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Indeed, but those actions did not just start with covid. They have been going on for decades, "under the radar"; and most who now see that are only just becoming aware, not because it just started.
Thankfully, Yhwh God has a great memory and keeps excellent records. He knows full well the whats, and all the whos and whys! None will escape His judgment!
┬й 2025 Peter McCullough MD MPH
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Indeed, but those actions did not just start with covid. They have been going on for decades, "under the radar"; and most who now see that are only just becoming aware, not because it just started.
Thankfully, Yhwh God has a great memory and keeps excellent records. He knows full well the whats, and all the whos and whys! None will escape His judgment!
WHEN????? Does that thought pacifies your frustration and anger?????NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!
Much sooner than most believe, now. If the Hebrew scholars kept their math straight, since the days of Moses, and subsequent prophets, and that's something they have been pretty good at doing, we have entered, on Passover, the last allotted Shemitah cycle, for this world system, during which Yhwh God's judgment against humanity's sins WILL BE unleashed in full. Those storms, volcanoes, earthquakes, and other natural events we've been having in recent yrs are warnings from Him, not "climate change" and the only "human driver" to them is rampant unrelated sin on a global scale!
The "thought" doesn't "pacify" anything; it reminds me He IS still in control, and has this well in hand. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.Teach me, Lord, to wait." ~ Yhwh God, via Isaiah.
If it's "not good enough", you may want to check your faith status... It's been His plan for millennia, and all those who went before us have waited a very long time to see this day arrive...