Dr. McCullough, when you say “never challenged” you must mean within the HHS agencies. Here is my understanding: Trump had two camps advising him one of which ... Atlas, Bhattacharya, Alexander ... opposed the lockdowns vigorously. Post election, of course all discussion was over. Why Trump caved in to Fauci and Birx ... I have not bothe…
Dr. McCullough, when you say “never challenged” you must mean within the HHS agencies. Here is my understanding: Trump had two camps advising him one of which ... Atlas, Bhattacharya, Alexander ... opposed the lockdowns vigorously. Post election, of course all discussion was over. Why Trump caved in to Fauci and Birx ... I have not bothered to understand. Why Trump will not repudiate the shots is another mystery.
It is almost sitcom material that lockdowns continued after the shots were deployed. First by Hazan and, subsequently, by workers in Israel, it was discovered that the virus took up residency in the gut of folks immune suppressed by the shots, which cannot clear the infection. So the pathogen became your roommate in lockdown and your gut became a reservoir of viruses like the cave bats in China (the early supposition!). Exhaling the bats as they flew out of one’s microbiome and inhaling them as they are captured in your mask seems like a good model of re-infection ... common among the vaccinated but NOT among the one-and-done NI citizens.
The 8% know Trump can not repudiate the jabs because he would then be accusing every doctor that recommended them of fraud pitting him against nearly the entire medical community like they did with controlled media painting him the Ogre. Hospitals strapped for cash because of the influx of immigrants, illegal and otherwise whom they had to treat were going bankrupt by rising medical cost that naturally happen when Socialized by government bureaucrats once the cash dries up. That’s why America is financially broke with a declining credit score as the 8% chases its tails to implement global control before it all goes Boom-er. Our global lenders are getting edgy. Hospitals were offered bribes of 38K for exclusive Covid treatment by Medicaid, the 2008 Trojan horse of Socialized medicine FOR ALL, and $137 K for delayed treatment leading to ventilation. No longer doctors, but corporate “practitioners” doing all sorts of experimental diagnosis “in the name of medical science for the patient were receiving $30 dollars for 20% of patients jabbed up to $130 if they could get it to 70% jabbed per practice, most going to corporate medical overlords. Without taking his name in vain, for God and your own sake, let go of the moral outrage they use to twist your thinking by offering you a villain to focus on, please. Either way, if the ruling global class running American interest had some plan to make the world a better place, take it to utopia, why the deceit, why imprison dissenters, promulgate corruption like Communism, mafia, and cartels. Why at the very least, if we live in a “democracy”, do they not allow questions signaling contempt for democracy?
Per Dr. McCullough 25% of voters refused the shots. Most doctors recommended them without questioning anything ... as usual. Yes they are all frauds as is the captured AMA. The mandates occurred during Biden, commencing long after the VAERS death reports way exceeded what should have been threshold to can the program. Metal particulate contamination was reported by Japanese inspectors in August ‘21. A result of low quality standards of DOD contractors whereas it was almost universally thought these shots were a Pharma product. Nope. So it’s one thing under Trump to proceed with the readiness program ... a parallel path just in case and expected by many ... another to mandate them against all indications with no informed consent in violation of Federal Law and consumer protection laws in 50 states: affirmative misrepresentation. No judges or even lawyers caught it as exemptions were refused in court. That’s what Biden did on the basis of catch me if you can. A DOJ that sat back and did nothing. Same with hospital deaths where the sacrifice of dead Americans by unethical and idiotic protocols sold the shots to the public. DOJ sat back and watched.
Dr. McCullough, when you say “never challenged” you must mean within the HHS agencies. Here is my understanding: Trump had two camps advising him one of which ... Atlas, Bhattacharya, Alexander ... opposed the lockdowns vigorously. Post election, of course all discussion was over. Why Trump caved in to Fauci and Birx ... I have not bothered to understand. Why Trump will not repudiate the shots is another mystery.
It is almost sitcom material that lockdowns continued after the shots were deployed. First by Hazan and, subsequently, by workers in Israel, it was discovered that the virus took up residency in the gut of folks immune suppressed by the shots, which cannot clear the infection. So the pathogen became your roommate in lockdown and your gut became a reservoir of viruses like the cave bats in China (the early supposition!). Exhaling the bats as they flew out of one’s microbiome and inhaling them as they are captured in your mask seems like a good model of re-infection ... common among the vaccinated but NOT among the one-and-done NI citizens.
The 8% know Trump can not repudiate the jabs because he would then be accusing every doctor that recommended them of fraud pitting him against nearly the entire medical community like they did with controlled media painting him the Ogre. Hospitals strapped for cash because of the influx of immigrants, illegal and otherwise whom they had to treat were going bankrupt by rising medical cost that naturally happen when Socialized by government bureaucrats once the cash dries up. That’s why America is financially broke with a declining credit score as the 8% chases its tails to implement global control before it all goes Boom-er. Our global lenders are getting edgy. Hospitals were offered bribes of 38K for exclusive Covid treatment by Medicaid, the 2008 Trojan horse of Socialized medicine FOR ALL, and $137 K for delayed treatment leading to ventilation. No longer doctors, but corporate “practitioners” doing all sorts of experimental diagnosis “in the name of medical science for the patient were receiving $30 dollars for 20% of patients jabbed up to $130 if they could get it to 70% jabbed per practice, most going to corporate medical overlords. Without taking his name in vain, for God and your own sake, let go of the moral outrage they use to twist your thinking by offering you a villain to focus on, please. Either way, if the ruling global class running American interest had some plan to make the world a better place, take it to utopia, why the deceit, why imprison dissenters, promulgate corruption like Communism, mafia, and cartels. Why at the very least, if we live in a “democracy”, do they not allow questions signaling contempt for democracy?
Per Dr. McCullough 25% of voters refused the shots. Most doctors recommended them without questioning anything ... as usual. Yes they are all frauds as is the captured AMA. The mandates occurred during Biden, commencing long after the VAERS death reports way exceeded what should have been threshold to can the program. Metal particulate contamination was reported by Japanese inspectors in August ‘21. A result of low quality standards of DOD contractors whereas it was almost universally thought these shots were a Pharma product. Nope. So it’s one thing under Trump to proceed with the readiness program ... a parallel path just in case and expected by many ... another to mandate them against all indications with no informed consent in violation of Federal Law and consumer protection laws in 50 states: affirmative misrepresentation. No judges or even lawyers caught it as exemptions were refused in court. That’s what Biden did on the basis of catch me if you can. A DOJ that sat back and did nothing. Same with hospital deaths where the sacrifice of dead Americans by unethical and idiotic protocols sold the shots to the public. DOJ sat back and watched.