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He is brillant - I enjoy his rants in the Australian parliament but can't help notice the similarity to Andrew Bridgen speaking in the UK parliament - the room is virtually empty. Very sad that so few have the courage to even listen to him without smirking.

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I am pretty sure those evil or greedy MPs know what they are doing, just like the blatant behavior of the “Biden administration” (actually a mafia group or gangs of thugs).

Biden (or whoever being selected to take his place) has won a mudslide kind of major victory in 2024: Presidency, Senate, and House in a “sweeping affirmation” of the “achievements” during the first term. I see zero chance for Biden to let go the massive election frauds in 2024 and beyond.

Don’t like it? It’s a crime in the name of domestic terrorism. FBI thugs will arrest or kill anyone with their firepower. Jabs will be mandatory for EVERYONE. Dictators will never ask our permission or consent.

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Yang Ming has what I call an accurate assessment. I suspect the good Doc also know...

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Thank you for your kind words. I share it because we, by we I mean all people who can’t accept a Satanic dictatorship, must find a solution to this imminent threat, fast.

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The young lady next to him was down right creepy Smiling like crazy What is happening?? Lizards!

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Jackie Lambie is not so young and is very creepy! She is a Senator that represents hardly anyone. Puts her foot in every time she opens her mouth.

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Senator Jacquie Lambie... I've written elsewhere here when she spoke against the federal bill that was to ban vaccine mandates it was like a demon was speaking through her. When our state Premiers spoke of the mandates they looked like they were under some sort of intense fear or mind control.

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I guess she fits Jordan Peterson's description as someone 'ideologically possessed'

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I didn't see it that way at all. As ex-military she had fought for Australian soldiers who'd been given experimental anti-malarials - one of these soldiers lived in my home town - he was forced at the airport to sign to say he'd accept it or he wasn't going to be allowed to fly out for active duty in East Timor. He was in a really bad way.

She also stood up for Australian soldiers who might be used in covid-19 drug trials.


So it looked to me as though she'd been 'got'.

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Thanks for adding this extra information. You could well be right - it just shows how jumping to conclusions might take you down the wrong path.

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Aug 12, 2023Edited
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You are spot on with common sense and academic education. I think they are often inversly correlated. Although I can't lay my hands on it there is plenty of 'evidence' that those with the highest education tend to be those who are the most brainwashed and least likely to question 'authority. I used to watch a YouTube channel called Jolly Heretic by Edward Dutton who is an evolutionary psychologist - he covered this very topic but I can't find the video - it was several years ago I saw it.

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The absentees or the naysayers must have been given the false assurance, that in standing against the people will ensure their own comfortable survival. As in the history of USSR or PRC, useful idiots are not guaranteed to last.

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almost certainly

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Very true

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Patricia - room is indeed virtually empty - but I have now heard him speak to truth - "they" cannot wind back his words. As for the role of the UK military, taken with the role of GCHQ to monitor "antis", at the behest of Johnson's Government, that confirms to me that I live in a military/Police state that was once England.

I am at war with no weapons but my anger - bring "them" on as I am certain they will read this and know who I am....

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I agree but having found out that everything we once believd to be true was just a fabricated coersion by utterly corrupt and evil ruling elites I have also begun to wonder if there was any time in the past when it was not so. I am in the UK too. The only party that seem worth voting for is Reclaim which Andrew Bridgen joined.

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Quite - however Reclaim have to show and deliver that they are NOT a political party in the manner of the current anachronistic cohort of experience lite ideo-illogical control freaks - otherwise we are very screwed....imho.

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I think we are screwed anyway - we could do with a British version of Robert Kennedy Jnr or Trump

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Aug 10, 2023
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The first step to solving a problem is to correctly define it and it is clear they know exactly and knew exactly what they were doing and they thought no-one and nothing could stop them or make them pay for their criminality but the times they are a'changin.

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exactly John exactly

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Thank you so much for your reply and for your detailed experience, that of your sister (please also thank her for her professional service & performed duty!) and I am so glad to hear that almost your entire family steered clear of these injections. That news makes my heart smile this morning. 😊 I should and will, as you’ve highlighted, focus on the fact that for everyone who I know who voluntarily took their first 2-dose series or were mandated & coerced into taking that primary & a booster, none that I’m aware of, plan on taking another. That is certainly progress. 💝 Thank you, again!

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Have you listened to the Dr Day tapes on Sage Hana stack? Recollections of what was to be our futures - first spoken in 1969 and tapes of that "lecture" recollected around 1989. Unable to add links with device I am currently using.

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No I haven't but I do know the first principle of war time planning that these people who plan our future, not those who think they see it, all seem to have totally forgotten or more likely never knew as every door they knocked on in the past was simply opened for them ........ and that principle is "The plan never survives contact with the enemy".

They are now in a total war, a war to the finish and not a door will ever be opened for them ever again and they now know they are already too far down the rabbit hole ever to go back to that pleasant world that allowed them to simply knock and have it opened.

If only they hadn't been too greedy, ....... if only they had shared what had freely been given to them on the express understanding that they would indeed share it and they would indeed simply fade away as no-one wanted their meddling anymore ........... but they didn't, they chose the fun route to the future and I must say I am very pleased that they did because now we can be rid of the whole lot of them once and for all.

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John, I’m late to this Substack post, thus late to reading the comments. I pray daily that you are correct. I live in a family of past, current, and future warriors - those actually willing to don the armor, serve their country, fight the good fight, and take it to the enemy. No one in my family (on either side of my husband & I) wants to actually speak with me about any of this, specifically any/all that has occurred since Jan 2020. I am shrugged off & dismissed, or downright yelled at in order to not have to hear anything or face any of the obvious facts. I offer pages of data, studies, etc., I continue to persevere & to try; however, at this point even with so many friends, neighbors, & extended family members all around us suffering identified after-effects of these injections, the willful blindness to the perpetrated crime continues.

So here I am, in an expanding Substack community, speaking with netizens like yourself, appreciating the opportunity to do so and hoping one day to post that I’ve broken through to at least one person in my life whom I love so much, and to who I would without hesitation lay down my life for in the fight against the enemy. Maybe one day I can post that such a breakthrough has occurred and we have one more awakened warrior joining the fight. 🙏🏻❤️

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Hi Renee, sadly I think we are all in the same boat as far as convincing friends and family. These days I don't bother saying much to those who took them as we are where we are. One thing I do know is that none of the people I know who took the jabs will be taking any more so clearly they know they have been duped on some level. I think you will find that if you leave them alone these lost sheep will eventually come home waggling their tails behind them.

I am lucky in that pretty much my whole family are awake to what the medical "profession" gets up to as my sister has just retired after nearly 40 years as a nurse, latterly for a decade as a district nurse, and she went from being a believer in vaccines etc to being hugely sceptical in the last 10 years after she saw the damage these products were doing to previously perfectly healthy children. She was essentially pushed out of her job to early retirement as she was showing the parents the safety leaflets for the products i.e. what the manufacturers themselves were saying the side effects were and that was causing many to refuse the jabs and was costing the doctors she worked for money from the British government that pays doctors not on children's health outcomes but on the number of vaccines they can get into their arms. She was ousted for basically doing what the medical "profession" demands ALL nurses and doctors do, get informed consent.

Anyway because of her experiences and seeing what had happend to mice injected with mRNA poisons years before from the literature most of my family decided that we weren't taking these poisons but sadly a few did and they can't say they weren't warned.

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