Sure, anything to falsely 'prove' that there was an actual entirely 'novel' coronavirus that demanded the development and global deployment of a 'vaccine'! When instead there was only a campaign of fear based on nothing at all for the sole purpose of deploying globally a bio-weapon intended to exterminate, maim and sterilize humanity! Th…
Sure, anything to falsely 'prove' that there was an actual entirely 'novel' coronavirus that demanded the development and global deployment of a 'vaccine'! When instead there was only a campaign of fear based on nothing at all for the sole purpose of deploying globally a bio-weapon intended to exterminate, maim and sterilize humanity! This by a group of sociopathic and evil entities that made the decision to initiate these plans that they pre-announced according to their policy that if they warned us in advance of their plans, the blame was OURS not THEIRS because we were too stupid not to opposes and resist. Therefore, according to their twisted and demonic logic, we deserved it.
You guys - enough already of trying to give legs to fictions like 'SARSCov2' or 'Long Covid'. You join the ranks of the very enemy you profess to oppose! STOP! Drop the 'market' for your products hustled for 'Long Covid'. Promote them if they are effective for injection immune system damage and mitigation of injection induced foreign 'spike' protein antigen, not for the smokescreen for a bioweapon!
"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My Word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free!” John 8:31, 32
Sure, anything to falsely 'prove' that there was an actual entirely 'novel' coronavirus that demanded the development and global deployment of a 'vaccine'! When instead there was only a campaign of fear based on nothing at all for the sole purpose of deploying globally a bio-weapon intended to exterminate, maim and sterilize humanity! This by a group of sociopathic and evil entities that made the decision to initiate these plans that they pre-announced according to their policy that if they warned us in advance of their plans, the blame was OURS not THEIRS because we were too stupid not to opposes and resist. Therefore, according to their twisted and demonic logic, we deserved it.
You guys - enough already of trying to give legs to fictions like 'SARSCov2' or 'Long Covid'. You join the ranks of the very enemy you profess to oppose! STOP! Drop the 'market' for your products hustled for 'Long Covid'. Promote them if they are effective for injection immune system damage and mitigation of injection induced foreign 'spike' protein antigen, not for the smokescreen for a bioweapon!
"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My Word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free!” John 8:31, 32
AT, I would say exactly the same thing. Nothing to add. Thank you.