Secession by freedom-loving adults from the globalists. It’s growing and coming to a place near you.






Red States


Smaller government is better because its responsive to the people, not trying to rule them. #EndWEF-UN-GlobalismNow

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Approximately nine conservative counties want to secede from Oregon to Idaho. As far as I know, it’s still ongoing. If we could get fair elections, people would find that most of our country is Red. Cheating has been occurring for decades right under our noises. People were always accusing others of not getting off their couches to vote because they have no idea of the scope of cheating that goes on, and for some reason people can’t get it through their heads that illegal invaders are part of the Blue voting base. That’s okay. It’s just another thing the Rats on The Hill ignore. They don’t want to upset their donors.

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Completely correct...It is 'Red'.

Incorrect to believe the 'Deep State Minions' and Prostitute Politicians don't know the influence of the Illegal Occupation on the vote as the CORRUPT from The City of London to D.C most certainly are aware of exactly what the influence is to our sovereignty and elections...Just as they're aware about its results on the culture of Europe.

Would have paid money to be a bug on the wall when The City of London's Clinton Crime Family were defeated by Trump since they were so certain the Fraud/Cheat Machine was primed and ready to rock the OBastard's Avatar through the finish line. Word is on the Grape Vine; she has quite the creatively cursing mouth.

All they continue to do is expose themselves and their endless evil more and more.

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By the way, as far as her filthy mouth, can you imagine how her head was spinning around, eyes turning red while curse words were flying out of her mouth, when they just knew they had the win in 2016. Bill and Chelsea were smiling and celebrating her win along with her because they never dreamed so many Americans would come out and vote. I KNOW she was lying on the floor in a fetal position, couldn’t even go out and see her lemmings afterwards.💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻. Remember, she said, we’ll all hang by our necks if that “F” wins?

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Imagine she's a hybrid Demon with DNA from Wicked Witch of the West, Linda Blair in the Exorcist, Richard Prior vomiting filth and curses for the 'Hot Mic's' and Madonna in her Lesbian-Rape Phase. The Demonic never have the decency to even apologize.

Literally, am clueless people can't see through the smoke and mirrors...

Not hanging by my neck, yet...And, doubt the old hag has that kind of power without The City of London's Mafia behind her.

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🎯🎯🎯Just saw a video tonight of a very heavy man being dragged out - dead weight, smiling and giving thumbs up - of her speaking venue where there was a room filled with a lot of people, and he yelled, “Why did your husband visit Epstein Island 26 times.” WTF! They must only watch fake news, poor devils. They don’t realize she’d eat them and their kids for dinner tomorrow. They are going to be so shocked when they find out they supported a traitor with so much blood on her hands.

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Don't know if you're correct or not.

Like to think the supporters of the Demonic would feel bad; but most are probably equally shallow and sociopathic, themselves. That's been the most extreme of the 'cognitive dissonance' once felt here...The fact of 'The People' having become so STUPID, LAZY, COWARDLY AND EVIL; OUT OF TOUCH AND AS INSANE AS THE DEMONIC FRAUDULENTLY INSTALLED INTO POWER.

Was clueless to the depths of depravity the country, as a whole, has sunk to....True, honest to God hell.

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You’re plugged in. I can tell. The whole time I was in VA, right outside D.C., my two senators and Congressman were Blue. The same with so many other places in VA. They managed to inundate our area with illegal invaders too - metropolitan areas are prime for jobs - and even, locally, they political mafia would encourage them to vote by mail in case they were afraid to show up. (This is in addition to all the other cheating the world is about to find out about.). I can’t believe how many people don’t know how many get drivers licenses and free healthcare, free, free, free everything. Our emergency rooms are their walk-in clinics. Don’t get me started. I could write a book. Right now, everything we’ve learned is happening. We know the playbook, WWIII coming, etc., etc. We are just on pins and needles hoping the rest of the playbook is true. They told us it would get scary, to expect it, be prepared, weather the storm, protect yourself, and the Best is Yet to Come! When I hear people saying this is an amazing time, I want to vomit, but it’s true. I’m amazed by the great, brilliant, and strategic minds at work. I have a leader, POTUS45, who I love, who I have so much faith in. He’s never lied to me, and he always manages to let me know whatever he’s capable of telling me, and he’s a fighter, and he’ll never back down, never surrender, and never give up, and the best part is he loves us, and he loves this country. I just wish a lot more countries had someone like him fighting for them. Their people wouldn’t be hurting as much.

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There is a movement in the Western Cape Province to succeed from the rest of South Africa, and the reasons are 1) bad government in all the other provinces, 2) the fact that the Western Cape Province was independent until about 1910, when the British Government took over (temporarily), and 3) it is the only province in South Africa not run by the ANC, and therefore run very differently. Local government better understands and meets the needs of the people who live there.

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Texas should follow suit, announcing that is once again The Republic of Texas. &c

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Yes! And Florida too!

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I support this 100% as a Non-Texan, if the Convention of States fails in its mission to bring some sanity to our Federal government! Good luck!!

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Get on GAB.COM, get & keep informed. Texas is getting closer to 'TEXIT'.


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A lot 9f states should do this now..re create their state banks and start issuing gold backed currency befor The Great Taking

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A BIG Amen to that!

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Great to see this happening - the only way forward, out of the increasing slave-state agenda of the ruling globalists, is decentralization - on every level!

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Wow! Thank you for alerting all who read your communications!

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This is excellent news. I wonder what their immigration policy is?

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They should forge a pact of mutual support with San Marino.

Godspeed Savoy.

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Reminds me of a trip we took to the Pyrenees this summer. While our boys were playing at a Girona-sponsored soccer camp in the little Spanish town of Puig Cerda, we ventured across the French border for a fabulous lunch in the tiny Republic of Llivia. It is a small enclave, officially part of Spain, completely encircled by French territory. Perhaps the recent Declaration of Independence from Savoy will inspire them to secede as well.

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I have been to Savoy, a lovely Alpine region with the Rhone River and Castle of Chillon. Long may they be free and independent! "Our Country Then and Now," Clarity Press, Richard C Cook.

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The Castle of Chillon is in Switzerland on the north side of Lake Geneva near the eastern end. Also, the Rhone River flows west, then north into the eastern end of Lake Geneva, entirely within Switzerland. Although the boundaries have changed over the centuries, Savoy now occupies the south side of Lake Geneva.

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Interesting that one of the members of 'the Government', Pascal Najadi, has a video circulating on Twitter-X since a few days in which he calls for imprisoning Klaus Schwab and others, and taking away diplomatic immunity from WEF, UN, GAVI and CEPI.

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Yeah, seems legit.

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My Dads people are from this area, though my ancestor left in 1795 for Canada, another land of fir trees. This is interesting news.

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Le Parisien puts it this way:ar

Thomas Pueyo October 5, 2020 at 10:23 am, modified October 5, 2020 at 12:27 pm About fifty Savoy separatists gathered at the military necropolis of Morette on the Glières plateau (Haute-Savoie), this Sunday, to self-proclaim the creation of a sovereign state of Savoy. In this Mecca of the French Resistance, the red flag with the white cross of Savoy was hoisted to affirm this symbolic seizure of power, under the gaze of the gendarmes watching over the memorial. The French flag was not removed as originally planned. "It is the recovery of a country that has been occupied by France since 1940," said Thierry Becourt, spokesman for the Sovereign Senate of Savoy who led the operation.

Une cinquantaine d'indépendantistes savoisiens se sont réunis à la nécropole militaire de Morette sur le plateau des Glières (Haute-Savoie), ce dimanche, pour autoproclamer la création d'un État souverain de Savoie. Dans ce haut-lieu de la résistance française, le drapeau rouge à croix blanche de Savoie a été hissé pour affirmer cette prise de pouvoir symbolique, sous le regard des gendarmes veillant sur le mémorial. Le drapeau français n'a pas été retiré comme cela était initialement prévu.

« C'est la reprise en main d'un pays qui est occupé par la France depuis 1940 », explique Thierry Becourt, porte-parole du Sénat souverain de Savoie qui dirigeait l'opération.

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Red states secede!

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We’ll have to build a wall!😁

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Will watch with interest.

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This has been on the back burner quite a long time. I'm not sure it is still anything more that a statement of intention, but I'll be sure to ask my French wife (who has BOTG, aka her family) about it.

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The answer is: they're working on it. In a nutshell, first aim is merging the two departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie into one, then gaining regional status (which is halfway to independence) then aiming for severing all ties to the Republic and becoming an actual State - which it used to be (broadly) up until 1860 when the Treaty of Turin annexed it to France. From what I understand, they are counting on some (financial) help from Switzerland to achieve their goal. The Wiki page is very informative but it's only available in French: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histoire_de_la_Savoie.

The nitty-gritty of the plan explained here (in French again): https://www.breizh-info.com/2022/03/26/182219/quel-processus-politique-realiste-pour-lindependance-de-la-savoie-lagora/

I hope for their sake they succeed - for my sake as well because despite my wife's family still living there, plus some folks of mine, and despite being a one-hour drive from my place (I'm Belgian) I swear to God I'm never, ever setting foot on French territory again. I can forgive many things but *not* Macron.


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John and all,

Glad Savoy is declaring independence from France!

BUT…when do Americans get to declare independence from their most horrifying, destructive government?

We the People are being attacked on a thousand fronts everyday!

There are MANY wrongs that must be righted in America (COVID, election, border messes, etc) and serious address of this 1 critical issue MUST happen BEFORE we have serious wins on all the other corruption fronts…Constitutional NATURAL BORN CITIZEN DEFINITION!

All serious patriotic citizens might want to learn about this because it will be critically important in the near future…


Writer, Lex Greene and I belong to the only strategic AMERICA FIRST organization in America…


Nothing else is more important than getting this NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue right because of all the illegals pouring into our wide open borders and…because of unconstitutional GOP presidential candidates who do NOT fulfill 1 of 3 requirements to be president. You MUST be a natural born citizen to be president or VP!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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