Yep! Where is Congress, Where is anybody doing the job they should be doing like keeping America safe. I feel

As though this is the last priority on their list. Blinken is just like everyone else in the Biden Admin. Destroying America. Heaven help us all! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Congress checked out decades ago. These bums are strictly out for themselves.

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Checked out, or in some cases, checked in for the flight to Little St. James Island.

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From my ringside seat up here in Canuckistan: They're going to take the rest of the world down with them Marilyn...

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Many of the countries supporting this nonsense are one bomb countries, Denmark for example. The shit has just started to hit the fan, Eastern borders of Poland and Romania will likely end up looking Dresden in the spring of 1945. If you live in Houston, Seattle or N.E. Montana and other obvious targets, good luck because you will need it. If you are wondering why I mentioned these locations do some home work. It will get Fugly.

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Yes indeed.

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My husband reads Jeff's Substack out loud each day, today being no exception. Thanks for giving him wider exposure. We are way past banana republic status.

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There is no more governing going on. That ended under Barack Obama but no one noticed because there was inertia and Covid and the full chaos and anarchy of the Trump era had not yet settled in. What is actually occurring in Washington DC and it’s far flung outposts is actually so staggeringly out of control, corrupt and inept as to defy description or comprehension. To say that the inmates have taken over the prison is an insult to the criminal class, which now wears suits. The vast majority of Americans have not a clue how awful things have gotten. Incomprehensibly, many don’t even know that anything is going on, much less what. I search for metaphors and analogies and remain despondent. People ask who is really running America, knowing it is not Joe Biden. My answer is Satan, and it’s a serious answer. He’s the only one with the bona fides and the resume to do it like this.

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Well he is the ruler of this world. But his rule appears to be nearing an end and so thus the desperation to amp things up by using the most evil to do his bidding.


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Doesn't Revelations say we're nowhere near the end, even with what Satan is doing right now?

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No, it ended in 1871, when Congress voted DC a private corporation, no longer our federal gov't, 90 yrs before O was a "twinkle"!

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That does make sense. The States are supposed to be in charge, but never were in the 20th century. The nation our forefathers founded ended in the gilded age.

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Yes the states were in charge until 1913. Originally Senators were appointed by state legislatures for no more than two terms of six years. (read constitution) The appointed Senator could be recalled at anytime by state legislature. The *non* ratified 17th Amendment transferred the power from the states to the DC Dictators. It was designed that way by the founders because they were concerned about public becoming fat dumb and happy then not paying attention. Now we are a democracy instead of a Republic. Plus Senators 20-30-40-50 years. BTW Socrates hated democracy and was put to death for it. Learn why here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLJBzhcSWTk

You can learn more about 17th here if you wish.


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Actually just before the guilded age, but yes, long before even my oldest grandparent was born, and I'm well into my 8th decade....

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Yes the states were in charge until 1913. Originally Senators were appointed by state legislatures for no more than two terms of six years. (read constitution) The appointed Senator could be recalled at anytime by state legislature. The *non* ratified 17th Amendment transferred the power from the states to the DC Dictators. It was designed that way by the founders because they were concerned about public becoming fat dumb and happy then not paying attention. Now we are a democracy instead of a Republic. Plus Senators 20-30-40-50 years. BTW Socrates hated democracy and was put to death for it. Learn why here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLJBzhcSWTk

You can learn more about 17th here if you wish.


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It’s time for the people of the west to rise up and rid themselves of their governments’ corrupt, psychopathic, warmongering, fascist totalitarians before they start a nuclear war and kill us all.

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You are exactly right. The problem isn't with governments -- it's with the existence of Leftists within our societies.

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Thank you for your post. 👏🏼

Jeff Childers’ C&C posts are filled with truth, exposition salted w just enough humor and sarcasm to help keep us learning and not hiding our heads in the sand. You are a little smarter and little more awake and a more stalwart in the pursuit of truth; A must read and be encouraged everyday!

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I had the exact same concern watching "Blinkin' Mad" with his abysmal voice, singing ON STAGE.

It spoke to me of grandiosity... of pompous arrogance, lacking introspection... narcissism. And this guy is "running the (State) show???!!!???

I watched the Tucker Carlson interview of Jeffrey Sachs several days ago. C&C, along with that 2.5 hour interview, speaks volumes as to how we are where we are -- but our inability to recognize the proximity to a point of no return is EXACTLY WHY we need diplomacy and ability to recognize existential threats, and not be OVER ESTIMATING our (HIS) abilities. WELL OVER HIS SKIIS comes to mind!

I drop everything when I see C&C land in my Inbox, and this behavior is rewarded daily... Jeff NEVER disappoints!!!

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It's no coincidence Jeffrey Sachs has been a frequent go-to to deliver some well-observed & -tempered criticism of the rogue USG. He has long been pro-Chinese Communist Party, and intentional failings or malice by USG are in tandem with improving the moral stance of BRICS countries whose leaders will assume a new "multipolar world order" after the collapse of USD.

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"Multipolar World Order" could also be more precisely described as a tenuous, brittle association of frenemies who will be at each other's throats once they finish gelding the Big Bad USA. Then chaos and never ending regional warfare will ensue.

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Incredible post and right on point. As RFK jr said his uncle, JFK & his father RFK Sr. Were negotiating peace with the Russians. That’s what the infamous “Red Phone” was for, direct communication with the Kremlin

In a critical moment.

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My husband & I were in both Moscow & the Ukraine in the early 1990’s after Perestroika and after Gorbachev stepped down, everything was crumbling and the poverty was so overwhelmingly sad. Starvation and absolute survival & suffering prevailed. Mosque film studio was crumbling and there were rats scurrying everywhere. The Ukraine was no different except the Ukrainians used colors and smiled, the Russians did not.

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Thank you Richard.

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Not exactly; the red phone was the last step before someone pushed the big button; it was a back alley last ditch to keep from blowing the world up! It was never about "negotiating peace".

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Pretty much true. But they did negotiate the turning around of the ship as it approached Cuba, in return for JFK removing a number of US equipment in Turkey. So, the red phone was merely used to reverse the ship's course. Neither Cuba nor Russia were about to push the red button at that time.

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No, they weren't. And it was almost certainly Kruschev, not JFK, who was the cooler head in that crisis.

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How do you know this?

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It was well known JFK was taking high doses of corticosteroids during his adult life for an adrenal condition, and I'm well acquainted with the effects of corticosteroids, of which is euphoria, a mental state of extreme well being, regardless the reality! In other words, he was in no mental state to be engaging in such a standoff in the 1st place, let alone making critical decisions at such a time. Kruschev was nuts, but not stupid.

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I disagree. JFK often made very important decisions. Plus, he had his brother, Attorney General RFK with him all the time. They often consulted and made decisions together, partially because they were so close. They were almost the "joint President."

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Congress is waiting for Tel Aviv to tell it what to do.

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Utter NONSENSE! Aside from the fact the gov't moved to Jerusalem decades ago, it has no say in our gov't; the PTB are in Europe, not Israel.

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FYI Sandra, 96 out of the 100 US Senators take $ from Israel. The numbers in the House are similar. The US government marches to the beat of the Israeli drum. You are very naive as to the reality of $ and politics. This is not new at all.

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They take money from whomever will give it to them, and march to the globalist drumbeat.

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That’s true, but it doesn’t change the fact that the US Govt is completely controlled by the Israeli state.

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But Israel marches to the same drumbeat. Who pushed the Covid vaxes--the WEF and WHO. Who sold the Covid vaxes--Pfizer and Moderna, both of whose Jewish CEOs are heros of the WEF and Israel. Who bragged that the Israelis were now lab rats for Pfizer--why Netanyahu. We're not in it, as George Carlin said, but the global cabal is a big club with globalists not just in Europe, the Americas, and Asia (the old Rockefeller Trilateral Commission!), but in Israel too. Like all crooks, they may eventually cut each others' throats (as in China abandoning its one-child policy), but in the meantime they're all partners in crime.

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I know. Yhwh God said, a very long time ago, ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God; He literally meant every man , woman and child who has ever lived, except Yeshua! NO ONE is innocent or perfect. That was WHY we needed a Redeemer, to purchase us back from enslavement to sin, otherwise Yeshua would not have come and taken upon Himself the penalty due each of us for our sins! One can only do his best with the knowledge he has at any given moment. Sometimes, IF we're paying attention, Yhwh will give us an heads-up to avoid something, but those aren't every day occurrences, generally. Some are "partners", and some are dupes, those are not the same thing either.

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You are right John. That's the Plan. The Plandemic and the Bioweapon jab should have been the clarion call. 911 should have been the wake-up call 23 years ago. I can give many more examples such as Iraq, Libya, Palestine for decades, Ukraine including back to at least 2014 etc. The Zionist Jewish Supremacists - Christian Zionists - NeoCons are committed to starting WWIII to bring in their Messiah. For Netanyahu and Chabad it is a stated goal-Rabbi Schneerson made him swear to it. You can listen to dozens of Rabbi's in videos and podcasts calling for the Destruction of the Goyim. Many Jewish and Christians are innocent of this. BUT IF THE GENOCIDE OF ISRAELI OCCUPIED DEFENSELESS WOMEN AND CHILDREN BY THE TENS OF THOUSANDS IN GAZA DOES NOT WAKE PEOPLE UP TO STOP THIS INSANE CRUELTY BY A RABID LEADER OF A PSYCHOTIC COUNTRY THEN HUMANITY IS HELPLESS TO THE PREDATOR/PARASITES. INSTEAD OUR STUPID GOVERNMENT WANTS TO CANCEL FREE SPEECH, PUT PEACEFUL PROTESTERS IN JAIL AND MAKE A SPECIAL CLASS OF PEOPLE WHO YOU CAN'T SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT WHILE THEY ARE COMMITTING GROSS GENOCIDE. AND THREE WEAK, COWARDLY, BRIBED AND EPSTEIN/MOSSAD BLACKMAILED PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES AND MOST ALL OF CONGRESS AND SENATE SUPPORT THE GENOCIDE! THIS IS AMERICA'S MOST DISGRACEFUL MOMENT. God Bless the good people of Palestine and any that are left in Israel.

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Agree - but the wake up call should have been over a hundred years ago.

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Right in 1913 and 1914.

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Very True Sandra. The Corporation of America, still not well understood.

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Still not widely acknowledged even. That has to come 1st; if you don't know a thing is there, how can you hope to comprehend it?

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Sandra, Apparently you don't understand English well. "Still not widely acknowledged" means few know about it. I know about and have for decades. However it is still veiled for full understanding. Sure you can go cut and paste a blurb from Wikipedia here but that does not mean you understand and that is just the surface. By the why since you knew, and that's good, that 1913 was so important do you realize who brought all the terrible things of 1913 to poor humanity? The Fed, Central Banks and all their horrid spinoffs? The Zionist Humanity Slavers Satanists Rothschilds and their cousins. Oh yes and the Rothschilds were also the founding Family of Zionist Israel. They with the unroyal Family cousins then brought humanity WWI in 1914. Horrid Satanist Genociders. Their not Irish.

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In 1913 the income tax and federal reserve acts were passed - but there were many attempts before that and much work needed to be done to get there. According to Myron Fagan (1959) , the successful plan to take control of the US Money System was carried out by Jacob H. Schiff son of a Rabbi who had a mission from the House of Rothschild. He came to America ~1860s with instructions to buy into a banking house - He bought into Kuhn and Loeb, became a partner and then married Loeb's daughter and became Kuhn, Loeb and Co. international bankers with Jacob Schiff. He opened up international opportunities and offered desirable European stocks and bond issues to existing banks e.g., Drexels, Biddles and JP Morgan. Following the Civil war when industry was taking off he financed the oil, mining, steel, and textile industries - patron saint to John D. Rockefeller- Standard Oil, Edward R. Harriman - Railroad Empire and Andrew Carnegie- Steel industry and assisted in establishing London, Paris, European and other branches for the main banks all answerable to Rothschild. By 1900 Schiff had control over the entire banking fraternity on Wall Street including Lehman Brothers, Goldman-Sachs and other international banks- where Rothschild associates were installed. Control of the parties, Congress, and the president was obtained through bribes and blackmail - and practically every depression was planned to achieve a goal.

In 1917 - the US entered WWI - under Wilson who was the first president into technocracy (dollar a year men); the Balfour declaration was signed w/ the promise that US would enter WWI and a Jewish State (sponsored by Rothschild and later Rockefeller) would be located in Palestine; and the Bolshevik Revolution was born when Schiff and other international bankers sent Leo Trotsky and 200 Russian (mostly of Jewish extraction) on a ship from America with 20 million in Gold which later picked up Lenin and others with the purpose to eliminate the Czar of Russia and all heirs (which was done through a ritual sacrifice that would turn your stomach). A federal reserve was then established in Russia and Bolshevism became Communism.

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On Target!

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You are just SO far off base here, about Israel, about Christians (most of those you're railing against aren't and likely never were Christians) about Zionism, about genocide (the ONLY ones seeking that are the fundamentalist Muslims!), about "Biden", about the "protesters" etc. But "garbage in, garbage out" as the programmers say, and you've been feeding on a steady diet of garbage for a good while, to gauge by this post! Yhwh God cannot bless those living in continuous rebellion against Himself, and that would include the majority of Gazans; it's in violation of His righteous nature. I'm not sure it's our most disgraceful moment (there are many to choose from), but it's certainly our most dangerous, because he who curses Israel, by Yhwh God he will be cursed; that's Yhwh's promise to Abraham over 3 millennia ago, and it's 1 He has kept repeatedly since! There are millions in these nation doing precisely that, from Gov't "leaders" to regular citizens, and which your post comes dangerously close to doing as well! I would heartily suggest you repent that immediately, AND get some better sources of information right after you do that! You might start with a Bible, preferably a version published pre-1960, the prophets are chock full of information about today's news. OAN or Newsmax are better sources of news too!

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The Mystery of Israel - SOLVED!


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Israel strayed off the path; and adopted worldly (pagan) beliefs and behaviors, for the most part! That was part of Biblical history before the exile to Babylon, and the primary reason for it. They were on again/off again, even during the Exodus. The Torah (aka the OT) is quite clear about all that, and Yhwh God's response to it. It's also clear about something else: Yhwh always has a faithful remnant, even when all the rest stray far off the path He set for them. May I suggest you read the last chapter of Amos and the small book of Obadiah, about 5 chapters in all? They pertain to what we see happening now in Israel.

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Unfortunately Childers supports the Gaza holocaust…

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I haven't read his other posts- but if this is the case then he and his tribe should support Ukraine -the Big Israel project https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/zelenskyy-wants-ukraine-to-be-a-big-israel-heres-a-road-map/

But then again perhaps there is some jealousy - funding for Ukraine might be seen as decreasing funds for weapons of genocide which we provide to "the most moral army in the world".

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Time for a second cup of coffee before spending the entire day in fervent prayer. John has spoken aloud the obvious that haunts us—we have placed psychopaths in the driver's seat of our national fate and we are condemned to sit and stare at their apocalyptic machinations. It is quite terrifying to discover that we no longer control our military, our Congress, or our judiciary. All the levers of power are broken and nonfunctioning. We find ourselves trapped on a runaway train praying for a miracle derailment that gives us time to replace the insane actors who hijacked our Republic and our dream for mankind. Perhaps our clergy never prepared us for the true evil that has been lingering offstage, waiting for its climactic moment on stage.

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With all the men people pay off to take care of a situation or two (think Hillary Clinton) why isn't that be done? Wouldn't the Democrats in Congress, say, be less willing to cooperate? You weigh that against the blackmail of yourwife finding out about your trysts, wouldn't a Senator or Rep. rather take his or her chances with being rated out?

I haven't noticed any threats to end the lives of Congress. I think we would have seen a few not cooperating by now, and being rubbed out, but we haven't. There are "regular" criminals and assassins in all countries throughout the world. They get a down payment, provide their services, and get paid the rest. Most succeed and are not caught at least until much later. If they do a Hillary Clinton pattern of people, don't the next people get scared and back down? Like when a judge like Scalia is suffocated to death, other judges get the message.

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They probably didn't after the agreement with the globalists in '33, but it was right there in black and white for you to read already and still is, in our Bibles!

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We didn’t place psychpaths in office, the Deep State did that. The election was stolen and Biden & Co are imposters

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The PTB did it as they have been doing for the past 150 yrs, but in this Yhwh God had a guiding influence too! We got the gov't the US deserves, just as He promised in His Word! It happens when a nation not only ignores His Word, but flaunts their sins, as the US has been doing for decades!

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Thanks for posting this and I always enjoy your column. But the author has missed the most important points and is reacting emotionally — it’s important to understand that Blinken is acting as an agent of psychological/informational warfare against the Russian people, who have received these threats with a shrug. Why are they so blasé? 1) Massive numbers of US and other NATO missiles and drones are only moderately effective against Russia’s powerful air defenses. And most important 2) For the past year, the U.S. and NATO have already been bombing and droning many Russian cities and regions, (with dozens of innocent civilians killed), but Moscow’s punitive reaction has been solely aimed at destroying those offensive capabilities inside Ukraine, which they’ve been doing quite successfully.

So, in conclusion, No we are not on the verge of a nuclear war. Moscow has no interest in it because it’s already winning.

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Good analysis. Might be correct. Blinken may be just blowing hot air and the purpose of the Times story is to scare us, The People. I hope it isn't a part of a scheme to bring back the draft.

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It's EXACTLY like that. The Rand Corporation made public, the US strategy of "overextending" Russia, no later than 2019. There were a bunch of options - and along with their probability of success was listed THE RISKS.

The PNAC NeoCons, who would never accept victory in the Cold War, and demanded a war with Nuclear Armed Russia - just moved across the street and the aisle, to CNAS. Swamp creatures like Victoria Nuland never did more than change seats, up on the bridge of the Titanic.

By the time of the Obama Presidency/Regime - the US-centered Empire had begun its war against Russia. We started pushing for NATO to expand into Georgia and Ukraine - and the Russians put their foot down. This will not happen. They won't allow US/NATO nukes, just minutes from Moscow, facilitating an American 'first strike'. In recent weeks - there were US attacks (from Ukraine) on Russia's over-the-horizon Nuclear Warning Radars. The only reason to do this is to provoke a Russian Nuclear response (according their publicly available Nuclear Policy), or to facilitate a US sneak attack.

We're right back to the days of things like OPERATION UNTHINKABLE and DROPSHOT, at the end of the WWII, and the early 50's. But there's NO CREDIBLE THREAT of Russian Imperialism, now. Instead, this is just Brzezinski's Grand Chessboard designs for US/NATO Global Monopolar Hegemonic Empire. WE'RE 'the bad guys'.

So we staged a NAZI COUP in Ukraine. And we built them an Army, and let it loose on the Ethnic Russians in the East. The Russians tried diplomacy - for 8 long years. We used Minsk to stall their reaction, and to buy time for our arming Ukraine. As this was unpopular with Ukrainians, we provided a Cocaine addled CIA/MI-6 creation - an Actor - who promised to make peace with the Russians, while on the campaign trail. It was a popular message and he won. And then he immediately back-tracked on that - insisting that the only path to Peace, was the surrender of Crimea by the Crimeans, and Russia - and the surrender of the DPR and LPR, to his Nazi-riddled, Kiev Regime. And then he went to Munich, and declared that he was going to join NATO, and get Nuclear weapons. We couldn't have crafted a better script to necessitate a Russian military response.

They tried to make ONE LAST OFFER OF PEACE, in December 2021... The US and NATO just mocked them, and rejected it, with no counter-offer.

WE'RE THE BAD GUYS. WE WANTED A WAR WITH RUSSIA. And now it looks like, we're going to do everything within our power to take it to a complete war, of mutual Nuclear Annihilation. Blinken is truly the Pale Horseman. And he doesn't even 'get', that Neil Young's song - is MOCKING HIMSELF, and the US Empire. "Free World" is used ironically. Perhaps that's how Blinken uses it, too.

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Finally…someone who gets it!

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Proud C&C army member here! Thank you for sharing Jeff’s insights. They are his views, opinions & observations. Nobody has to agree with them all, but awareness of the hidden details & debating the probable outcomes, should be something all journalists practice. Horrifically they do not, much to our determent..

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Watching the video, I cannot help but to think of the story of Nero playing his music while Rome burned. Unbalanced, corrupt, evil.

While Congress can’t seem to see beyond the walls of their offices. Hmm…maybe most of them are grand their instruments to play along w Blinken.

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As to this article's question? Who is this man making momentous decisions that could result in the deaths of millions? How could this possibly be happening? Here is my investigation on Antony Blinken & the Blinken family (using primarily wikipedia and one other article).

"The Blinken Family "Four Generations of Jewish Zionists"


They are Jewish Zionist Immigrants from the Ukraine-

1. Son = Antony John Blinken

Antony Blinken - Wikipedia

United States secretary of state since January 26, 2021. He previously served as deputy national security advisor from 2013 to 2015 and deputy secretary of state from 2015 to 2017 under President Barack Obama.[ Blinken was born on April 16, 1962, in Yonkers, New York, to Jewish parents, Judith (Frehm) and Donald M. Blinken, who later served as U.S. Ambassador to Hungary.[5][6][7] His maternal grandparents were Hungarian Jews.[8] Blinken's uncle, Alan Blinken, served as the American ambassador to Belgium.[9][10] His paternal grandfather, Maurice Henry Blinken, was an early backer of Israel who studied its economic viability,[11] and his great-grandfather was Meir Blinken, a Yiddish writer.[12] Blinken attended the Dalton School in New York City until 1971.[6] He then moved to Paris with his mother Judith and Samuel Pisar, whom she married following her divorce from Donald. In his confirmation hearing, Blinken told the story of his stepfather, who was the only Holocaust survivor of the 900 children of his school in Poland. Pisar found refuge in a US tank after making a break into the forest during a Nazi death march.[13][14] In Paris, Blinken attended École Jeannine Manuel.[15]

2. Father = Donald Mayer Blinken

Donald M. Blinken - Wikipedia

(born November 11, 1925) is an American businessman and former diplomat.[4][5] He was a director and one of the founders of E. M. Warburg Pincus & Company, an investment bank in New York. He served as the board chairman of the State University of New York from 1978 to 1990 and as United States Ambassador to Hungary from 1994 to 1997.[1][4][6] His son, Antony Blinken, is the current United States Secretary of State. Blinken was born on November 11, 1925, in New York City, the son of Maurice Blinken and his wife, Ethel Horowitz.[2][9][10] Blinken and his brothers Alan and Robert were born to a father originally from Kyiv (now part of Ukraine) and a mother also of Jewish heritage.[11]

His grandfather was author Meir Blinken. The brothers grew up both in New York City and Yonkers, New York. They attended the Horace Mann School.[11] Blinken was president of the Mark Rothko Foundation from 1976 to 1989[13].[14][15] He is the grandson of the Ukrainian-born writer Meir Blinken, brother of Donald M. Blinken and uncle of United States Secretary of State Tony Blinken. Blinken Auditorium at the Residential Academic Facility of The Washington Center is named after him.[5]

3. Uncle = Alan John Blinken

(born 1937) is an American businessman, political candidate, and former diplomat who served as the United States Ambassador to Belgium from 1993 to 1997. Blinken was also the Democratic nominee in the 2002 United States Senate election in Idaho, losing to incumbent Larry Craig.

Blinken was born and raised in New York City, the son of Ethel (Horowitz) and Maurice Blinken. His father was a Jewish immigrant from Kyiv. His older brother Donald M. Blinken, was also a diplomat. He is the grandson of the Ukrainian-born writer Meir Blinken. Blinken was raised in Manhattan and Yonkers, New York, and graduated from the Horace Mann School. Blinken earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard University. Blinken studied business and economics. After graduating from Harvard, Blinken worked in the financial services industry, serving as president of Model Roland & Co. and as managing director of Wertheim Schroder & Co. He was a director of the Belgium-based biopharmaceutical manufacturer UCB. Blinken ran for the New York State Assembly in Manhattan, but lost to Republican John Ravitz. Blinken served as United States ambassador to Belgium from 1993 to 1997

4. Grandfather = Maurice Henry Blinken

Maurice Blinken, 86; Early Backer of Israel - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Jewish immigrant from Kyiv/ Kiev the capital and most populous city of Ukraine.

an early backer of Israel who studied its economic viability.

5. Great Grandfather = Meir Blinken

Meir Blinken - Wikipedia

Ukrainian-born writer 1879 – 1915) was a Jewish-American author who published about 50 fiction and nonfiction works in Yiddish between 1904 and 1915. Blinken was born in 1879 in Pereiaslav (now in Ukraine) to Yankel Blenchen (Blinkin) and Rys (Ruth) Kelman.[1] There he studied at a religious Jewish primary school, followed by a business education in Kyiv.[1] After starting a family,[1] Blinken moved to the United States at age 25 in 1904.[2] Over the next 10 years, while making a living in jobs that included carpentry and owning a massage business,[1] Blinken published about 50 fiction and nonfiction works.[2] In 1908, Blinken published the book Weiber, which is one of the earliest Yiddish books to explicitly engage with women's sexuality, and perhaps the first book by a Yiddish writer in America to engage with sexuality at all.[1] Richard Elman commented on these themes in a review of Blinken's work in the 1980s, writing in The New York Times that in the community of Yiddish authors who wrote for the largely female literary audience of Yiddish fiction, Blinken "was one of the few who chose to show with empathy the woman's point of view in the act of love or sin".[3] The scholar of Yiddish literature Ruth Wisse wrote that Blinken was highly popular among his own generation of Yiddish-speaking Americans but that his reputation quickly diminished in the years after his death.[2] Emanuel S. Goldsmith characterized Blinken as part of a generation of Yiddish writers in America who developed a new form of Yiddish literature, and both Goldsmith and Elman emphasized that the major legacy of Blinken's work was that it vividly evoked the atmosphere and characters of the very early Jewish diaspora in New York.[4]

Here is a document that further explains the larger subject https://www.eaec.org/The-Hidden-History-of-the-Antichrist--Summary-of-Lucifer-and-the-Kabbalistic-Jews--Teresa-Hillebrandt.pdf

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