Indeed! Our foundation based on Christianity must be dismantled to be distorted. Evil powers know that. Jesus is truth. The more Jesus is taken out of the picture, more room is made for evil to step in. Disregard the Bible, homosexuality turns into pedophilia, gender confusion. Disregard the Bible people are easily brainwashed by Marxism. God has the perfect way for us to live and flourish. But the evil ways of man have created all the turmoil in our lives. God is not confusing. There is only one way to worship Him. If it isn’t in the Bible, it’s a lie. The last chapter in the Bible is playing out. We are in end times. The evil powers on this planet have far more control than most would believe. Weather, climate, earthquakes, disease, famine. It’s all coming true. Accept Jesus, you have nothing to loose, get in the truth( light), get out of darkness. Or you may find yourself bowing down to a false religion and wearing the mark of the beast. The road is narrow and FEW are on it.

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The late great Alan Watts, in a 1976 Playboy article, described the Bible (and other religious books) as The Most Dangerous Book in The World. More humans have been killed in the name of religion than any other, considering the Crusades and Inquisition.

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Dismantled indeed.

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There is a big difference between "religion" and a relationship with God. What people who hate christianity forget, is that Jesus was crucified by religion because he had a relationship with God, and what he preached to the people cut right across the merchandizing and corruptness of the Sanhedrin.

When King Herod came to power he murdered all the priests in the temple and installed priests who were his lapdogs and would do whatever he said.

A relationship with God was the furthest thing from their minds. The very first (and last) thing that Jesus did in his three year ministry was to clear out the money changers and animal vendors who were family members of those in authority. He had plenty to say to the religious - that they were whited sepulchres, vipers, swine, clean on the outside and filthy inside. Most parables were an indirect attack on the religious leaders of the day who did everything they could think of to trap and kill Jesus from about 6 months into his ministry.

The religious leaders had Pilate right under their thumb and had the wood on him. Pilate did everything to not crucify Jesus, but the religious leaders said to him, "You will be no friend of Caesars if you don't". So Pilate did and "washed his hands" which of course, can't wash anything off something that was done under severe coercion.

If Jesus came down today, it would be religion that would do the same thing to him now, as they did to him then.

He message to the samaritan woman at the well says it all. That we would worship him in spirit and in truth, not in some temple on a mountain.

Religion has never represented God at all. Jesus made it clear that his "wars" were not on earth.

But it's always man's tendency to look at those who are in religion and assume that they have God's blessing.

Well they don't. All through the old testament the same message was pronounced by the prophet to the religious leaders. It's the same today.

By their fruits you shall know them.

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When asked by one of the teachers, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."

Matthew 5:9

Men through the ages have twisted and distorted Christ's message, but His teachings remain true.

May you experience the 'glorious exchange' that Martin Luther spoke of regarding the imputation of Christ on our behalf. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

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"Our understanding of God and man is right, yours is wrong, and if you don’t agree and comply with our view, we will kill you.”

Substitute secularism of "climate, race, gender, abortion, etc" and you see what we've become.

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The source of conflict is obligate collectivists, who are psychologically uncomfortable living in freedom and always seek to impose an ideology. Think of the Enlightenment as a speciation event, in the true meaning of Evolutionary Biology. The new species is Homo sapiens var. individuus.

The parent species is H.s var. collectivistica. Over evolutionary time, adherence to tribal morality was a positive survival trait. It is baked in to most people. But now, in an open scientific age -- where free-thinking is a necessity -- it's a very dangerous failing.

The organizing ideology of tyranny can be religious or secular. But it must be jealous and absolute. In our day, Marxism suits the secular bill. Among religions, Islam is the worst.

The conflict before us, at its very bottom, is two species of human --- parent collecitvist versus offspring individualist -- going to war over their common ecology -- that of culture.

Individualist culture can live with collectivists among them. But collectivists cannot live with individualists.

Free thought is always a threat to the collectivist. Hence our history of murdering heretics. Religions did it -- Islam still does. Marxism did it, and is now preparing to do it again right here in the US.

This thesis could be developed far further. But this forum is not the place.

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The great Islamic scholar Bernard Lewis, using Islamic sources, estimated that in spreading its religion, killed at least 100 million people since 623 AD. Recently, a group of Indian scholars figured the death toll closer to 660 million. This slaughter is ongoing all over the world by Muslims alone. The period of time you write about was bloody but is historical, not contemporary, unlike Islam, which is growing in its violence, unlike all other religions, which have few believers who will kill for their beliefs, let alone, even defend them.

Danny Huckabee

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Dismantled at our extreme peril, John, because we have allowed it to happen. Thank the government starting with the feds but it has floated downstream to state, county and city governments as well. Monkey see, monkey do.

From the beach...


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And you don’t have to go too far left to get extreme anymore.

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No doubt the founders had religious wars in mind.

When someone gets a divorce, they then look for someone who does NOT have the traits their ex had. America was getting a divorce not just from Britain but from Europe. Codifying freedom of religion on paper in the first amendment was a way of placing an ad in personals column saying no one with religious hatreds need apply.

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Yes, the total for jihad is over 1500 years. The CCP has killed over 500,000,000 since 1949. A large number were abortions during their 1 child policy but we know that scores of millions were actually live births, then the children were put to death. The Nazis were pikers compared to the Muslims and communists internationally.

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Marxists worship a God no less than christians do. It is the absolute inverse of Christianity—which would make it satanic. Many early marxists were satan worshippers per Romanian pastor who wrote a short book called Marx and Satan—he was totured by commies. As you wrote, many -isms are less patient and less tolerant from deviance than the living God is. The Lord is patient not willing any perish until certain limits are crossed or time in this life runs out. There will be no retakes at that point.

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Dear John, well said and quite moving, it is, to realize that the spiritual forces which impell us, can not only drive us to seek the eternal, but also to fight against those who are carnal and anti-spiritual. May we know the true Love of God which implores to rise above that.

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" same spirit that animated the religious wars of the 16th and 17th centuries"


I frequently thought the same.

The impetus of the migration of so many

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