On the icy morning of January 23, 2022, Dr. Peter McCullough delivered an address on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to the gathered participants of the Defeat the Mandates March. As I sat listening, I wondered when in history had medical authority been the decisive credential of a man advocating for liberty—the cornerstone of the American way of life, and of all nations that call themselves liberal democracies. The main theme of Dr. McCullough’s speech was expressed in the following lines:
We have three critical circles that all of you are in today. We have a circle of medical freedom. You have the freedom. You and you alone have the autonomy over your body. You have the freedom to determine what happens to your body. This is solely your possession. In many ways it’s the only thing you really have. That circle of medical freedom is inextricably linked to the circle of social freedom, and that social freedom includes your family, your employment, your faith, and your citizenry in any country. And that is inextricably linked to your circle of economic freedom. Medical freedom is linked to social and economic freedom. If we allow the circle of medical freedom to be touched, let alone broken, all of the circles fracture.
This, I knew, is the essence of what we have been facing for the last three years. Our deep-seated fear of deadly infectious disease makes us very susceptible to manipulation by public health officials (often in league with undeclared commercial interests) who invoke emergency power with the purported objective of protecting us.
Thus, our fear of infectious disease can be exploited by unscrupulous public officials in the same way our fear of foreign invaders has been used by dictators and tyrants throughout history. Again, to quote James Madison: “The means of defense against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home.”
About a year ago, Peter was contacted by a philanthropist in Phoenix who advised him that the mission of defending medical and constitutional freedom is too vast and important to be performed by individuals, no matter how motivated and industrious they may be.
“You need an organization of people to assist you with a proper division of labor and a means of obtaining the financial resources to fund it,” he explained. “You need a Foundation.”
Peter took his advice, and I am pleased to announced that the McCullough Foundation is now up and running. The Foundation is dedicated to the proposition that a government of the people, by the people, for the people, can only exist if the people are educated about health, disease, and public health policies. Again to quote Madison: “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives.”
Please visit the Foundation’s new website and consider making a tax deductible donation.
Thank you Dr. McCullough for helping so many people globally and endeavoring to continue further!
We in Tennessee started an organization called TN Citizens for State Rights. We have legislation ready to go for 2024 which would create a legal process to invoke Nullification. Nullification is already legal but people just do not know how to go about invoking Nullification. So TN (HB0726) sets forth that process. This legislation will allow the people to hold their TN elected accountable. We have 3 TN Constitutional lawyers on our team. We also have several TN legislators that have signed up on the website. Having the right to nullify any law, regulation, EO that goes beyond the federal governments 18 enumerated but they hesitate to actually utilize the right to nullify. We in TN are serious about this and we are going to do everything in our power to get the legislation passed and then our organization will be the watch dog to make sure the law if followed and that before we submit a Resolution for Nullification that the mandate from the federal government is in fact a violation of their inumerated powers that is why we have the Constitutional lawyers. We have a substack page: and a website with a ton of information and we add information all the time: I hope people will show their support for what we are doing and sign up on the Substack page. It is a free substack.