I miss Dr. Ron Paul. Everything he tried to tell the American people was 100% true. When it comes to science, you are not going to get sound science without sound money.  Science and terra firma run hand-in-hand. 

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Evil looking us in the face. Daring us to fight.

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They are doing whatever it takes to bring their Agenda 2030. Depop and digitalize the rest of us, from money to being transhuman.

Seek Christ Jesus and be saved for no one is promised tomorrow! His return is soon. That’s why the world is falling apart.

Don’t get left behind either unless you want to be beheaded. Seek the Father and His Son. It’s never too late. Repent (change your mind),

Acknowledge your a sinner in need of a Savior (no one can keep the commandments without the Holy Spirit).

Believe in the Lord Jesus and His work on the Cross to save those who believe in Him.

Confess Him as your Lord & Savior and live forever in His Kingdom that’s coming.

Find good teachers, people like Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, Tom Hughes, and Pastor Brett from Athey Creek.

Praying for all who read this and take it to heart. There’s no time like the present to trust God and be ready for what’s coming.

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One thing to keep our eye on is the BIS (The Bank of International Settlements) in Basal, Switzerland. They are busy working on their "daily financial closeouts" using CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). They are the first power mechanism of the proposed financial takeover.

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“In 2005 the U.S. agreed to the International Health Regulations (IHR) regulations, which override and supersede the U.S. Constitution. On January 18, 2022, the U.S. submitted amendments that give away even more of our sovereignty and empower the WHO to restrict our health-related rights and freedom. Amendments to the IHR don’t need to be approved by two-thirds of the Senate because we’ve already agreed to obey the IHR by being a UN and WHO member....In addition to the IHR amendments, the WHO’s negotiating an International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response.” It was delayed in May (probably waiting until after the election), and it’s being negotiated right now. Biden plans on signing it when it’s completed, and if that happens, it’s bye, bye America’s sovereignty. They will be the decision masters regarding “health-related” issues and freedom. If this happens, it could be the catalyst for the American people to ask the military to intervene to save our Constitutional Republic. We just can’t keep traveling down this road of destruction for too long. Will everything the installed admin did be valid? Will we have to honor everything that was done after the insurrection of November 3, 2020, to include the signing of this Treaty? Shouldn’t be, but I don’t have the answers. We need to start over with a clean slate. Too much is broken.

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Never letting a crisis go to waste, they use these emergency powers to motivate the need for another crisis.

You didn't mention 9-11-01,which have emergency powers authority to a c o g, that is a continuity of government takeover. That meant folks were installed, the shadow government, who had newly assigned powers....and has never to my knowledge been repealed

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“Covid” also explains “Ukraine”: the military/industrial complex saw how well the medical/industrial complex did with their smash-and-grab and wanted in on the action. And the crooks that control Washington were only too keen to help.

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

"Just Weights and Measures" is a commandment for having everything GOoD.

THEY keep throwing dEvil on us regardless of how much we protest and how we vote.

Don't fear what THEY'll call you or smear you with. Stand, Speak, and FIGHT for what's RIGHT!

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"Far from dreading infectious disease outbreaks, it now appears that the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex welcomes them."

They not only welcome them, like WARS, they CREATE THEM.

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Thank you Kimberly for your blessed thoughts

However… how long does the Act continue to allow HHS to keep pouring $$ Into the coffers of businesses,Doctor’ s organizations hospitals,( all are continuing to push vaxes that don’t work ..etc etc) which committees in Senate and in House to start sending letters.Actually am sending to my state’s reps. Everyone here think about doing it too.. I know you maybe pessimistic … But email is so easy.. Facebook is not myThing or Twitter..have 2 businesses to run.

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Transparency is the enemy of corruption.

Decentralization is the cure.

We need to demand both, relentlessly.

Are you a problem solver?


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A nuance for you.

The stock market is a direct beneficiary of money printing and money printing is a global phenomenon

see here: https://www.yardeni.com/pub/peacockfedecbassets.pdf

the nuance is - Americans have trillions of dollars invested iin stock markets.

around 12 trillion, just in 401k plans according to this https://www.ici.org/faqs/faq/401k/faqs_401k out of 37 trillion in retirement plans.

the 3% rise in bond yields and fall in stock markets is the "canary in the coal mine" of economic collpase if it repeated 1929 style.

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Was it Thomas Jefferson who said when people find out they can vote themselves $$$ democracy is over?

Not just people...as soon as corporations found out they could vote themselves $$$ our democracy was OVER.

And I include the bankers in those corporations.

It is time people learned some $$$ common sense.

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Agree. We need to revisit this law.

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This is a Red Pill post. Thank you, John.

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"For example, many aircraft hastily designed and manufactured for that cataclysm were so dangerous and unreliable that far more servicemen were killed in training and routine flight accidents than in combat."

I found that hard to believe and so I looked up the numbers:

"The U.S. suffered 52,173 aircrew combat losses. But another 25,844 died in accidents."

So about half actually.


Since the source is the Army Air Forces Statistical Digest of World War II I assume those numbers are accurate. Errors like this cast doubt on the author's research as it took me less than 2 minutes to find the actual numbers.

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