LMAO. The Establishment is REALLY scared now. Not only did the covid scam blow up in their faces (people now KNOW about the killer hospital protocols, deadly jabs, etc.), but more and more people are now questioning OTHER traditional treatments like for cancer. HAH! Keep the heat on! And go to Rumble/Bitchute/Brighteon instead of YouTube anytime you can...

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Excellent article John-Thank you.

Censors are Cowards who try to eliminate Truth.

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Goodbye ThemTube and hello Bitchute, Odysee, Rokfin, and Rumble!

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Maybe “misorthodoxy” should become a word. These fools are taking us back to the days of Galileo. There is NO medical or scientific authority, only inquiry and free discussion, always open to new information!

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Leave You Tube and the WHO.

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"Tyranny often emerges from an over-enthusiastic democracy", Aristotle.

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Yep. Just had another video removed myself.

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appears to me that they should ban themselves because the consensus upholds the idea that the vaccines are safe and effective, of which they are definitely not. I see the mess only getting messier. There are those of us that are suffering from Long Covid, just from Covid, but imagine those that suffered those symptoms only to get vaccinated and instead of alleviating those symptoms, only made things worse. We don't have to imagine it at all.

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The problem with the Protestant Reformation, so far as the Papacy was concerned, is that it threatened two things: their control of people, and the money they made via that control. It's the same with the pharma/medical/media/military establishment today.

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Don’t worry. I’m sure that YouTube will only censor things that are for your own good!

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Go the Rumble! Boycott does work.

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A "famine of the mind" is what has been going on with the federally funded education system in the US for decades. At every level.

It is absolutely true that while the Germans, Italians, and Japanese may have lost the war, the ones who caused it cleaned up with their agenda sorely intact. Those same families and their sycophant adherent Quislings are still up to the same pedantic need for global domination And, indeed, these sickos must know, when they cannot find sufficient distractions, that there will only be one standing if everything works according to the plan.

Too bad we can't force these acquisition minded parasites into a large enclosed paddock with swords and let them fight to the death.

Anyone too old or cowardly is stripped of his riches. The remaining victor is then investigated, audited, to thoroughly absolve him of any murderous, world-dominating, behavior.

Such crazy wealth seems abhorrent, the world should see what love of money does to corrupt the entire process of civilization.

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Am I wrong..........I notice on Youtube...........that may of the congressional hearings regarding the FBI, Vaccine, The Border crisis, etc... is exposing to the audience.........the truth about the crimes being committed by the government......and the left agenda....WEF etc. Isn't this a good thing.

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Ready, set, set, set, set, set, go!

When are We the People going to reset the Republic... and take back education, the media, the administrative state (1/4 of it’s current size)? WHEN?

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"Stalin’s Russia and Hitler’s Germany—had also banned and burned books". There was a similarity there, but difference were bigger: Hitlier's Germany openly burned forbiden books, and in Stalin's Russia banned books were hidden in special secret parts of some libraries, so only few ppl selected by ruling regime could access them. I am not sure which of these two paths is now re-emerging in US with a help of big tech, or they found their own third way.

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To quote the YouTube article referenced: "Debate and discussion are critical to the advancement of science and medicine..."

Seem YouTube thinks that is really not true...

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