It is not about asking questions or stating opinions, writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.
Its about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and…
It is not about asking questions or stating opinions, writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.
Its about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and taxes.
That is what it is about.
During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and that the only way to hold them accountable it to inspect their work."
He called his idea The Fourth Branch of Governmnet.
It is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in the 100 new laws (200 thousand pages) they vote on every day they are in session.
The only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we might never recover is to include the citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.
The way it works:
1. In order for a new law, tax, or expenditure to be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL.
It can be applied to every branch of government and will solve every problem we have at every level.
To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.
Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.
If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.
There are many pretty well-known ways to deal with corruption in government, from the bottom up.
However, the biggest challenge, most likely, is to get enough people to not just become better or more aware of reality but also willing to act. Without sufficient "uncorrupted" people to act nothing will change.
Our government is, after all, simply a reflection of ourselves. We need to generate more interest in effecting change, better educating the population, and "re-instilling" the beliefs and characteristics represented by our founding fathers and the documents they wrote.
"We the People" are the only thing that can improve our situation...
The Electronic Townhall
It is not about asking questions or stating opinions, writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.
Its about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and taxes.
That is what it is about.
During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and that the only way to hold them accountable it to inspect their work."
He called his idea The Fourth Branch of Governmnet.
It is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in the 100 new laws (200 thousand pages) they vote on every day they are in session.
The only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we might never recover is to include the citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.
The way it works:
1. In order for a new law, tax, or expenditure to be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.
2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.
Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL.
It can be applied to every branch of government and will solve every problem we have at every level.
To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.
Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.
If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.
The Electronic Townhall
There are many pretty well-known ways to deal with corruption in government, from the bottom up.
However, the biggest challenge, most likely, is to get enough people to not just become better or more aware of reality but also willing to act. Without sufficient "uncorrupted" people to act nothing will change.
Our government is, after all, simply a reflection of ourselves. We need to generate more interest in effecting change, better educating the population, and "re-instilling" the beliefs and characteristics represented by our founding fathers and the documents they wrote.
"We the People" are the only thing that can improve our situation...
Hi, please look into Blockchain DAO Ecosystems.
Precisely correct btw!