Somehow, Michael's article just further confirmed what I suspected and what most of us have believed to be true literally since the JFK assassination. The shocking thing is that you were surprised. These are all bad people doing bad things. The various outcomes that we are discovering, usually only after ridiculous amounts of effort in our "transparent" administration is just what one would expect. The scary thing is the infinitely larger pool of things we are NOT discovering.

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As the late Gore Vidal famously stated, "I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a conspiracy analyst."

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Michael Shellenberger is one of the most honest and honorable men in America. Read Apocalypse Never to gain insight into how courageous he is.

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It's fantastic as his book on San Francisco, San Fransicko, both are spectacular!

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Could you define the "Pentagon Papers Principle"? A quick search did not find it. Thanks.

Ah, here it is:

This included junking what experts involved with the tabletop exercise referred to as the “Pentagon Papers Principle,” under which journalists since Daniel Ellsberg’s 1971 leak had “operated under a single rule: Once information is authenticated, if it is newsworthy, publish it.”

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It is only a "principle" insofar as it advances a leftist position.

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Thank you!

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I have a feeling we’re going to seeing a lot of conspiracy theories in the future that turn out to be true. Here are a few that have already turned out to be true: The Steele Dossier was fake; the Wuhan Virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and not a wet market; media and big tech conspired to suppress TRUE information about Hunter Biden’s laptop; 0b*m*, et al., spied on POTUS45’s campaign; Social media was participating in the interference of elections, CIA MKUltra Program was real; and stay tuned...

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The United States of Conspiracy Truths

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and, naturally... JFK.

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Yes, I agree. Every day, the puzzle pieces are coming together. The most amazing thing is this really began in 1913 when an elitist monster - I believe it was a Rothschild, but, unfortunately, I didn’t archive it - created the Federal Reserve and decided big pharma was the only way to go. Three prominent, distinguished gentlemen who were opposed to this NWO perished on the Titanic. Anyone who disagreed with pharmaceuticals were disposed of too. I couldn’t write this stuff! We’ve been enslaved longer than we know.

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One of the most ungodly and fraudulent institutions ever perpetrated on the American people and the world, is the Federal Reserve System which through deceit became the central bank of the United States in 1913. The idea came about on a meeting in Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia in 1910. The bankers in this country, especially J.P. Morgan, created a currency panic in 1907 in order to get the American people to accept the idea of a central bank.

A central bank already existed in England from as far back as 1694. The Rothschilds completely dominate the banking system. It is estimated their wealth goes into the trillions.

“Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild boasted:

• ‘I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

The idea of a central bank is to so enslave the people of the country to a debt money system that you continue to collect taxes continuously which just covers the interest. The duped people of the United States are paying about $400 billion dollars per year to the IRS which is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve. By the way, the Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank with 10 private members. The Chase Manhattan Bank is a member which is owned by the Rockefellers who are Rothschild Agents. I will list the ten member banks at the end of this article.’

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There is only one major media/press. There is no "free" press, except those of us not allowed to be on social media, MSM, TV, radio, or whatnot. It is all controlled by the few who are together in evil. And they are continually trying and succeeding in shutting us down.

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I’ve also read an article that says at least one of the watergate reporters was CIA trained and never been a reporter before being employed by NY times and participated n the break in. I find it interesting that a new series called the White House plumbers has been released giving Howard Hunt and Gordon Liddy for bringing Nixons downfall. It’s interesting timing given the current series interest in the corruption of MSM .

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All integrity in the Western MSM has gone. They conspired to suppress the hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries from the mRNA jabs, they suppressed the Seymour Hersh revelations on Nordstream, and when that failed because the story was widely accepted in the Global South, they put out the laughably impossible story about 5 guys in a sailboat having done e it. The entire reporting on the proxy war against Russia is false, as it is the UkeNazi army that has been destroyed. And this same gang of thugs is doing their best to generate the 'yellow peril' hysteria to start a war with China over Taiwan which the US has signed 3 agreements is a province of One China.

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I cannot like your post until you clean up the grammar so I can understand it. Some serious syntax issues here.

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What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth? ......about 6 months.

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John Leake & Dr. Peter A. McCullough write:

". . . another “Conspiracy Theory” is revealed to be a “True Conspiracy.”


And the once respected Washington Post and New York Times deliver PROOF - they have turned into real "shitholes" - as they are two criminal centerpieces of that True Conspiracy against "We the People".

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In "God We Trust" has become meaningless. Fashionable psychobabble has corrupted journalistic media. The NY Times and Washington Post, and several other newspapers + TV networks, have become tools of political science that is dominated by the principle of "IN THE DEVIL HIMSELF WE TRUST" . Detail is ?????????. Populism reigns, and FACTS are relegated to just inferences. Everything is a circle of Deceit that grows and grows, and government is the cause of the double speak, and time wasted on running around in that circle.

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John, thank you for informing us.

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Oh my. Appalling.

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Appreciate the narration.

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Another Conspiracy Theory is revealed by the passage of time to be a Conspiracy Fact!

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