I miss Dr. Ron Paul. Everything he tried to tell the American people was 100% true. When it comes to science, you are not going to get sound science without sound money.  Science and terra firma run hand-in-hand. 

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Dr. Paul is still alive and kicking on the daily Liberty Report show. His is a national treasure, and irreplaceable.

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Dr Ron Paul still going strong on rumble!

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Evil looking us in the face. Daring us to fight.

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They are doing whatever it takes to bring their Agenda 2030. Depop and digitalize the rest of us, from money to being transhuman.

Seek Christ Jesus and be saved for no one is promised tomorrow! His return is soon. That’s why the world is falling apart.

Don’t get left behind either unless you want to be beheaded. Seek the Father and His Son. It’s never too late. Repent (change your mind),

Acknowledge your a sinner in need of a Savior (no one can keep the commandments without the Holy Spirit).

Believe in the Lord Jesus and His work on the Cross to save those who believe in Him.

Confess Him as your Lord & Savior and live forever in His Kingdom that’s coming.

Find good teachers, people like Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, Tom Hughes, and Pastor Brett from Athey Creek.

Praying for all who read this and take it to heart. There’s no time like the present to trust God and be ready for what’s coming.

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The Father and His Son are fighting with you in the Clouds.

Come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.


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Idiot. Belief in Jesus won't save you or your offspring from what's coming. Get your head out of the sand and get ready to fight.

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I thought name calling ended with elementary school. Even by high school it should of. 🤔

Obviously you don’t know the Lord and you don’t know God’s Scripture.

Read Psalm 91 and let me know if that doesn’t change your mind. It did for me.

My head has been out of the sand ever since I quit watching tv that programs people to believe what they say. I keep one eye in His book and the other on the sky. I have no need to fight except on my knees. When one humbles themselves then God fights the battle. He has said He would and I believe He will.

Please seek Christ Jesus. This war that’s coming up, you won’t be able to fight it off and win. Please know where you are going before you go. Hell was made for fallen angels, not humans. But for those who don’t receive God’s grace of eternal life through Christ Jesus will be doomed to go where no one wants to and there is no way out. The Age of Grace is coming to an end. Be prepared and not scared. Read the New Testament to know the Lord Jesus, find a good church, like a Calvary Chapel, or watch Real Life with Jack Hibbs. He is an excellent teacher who knows what we are up against. Learn from him and be saved and know true peace that only comes from God, even in the days we are living.

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Thanks for proving my point.

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One thing to keep our eye on is the BIS (The Bank of International Settlements) in Basal, Switzerland. They are busy working on their "daily financial closeouts" using CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). They are the first power mechanism of the proposed financial takeover.

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“In 2005 the U.S. agreed to the International Health Regulations (IHR) regulations, which override and supersede the U.S. Constitution. On January 18, 2022, the U.S. submitted amendments that give away even more of our sovereignty and empower the WHO to restrict our health-related rights and freedom. Amendments to the IHR don’t need to be approved by two-thirds of the Senate because we’ve already agreed to obey the IHR by being a UN and WHO member....In addition to the IHR amendments, the WHO’s negotiating an International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response.” It was delayed in May (probably waiting until after the election), and it’s being negotiated right now. Biden plans on signing it when it’s completed, and if that happens, it’s bye, bye America’s sovereignty. They will be the decision masters regarding “health-related” issues and freedom. If this happens, it could be the catalyst for the American people to ask the military to intervene to save our Constitutional Republic. We just can’t keep traveling down this road of destruction for too long. Will everything the installed admin did be valid? Will we have to honor everything that was done after the insurrection of November 3, 2020, to include the signing of this Treaty? Shouldn’t be, but I don’t have the answers. We need to start over with a clean slate. Too much is broken.

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Never letting a crisis go to waste, they use these emergency powers to motivate the need for another crisis.

You didn't mention 9-11-01,which have emergency powers authority to a c o g, that is a continuity of government takeover. That meant folks were installed, the shadow government, who had newly assigned powers....and has never to my knowledge been repealed

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There’s a Devolution Series by Patel Patriot at https://www.devolution.link/ and it details The Law of War, and he states he thinks POTUS45 did initiate a COG, and there are I believe 23 volumes. I particularly found Part 22, Irregular Warfare, very interesting - although they were all pretty interesting I guess - and the video on “The Ghost in the Machine” by the 4th PSYOP Group was chilling. Let’s not forget the PEADs the Rats on The Hill were dying to get their hands on and couldn’t. It’s something to ponder.

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“Covid” also explains “Ukraine”: the military/industrial complex saw how well the medical/industrial complex did with their smash-and-grab and wanted in on the action. And the crooks that control Washington were only too keen to help.

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"Just Weights and Measures" is a commandment for having everything GOoD.

THEY keep throwing dEvil on us regardless of how much we protest and how we vote.

Don't fear what THEY'll call you or smear you with. Stand, Speak, and FIGHT for what's RIGHT!

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"Far from dreading infectious disease outbreaks, it now appears that the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex welcomes them."

They not only welcome them, like WARS, they CREATE THEM.

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Thank you Kimberly for your blessed thoughts

However… how long does the Act continue to allow HHS to keep pouring $$ Into the coffers of businesses,Doctor’ s organizations hospitals,( all are continuing to push vaxes that don’t work ..etc etc) which committees in Senate and in House to start sending letters.Actually am sending to my state’s reps. Everyone here think about doing it too.. I know you maybe pessimistic … But email is so easy.. Facebook is not myThing or Twitter..have 2 businesses to run.

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They continue to have these powers as long as they declare a "national public health emergency". The declaration stays in effect for 90 days, unless extended. In Oct, despite saying "the pandemic is over" just a week or 2 before, Biden extended the "national public health emergency" yet another 90 days. State Governors do the same, except at 30 day intervals. Texas governor Greg Abbott will have to decide on Dec 18 to extend again, which I believe he will since he was just re-elected. Texas is one of only a dozen or so states that are still under these emergency powers declarations.

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Just four weeks after Hitler became the chancellor of Germany he used the Reichstag fire on the parliamentary building to invoke a series of emergency decrees, thus quashing any effort of the parliament prevent the then sweeping takeover of the government. People are often offended by the comparison of what is happening in America now with Nazi Germany. They forget that Hitler was made chancellor of Germany in January 1933. In April of that year the Aryan paragraph of the Restoration act made it illegal for Jews to hold government office. It wasn't until 1942 that the 'final solution' was conceived and carried out. Ten years after Hitler took power. Ten years in which the people of Germany could have said "no". The comparisons are revolting. We need to say "no" now while there is time even if it means we will suffer, even if it means we will die. Or the world we inherit won't be worth living in, and the shame we will feel won't be worth living with.

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I live in a "conservative RED" state. I've written to my Congressional reps (both state and federal) on several items. Either:

1. They respond with a form letter "Thank you for contacting me, blah, blah, blah. I'll remember your thoughts when this issue comes up for a vote. (Then they vote AGAINST whatever is obviously in the best interest of "we the people".

2. They vehemently defend THEIR twisted view (ie, The FDA and CDC do a wonderful job protecting American citizens! This response was in referenceto the bills about requiring all OTC vits and supplements to go through FDA approval and/or requiring RXs for them). [On a similar note, the law to restrict all livestock antibiotics being sold through feed stores, will require a RX from a vet takes effect in June 2023.]


3. No response or acknowledgement of my contact.

NO COUNTRY has ever voted themselves out of TYRANNY.

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Transparency is the enemy of corruption.

Decentralization is the cure.

We need to demand both, relentlessly.

Are you a problem solver?


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A nuance for you.

The stock market is a direct beneficiary of money printing and money printing is a global phenomenon

see here: https://www.yardeni.com/pub/peacockfedecbassets.pdf

the nuance is - Americans have trillions of dollars invested iin stock markets.

around 12 trillion, just in 401k plans according to this https://www.ici.org/faqs/faq/401k/faqs_401k out of 37 trillion in retirement plans.

the 3% rise in bond yields and fall in stock markets is the "canary in the coal mine" of economic collpase if it repeated 1929 style.

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The stock market is a ponzi scheme manipulated by the wealthy elite. It can no longer sustain the lies. Covid provided an attempt to slow down the inevitable collapse.

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Was it Thomas Jefferson who said when people find out they can vote themselves $$$ democracy is over?

Not just people...as soon as corporations found out they could vote themselves $$$ our democracy was OVER.

And I include the bankers in those corporations.

It is time people learned some $$$ common sense.

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Agree. We need to revisit this law.

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This is a Red Pill post. Thank you, John.

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"For example, many aircraft hastily designed and manufactured for that cataclysm were so dangerous and unreliable that far more servicemen were killed in training and routine flight accidents than in combat."

I found that hard to believe and so I looked up the numbers:

"The U.S. suffered 52,173 aircrew combat losses. But another 25,844 died in accidents."

So about half actually.


Since the source is the Army Air Forces Statistical Digest of World War II I assume those numbers are accurate. Errors like this cast doubt on the author's research as it took me less than 2 minutes to find the actual numbers.

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"In World War II, 35,933 AAF [Army Air Forces] planes were lost in combat and accidents. The surprise of the attrition rate is that only a fraction of the ill-fated planes were lost in combat. In 1943 in the Pacific Ocean Areas theater in which Phil’s crew served, for every plane lost in combat, some six planes were lost in accidents. Over time, time, combat took a greater toll, but combat losses never overtook noncombat losses. As planes went, so went men. In the air corps, 35,946 personnel died in nonbattle situations, the vast majority of them in accidental crashes.* Even in combat, airmen appear to have been more likely to die from accidents than combat itself. A report issued by the AAF surgeon general suggests that in the Fifteenth Air Force, between November 1, 1943, and May 25, 1945, 70 percent of men listed as killed in action died in operational aircraft accidents, not as a result of enemy action.

Hillenbrand, Laura. Unbroken (p. 84). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

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It's possible the document I cited isn't accurate and I can think of a couple of reason's why. First, no one wants to hear that their kid f'ed up and crashed his plane, so maybe KIA was written into the record, since the accident happened while on a mission? Second, too many non-combat losses makes your wing look bad, so maybe they just hid the numbers whenever they could?

The take away is not to rely too heavily on official documents!

Whatever the case, the number are pretty bad, but I can understand why. I've taken flying lessons, and while I'm sure I would have met the standard for pilot training (such as it was) I'd probably have crashed too. Flying is pretty intense, especially landing.

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Military airstrips were often makeshift and unsafe. My father-in-law flew from the Marianas Islands to attack Tokyo and he said every B-27 would drop out of sight when taking off and it was always a relief to see when one was able to pick up enough speed not to fall into the ocean.

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Wasn’t referring to ALL aircraft in aggregate, but to specific aircraft such as Corsair. Very few Corsairs were shot down by Japanese aces, but MANY crashed in accidents, hence the name “Ensign Eliminator.”

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"For example, many aircraft hastily designed and manufactured for that cataclysm were so dangerous and unreliable that far more servicemen were killed in training and routine flight accidents than in combat." ON THOSE AIRCRAFT.

The statement without that qualifier makes it sound like more were killed in training and accidents than in combat. That's how I read it.

"The fabled Vought F4U Corsair was known as the “Ensign Eliminator” because its dreadful stall characteristics killed so many young airman."

And this is just a statement about a particular example of the above. Where am I supposed to infer that this is a separate category?

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When citing numbers, it's important to get them right. A single error of fact can caste doubt on your entire presentation. I'll illustrate with one of the most vexing problems in Covid analysis and reporting:

Died of Covid.... ?

Died with Covid...?

Tested positive with unreliable PCR test...?

Untested, diagnosis assumed from symptoms alone...?

Untested and unreported, presumed recovered...?

Died outside hospital care, death attributed to other cause...?

Neither the denominators or numerators are of any use here. You might as well pull numbers straight out of your ass. I've seen IFR numbers that are all over the map, from 1.0 to .23. This is before the introduction of the vaccines, after which it became even harder to separate wheat from chaff.

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