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I have such a mixed reaction to this comment. I am all for the salt-of-the-earth folk and agree with your condemnation of “highly verbal” oppressors.

But your opening straw man salvo: …organized religions with their divorce from nature and spirit, puritanism with its denial of pleasure and joy…

is an utterly uneducated assertion.

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What you don’t know or understand about puritans would fill on ocean. Speaking of uneducated assertions, …

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Oops , should have posted that under Michael Brownstein

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Try looking at the bloody, corrupt, pleasure-denying, woman-suppressing history of Christianity through the Middle Ages clear up until recently. Same with Islam. The only exceptions were the mystics and saints, many of whom were burned at the stake. Of course now, things are different. Now we're only saddled with "Christian nationalism," which is a creepy version of my way or the highway. This uncompromising self-righteousness is as far away from Jesus Christ as it's possible to get

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Christianity was actually one of (if not the) first religions to give value to woman. Jesus gave woman lots of attention that would have been considered wrong in His culture. There is a reason He had so many devoted female followers. They had never been shown such respect before.

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Jesus was not a Christian; he was a member of 'The Way' sect. Christianity came a couple of hundred years later. Women are placed in subordinate positions in the Christian Church for the most part, and I think the message Jesus preached has fallen on deaf ears.

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Please don't make blanket statements that are untrue. Two things: first of all, I wasn't talking about Jesus and his message, I was talking about what the church turned into for many centuries after -- including condemning women and sexual pleasure. Second, read up on cultures previous to Christianity. Many examples of the Goddess first and foremost

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I don't see Jesus supporting the Church in witch burning. His teachings were intellectually simple to understand, difficult to practice, as they require us to go against selfishness. Corporate Christianity is a man-made business, that exerts powerful control over congregations via fear teachings, which has nothing to do with love that heals.

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Those ‘Goddess religions were fertility cults and the worship either involved temple prostitution or virgin sacrifice or both, not exactly uplifting for women , no?

You sound pretty bitter about Christianity, what’s behind that?

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Dislike, Michael. Christianity is the only real movement to dismantle Communism. Just like we saw in the 1980s. Christians (Catholics) have written and taught against Marxism and its illicit thought progeny for over 100 years. See Pope Leo Xiii, “Rerum Novarum.”

Christianity opposes every one of Communism’s abuses, because the Lord Jesus Christ taught humans about God’s love for the individual, the dignity and value of every individual human. That includes homosexual people, BTW! But. Christianity does not give any of us the “right” to live in “any way” we want, without experiencing consequences both natural and supernatural. God’s moral laws are as implacable and consequential as His physical Laws of the Universe. The consequences just aren’t always immediate. But they are there. Christianity teaches us the principles of these laws to protect us from our own abuses.

The Pride flag as you are bashing Mrs. Alito for flying, below, is the emblem of a movement intimately tied to the Communistic efforts used by Leftists to bash and silence Christians, whose worldview and philosophical underpinnings ultimately guarantee every freedom we enjoy in the West: the Freedom to think and to believe and to live rightly, and to seek Truth. I’m sorry you speak aright in one thought and then dismantle your arguments in the next.

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Exactly true about the pride emblem. Yes, they can choose to be what they want but that's hardly the end of story!

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mmm...Puritans were earthy communal Protestants despite being often smeared by tendentious (secular) historians as evidenced by the usually derogatory term "puritanism."

And if you really don't know the difference between the Islamic view of women and the Biblical view...I am at a loss to even know where to start!

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What do you know about ‘Christian nationalism’ that isn’t propaganda from the SPLC?

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Amen! As a Traditional Catholic, I honor God and His Commandments. I support the Magisterium of the Church and will practice my faith as my forefathers worshipped: attending the Traditional Latin Mass.

I will not succumb to modern secular society and its corruption of morality, but will stand by and proudly declare my beliefs.

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Examples please

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I would argue that many of those "high verbal oppressors" aren't really all that adept with language. I.e. They are not particularly sophisticated with a language's breadth and subtlety. What they are often good at is reading people and manipulating people by telling them what they want to hear. Bush Jr. was a good example of this. His handlers presented him as a non-sophisticated, down to earth, good ol' boy. Part of his attraction for many was his limited vocabulary and his inability to pronounce "nuclear" as well as other neologisms.

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