As Salon reported on November 9, 2016:
On April 23, 2015, two weeks after Hillary Clinton officially declared her presidential campaign, her staff sent out a group message with information for a "strategy call." The email included as an attachment a "memo for the DNC discussion.
Though I can no longer find a working link to the e-mail, which was obtained and published by Wikileaks in 2016, I was able to grab the following screenshot of it from the Salon report.
As the memo makes clear, the DNC wanted to elevate Donald Trump’s candidacy in order to lead the Republican Party astray—that is, too far to the right to be palatable for moderate, independent voters. Though this “Pied Piper” strategy backfired in 2016, it appears that some Democratic Party strategists might have resurrected it with their latest political stunt—to have Trump arrested for his purportedly illegal accounting of the hush money he paid to Stormy Daniels in 2016.
I emphasize that I am presenting this as a mere hypothesis of what may be the motive for this latest destabilizing and demoralizing action that seems to have been conceived as a means of inflicting further, rancorous division in our body politic.
Resurrecting the sordid Stormy Daniels affair reintroduces the distaste that many moderate, independent voters feel for Trump while simultaneously firing up his base and its dedication to advancing Trump as the 2024 Republican Party candidate.
Arresting Trump would also have (for Democrats) the salutary effect of distracting attention away from several, substantial problems such as the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and its potential contagion to other banks. Finally and perhaps most importantly: Donald Trump has always been immensely valuable to Democrats as a potent SCAPEGOAT. Anything he says—even if well-founded in fact, law, and reason—will be reflexively dismissed out of hand by approximately half the electorate.
As was the case in 2016, it appears that Democratic Party strategists have drawn the conclusion that Trump—with all of his unsavory troubles and baggage—is not capable of winning a presidential election, and is therefore regarded by DNC strategists as the preferable Republican candidate.
After 4 years of returning back to semi-normalcy w Trump and then the all too blatant selection of Mr. Potato head w the utter decline of our country, it boggles my brain how anyone can:
a) defend the illegal occupants in office
b) complain about a mean tweet (grow up) and
c) not want to put Trump back in office.
Well written analysis of how the democrats want to destroy our republic with lies.
In 2016, I did not like Mr. Trump's personality. I voted for him and changed my mind when I saw his accomplishments as our President for all the people.
A few things caught Mr. Trump into a web. The "plan"demic, warp speed vaccines and MSM discredited him. VP Pence was the covid czar, the one who guided Mr. Trump through this horrific maze. (Mr. Trump needs to expose the choices he made b/c of VP Pences' counsel.)
VP Pence, Fauci et al own the responsibility for the "shots" that have infected, maimed and killed.
J6 is another horrific Pelosi/democrat planned tragedy. It breaks my heart to see so many innocent people unlawfully jailed. Check out
Just this past weekend, VP Pence blamed President Trump for putting him and his family in danger on J6. VP Pence has blinders on and refuses to see the "Get Trump" war room fervent on destorying our USA and any hope we might have for getting our country back. Please Pray.