Something we all want to know... Why couldn't they recognise the evil?

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I'm sure you know by now not to click on Barb's link. This one is obviously legit, being Brownstone, and has what I think is your answer.


Spoiler - they're stupid.

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I've come to this conclusion, too. I had no idea the level of stupidity in our world. And the amount of education doesn't seem to be the deciding factor.

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The problem for me with the Brownstone article is that we witnessed, here in Victoria Australia, an (apparently) successful lockdown and masking effort, not without many, many costs, but from the perspective of returning to covid zero, incredibly successful. If the vaccine had been vaguely safe and effective Australia would've done quite well out of the whole thing if one only assesses outcomes on the narrow health perspective. So when the author goes in to ridicule the people supporting those measures, he looks a little stupid to me himself, because those measures did (apparently) work.

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I agree when he writes something like this

"none of those 'mitigation strategies' had any effect on the virus"

it was disappointing in a mostly very good article. If you never ventured out of your dwelling you were less likely to get COVID than if you mingled with the public constantly. Seems pretty obvious for an airborne virus. Mitigation strategies certainly had some effect, to state otherwise is, as you say, stupid. OTOH, very few will isolate forever, so eventually they'll be exposed and infected, although it may be a later, less virulent strain. I personally don't want to nitpick that statement. I'm glad to see a few writers finally calling the sheeple out for following all the obviously destructive advice, masking, isolation, school and business closures, and jabs. It was particularly stupid anywhere the virus was already established, and to fall for it was stupid.

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This is huge question in my mind, and probably the most disturbing part of the last 4+ years.

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When taken to Harod Antipas; Jesus Christ didn't look at or speak with him.

There had been a time when Antipas was at a crossroad and could have been saved; BUT...

The answer is found in a choice Harod made taking him beyond knowing sin to be sin...

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Very interesting. In their defence, maybe many skipped that 'knowing' step.

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There does come a moment when a choice of infestation/evil takes the human soul beyond God; when it has repeatedly denied God and went its own way without God and GOD LEAVES THAT SOUL TO ITSELF ACCORDING TO FREE WILL unless there is a faithful loved one praying for that person's soul. God CAN claim a soul if somebody faithful prays, fasts, intercedes.

Harod was born into and raised among the Jews and knew of the Jewish God...He KNEW both by nature as all human beings as well as through cultural even though his ancestry wasn't actually Jewish. Herod had been curious about Jesus and placing John the Baptist in prison was to bring Jesus out of hiding to meet with Herod.

With the choice to allow Herodias' daughter, Salome, her wish after dancing for Herod of John the Baptist's Head on a Platter...Harod made the last choice whereby God allowed Herod his choice to go his own way and there was no going back. Jesus knew Herod was lost and his only continuing wish of Jesus was as 'ENTERTAINMENT'; thus, Jesus refused to look or speak to him as he was lost...Refused to reduce himself to being the shallow novelty Herod then wished him to be.

ALL HUMANS KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG...Until sin has been chosen as addiction and the soul knowing sin to be sin no longer exists. Many among our entertainers, Politicians, Corporatists, Scientists are among this group now.

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I saw this interview and was very impressed with the depth of feelings and insights both expressed. I was particularly interested in their conversation about good and evil. I, too, think we are experiencing that evil in the world today. Killing babies because of their inconvenience, sterilizing and mutilating children, forcing experimental gene altering shots on people and forcing small businesses to close and people not to work is all pure evil. Thank God some are talking about the moral and ethical breakdown of our world, not just our country. We need a moral compass and I fear it has been lost in our secular country and the west.

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Mid-way through the Carlson-Wolf interview. Wolf talks about the new-use phrase 'moving on'. And one thinks of what happened in Germany post WW2. By the early 1990s the young Germans were saying 'that was the nazis' - fully distanced.

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The Young Germans were right: what did they have to do with it? What is not right is that The Allies absolved themselves by saying: 'that was the nazis'.

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I think the Young Germans should be saying 'that was our grandparents', for all who stood by, as for all those of our times who stood by, allowing the unvaxd to be demonised, declaring they should be locked up/put into the gas chambers.

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I'm not blaming our "Nazi" authorities for their propaganda that led to my family taking the useless and dangerous vaxes, because I know the "Nazi" authorities are captured, crooked and weak - that's what they do and everyone should know that. Rather I'm directly blaming my family for not investigating. I'm blaming my family for their thoughtless attitudes, their own pushing of vaccines onto others, and their discrimination. My family are educated, universally capable of research, and failed. And the people who are uneducated tend to be more street-smart, and they should know too.

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Because they point and blame what stops them from doing it again? They need to learn about it- when I was in Germany hiking and going to historic areas- a man and son asked what we were doing- we told him and we were going to hawksnest he said he didn’t understand why all Americans go and visit these sites. Shows he doesn’t want to aknowledge what his country and ancestors did- in order to be sure it doesn’t happen we study it- we don’t ignore it- human nature

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Well, the young Germans just pivoted to making terrorist Arafat chic and complaining about Americans.

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My German friend described her dad, a German infantry POW in the US in WW-2, matter-of-factly, as a "Nazi", but when I lived with him and worked for him in the summer of 1980, it turned out that he had a much clearer understanding (though colored) of the events of WW-2 and the deeper intrigues, than she did. She did not really want to look closer. She had her own life.

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Do you want to say what he said about the 'deeper intrigues'?

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He commented that the "holocaust" did not happen as portrayed, and that international "Capitalists" were behind most of what happened then and subsequently. He always said "Capitalists" with a certain sharpness, almost spitting the word out. He is still alive and reads my blog.

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I understand winners write histories.

The nazis were socialist, weren't they?, so that might be why he spits "Capitalists"?

As a Nazi he might also not want to accept culpability for the 6m account.

I've been wondering how involved Britain had been. While they'd promised Palestine to the Jews in return for WW1 favours they couldn't manage with the numbers of Jews who were flooding in. The abdicating King Edward was very close with the Nazis.

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I don't think he was a Nazi Party member, just an infantryman, but my friend called hm a "Nazi" casually in conversation, like one might declare a "Republican".

I think he meant "Capitalists" as a global collaboration which starved Germany after WW-1, which it did, and drove it into a path of annihilation against the USSR after that.

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I saw this up close and personal this past weekend. I was with a group of longtime friends. Good friends. Two of us were eyes-wide-open and talking just a little. Three were shut down. One told me that I shouldn't spend my life worrying about what has happened, and then abruptly changed the subject. I can hardly describe what I felt - sickened, disillusioned, frustrated, angry. But yes, many are moving on.

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This is exactly what happened in Germany after World War II – – until the 1970s series on the Holocaust was broadcast.

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Tell me more about what happened when the 1970s series was broadcast?

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It was broadcast n 1978–a rather superficial American series but for many younger Germans the first time they were “taught” or even informed what happened. Changed the national consciousness.

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Oh... And yet, the winners tell the history...

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They Get What They Want

For Following Along.

They Get Absolved Of Responsibility.


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Next ad break in the Carson-Wolf interview... Wolf suggests people with religious belief could see the evil and avoid the injections. I had/have no religious belief - I just happened to know that genetic inventions were completely beyond control, and dangerous, and also knew a little bit about failed vaccines. That said, when the mandates came I absolutely felt the evil when it arrived, and I had strong religious feelings, like I needed to sing up the 'good word'. But being unvaxd, I wasn't allowed to go to church <- if this was part of the covenant break described by Wolf that could almost be seen as part of the plan. That is, if people could get together and sing up the good word, the defence could be re-established.

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There are/were churches that never shut down, at least in our part of the US.

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Do you think that people singing up the good word in the open churches helped/improved the vaccine bewilderment situation, or neutral?

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“Anderson and Wolf touch on similar ideas”

Did you mean to say: Carlson and Wolf… ?

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I've heard all my life that Moby Dick was the great American Novel. I guess I better finally read it!

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A brief maelstrom of references well made. Thank you.

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I read this book months ago and my sentiments are the same as when I wrote my amazon review:

This book is chock full of stories that are just like the rest of us unvaccinated population had to endure. The only difference is that Naomi started out this journey as one of the awful judgmental bullies that so many of us had to suffer before the 'pandemic' even started. I am glad for her as she rose above her 'community' in order to stay strong in her convictions to not harm her body with the vaccine, but her story is not unique - there are so many of us who have suffered WORSE! If you are like me, a traditional, patriotic, peaceful, freedom & liberty loving American, this story has nothing for you. But, if you are on the other side of that and think you are somehow superior to us country bumpkins, READ THIS BOOK! It will inspire you to stop being mean, stop being judgmental and take hold of your life armed with the freedoms and liberties we were promised. Naomi is a very good writer - how about she writes a book with our stories? Talk about strength and perseverance, whew!

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I'm both weary of and embarrassed for those on the uninjected side of the argument who indulge in the "my pain was greater than your pain" nonsense. I didn't submit to the clotshot, but I can easily find people who suffered a whole hell of a lot more than I did for also refusing. I think it's a waste of time to weigh and measure such things. There are better ways to expend energy than nursing hurt feelings.

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I think Naomi was able to see the Covid scam because she had been studying the end of democracies for years and had actually written a book on the phenomenon. So when the government started saying ridiculous things, like “you need to close your business, be afraid, you can’t peacefully protest, and stay at home” for a virus that was not particularly dangerous, she could see it. Her friends were sucked into the false narrative of the pandemic, which was amplified by the saga going on with Trump, who was perceived as a symbol of the end of civilization as they knew it. It was a brilliant psy-op. Some people just caught on due to varying reasons.

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I have been saying for a few years now that the problem is moral and intellectual certitude: “I am a good and intelligent person, therefore whatever I do must be moral and wise.”

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Naomi Wolf is a threat to the regime. She receives so many death threats, she has had to hire a security team to moniter them and review the credible ones with her and plan the response, at great expense.

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John and all,

What part of the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY story are you and others completely missing???

What kind of country do you think we will have without honest elections…2020 and 2022 were completely stolen as heavy darkness blanketed America???

Want to know how Satan stole our entire election processes…


How come EVERYONE is not talking about 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY…a necessity to begin the huge cleanup of America???

Donate to Mike Lindell and NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER…the only HOPE for America at this late date!!

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Israel Tries to Change the Subject from Genocide to Iran

The Netanyahu Government Looks for a Means of Drawing Attention Away from Its Abundant Failures


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However hard you try, abdul, you will always be in the minority. Most people don't spend their time fantasizing about completing the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews. Get a life.

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