A friend and I have compared/contrast Blade Runners. It is amazing the parallels.

I would like to remind everyone, and hope people post all day and tomorrow that the documentary that compares the Nazi regime to the Biden/etc Regimes by Holocaust Survivors is out Tomorrow.

Please watch! I bet they have great insights!


Be there!

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Thanks for posting, I wasn’t aware of that film. Will be sure to watch tomorrow

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Thank you Bull, I am shuddering for Womanity and me

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Watch Logan’s Run next - these weren’t warnings they were media priming written by eugenisists - that’s why Bill Gates and the rest of them are using their ideas now

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I've always thought the Logan's run carasel carousel is the hacksxxxine.

Harmacide brought to you to save you from going to the carousel at the young age it commands you

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I always thought the movie was derived from the Philip Dick work entitled "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"

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It was. But the name “bladerunner” was used elsewhere.

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See William S. Burroughs.

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And the motif behind “Do Androids ... “ isn’t that they are harmless people in search of peace - it’s that they lack empathy and are stone cold killers without remorse

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I just know that this movie caused me to fall in love with Sean Young

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I vaguely gather that the notion of the unconscious was kinda discovered in the West and so we came to see that the enemy could be us.

Forbidden Planet is a favourite for its [spoilers] showing that we doom ourselves by building technology which unleashes the power of our own daemons.

And Serenity [more spoilers] that the power of technology gives fascists the temptation to play god, believing they can change humans, create order, but with disastrous consequences (instead of creating a better human, they end up engineering both a passive death and deranged monsters).

I guess it's the theme that technology has outpaced our wisdom, and we risk erasing what humanity — the better angels of our nature — we have left.

With globalisation and global government, I'm not sure I fear the fascists, rather, I'm more scared of those who don't understand the law of unintended consequences (and complex emergent systems).

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It can also be said that technology has outpaced our maturity.

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NO. It's all about don't mess with GOD'S creation.

All that are involved are destined to the Lake of Fire during the White Throne Judgement at the end of the 1000 year Millennium.

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I recognize that "vengeance is mine, sayeth the lord", but I want it in the here and now.

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It's all pretty simple. Fascism is the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz... AS defined by Mussolini himself, in his 1932 eponymous The Doctrine of Fascism (about 10 pages) for free here: https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf. Marxism instead uses the state owning the means of production, instead of using big biz. Basically, cousins. Fascism is also nationalist, whereas communism is internationalist.

As you know, Schwab's father Eugen, who was Swiss, nevertheless worked heavily with the Nazis.... yet here is vile Schwab with a bust of Lenin in his office 3 second mark, 1:17 mark to 1:30 and 2 min mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeXjEQW03uY

Of course, Trudeau's "brain," (my wife's cousin was his nanny), Chrystia Freeland, had her grandfather, Michael Chomiak, 4 levels down from Hitler.... but don't believe me, see https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/chrystia-freelands-granddad-was-indeed-a-nazi-collaborator-so-much-for-russian-disinformation/wcm/df7aa228-84d1-4e2f-a128-28fbd9eed342/. Can't blame her for her grandfather, but I CAN AND DO blame her for being a worse Nazi than grandad

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I enjoy your forays into history, John. This post reminds me of reading Robin Cook's "Coma" in the 70s about killing people for black market organ transplant. It wasn't fiction then as he demonstrated in the endnotes. The CCP has been doing it, for what 2+decades now? There is truly no depth to which evil descends.

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I sometimes wonder if the sci fi writers of decades past predicted the present, or influenced it. I can envision a young Bill Gates watching these movies and empathizing with the bad guys.

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Humans have a mimicry problem. It has its utility in proto-culture, and other organisms do it too, but it’s clearly not great that people can see others using tools to destructive ends and just proceed to copy the action. Humans also tend to mostly lack introspection, so we have a bunch of authors with insight and introspection writing for audiences that mostly don’t have either.

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Canada is the new Tyrell Corporation, promoting assisted suicide as health care.

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Just think...once the cyborgs, dem-o-borgs, transhumans and physho-bums take full control of the planet, all this dystopian nonsense will be old hat. Then the next rage will be a 100% turnaround where the crazy lunatics will all be seeking a more "mellow" existence with no control, no government and nothing dystopian. Remember, everything runs in cycles...some over hours or days and some over many centuries and some over millions of years.

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As long as we talking about movies etc, I want to point to the incredibly stupid “Handmaidens Tale”. The woke seemed to think this was a tale about the dystopian future they would be brought about by Trump. I swear it was the dumbest thing I think I had ever heard of up to what is going on now. It the irony is the covid mRNA is causing fertility issues. Given how the woke are all in for the jabs, social pressure etc, completely ignoring the horrible truth of the damned things, they are actually potentially being about the exact dynamic they so feared-- a society dominated by the few fertile men who subjugate the remaining fertile women. It’s incredible. But, as Monty python said let’s hope there is intelligent life out there because there’s bugger none on earth.

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I’ve been saying lately science fiction is not fiction and Dr. Strangelove is not satire.

Ridley Scott’s Bladerunner is a great film. The other one that came to mind early on was Invasion of the Bodysnatchers.

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It’s getting hard to tell if it was just creativity or media priming from people that decided “this is how it should be as long as I’m managing it”

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In a nutshell, fascism, as defined by Mussolini himself (who became Italy’s leader in 1922) , here in his 1932 eponymous book, The Doctrine of Fascism, which you can download for free here https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf and verify yourself (hey, fake fact checkers – show some intellectual honesty… for once. I provided the direct link you can read yourself), is specifically the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big business to do its dirty work (can you say Amazon, Google?). Fascism adds in nationalism/racialism (think Hitler’s Blood and Soil) as an organizing principle. Mussolini, originally a Marxist, did not like profit oriented “egoism” This is why Nazi, or NSDAP auf Deutsch, stands for National SOCIALIST German Workers’ Party. Basically, Hilary is too evil, too stupid to know, or else just a liar (gee, what a shocker) what the simple definition of fascism is, in the words of its founders.

EconLibrary.org says “As an economic system, fascism is SOCIALISM with a capitalist veneer.” Klaus Schwab’s father Eugen, who was Swiss, was heavily involved with the Nazis as managing director of the Ravensberg Escher Wyss factory, which employed slave labour ; similarly Trudeau’s Deputy PM, Chrystia Freeland, had as her grandfather a man who was four levels removed from Hitler. Read it yourself in my old home newspaper, the Ottawa Citizen here. You can’t blame people for their parents… but you CAN blame them when they repeat the exact same thing.

Insofar as we can identify Mussolini as the original architect of fascism, he distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his 1928 autobiography:

The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity. The Fascist State with its corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill. (p. 280)

Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party adapted fascism to Germany beginning in 1933, said:

The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain its right to control the owners of property. (Barkai 1990, pp. 26–27)

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Also recommend reading Time Machine - HG Wells .... Eloi and Morlocks - essentially, all of todays ultra rich got their ideas from their sci fi fascination ... I will not be eating the bugs

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Media priming is everywhere and has been since the beginning in my opinion. I just watched an expose on some of the Nickelodeon shows and how child actors were given toys and gadgets that resemble sexual body parts. Digusting and horrifying. I cannot believe the darkness that exists in Hollywood.

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“Predictive programming.”

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If the structures of tyranny are in place, they will for certain be used for tyranny. Interestingly, the powerful rulers at the top invariably believe they are good people. Extreme evil always presents to itself and the public as benevolence. Our task is to dismantle the power structure - instead of which we seem to be actually helping to build it, erecting the walls of our own prison!

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“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The Rothschild brothers of London writing to associates in New York, 1863.

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Blade Runner #2, as well: finding the last pure human in a transhumanist world blocked out by the sun with fake food. Hello!!

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