It's funny. The left was trying to tell us this for many years. Now that those of us on the right see the corruption, the left has done a complete flip. Can't win.

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Kabuki theater. The conflict has never been left vs right.

When ever there seems a need to take sides, in any conflict, if you take side with Life, you will see that corruption likes to hide behind great purpose.

A good example of how things can get skewed in meaning is: Liberal vs Conservative. What is the original definition of "Liberal?" Isn't it the same sense of perception that is currently claimed by Conservatism? Linguistic definition can become whatever the most ambitious people want it to be.

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... and you still think Righty Vs. Lefty means anything?/ We all awaken at our own speed... It's not Right Vs. Left - it's the State Vs. You.

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Do you honestly believe it's merely 'The State'?

We MUST begin to think much bigger than merely 'The State'.

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

— Henry Kissinger


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Not sure the food supply can be centrally controlled. Some might try but likely fail if history is a guide. Energy may come under central control given the centralized production aspect; future small reactors may allow distributed production but we are a ways to get there. Money is centralized, but fiat money eventually collapses and we return to barter.

Every socialist society has failed, right?

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Centrally controlled food? Food was centrally controlled for most of history...Used in conjuction with overtaxation among the 'Landed Gentry' or Black Nobility who owned everything. Those owning all the land can and have taken everything to leave the people starving, diseased; deliberately poverty stricken and ignorant...That's what happens when 'You will own nothing and you will be happy."

Ever heard of HAARP? They claim it really works and there are locations in Alaska, Wales and probably in Russia and China, too. Control the weather with rain, flooding, storms, desert and too much cloud cover with Volcano's or implement Earthquakes to murder people leaving nobody to produce food in a given region...Or, war with unnatural fires as popping-up these last 10 years in the right places like Ukraine or CA; that's all necessary to control food production.

Am not speaking out of fear, here. Just plain information...

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Call it the State - the religion of government - delusion/superstition of an authority. You sound like a very good Globalist... one world order lover/comrade. Lick the chains that bind you - pay taxes like a good tax payer... be a slave. But know what your tax dollars go to pay for - see what I have seen... and you will never let them steal another cent for their crimes.

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People vote for pedophiles, politicians wanting to inject them with poison and warmongers, then wonder why everything is fucked up with the taxes they pay... Imagine good politicians spending money on things benefitting us all! Next, find them, or become one!

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You're out of your ever lovin' mind.


Try educating yourself to better define a true Globalist as this writer is anything but.

This Link/Reference is an Interview out of Romania and is located in the middle of this Substack it came in. It's located within a box entitled, 'Black Nobility' and it's filled with names, corporations, wealth, connections, marriages, Mafia, Royals, Govt. Deep State, Bankers...On and On and On. It's lengthy and worth every minute.


This next Article is one of thousands verifying any number of facts this article paints clearly for anybody wishing to look at the information.


And, here's another:


And, another:


And, another:


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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

You have the right to contract with whomever you wish. God gives us our rights - not Man - not government. We all have freewill to walkaway... and the best option is often to walkaway. Stand for something or fall for anything. Once you've been red-pilled you're in the fight - or you die. Make no mistake we are at war with Satan - the fatalities of this war will be those who refuse to see the evil behind their governments, their big corporations, their military, their banks, their mainsleeze media, and their pharmaceutical companies. The time has come for each and every one of us to fight. Our very souls depend on it. This is about the death of "Authority" - and not about how to be hosts for the parasites.

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Sometimes, it's so bizarre when people don't have a clue that without human, demons are nothing...Beyond using Mother Nature towards their ends which God can totally usurp the power of. All on Earth is about Good vs Evil; this time evil is identified for the first time ever throughout all history and THAT is an important and vital fact. This time, there is NO hiding though they seek to; behind the United States which is merely a puppet for them as Mafia Enforcer Meat.

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Right hooks, left jabs, upper cuts, knock outs. Bad calls, Shady referees. Your Contract.

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Them vs us

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Yeah, just a few years ago, I was verbally defending the US actions abroad because I had been taught that the US defends freedom and democracy around the world. I’m so ashamed at what our military has done to countries, and individuals.

Between the money that is shoveled by government into the military industrial complex and also into the medical industrial complex, it’s no surprise that the rich are getting richer and the average citizen can’t even afford groceries anymore, let alone a house. And that’s nothing compared to the loss of life and carnage throughout the world.

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Guess who gains from false Left/Right Construct?

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"Can't win"

That's exactly what Professor Sachs tells us in the article. The way this scam is being run, we're unlikely to win anything.

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Yes. Every goddamn war for the past 60 years if not more, was so that the Rockefellers Carnegies, Bushes and everyone connected with the defense corruption industry can get rich.

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Only been one war in the past 106 2/3 years. We're all Germans now!

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There you go! Yes.

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"A large swath of the American people never cease believing this narrative, no matter how many times the pretenses are revealed to be false and the purported objectives are never achieved." Reading "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve," by G. Edward Griffin should be required reading for all these people who "never cease believing ..." It confirms, affirms and provides vast documentation for Jeffrey Sachs' conclusions. But as I've noted to many naive and seemingly clueless and incurious folks I used to call friends, "If you do not look, you will not see."

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About 10 years ago I read this and many other things in my"waking up" process. I wrote a condensed reading/watching list, and recently published it as "Ammo for Waking People Up". https://whatdoino.substack.com/p/ammo-for-waking-people-up

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A big part of the problem since World War 2 has been the constant degradation of Constitutional government as envisioned by the founders, in particular the unbalanced emergence of the Executive branch and then the Administrative State, the latter becoming a 4th branch of government that has arguably eclipsed the power of the other 3 combined. Add Judicial Supremacy, where increasingly corrupt courts have jurisdiction over all matters of civil society and rule according to the whim of judges, and you have a recipe that could hardly produce a result other than what we have got. The “people” were propagandized, “psyoped” and otherwise lay sleeping while it has all unfolded, underneath their nose. And once the People have lost power in a rigged electoral system, there is no getting it back without much kinetic energy, and as history would tell it, much blood

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Efforts are being made by good people that really care. But in reality, I'd agree with you.

But what and who are we in this fight with when they are an untouchable invisible foe.

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If the people rose up against this en masse it would be over in 24 hours. China is an advanced totalitarian state with surveillance and police powers that our amateur dictators only dream about. In 2022 the CCP watched video footage of millions of Chinese citizens taking to the streets in iron jawed opposition to the ruthless Zero Covid policy then in effect. Seeing this was the one thing that the CCP lived in fear of, that terrified them. The next day the CCP cancelled the policy and withdrew the quarantine measures throughout the country. These bastards are not as big and powerful as they would have us believe. But we have to have a spine. Without that they win.

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At the end of 8 years of military service in the US Army serving in two combat arms specialties (enlisted E-1, separated O-2) I had come to understand I was part of something dreadfully destructive; one of a number of reasons I got out. Note, this was long before the US military devolved into its current state of political lunacy. I think the most worthwhile thing I did in the military (perhaps the only positive effort) was serving as OIC on numerous funeral details, which was just an additional duty at one of my duty stations. Providing families and friends with some measure of closure was clearly appreciated and of value.

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Some feel it's a meaningless task and a thankless job. I do not. So I thank you for serving the nation and honoring the contract. You have learned an entire new set of expectations. A+

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I feel the same way about my USAF service. And my Honor Guard duty, performing final honor tributes for deceased military members.

But the evil we didn't know we were enabling. I shudder.

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.... we won't be fooled again.

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Who's Next

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A-men, ".... for I know that the hypnotized never lie....DO YOU?!!!!"

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Let's make sure the new boss ain't the same as the old boss. This time.

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...if we happen to be left half alive.

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Prof. Sachs is only stating the obvious as most if not all of us ought to unequivocally be able to recognize by now.

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John, I usually agree with everything you write however I am taken aback by your support for Hamas at the expense of the only Jewish state in the history of the world.

There are approximately 50 Arab countries in the Middle East who share religion, culture and language with the Arabs living in Hamas controlled Gaza yet Israel should lay down its arms and allow itself to be slaughtered?

You must know which human rights violators comprise the UN Security Council yet you want to follow their lead????

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I don't support Hamas and nor do I equate all Palestinians living in Gaza with the murderers who committed the atrocity. I shared Sachs's essay because I find his thesis that US foreign policy is a scam to be persuasive.

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Glad to hear but you should have pointed that out in your original article. I have recently subscribed to Courageous Discourse and wondered if that was a huge mistake.

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75% of them should be, according to a recent poll, showing those would vote again to put Hamas in control over them. They do all read the same Quran, and worship the same deity of war and violence, after all.

I do agree about the scam and lies, it includes domestic policy too!

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Sorry, Ellen, but your statement just serves to reinforce the points made in the post and the linked article about an emotionalist (often via manipulation) stance rather than one based on reason.

There are a lot of Jews in America and elsewhere who despise the treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis (Zionists) over the decades. In fact, there is a significant number of Jews in Israel who oppose the government's treatment of Palestinians.

No one of a right mind condones indiscriminate violence. Violence only begets more violence.

You might learning something by researching the true history of Palestine/Israel. A book that woke me up over thirty years ago was "My Enemy, My Self" by Yoram Binur. You might want to check out some of the content at https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/, as well.

There are good reasons, which most of us in the USA are largely unaware of, for the UN motion by the vast majority of the world (for a ceasefire) opposed only by the USA and its vassal states...

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The bottom line is the Arabs living in Gaza do not want peace, they want Israel erased and every Jew slaughtered.

Israelis (Jewish,Muslim,Christian) will fight like hell to the bitter end for their lives and for their homeland.

The leftist organizations and people you site are meaningless as they don’t represent Israelis they represent leftists.

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Shouldn’t the Hamas leaders be held accountable for their inhumane actions on Oct 7? How should that be done?

Many innocent German people suffered and were killed because their government was taken over by the Nazis. How could we have changed that?

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Well Tim, they've been suffering and have been murdered indiscriminately since 1948. The Jews who lived in what is now Israel had generally peaceful existence next to Palestinian neighbors and did not welcome these violent europeans. How many years do you think people should endure having homes taken and 10 minutes to get their belongings out, being imprisoned with no due process, being referred to as "dogs" and not human, having their livelihood taken by those cutting down their olive groves, being unable to travel freely, having schools closed, having no recourse to oppose this treatment? How many years are enough?

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I'm always fascinated by people who think they know things, rather than hold more than one possibility in mind. "The first casualty when war comes is the truth".

What makes you confident that most of the horrors committed were by Hamas not the IDF? Most of the evidence seems to me to point the other way. Listen to several of The Last American Vagabond episodes for a simple way to find the evidence (as opposed to for his opinion).

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What makes YOU so confident things blamed on IDF were not committed, in fact, by Hamas? Do you understand the basic ideologies of the 2 parties involved? Perhaps,if you did,you might have a clearer grasp on the situation there....

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My point is that I am not confident of either narrative, just aware of both, and take both into account. This is called being open minded.

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Look up Breaking the Silence if you really are interested in what is/has been going on.

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Wow, you are so animus possessed that you just see only what your emotions tell you. And, your ad hominem attack further diminishes the value of anything you might say.

Did you know that some Palestinians are actually Christian (mostly Orthodox)? What you state can easily be refuted. Maybe you're just a facile chaos agent, or troll... most of what you say makes no sense...

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Christian Palestinians living in Gaza? That is the most absurd statement of the decade! There are Christian Arabs living in Israel but not in Gaza where they would be murdered for even considering!

I’m done commenting because it’s getting a little too nuts out here.

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Yes there are Christian Arabs and they got the hell out of Gaza! There are Christian Arabs living in Israel where they are safe.

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.... if you can't stand the heat THEN GIT OUT OF THE KITCHEN!

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Thanks Ellen. I'd be most interested to see the grounds/research/polls on which you base you statement that "the Arabs living in Gaza ... slaughtered."

My current, tentative, opinion is that such a view is the product of a lifetime of propaganda, rather than evidence, which seems to point the other way, but I am keen to learn more definitive information.

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You are citing organizations noted for their antisemitic bias, without balance here. The UN is also anti-American, indeed, it's anti liberty of any sort!

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I agree the premise that war is a racket, and that the military industrial complex which includes bankers, weapons manufacturers, and politicians, reap the benefits, and will not let go of their profits and control. However, i draw the line on calls for ceasefire in the Israel Gaza conflict. Let the Palestinian authority, such as it is, release all hostages, disarm, and stop vowing to eliminate Jews and the JewIsh state. Then perhaps a ceasefire could be considered. How does one entity have a ceasefire with a group that wants its destruction?

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Exactly. We have seen this movie at least 5 times since 1948.

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There are few things in life that we can be 100% sure of, and top of the list is other people's motivation.

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And call for Israel to release all children from its prisons and anyone not actually represented and having due process within a reasonable time, i.e. 3 years is not reasonable. Also, call on Israel to stop the illegal acquisition of land and water and to stop spraying sewage on Palestinian farm land on the West Bank. That would be a start.

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Thanks for speaking up Ellen. I read Sachs article with interest but was horrified when he mentioned Palestinian genocide and no mention of the Oct 7th Hamas attack on innocent Israelis and the whole from the river to the sea belief. I do understand the IDF may have corrupt elements like our DOD etc but so much of what Hamas has done and the underground network and complete disregard for even their own human life speaks volumes.

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The Arab Palestinian population living in Gaza has QUADRUPLED (opposite of genocide!) since they voluntarily left British Palestine in 1948.

The wisest Arab Palestinians stayed in British Palestine in 1948 alongside Jewish Palestinians. Now known as Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis, they thrive together.

The Arab handlers of Arab Palestinians living in squalor in Gaza WANT to perpetuate, not solve the squalor. Imagine if the money and ingenuity that went into building the impressive network of terror tunnels was channeled into building skyscrapers and homes for the Arab Palestinians.

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Ellen, are you referring to the 50 countries who never support Palestinians, who shift their loyalty according to financial gain? Come on!

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Apartheiid states always lead to civil war and genocide. Btw if Jjews are a race - what other race has its own State/Nation?

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Israel is not apartheid. Muslim have same rights as Jews in Israel and hold powerful offices and jobs!! Israel left Gaza 20 years ago! Instead of building cities the Gazans built tunnels.

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What would you build in a concentration camp, cut off from the world?

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That's pretty much what it is. Why would people who allegedly have resources build tunnels instead of cities? But eventually even people who know death is imminent will do whatever they think they have to do to break out of the camp.

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.... why plunder Gaza anymore when you've got the Golan Heights?

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I believe they want more sea view, or oil from the sea, or are just very bloodthirsty, or all of it. They might be satanists according to Revelation 3:9. Then I guess they will never get enough.

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There are about 50 Arab/Muslim nations for starters (no other religions/people welcome). I think the Chinese have a homeland- China (which used to have a majority religion before the communists took it over), Africans have many nations, Indians have India and Hindu is the majority religion etc. etc.

America was the first multicultural experiment but even America used to have a religion as it was founded on Judeo-Christian values.

Every country in the world comprises a people and a religion with the exception of those countries stolen by the communists!

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2nd and 3rd paragraphs are nonsense.

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You should've stopped at Judeo-Chistian... what an oxymoron - sounds like Sovereign-Citizen. You mean the multi-cultural experiment that slaughtered the buffalo for sport by train and genocided 65-million Tribal Nation People? This is another extermination rebellion.

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Apologies if I have commented this before, but remember when my dad (WW2 veteran) vehemently opposed the Vietnam war & went all in for/on LBJ because he said he was opposed (remember the Daisy ad) to further escalation unlike Goldwater. That was until he got elected & then “changed” his mind. My dad lost life long friends over his opposition. Yet as the years progressed, my dad became the biggest neo-con ever & no amount of logic/information was going to sway him that the US had a moral imperative & therein lies the hook these people use over & over again. Deja vu all over again.

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That war can be and often is a racket does not mean that it always is and is never necessary or justified. Discerning the differences in situations and controlling the reaction is difficult but not impossible. Rendering oneself defenseless and unwilling to fight aggressive evil, which after all does indeed exist, is not an unmitigated virtue. Christendom's development of the principle of the just war lays out the guidelines for the breaking of the rules of civilized behavior that is sometimes, and regrettably, necessary. In the last century, Nazism was an aggressive evil that had to be defeated. Today, Hamas is such an evil, and eradicating it is neither unjustified nor a racket. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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Who supplied the weapons, the coal the steele to the Nazis? Do some homework cobber.👍🇦🇺🦘

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Yahvol good Comrade! "Friends with all nations alliances with none" Thomas Jefferson had it figured out 200-years ago. It's called a national DEFENSE for a reason. There is no honor in war.

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Paul Ashley - you’re still not seeing the truth. You’re still bamboozled. Please do some more ‘uncomfortable’ research.

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"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. The bamboozle has captured us. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

/Carl Sagan

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

If the baby is a Piranha, it should be thrown out with the bathwater.

Christendom? You mean the Papacy, that "bastion of justice" that burned, tortured, and strangled millions of martyrs? That plundered European treasuries by selling indulgences and taking over ownership of lands in other countries, so the profits would flow to them, and not the the nations that contained those lands? Is that the Christendom we're speaking about?

I don't recall Jesus founding "Christendom". Let's ask Him. Jesus, did you found a Christian kingdom in this world?

John 18:36 "My kingdom is not of this world."

But Jesus, shouldn't we fight "aggressive evil," via "just wars"?

John 18:36 "If my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight."

Matthew 26:52 "Put up again your sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword."

Matthew 5

38 You have heard that it has been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

39 But I say unto you, That you resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.

43 You have heard that it has been said, You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.

44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

45 That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

46 For if you love them which love you, what reward have you? do not even the publicans the same?

47 And if you salute your brethren only, what do you more than others? do not even the publicans so?

48 Be you therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Okay, maybe Jesus was a little idealistic. Let's try Paul, who wrote most of the New Testament. Paul, shall we fight evil people in this world, at least in self-defense?

Romans 12

17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

18 If it be possible, as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men.

19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.

20 Therefore if your enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing you shall heap coals of fire on his head.

21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

2 Corinthians 10

3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

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(sigh) ... ah ... the arrogance of ignorance.

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The book by Butler and the quote from it were new to me. Excellent. The quote from Sachs is sadly mostly true: "think of today’s federal government as a multi-division racket controlled by the highest bidders. " That doesn't stop him from pushing for all-government Medicare for all. Unfortunately, Sachs has been seriously deluded on multiple subjects, and continues his errors in his essay, which also contains some valid points. He is largely a radical leftist. His statement "...Israel’s apartheid state and war crimes in Gaza..." makes it clear that he doesn't know or care about the history or care about Hamas' determination to kill all the jews -- their stated objective. An earlier article of his in the magazine urges forcefully giving Covid vaccines to all the world -- vaccines which do more harm than good. He is all-in on the fake "climate emergency." He ranted about how important it was to limit the size of religious gatherings during Covid, calling those against it "anti-science." His efforts to end poverty were a disaster that he refused to admit. See https://psmag.com/social-justice/smart-guy-jeffrey-sachs-nina-munk-idealist-poverty-failure-africa-65348 There's lots more.

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This is my observation of so many unrepentant Leftists. It’s their unyielding commitment to state-run programming. The irony seems to escape them that the bureaucracies of state-sponsored entitlements are in themselves inefficient, authoritarian and dehumanizing...kind of a mirror image of the entire war-making apparatus.

Someone is getting rich and gaining power, but it’s not the people that government is claiming to serve.

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Hypnotised is a nicer way of saying "unrepentant". You are right about the programing - government school is tantamount to child abuse. The land of the fee and home of the slave.

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Who gets the supply (and other) contracts? And by what process were these contracts awarded, by the way? Who, exactly, gets the revenues, or some stream from them, from whatever it is that goes out and comes in the ports and the airports and the roads? Which financial assets are directly and importantly affected, and in which ways? Always interesting questions to ask-- and there are so many more.

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And toilet seat covers way back in 2018. Read 'War is a racket' by an American hero Smedley Butler & you'll get a real feel for it. You can find it online for free. America has lost its way.


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Real truth is often hard to hear. Thanks for insisting on telling it like it really is.

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Sachs and his progressive bedfellows are to blame for much of the failures he condemns. Conservatives never claim to have solutions (such as war) to “make the world safe for democracy”).

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Support the men, not the military.

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.... old "government" school counselors - the best war pig recruiters.

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The last 4 years have forced me to toss away a lifetime of preconceived notions about the inherent goodness of my country. I will for the rest of my days believe the worst motives are at play, until proven otherwise.

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Great evil has been inflicted on the world in our nation's name. Unless we restore its great name and promise we, Americans, will go down in history as the worst criminals, evil nation to have ever existed, far worse than Nazi Germany, Maoist China or Stalinist Soviet Union. Evil nations that themselves were US/UK creations.

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The majority of Americans are awake and know exactly what is going on now and what has been done to us for hundreds-plus years. We really aren’t falling for any of their lies and deceit. The problem is we don’t have a say, and we haven’t had a say in a very long time. We were under the illusion we had the right to vote certain people into office and that our votes counted. We now find out the choice was never ours. If we look back at history, we have to ask ourselves how many lives were expendable when any of these wars were started. I have to ask myself if these ordinary people who just wanted to go about their daily lives in Israel and Palestine weren’t expendable. I have to wonder if we had to die so the Military Industrial Complex and our illustrious political mafia on The Hill could have their lucrative wars. The Deep State (Bebe) is killing two birds with one stone. They’re getting rid of their problem and making it the Wests’ problems. Traitor Bebe already said that, that they were going to send the Palestinian refugees here, and no other country in the Middle East seems to want them coming to their country, so our Deep State is benefiting from this too. Go to Hell, Bebe. I’m tired of Americans being sucked into the world’s wars. I’m tired of our young men and women being sacrificed for these endless wars. We will find out just how loving and caring these people really are. I don’t know a lot about them, so I don’t want to lump them all in one basket. I really do not want another person from any country to come over the Northern and Southern borders. I want our country, children, elderly, veterans, and poor to be our first priority. As soon as we begin deportations, we need a moratorium on immigration. If there are people who don’t have a problem with illegal immigration, you need to sign a National Register pledging to use your money to adopt however many illegal invaders you would like to support as soon as the moratorium is lifted. Hope you can get the trillions needed to support them. I do NOT like them or anyone defacing our monuments and disrespecting our flag and causing chaos. Conservatives would have been arrested and put in prison. All I can say to everyone is believe the enemy when they show or tell you who they are. Their goals are no secret. Remember, Europe is our blueprint. Whatever happens there will eventually happen here. There is a plan for the future, and we’re not part of it. I just don’t think some Americans really know what lies ahead.

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