1984 by George Orwell was required reading in my middle school 50 years ago. It was considered a warning to be wary of the all controlling state. So why are we the people letting the government push us into an Orwellian future?
1984 by George Orwell was required reading in my middle school 50 years ago. It was considered a warning to be wary of the all controlling state. So why are we the people letting the government push us into an Orwellian future?
Most people have NOT read тАШ1984тАЩ but HAVE watched and heard legacy media (the so-called MSM) most of their lives so they have been unknowingly psychologically conditioned into accepting all of the propaganda that emanates from those sources. Younger generations exist within a large but controlled echo chamber on social media which for them replaced the TV news that has been the source of choice of older generations. But it was still the same Fake News and fabricated narratives.
Thankfully, a relatively rapid expansion of alternative online media has attracted increasingly larger audiences away from the TV and MSM sources.
Despite not having read Orwell, tens of millions of Americans and other countriesтАЩ populations have awakened to the lies and increasingly blatant propaganda from the fascist Left. We are red-pilled and growing very large in number.
1984 by George Orwell was required reading in my middle school 50 years ago. It was considered a warning to be wary of the all controlling state. So why are we the people letting the government push us into an Orwellian future?
They read it as a roadmap not a warning. They want to win the whole world even if they lose their souls. Spiritual War
Most people have NOT read тАШ1984тАЩ but HAVE watched and heard legacy media (the so-called MSM) most of their lives so they have been unknowingly psychologically conditioned into accepting all of the propaganda that emanates from those sources. Younger generations exist within a large but controlled echo chamber on social media which for them replaced the TV news that has been the source of choice of older generations. But it was still the same Fake News and fabricated narratives.
Thankfully, a relatively rapid expansion of alternative online media has attracted increasingly larger audiences away from the TV and MSM sources.
Despite not having read Orwell, tens of millions of Americans and other countriesтАЩ populations have awakened to the lies and increasingly blatant propaganda from the fascist Left. We are red-pilled and growing very large in number.
The old saying about "you can lead a horse to water" comes to mind.