“We are constantly being barraged by fear-mongering messages about a ‘next pandemic’ as if new global catastrophes have been put on a schedule.”

Oh, they have. They absolutely have.

Mistakes Were NOT Made


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Despite the fearmongering, there was no new respiratory virus in 2019/2020 from Wuhan or any other location.

There is no new disease called covid19.

It’s all entirely fictional intended to cause alarm and despondency, to destroy the economy, civil society, individual physical, mental and spiritual health and lead us into the human slaughterhouse of toxic-by-design injections, masquerading as vaccines.

There won’t be another novel virus coming along, either.

There’ll instead be another lie, and extraordinarily oppressive authoritarian measures, also with the goal of “getting a needle in every arm”.

As a career scientist in pharma and biotech, I’m telling you there’s no pathogen & that the authorities, who I call the perpetrators stupid assistants, are lying to you all with the goal of injecting you & your children with a lethal material.

Had it not been for appallingly slapdash manufacturing, the tally of murdered people would have been a great deal more than the 10-20 million estimated fatalities from global c19 injections (TO DATE).

The lies about “covid” were just that: lies.

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Now that I’ve watched Denis Rancourt’s recent testimony at the National Citizens Inquiry, I understand why you found his discoveries so compelling and feel this should be required viewing for all:



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Thank you, Margaret Anna, well said.

Once you’re aware of what Rancourt discovered in the US all causes mortality evidence, it’s easy to acknowledge that, if you’d not been told there was a pandemic, there would be absolutely no evidence of one.

And there genuinely isn’t any.

Then the reasonable person revisits the claimed covid19 deaths, knowing they’re going to uncover many murders. And you do.

There’s a symmetry in realising there was only a PsyOp and no new virus.

The symmetry is that EVERYTHING we’ve been told about this entire pandemic was LIES.

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HIs research and analysis is very enlightening.

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Dr. Yeadon

You said that there was no new respiratory virus in 2019/2020.

Would you also say that there was no new clone of a virus?

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I’m no longer convinced that respiratory viruses exist at all.

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Yes, I understand what you're saying.

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Dr. Yeaden

But, there really were many people who were treated by Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Kory, Dr. Marick, and many more, and they initially struggled to find an effective treatment for whatever it was. Hydroxychloroquine and months later, Ivermectin, and a bit later, in 2021, other therapeutics were determined to help. I just cannot see that this disease, as difficult as some scenarios were to treat, (delta?) were merely the flu. Am I missing something?

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According to Karen Kingston, the health problems that the people in Wuhan, Liverno in Italy and New York faced were the result of nanotechnology i.e the lipid nanoparticles containing an mRNA computer generated code being sprayed into the air. They did make people sick. Then panic ensued worldwide driven by governments and every sniffle after that was attributed to 'Covid'. There's also the shedding issue after being injected with lipid Nanoparticles now.

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Long past the utter turning point when " THE DISHONESTY OF LYING PAYS HUGE DIVIDENDS"!

Mistakes indeed....were not made, but theatrically orchestrated, and often ad-libbed!

Now there's the "Roger Houston Copy That'" moment in history.

The 2019/2021 wedding planners of .GOV/pHARMA

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Why would there be another pandemic within the next century?

Why talk as if they’re like London buses?!

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I hope in general people start listening to experts like Dr Yeadon and disregard the experts who are simply greedy and authoritarian.

It is easy for me to speak the truth because I have nothing to lose. Dr Yeadon has risked everything and I hope people see the currency in that.

He has lost because of the truth. That is called sacrifice. That is what he has done. That is called integrity. That is called honesty. That is called courage.

Have you seen these traits from Fauci, from Bourla, from any of the other fear merchants?

When searching for the truth, look for those willing to sacrifice to get that truth to you. That is where it lays.

There is no virus.

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May 31, 2023
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The crooks learned many things from the Plandemic. They learned;

- They could get most of the world to bow to their will over a well-played phantom menace.

- They could dispense with the Nuremberg Codes overnight.

- They could oust political leaders they didn’t like.

- They could eliminate Informed Consent.

- They could inflict biological experimentation onto 5.5 billion people.

- They could get most everyone to disregard VAERS safety data.

- They could collect billions of DNA samples via PCR testing.

- They could convince young and healthy people to believe they were in mortal danger when they weren’t.

- They could redistribute wealth to their distinct advantage.

- They could show people who fancy themselves as sovereign who’s really in the driver’s seat.

- They could reinvent the medical landscape to fit a No-Rights Transhumanist agenda and make it sound virtuous or at least, inescapable.

- They could use covid to accelerate the WEF’s Agenda 2030.

- They could sucker otherwise learned, intelligent people to walk in lockstep to lunacy.

- They could use the political divide to their advantage.

- They could monetize hospitals into killing patients by denying proper care and blaming it on covid.

- They could make everyone believe there is such a thing as essential and non-essential workers.

- They could make contact tracing, passports, and vaccine compliance cards sound perfectly reasonable.

- They could lord over the medical and scientific community over an unsequenced, unconfirmed virus.

- They could confuse and destabilize critics with a barrage of hypocrisy and lies that, you know, move at the speed of science.

- They could get fools to believe masking and distancing worked so well it eradicated influenza.

- They could use a fake emergency to do anything they want, anytime they want, to anyone they want.

- They could get the frightened and confused to horde toilet paper.

- They could disrupt supply chains that led to empty shelves contributing to their delightfully successful fear mongering.

- They could make it so they didn’t have to follow their own draconian protocols at all.

- They could get people to believe their murderous fantasy virus could be contained by plexiglas, restaurant tables and protesting.

- They could make elbow bumping great again.

- And, the greatest evidence that their brainwashing was 99% effective…..

- …..Music masks. Masks with a hole.

Seriously. In any other circumstance you couldn’t make this level of stupidity up and expect anyone to believe it. Bravo to the hypnotists.

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Alternative headline: Which tyrant will create the next pandemic?

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The next PRETEND pandemic.

True pandemics of serious illnesses are immunologically implausible, I think impossible in a world with decent antibiotics.

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May 31, 2023
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Dr. Klenner believed that he could kill any bacteria or virus with high doses of vitamin c. https://isom.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/JOM_2007_22_1_06_Taking_the_Cure_-_Hidden_in_Plain_Sight_The_Pioneering-.pdf

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Thank you for posting this interesting info.

I believe in high dose Vitamin C infusion.

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Very sick and emotionally disturbed people are afoot now. Avoid as many as possible.

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On many web sites

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I started gargling and using my nasal spray, albeit just a saline nasal spray, as soon as I saw Dr. M’s video yesterday, but I wasn’t sure what to use exactly, and I found this article, “On December 4th, 2021 interview with Rebel News, Peter McCullough MD discusses what is known about the Omicron variant, and the use of Povidone Iodine Mouthwash, Povidone Iodine Nasal Antiseptic Wash and Gargle for prevention of Covid-19. Dr. McCullough cites the Choudhury study in which 606 COVID infected patients were randomized to 1% povidone iodine, or saline placebo mouthwash and gargle. Patients were followed with PCR testing for viral load.” So now I know what to get, and I just have to find out where I can get it. I also decided to start taking 1 tablespoon to start and eventually 2 of apple cider vinegar (I need to add some water) every day because it’s just an overall “wonder drug.” We need to be as healthy as possible for whatever they decide to throw at us.

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Remember that the povidone iodine should come diluted, or be diluted. I think it's 10:1 but check me on that.

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There is a good spray, CoFix RX. I think it's better than XClear.

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Thanks for sharing!📸

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Colloidal silver. Add that to your medicine chest.

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Thanks! I purchased it years ago from the Health Ranger Store, so I know exactly where to get it. I ended up buying Betadine Antiseptic Medicated Gargle, Povidone-Iodine 0.5% and EPOTHEX Povidone Nasal Spray, 0.6% from Amazon. I wasn’t sure if they’re what Dr. M was talking about, but they had the Povidine so I went for it. I bet a large bottle of colloidal silver would be less costly than the gargle I bought.

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The next pandemic pathogen is already incubating in the labs of the bioweapons industry, in the U.S., China, and possibly elsewhere. The best pandemic prevention strategy is to close down these GOF labs.

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I'm hoping Russia has interrupted any incubating pathogens in the US labs in Ukraine.

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Not a virus, but a clone. It’s probably forward deployed right now.

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What is a clone of a virus?

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It’s how all RNA virology is studied. They take cDNA and use it to make clones of RNA strands they’ve identified as a “virus”, purify it and use it in a lab. The clones typically are infectious, but not able to multiply. You’ll hear “infectious, replication deficient” describing them. Which is not only what you would want for a lab, but also in a theater biowarfare agent.

JJ Couey describes it well. See his interviews with Mike Yeadon and Paul Alexander.


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I watched both of JC's gigaohm videos with Mike Yeadon and Paul Alexander.

JC is a great teacher. He suggested that the DNA clones produce, overall, a large amount (90%) of very strong RNA. That amount and strength is what he posits made vulnerable people extremely sick, resulting in many deaths.

On the other hand, he explains, the natural virus RNA is extremely low replicating-maybe 1:10, so the people who get it are essentially not sick at all because they have only received about 1/10th of the amount of very infectious RNA (as is in the clone DNA replicated RNA material), into their lungs.

According to JC, and it seems quite reasonable, the globalists probably selectively dispersed the cloned DNA in various cities around the world to create the image that "all" the virus particles were extremely infectious and lethal, when in reality, it was only the cloned DNA-made RNA that was dangerous, not the natural virus RNA. We were skunked, but maybe we've figured it out now. Thanks for these great videos.

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It'll depend on if Trump is running and THEY'LL decide which one they let loose - SARS 1 I'm sure was a lab leak but 2 was sent out on purpose to affect the election - that's my belief. There are no coincidences. These are evil people and unless we do something about it, they will murder and hold the entire world hostage forever. Dr. M - if you have Hashimoto's how do you use iodine safely?

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Definition of Terms from Latypova and Watt:

Sasha Latypova: “Using Proper Mental Frameworks: It begins to make more sense if mentally, one stops thinking about Covid and Marburg as names of microbes, and start thinking of them as brand names of weapons systems (like Predator drone, Hellfire missiles or F-22 jet) ... Rebrand war as a “public health emergency”, rebrand weapons as “countermeasures”, rebrand killing as “saving lives”. It is that simple..."

Katherine Watt: "They need those PREP Act declarations in order to provide the same liability coverage to civilians deploying weapons on their fellow countrymen/women/children, and in many cases on themselves, as military would get in a combat zone destroying some brown people in a 3rd world country...”

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There are no viri!!

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Thanks Mike, I too was a total normie until 3.5 years ago. So much waking up and shaking off of propaganda and deep searching of conscience…

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That paper seems to be asking for all of the things that Wuhan/EcoHealth Alliance/Daszak/Baric/Fauci did to cause this pandemic in the first place... Almost like they're trying to vindicate that program now..

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I think everyone should be aware we could be rapidly approaching a pandemic of avian flu, with a strain of the H5N1 virus recently isolated from a red hawk in Canada having been shown to spread efficiently between ferrets - which are often used in experiments as a model for humans as there are biological similarities - with high lethality. Numerous strains of H5N1 are being found now in various mammalian species in North and South America, and it might only take one cat or dog to bring this strain into a human household and set off a pandemic. https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-2842567/v1

I have no idea if the virus was tinkered with in a lab or not, and I don't want to encourage preparedness if there's no good reason for it, but unless I'm missing something we should all be aware of the situation and have a good supply of early-treatment medicines on hand.

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Here is a Marburg virus PCR test that someone here mentioned is available. https://www.bioperfectus.com/ProductDetail/MarburgVirusRealTimePCRKit

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1. I'm suspicious of "Metapneumovirus."

"Meta" is what Zuckerberg renamed Facebook.

2. I think it will be a virus that is dangerous for infants and small children.

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I can't agree with those who say "there was no virus." Then what were the good doctors at FLCCC and Dr. McCullough treating then? Are you going to call them "part of the conspiracy"? I also know of a friend who died during the pandemic from a disease that got into his lungs and killed him. Sounds like something a respiratory virus would do. I myself contracted "something" during the Omicron phase, that was fairly nasty. It is stretching credulity to say "there was no virus." What do you think?...that gain of function research in human labs is harmless and could never escape?

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Jun 1, 2023
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Except that the people I know that died (only a few, because I don't know many people), were not vaccinated, and were against vaccination. And I was not vaccinated either, when I got what certainly seemed to be the Omicron variant (tested positive with a home PCR kit). It wasn't just a regular flu for me. Two days completely wiped out in bed, and then a very sore throat for a couple more days, and then about a week or two of mucus and light coughing, and more than normal tiredness.

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