While Dr. McCullough remains largely focused on matters of medicine and public health, I often venture into other topics of a more overtly political nature. In response to my posts, many readers have angrily reproached me—and sometimes Dr. McCullough—for what they perceived as straying from this Substack’s primary subject matter.
And yet, it seems to me that when we examine the actions of the STATE—both the federal state and that of individual states—the exact same spirit of negation is expressed in all major public policy initiatives of recent years.
Most people see that the following are closely related.
1). Lab origin of SARS-CoV-2.
2). Suppression of early treatment for COVID-19 illness.
3). COVID-19 mass vaccination program.
4). Transgender medicine.
5). Public health policies focused on optimizing Big Pharma profits.
6). America’s processed food industry and obesity epidemic.
However, many may fail to see how the above issues are related to the following.
7). Constant talk of racial differences, thereby promoting resentment and disharmony.
8). Fraudulent claims of human-induced climate crisis.
9). Constant antagonism and baiting of Russia into war.
10). Censorship.
11). Out of control debt financing, debasement of the currency, inflation.
12). Glorifying sexual identities and practices outside of the traditional family.
13). Systematic destruction of the education system, replacing a grounding in reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and civics with a garish parade of garbage.
What all of the above practices have in common is that they are inimical to a strong and healthy American citizenry that can take care of itself, inform itself, make sensible decisions, and perpetuate itself.
While I tend to avoid seeking explanations in the realm of metaphysics and religion, I cannot rid myself of the perception that the STATE has become infused with a satanic spirit. Scarcely a day goes by that I don’t think about the character of Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust, who introduces himself as follows:
Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint!
Und das mit Recht; denn alles was entsteht
ist werth daß es zu Grunde geht;
Drum besser wär's daß nichts entstünde.
So ist denn alles was ihr Sünde,
Zerstörung, kurz das Böse nennt,
Mein eigentliches Element.
I am the spirit that constantly negates!
And rightfully so, for all that comes into being,
Deserves to be destroyed.
It would be better if nothing came into being.
So, everything that you call sin,
Destruction, in short, evil,
Is my actual element.
Many have translated the German verb verneinen into English as “deny,” but I think this misses Goethe’s intention. Note that verneinen is closely related to vernichten—to annihilate, or literally “to make into nothing.” English speaking students of the Holocaust may be familiar with the ominous German word “Vernichtungslager”—literally “annihilation camp.”
Note that Mephistopheles plainly introduces what he is about to Dr. Faust. He doesn’t try to conceal it. It’s all out in the open. The people who are now running the state do NOT share his candor, but nor do they try to conceal their designs, apart from dressing them up a little with shallow, sanctimonious rhetoric. It’s a testament to how brainwashed so many Americans are that they do not see that our current administration consists of the most spectacular wolves in sheep’s clothing who have ever walked the earth.
Mephistopheles is the “Spirit that Negates,” but he also possesses immense earthly knowledge, and he shares much of it with Faust. Goethe was himself one of the most voraciously curious men who has ever lived, so it’s remarkable that he seems to suggest that voracious curiosity is inclined to yield to the temptations offered by the devil. The idea goes all the way back to Genesis, when Eve yields to the temptation to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The ancient association of curiosity with yielding to evil temptation has long struck me as mysterious.
Goethe and his character Faust were men of vast and serious intellect, which contrasts them with the overlords of our contemporary Domain of Nincompoopery. For all of contemporary man’s technical ability—especially in the realm of electronics and computable numbers—he is conspicuously ignorant about the rich patrimony he (unwittingly) inherited from Western Civilization.
I’m rarely moved to reply to the many substacks I’m subscribed to (I’m too busy trying to find work in this purposefully destroyed economy after the plandemic took not one but two good jobs from me). However, I had to take a moment to acknowledge what you’ve stated. It’s clearly a satanic agenda that aims to move us towards a luciferian new world order.
I am grateful to you, John, for putting the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together so that the big picture appears.