Lipid Nanoparticles Drive mRNA Delivery to Placenta and Hopefully no Further
Mouse Model: Genetic Code Found in Placenta but Not Fetus
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women evokes the most horror of any safety scenario for the genetic vaccines (mRNA, adenoviral DNA) because there are two patients, the mother and the fetus. Violations of medical ethics have been called from the very start since pregnant women and those of childbearing potential were excluded from the randomized trials used for EUA approval for the FDA. Never has an excluded group been freely given a new product by government agencies (CDC/FDA) when they were excluded from trials just a few months earlier.
Many have wondered if the babies have mRNA within their systems. No studies have demonstrated vertical transfer of mRNA. A paper from Young et al in mice show that lipid nanoparticles enhance delivery to the placenta compared to saline or free mRNA, however there was no evidence of reporting (luciferase) in the fetuses. Delivery of mRNA for Spike protein to the human placenta and local production of the Wuhan Spike protein would explain the increased fetal loss risk that is being observed in vaccinated women by Thorp et al.
Let’s hope these preclinical data hold up in humans since so many young mothers either were duped or forced into COVID-19 vaccination. Young parents who have become enlightened should vigilant for any medical problems in their babies if the mother has been vaccinated.
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If you have to change the definition of the term *vaccine* to describe what your injecting into people, then clearly it's not a *vaccine*.
It's a bioweapon and those who made it are mass murderers. Those that administered it are accessories to murder and those that continue to administer it in the face of all that we now know are willful participants and should be considered for murder as well.
This explains what happened to my niece. She was 6&1/2 months pregnant when she was talked into getting the vax back in 2021, she gave birth unexpectedly a week after the shot, the baby had to stay in the hospital until birth should have happened. The baby is now fine.