective vaxx. Until then I please avoid advertising the ineffective and unsafe injections that are currently killing thousands if not millions of people.

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Dr. McC isn't advertising the injections, he's providing scientific information in the form of a warning. Secondly, if you're waiting for a safe and effective vaccine of any kind these days, you're in for a long wait. Best to prop up your own immune system and keep your eye out for early treatments should another "pandemic" appear on the horizon.

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exactly...let food be your medicine and look to natural herbal cures such as those offered at THE WELLNESS COMPANY to heal you. The bible does tell us...THE LEAVES OF THE TREES WILL BE FOR THE HEALING OF THE NATIONS.... use these products. Look to Nature's God...we have everything we need right here. p.s. you don't need to buy these products from TWC ...you can get these at your health food store. Dr. McCulloughs products are calibrated so you know what and how much you are getting. Correct me, please, if I am wrong.

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Millions and soon to be billions... As the good Dr. has stated, you can't turn it off. Spike protien is a damaging toxin.

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Has everyone signed this to stop this madness? https://whowatch.org/illegal-ihr-amendments

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Just signed it... but please understand, this is coming down to the 10th amendment if we are lucky, if not the 9th.

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Apparently the "elites" who are waging this horrifying war on civilian populations world wide include THE VATICAN....I guess this pious organization is always in up to its necks in crime....It is said that the vatican supported the Nazis during WWII ...but that is besides the point. Vera Sharav of NEVER AGAIN IS NOW fame has something new out...."They" are still at it...who knew?


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