Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis with COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination
Abdominal Catastrophe Carries High Mortality for Both Victims
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Over the the course of the pandemic I received many calls from patients and their families. One of the most difficult symptoms to evaluate over the phone is abdominal pain. Most patients whether at home or in the hospital need a doctors exam to assess acuity, tenderness, peritoneal signs, distension, and incipient gastrointestinal bleeding and or perforation. Because the Spike protein on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 causes blood clotting, most venous thromboembolic syndromes are seen in both COVID-19 patients and those who took the vaccines. It is my experience that the highest risk patients are those who have cumulatively been exposed to the Spike protein via multiple injections and one or more occurrences of COVID-19 illness.
Zheng and colleagues performed a systematic review of the literature and found 123 cases reports of splanchnic vein thrombosis, or blood clots in the veins that drain the intestines. This can be a catastrophe causing bowel necrosis, distension, bleeding, gastrointestinal perforation, and death. There were 75 cases in those who had acute COVID-19 and I anticipate most where critically ill in the hospital with an overall mortality rate of 14%. Alarmingly, there were 58 cases of the same problem in those who were vaccinated, presumably well at home and the mortality rate was 25%.

The lesson learned from this study is that whether during acute COVID-19 or after taking a vaccine, pay attention to serious acute abdominal pain and distension. Seek prompt care because a blood clot could be the cause of the problem and emergency surgery and blood thinners may be needed. The best way to avoid future risk of abdominal blood clots is to decline COVD-19 vaccination.
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Thank you, Dr. McCullough.
Might I also add, as a retired physician, that in many years of practice I never saw a case of splanchnic vein thrombosis, and I only saw one case of myocarditis. So, for me at least, this appears to be another example of a previously rare malady now being seen with more frequency post covid.
When a group of expert doctors (with what appear to have Chinese names) write analysis opinions about the specifics of risk of a level 4 laboratory brewed gain of function viral death host,
versus the designed specifics effect via internal harms and risks of a .GOV funded Darpa laboratory project injection called WarpSpeed. And have been sounding the alarms about a dozen or more harmful rarely seen before with in such greater numbers disease structuring's. Take their ADVICE!