New-Onset and Flares of Multiple Sclerosis are Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Vaccination
National MS Society Pushes Vaccines Increasing Burden of Disease
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
I was shocked when I learned the multiple sclerosis society was pushing COVID-19 vaccination with no information on safety in this vulnerable population. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. MS is an autoimmune disorder, a condition in which the body attacks itself by mistake. There is a wide range of motor and sensory deficits. Given the concern over worsened auto-immunity, it is unwise to give vaccines to MS patients since they could trigger worsened immune attack against the nervous system.
Along the lines of my concerns, Tavazzi et al reported numerous cases of either flares of existing MS or de novo disease in patients who either had SARS-CoV-2 infection, vaccination, and likely both. It is well known that other viral infections can flare MS, however, there were clear-cut cases of mRNA vaccines causing new cases of MS. MS is treatable and I have been impressed with the new drug regimens for MS which work to keep patients functional and out of wheelchairs. However, the Tavazzi paper suggests some de novo cases were completely avoidable by declining COVID-19 vaccination from the start.

The lesson learned here is for the MS Society which should stop recommending a novel genetic vaccine that installs a non-human protein on the surfaces of supporting cells for neurologic system. COVID-19 vaccination is not safe and effective in patients with MS and the MS Society is willfully blind to these safety data by continuing to push the ill-advised vaccines.
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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation
I cured my MS with carnivore diet. Three years in Feb. I no longer believe MS or any autoimmune issues are a disease, I believe it is poisoning from the food we eat.
Remylinated brain scans. Cured clear skin from psoriasis. So many success stories. Off all meds for diabetes, clinical anxiety, depression and more. The Vax might speed these “diseases” up, but the main driver is our food, and it is reversible.
We wrote about it here
"I was shocked when I learned the multiple sclerosis society was pushing COVID-19 vaccination with no information on safety in this vulnerable population."
Isn't this a moot point since you've rightly stated all of these ill advised, unsafe, deadly gene injections should be pulled from the market?
Shouldn't you be shocked that they remain on the market at all?
Shouldn't you be shocked that no one's gone on trial for murder, because if we're being honest with each other, knowingly bringing to market a deadly product makes those involved murders, doesn't it?
What type of murderer they are is certainly up for debate but they are clearly murderers.