You were so ahead of your time. You were opposing the fire drill for C19 and that benefitted you greatly. I noticed in 2018 the massive ramp up of flu shot campaigns everywhere and found it peculiar and alarming. I’ve never had a flu shot. I think I had flu once about 35 years ago.
You were so ahead of your time. You were opposing the fire drill for C19 and that benefitted you greatly. I noticed in 2018 the massive ramp up of flu shot campaigns everywhere and found it peculiar and alarming. I’ve never had a flu shot. I think I had flu once about 35 years ago.
Not only was there a ramp up to the mandatory vaccine mindset that preceded COVID—-there was an organized push to eliminate from the state statute books philosophical and religious exemptions.
Maine , where I am, was a target for this campaign. I found it odd because we have not had ANY issues of outbreaks due to failure of parents to vaccinate. Yet, the fear mongering was apparent then even before the pandemic. In hindsight, I can see that they were busy setting up for what they knew was coming.
I think about Gates playing the hero about pandemic preparedness and am reminded of his tactics in education reform.
What they do is define the issues on their terms and in doing so focus everyone e’s attention on a potential problem and push propaganda about all the bad things that are going to happen if we do not buy their solution or get on board with their thinking.
I liken it to a consultant who comes in and is supposed to do an objective e assessment but instead describes and defines the issues and finds “proof” as a means of selling you their services or solutions. It is such a racket but I believe that Gates, with his enormous wealth (and various agendas) and others like him (mostly the fin/tech elite) are masters of this at this point.
That is part of how the DEI narrative is playing out across almost all sectors of society. And by exercising their influence ce and pushing the propaganda they are slowly usurping the power with a goal of having total control of us with the tech and machines.
Pretty soon we are going to hear that the debt worldwide has become a problem and that by switching to CBDC it will erase the issue. And they will fail to mention the cons of the proposed change to our financial systems. The brainwashed masses will believe the lies about convenience and that privacy will be protected, and regulation will prevent abuse.
Do you suppose anybody has on radar that with the reversal of Roe v. Wade any basis for asserting our right to privacy at the federal level has been eliminated. So when they encroach on our privacy and use the new financial system to impose choices and use behavior modification how will we protest or protect our rights?
That was my concern when the S. Ct did what it did. Asked myself, why now? Why when medicine ms the likes of Bill Gates have said that we are now able to “engineer our own evolution.”
David Roux said in his 2018 lecture that Abortion would cease to be the debate of our times and that the issue would be the parameters of designing future generations. And he also unapologetically said that the agenda would not be stopped because of unscrupulous businessmen and corrupt politicians. When you consider the past three years….he appears to know what he is talking about. And when I consider Roux’s close associations with Hates and what he is doing in my state and New England—not hard to connect dots and see where we are headed. I would also note that given who our current governor appointed as our head of the CDC, a Soros fellow, I’d say they knew exactly what was going to come to pass.
Makes me wonder what the next step is in their plan. Fauci does not seem to be afraid that he will be held to account. Gates continues to push the health passport. What do they know that we don’t?
At the very least they know who they have in their pocket and some of us are scrambling to figure out who is trustworthy and who cannot be counted on to fight the good fight.
My gut instincts have served me well these past few years. I continue to mind them.
I hope Dr. McCullough is not only great at medical analysis, but I hope he listens to his instincts on who he can trust going forward.
I appreciate your posts Laura. On Substack you start to find a set of really great subsscriber responders. We ought to be able to find a way of marking our favorites in the notification box, if Substack is listening.
The mandatory Flu shot scam began much before that. In 2009 before the H1N1 swine flu scare fizzled out amid allegations that the CDC had been over counting cases, the NYC DOH (sorry the NYS DOH) tried to push through mandatory (new) H1N1 jabs on all HCWs (health care workers). The UFT and 1199 (teachers and nurses NOT doctors) sued in court and the DOH dropped the mandate before the hearing date in order to avoid a crushing legal defeat. Then in 2013 in the last hours of the Bloomberg mayoral administration, the DOH sneaked through a flu shot mandate for daycare and preschoolers. This was temporarily halted by 5 parents suing the DOH and represented by Aaron Siri (recently famous for championing FOIA demand for Pfizers trial documents to the FDA). I believe this battle continues against these unlawful DOH mandates which currently deny admission to pre-K of children without a flu shot. Parents hold the power to reclaim their right to protect their children against forced injection by the state with unwanted pharmaceuticals. They just need to stand up and exercise that right.
You were so ahead of your time. You were opposing the fire drill for C19 and that benefitted you greatly. I noticed in 2018 the massive ramp up of flu shot campaigns everywhere and found it peculiar and alarming. I’ve never had a flu shot. I think I had flu once about 35 years ago.
Not only was there a ramp up to the mandatory vaccine mindset that preceded COVID—-there was an organized push to eliminate from the state statute books philosophical and religious exemptions.
Maine , where I am, was a target for this campaign. I found it odd because we have not had ANY issues of outbreaks due to failure of parents to vaccinate. Yet, the fear mongering was apparent then even before the pandemic. In hindsight, I can see that they were busy setting up for what they knew was coming.
I think about Gates playing the hero about pandemic preparedness and am reminded of his tactics in education reform.
What they do is define the issues on their terms and in doing so focus everyone e’s attention on a potential problem and push propaganda about all the bad things that are going to happen if we do not buy their solution or get on board with their thinking.
I liken it to a consultant who comes in and is supposed to do an objective e assessment but instead describes and defines the issues and finds “proof” as a means of selling you their services or solutions. It is such a racket but I believe that Gates, with his enormous wealth (and various agendas) and others like him (mostly the fin/tech elite) are masters of this at this point.
That is part of how the DEI narrative is playing out across almost all sectors of society. And by exercising their influence ce and pushing the propaganda they are slowly usurping the power with a goal of having total control of us with the tech and machines.
Pretty soon we are going to hear that the debt worldwide has become a problem and that by switching to CBDC it will erase the issue. And they will fail to mention the cons of the proposed change to our financial systems. The brainwashed masses will believe the lies about convenience and that privacy will be protected, and regulation will prevent abuse.
Do you suppose anybody has on radar that with the reversal of Roe v. Wade any basis for asserting our right to privacy at the federal level has been eliminated. So when they encroach on our privacy and use the new financial system to impose choices and use behavior modification how will we protest or protect our rights?
That was my concern when the S. Ct did what it did. Asked myself, why now? Why when medicine ms the likes of Bill Gates have said that we are now able to “engineer our own evolution.”
David Roux said in his 2018 lecture that Abortion would cease to be the debate of our times and that the issue would be the parameters of designing future generations. And he also unapologetically said that the agenda would not be stopped because of unscrupulous businessmen and corrupt politicians. When you consider the past three years….he appears to know what he is talking about. And when I consider Roux’s close associations with Hates and what he is doing in my state and New England—not hard to connect dots and see where we are headed. I would also note that given who our current governor appointed as our head of the CDC, a Soros fellow, I’d say they knew exactly what was going to come to pass.
Makes me wonder what the next step is in their plan. Fauci does not seem to be afraid that he will be held to account. Gates continues to push the health passport. What do they know that we don’t?
At the very least they know who they have in their pocket and some of us are scrambling to figure out who is trustworthy and who cannot be counted on to fight the good fight.
My gut instincts have served me well these past few years. I continue to mind them.
I hope Dr. McCullough is not only great at medical analysis, but I hope he listens to his instincts on who he can trust going forward.
I appreciate your posts Laura. On Substack you start to find a set of really great subsscriber responders. We ought to be able to find a way of marking our favorites in the notification box, if Substack is listening.
The mandatory Flu shot scam began much before that. In 2009 before the H1N1 swine flu scare fizzled out amid allegations that the CDC had been over counting cases, the NYC DOH (sorry the NYS DOH) tried to push through mandatory (new) H1N1 jabs on all HCWs (health care workers). The UFT and 1199 (teachers and nurses NOT doctors) sued in court and the DOH dropped the mandate before the hearing date in order to avoid a crushing legal defeat. Then in 2013 in the last hours of the Bloomberg mayoral administration, the DOH sneaked through a flu shot mandate for daycare and preschoolers. This was temporarily halted by 5 parents suing the DOH and represented by Aaron Siri (recently famous for championing FOIA demand for Pfizers trial documents to the FDA). I believe this battle continues against these unlawful DOH mandates which currently deny admission to pre-K of children without a flu shot. Parents hold the power to reclaim their right to protect their children against forced injection by the state with unwanted pharmaceuticals. They just need to stand up and exercise that right.
Correction: It was NYS DOH (not NYC) that tried unsuccessfully to mandate the H1N1 jab for all HCW in 2009.