Exactly. And crickets from the media. I mean, they do get most of their revenue from pharma ads so, it makes sense that they would participate in the cover up. Then you add the HHS money they all took to promote the “vaccine”. I feel the media is the most culpable in this fiasco. It never would have been pulled off without them.
Exactly. And crickets from the media. I mean, they do get most of their revenue from pharma ads so, it makes sense that they would participate in the cover up. Then you add the HHS money they all took to promote the “vaccine”. I feel the media is the most culpable in this fiasco. It never would have been pulled off without them.
Exactly. And crickets from the media. I mean, they do get most of their revenue from pharma ads so, it makes sense that they would participate in the cover up. Then you add the HHS money they all took to promote the “vaccine”. I feel the media is the most culpable in this fiasco. It never would have been pulled off without them.