The Profitability of Dysfunction
Actually solving problems would turn off the public money spigot.
What do out-of-control immigration across the southern border and homelessness in San Francisco have in common? Answer: both are extremely profitable.
A Mexican friend who is well-informed about the situation on the southern border has reason to believe the flow of illegal immigrants is directed by the Mexican mafia, which demands payment of over $10,000 from each illegal that makes the crossing. He strongly suspects the mafia is giving a cut of this enormously profitable business to U.S. government officials who are turning a blind eye to it.
A similar racket is operating in San Francisco with respect to its large homeless population. According to Tony Hall, a former supervisor from San Francisco, the city now has an annual budget of $15 billion even though it struggles to provide basic services. As he explained in a recent Epoch Times interview:
A third of downtown is empty. Businesses are closing, the revenue has gone down, but the budget keeps going up. It’s now almost $15 billion. I'll tell you how it happens. It is from the usage of nonprofits. Nonprofits that are indiscriminate and answerable to nobody. That’s the real question that people should be concerned about.
He further explained that there are currently about 600 nonprofit organizations operating in San Francisco, ostensibly to provide services for the city’s residents, including its large homeless population. The primary donor to these nonprofit organizations is the City of San Francisco—or, more precisely, its dwindling taxpayer base. In return for receiving millions from city officials, the directors of nonprofits give generous campaign donations to these same city officials.
With this huge money flow, one should NOT expect the homeless problem to be solved. Likewise, with such vast sums reaped from the illegal immigration industry, it would be unrealistic to expect that the U.S. government will put an end to it.
These are just two examples of the perverse incentives for generating crises and dysfunction—a dynamic that arises when corrupt people assume state power and are granted unlimited access to debt financing and money creation.
To solve social, political, and public health problems would be to turn off the money spigot.
Right. Cultural Iatrogenesis. This is why I believe there is no hope for the United States. We will not be able to unwind this. Too many jobs are dependent on dysfunction. It is baked into the cake. We need a brand new recipe.
You're right on target, as usual.
Throughout history, there has been a very successful cycle by governments, special interest groups and globalists to control wealth, resources and populations: manufacture problems, generate as much fear as possible, gaslight people with disinformation and false propaganda, and then sell government/globalist/special interest 'solutions.'
Wash-rinse-repeat. This has worked too well, and the majority of people fall for it every time.
The falsely-inflated covid 'pandemic' is one example.
The fraudulent climate 'crisis' is another.
The entire UN Agenda 2030 campaign falls within this cycle. Wide-open borders inviting invasions of illegals into Western nations is part of that agenda - euphemistically called 'migration.'
There are hundreds of examples in history.
The only 'cures' are educating people and getting out truths on all possible channels. The good news is more and more people ARE being enlightened and realizing what's really going on, thanks to thousands of people like you spreading the word.