The End of Money
New film examines how Central Bank Digital Currency may be used as a terribly efficient instrument of tyranny.
Dear Readers,
Please read the following guest column — and watch the new film — by my friend and fellow investigative journalist, James Patrick, director of Planet Lockdown and other insightful pictures about abusive state authority.
CBDC: The End of Money
By James Patrick
Almost every central bank in the world is currently rolling out a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). These are programmable versions of our current national currencies that can restrict what goods you can and cannot buy, what geographical area you are allowed to buy within or your account can be switched off altogether.
Central Bank Digital Currencies represent a fundamental revolution in our system of money and it is a devolution or degradation of money. In fact of the 4 definitions of money (transportability, divisibility, readily acceptable, store of value), CBDC’s eliminate two of them, acceptability and store of value. If money can be programmed as to where it can and cannot be used by a central authority, it is no longer readily acceptable and if it can be turned off or lose it’s value within a certain time period (a proposal several central banks have proposed for CBDCs to encourage spending), it is no longer a store of value.
Who is driving this effort and what is their relationship to other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, digital IDs, and the tokenization of all assets worldwide?
These questions and more are answered in a new film I directed titled CBDC: The End of Money, available at
The film features interviews shot on three continents with economists, policy analysts, economic forecaster Martin Armstrong, journalist Whitney Webb, the editor of Bitcoin Magazine as well as prominent members of the Canadian truckers convoy.
A tech incubator at the Bank of International Settlements, called the Innovation Hub, has cultivate CBDC programs in almost every country in the world, no matter what political orientation or geopolitical side of any given war they are on.
The Bank of International Settlements is the central bank of central banks described by the late Carol Quigley of Georgetown University as the apex of “a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole….. controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.”
A parallel and prerequisite program to make CBDCs work are digital IDs. Your programmable digital wallet only works when it is linked to your biometrically verified digital ID. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded a global digital ID program out of the United Nations called ID2020 as well as other initiative that establishing the standards and protocols that public and private sector entities will record and share digital ID records with one another. Because there are civili rights protections in many country’s constitutions against the violation of personal privacy that digital IDs represent, the strategy of housing all this ocean of user data on public/private decentralized databases that any organization will be able to access with the right credentials.
So why do we all need a digital ID tag one might ask? In the developing world digital IDs are being sold as a humanitarian initiative to bridge the so called “identity gap.” As Gates describes the effort on his blog, Adhar makes “the world’s invisible people visible.” Visible to who, one might ask? Big Brother? They will bring world’s poor out of poverty by integrating them into banking system and governmental entitlement programs. Sam Altman, the founder of OpenAI launched a project called WorldCoin, which he formed as a way to create a universal basic income system. The population will be gulled into accepting digital IDs with the welfare carrot before they are kept in line with the stick, consisting of unprecedented social controls made possible with such restrictive system. them in line with a stick.
What evidence is there that these systems will spell disaster? Adhar was first large scale national biometric digital ID program was launched in India in 2016 by Nandan Nilekani, a friend of Bill Gates. Adhar was credited at being the cause of half the reported starvation deaths since 2015, due to people not being able to receive government assistance unless they had a functioning Adhar number. So much for selling it as a scheme to “help the poor.”
So what was the first technological invention that made this dream possible? Drumroll…… Bitcoin. Bitcoin was the first peer to peer decentralized ledger that created digital scarcity. It laid the technological groundwork for all crypto currency, digital IDs, and the tokenization of all assets worldwide.
The broader vision of these oligarchs is to tag every person and object on this planet and have them entered into an unforgeable indelible global ledger of every person, object and asset in the entire world. Considering one of the basic definitions of a government is the right to tax and that asset ledgers are the basis of a tax system, this vision really represents an attempt at the creation of a decentralize world governmental apparatus.
With Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock has recently come out in favor of Bitcoin and discussing the foundation of the future of finance operating with a universal ledger and a unique digital ID of every investor, It is clear where the owners of this world wish to take us.
We must ask if this is the future we want to leave for our children. We get involved at our local levels of government to prohibit these systems and allow legacy systems of paper money and trade to be able to operate outside of a pervasive system of financial surveillance. And no, that doesn't mean yo are a terrorist because you want to have financial privacy. The terror these systems of control will bring to our world have been tasted in the tragedies of the 20th century dictatorships. The difference in this historical chapter unfolding is that it will be done worldwide and moving from one country to another won’t solve the problem.
If CBDCs succeed in being implemented, they will lead to a reduction in trade, the economies of the world will seize up and a robust blackmarket will emerge outside of the controls, similar to what occurred in the Soviet block in the 20th century. Poverty will rise and a dysfunctional market will become a fixture of daily life.
Alternative solutions will emerge. Local cities, states and private companies will begin to issue their own regional monies. Hope is not lost as the human need to trade will never go away and people will find solutions to these issues We have the opportunity to stave off a dismal future being planned and we can do so at the local level. I encourage everyone reading this to get involved at you local level of government to prohibit mandatory digital IDs and CDBCs.
New Executive Order: No CBDCs can be used within the US. This is big.
And the $500B AI data centers being launched by Trump, Ellison, Altman et al are the technological enablers for all of this. What Trump is being told about AI and the massive data centers is just a ruse to ensure his support. He is being lied to and he’s falling for it, just like he did for Operation Warp Speed and the genetic vaccines. They want AI to run the digital dictatorship so they don’t have to rely on people, and they need these massive data centers to store and process the trillions of transactions needed to make the digital economy go, all centered around digital IDs and the CBDC. Wake up everyone!