Oct 4·edited 22 hrs agoLiked by Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Hi John,

My expertise is energy and climate.

When I was about 40, I led the turnaround of the moribund Alberta oil sands industry. The result was 500,000 new jobs, $250 billion in capital investment in Alberta, equivalent to $500 billion today; Canada became the number four oil producer in the world and more than $1 trillion was injected into the Canadian economy. That impact would be equivalent to more than $10 trillion in the USA.

I have published more than a dozen papers on the science of climate. In 2002, my co-authors and I wrote conclusively that there was no real climate crisis, and that green energy was not green and produced little useful dispatchable energy.

Competent, honest scientists hold that view.

There are absolute disproofs in the false concept that CO2 drives global temperature. CO2 changes lag temperature changes in the atmosphere at all measured timescales. The future cannot cause the past. The disproof is that simple and that absolute.

The key papers are Kuo et al in Nature 1990, MacRae in icecap.us in 2008, and Humlum et al in Science in 2013.

The fraudsters who promote the climate scam have been successful in suppressing this absolute disproof. The great American scholar Dr Thomas Sowell recently published a strong support of this absolute disproof.

For references, see the two first volumes of my Cull Trilogy, published under my name Allan MacRae on Amazon.

The first volume also contains one of the earliest and most accurate denunciations of the Covid scam.

Best regards.

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Many thanks for reading, and thank you for sharing these publications! Best regards, John Leake

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The same people at the highest levels are responsible for both the climate scam and the Covid scam, and it appears the intention in both cases was depopulation.

Denis Rancourt and I independently calculated 13 million COVID-19 deaths in the developed world to the end of 2022, and approximately 20,000,000 by the end of 2023 and that carnage is far from over.

We can probably double those numbers to include the countries where we have no good data .

The decades-old climate scam has probably killed many more people than that, particularly in subSaharan Africa, by denying them access to cheap abundant, reliable fossil fuel energy.

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I have bad news. Gavi/Cepi through Covax have raised $12 billion to build mRNA factories all over the developing world. They are also building in every major city in Australia. mRNA for everyone coming soon, even though it was not safe.

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Alison, do you have a link to an article that you could share with us?

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It's called 'The Weather Enterprise'. And they'll tell you, in unison, all of the weather resources in one big unified voice (narrative) that of course the planet is boiling because of man! And narratives don't appreciate counternarratives like volcanos that challenge the enterprise. 'Enterprise' is a synonym for the word 'Racket':

Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018



Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) has been The Science (TM) of the pandemic: masking, jabbing, lockdowns, vax passports, nudging, manipulation, coercion. SBS depends on false narratives to be effective. Counternarratives wreck SBS effectiveness. In this application of SBS the Enterprise:

”includes the network of government agencies, private-sector companies, and academic institutions that provide weather services to the nation."

The media is a big, big part of it, lots of local TV station weather departments (all owned by a handful of national and multinational corporations.) That were also instrumental in the pandemic fear porn pushing lockdowns, mask mandates, jab mandates, etc.

You'll even find infamous propaganda specialist Kate Starbird listed in it as a contributor. It further details how they use the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to advance climate fear porn propaganda with health regulatory powers under the auspices of public health. As well as a collection naming of all of the centers of power that are coordinating and collaborating with this massive psychological mind-farkery operation. It's a big, big, big man-caused climate change "enterprise."

Here's the contents:

Front Matter (You've gotta check out the names of some of these Boards and Committees that contributed - follow the money!)


Ch 1 Introduction

Ch 2 The Motivation for Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

Ch 3 Assessing the Current State of Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise

Ch 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences for Road Weather Concerns

Ch 5 Research Needs for Improving the Nation’s Weather Readiness and Advancing Fundamental Social and Behavioral Science Knowledge

Ch 6 A Framework to Sustainably Support and Effectively Use Social and Behavioral Science Research in the Weather Enterprise

Ch 7 Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations

Appendix A Examples of Funding for Social and Behavioral Science Activities by NOAA, NSF, DHS1 (Follow the money Part 2)

Appendix B Lessons from SBS Integration into the “Public Health Enterprise”

Appendix C People Who Provided Input to the Committee

Appendix D Committee Biosketches

I've seen no better single resource to understanding their operational climate con job plan and strategies in one place than this book. For those who wish to do a very deep dive. A 182-page exercise describing the imposition of stupidity masquerading as intelligence and enlightened thought on an unwitting world. The big business enterprise/racket of climate catastrophism. And such a massive racket built on a foundation of false narratives simply won't be allowed to be threatened by any volcano of exploding reality.

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The fundamental reason to call the climate scam a racket came a decade ago from IMF chair Christine Legarde: To impose the Green iNew Deal, central banks would need to print $60 trillion.

The US unfunded obligations (Social Security, Medicare, veteran's benefits, and the National Debt) amount to $140 trillion. Was Legarde hinting that forcing every American pensioner into a 50% benefit cut, supposedly "for the greater good", was the simplest way to cope with the cost ?

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“And they'll tell you, in unison, all of the weather resources in one big unified voice (narrative) that of course the planet is boiling because of man!” As they manipulate God’s perfect nature thus destroying it and us and thinking they can get away with thinking they know more and know better than God!! Evil!!

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Now Western Carolina s and Tenn are destroyed for Lithium and Quartz . Hemp can make Batteries 10 times more efficient than Lithium it takes a couple thousand gallons of Diesel Fuel to run the earth destroying machinery to make on Tesla car battery NOT GREEN AT ALL Tell everyone they may listen to you . Do you thing Tonga eruption was man triggered? These storms are geoengineered.

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Commented about this event yesterday since it was a major disruption to the atmosphere a few years ago. Another Substack Author, Kyle Young of 'Secular Heretic' was discussing it as relevant to the capability of HAARP just as the Earthquake in Japan experiencing the tragic events of the following Tsunami and Nuclear Reactor Meltdown mandating so many people to relocate.

Thank-you Thomas. Was thinking the exact same thing.

The Geo-Engineering and HAARP Technologies are a definite consideration for everything happening so CONVENIENTLY and timely for particular forces already reporting their plans for world governance and power/control.

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we just dont know. thats whats frustrating. I believe a mix of natural forces and engineering but that implies a huge level of skill ...

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Also, a Specialist with Weather Weaponization, Dane Wiggington with information about this current TYRANNY in Southeast U.S. right before Election IN RURAL SOUTHEAST KNOWN TO VOTE CONSERVATIVE.


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yes, followed him for a few years. I see claims and counter claims and cant join it all up yet . Ive read the long term weather modification patents and experiments so i know a lot of this is possible.

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There's a reason the OBiden's rushed into placing the new boxes onto the Radar Systems across the Nation WHICH TRUMP STOPPED DURING HIS ADMINISTRATION. This is deliberate attack upon the Nation and People.

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This Substack is 'Secular Heretic' by Kyle Young writing for several years about this topic and other Advanced Tech of 'Dual Use' now perpetrated upon the American people as well as the world. Americans are the largest threat to evil, thus they are the primary focus at this time with other western nations also attacked to a lesser extent as they are the RESEARCH EXPERIMENT indicating the best paths for the DEMONIC ENEMY to take to utterly take America OUT.

Can't recommend him as a resource enough.


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And Who founded Tesla and What candidate is he star linked to?

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ALL A BUNCH OF EVIL, GREEDY MOFO S Everything thing they say is a twisted to the opposite lie of their real intentions, I cant even stand to read their double talk nauseating PLANS AND AGENDAS. All candidates are controlled opposition at this point, all GOVERNORS are WEF SELECTED , and have been for sometime. As long as Americans keep believing the non- choice of the fake "lesser of the evils" choices they are force fed, they will stay victims, instead of realizing WHOM is orchestrating that losing situation, all the names and positions ,and organizations are known

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I’ve said it for years. It’s just the old Good Cop vs Bad Cop reality show. All talk show hosts, and network commentators,, and almost All Americans are sucked into this very elementary scenario, including Mr. Leake. Make obvious false accusations against the One, and have obvious unconstitutional agendas play out by the Other One, and Bam! The choice is made.

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Yes correct and its very clear Americans dont understand CONTROLLED OPPOSITION MANY LEVELS DEEP . That is how they end up believing in TRUMP , KENNEDY, JD VANCE, TULSI G. Shannahan MUSK ,anyone in prominence in the political world . All governors are selected by the WEF , have been for a long time . Obama is CIA, .

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Super volcanoes have always been the game changer on earth and Italy is looking like its getting ready for something big several others as well

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Allan, nice to see you here. :-)

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Thank you for sharing this. I despair of most people understanding this (although not the readers of this Substack thankfully!). Everyone else is so brainwashed by the legacy media. They just can’t believe that they are being comprehensively lied to about the whole climate hoax for nefarious reasons - money, totalitarian control and population reduction. It’s too big a leap for most people but the evidence is all there if you look for it ☹️

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Follow the money. It all goes to proving the hoax.

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It still boggles the mind how people could be red-pilled from the COVID crisis - witness how big industries put out junk science and propaganda intended to protect/defend their prodicts - but then turn around and go right back into aligning with another big industry (Big Oil), and believing all of the industry-funded science that says there's no problems at all with their products...

Any "expert" that does not mention ocean acidification when talking about climate change science is likely a person that is shilling for the energy companies.

~ Tech Central Station (TCS, TCS Daily) ~

"Stance on Climate Change

Washington Monthly noted that after the launch of Tech Central Station, which boasted ExxonMobil as a sponsor, James Glassman began regularly attacking the Kyoto treaty and the science behind climate change—while he had seldom remarked on the subject before."

"Authors listed at Tech Central Station, between 2004 and 2005, have included:

Allan MacRae"


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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Would love to hear what you have to say about the Green New Deal and the Paris Climate Accord/Agreement.

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All fake cover agendas for their real intentions, SAME AS TRUMP S 47 PLAN , its just a cover for the already in motion agenda 21 relocation and wild lands plans and , 2030 plans, SMART CITY PRISON /15 MINUTE CITIES.. We DO have global pollution situations, we do have desertification and extinctions , we do have environmental and habitat destruction , but the same people who have devised the GLOBAL WARMING SCAM, CAP AND TRADE ,ect ect are the ones causing it by their monopolistic obsessions , demonic nature, and suppression of all the solutions which do exist , many have since the 1890s

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Take a good look at EVERYTHING SURROUNDING Western mountains and Fla. Situation and all my comments. The truth is there and stay safe and help launch a PREPAREDNESS PLAN in wherever you are area by area will be hit one way or another.

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Climate change is an old suit John Kerry found in his basement . He now wears it proudly. Others, like me, think he stepped in shit and just does not know any better.

From the beach....


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Believe he stole that suit from Al Gore, which explains why it doesn't fit him so well.

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Mashed potato face always has a solution to the problems he creates but has not yet considered suicide as the ultimate solution. Up here in Canuckistan we have MAID I am sure he would be allowed to access.

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Superior beings such as himself have no need of MAID, of course...

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Why of course, these are the upper crust elitists who God addresses as those that He hates. Wonder why.

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More like a saddle blanket than a suit. He's worried climate change is going to destroy oat crops. Give that "man" an apple to gag on.

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The “we don’t want to publicize volcano activity because then people might question the man-made climate change theory” is one with the “we don’t want to publish vaccine injury data because then people won’t want to take vaccines.” It’s about the political agenda and the money, not about science or knowledge.

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That volcanic blast likely explains the "atmospheric rivers" that have blasted the West Coast the past couple of years, and could well help explain the heated up Gulf of Mexico. In any rate, it puts the lie to "man-made" climate change to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

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Those "Pineapple Express" atmospheric rivers are in large part caused by the El Niño and La Niña blobs of warm and cool waters which cross the Pacific Ocean in 10-12 year cycles. Given the Pacific Ocean covers about half the Earth its oceanic weather effects climate world wide.

My education included atmospheric studies, paleogeology on mass extinctions, and lots of chemistry and physics. I smelled a rat way back in the 1970's when Snowball Earth was the fear porn du jour. Then, I walked through the Ozone Hole news headlines for a few years. I prefer to look at long term data like he 10-12 year Solar Cycles, ice cores, and massive basalt flows like the Siberian Traps, and ever present short term massive impacts like volcanoes and big asteroids when the Global Warming by Mankind subject pops up.

In 1990 I heard part of a speech by then US Senator Al Gore blabbering about

global warming at a school his daughters attended. A guy raised as a crown prince by his US Senator father who both likely stopped studying any math or science after they finished high school. "Useful" idiots and grifters bought and paid for. (His father got a lucrative job after leaving the US Senate being a strawman/shill to get US government support for Armand Hammer's inking port development deals with Libya, etc.) Just about the entire math and science departments walked out on Junior's speech because he was spouting such ridiculous nonsense. After he didn't get elected US President I watched him open a Global Warming office in Silicon Valley to rake in tax-free money by spewing his fear porn as he picked up a Nobel Prize and lived in a massive air conditioned house in Tennessee.

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Only thing is it isn’t Mankind- caused bud NWOkind-caused. As well as normal cyclical anomalies that have gone on since the creation.

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I agree it's a mix of mankind-caused and "Mother Nature" normal with a skew to the latter. But we really have no idea what governments and private companies can do to control weather as well as human minds. I'd believe they can do almost anything by now. Just 68 years from the Wright Brothers' first powered flight to the Apollo XIII moon mission. 15 years from Sputnik to the first civilian weather satellites. Mere weeks to lockdown the planet for the bioweapon flu psy-op.

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Maybe But they are moving them where they want with geoengineering otherwise the west would not be in drought conditions which they want for geoengineered fires. Welcome to Hunger Games world.

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I, too, recall hearing a year or so ago that the cataclysmic Hunga Tonga volcano eruption (which was essentially censored in the mainstream media!) likely contributed to extreme weather events including the recent atmospheric rivers..... Thanks for mentioning it!

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We've gotta do something about the volcano farts....maybe they need mRNA injections!

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Brilliant 😂

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Good information John Leake. Ironically, the same people who were crying doom over sulphur dioxide in the 70's and 80's want to now sprinkle it liberally into the atmosphere. Playing God is dangerous, to say the least, but they do not seem to grasp the idea. Like a dim wit who considers them self a genius, they continue to vex us with their manifest and potentially fatal stupidity. I understand that the models used to "predict climate change", by the InterGOVERNMENTAL Panel on Climate Change, do not even factor in clouds...i.e. water vapor. Total failure in comprehension and honesty by government paid (TAXPAYER DOLLARS) pseudo "scientists". Climate change is a natural and endless cycle...the hysterical theatrics over "man made CO2 climate disaster" is perhaps the most ridiculous and expensive fraud (transfer of wealth) ever foisted on the world. Indeed, water vapor has a profound effect on temperature and weather...why do these mental midgets fail to account for this? Because they are intransigent, incorrigible, greedy, lying reprobates.

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The entire purpose was an excuse to bring in climate/CO2 bonds as another regressive tax, this one global. The State of Washington has had a market for these financial artifices for a couple of years. The Covid hoax was to bring in UN taxing and seizing authority for anything the WHO director wanted to name an emergency, including climate and equity.

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Facts mean nothing to the left. It’s like krypton to Superman something to be avoided at all costs. Man made climate change is a man made hoax.

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Really? But not as big a hoax as the Camelthing for POTUS, biDUMB long past his expiry date as POTUS, ovomit as the previous POTUS and moochelle the Clydesdale with her fake garden.

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LOL….Note that NOAA also does not mention the atmospheric impact regarding methane, etc., of the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline.

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IF "climate change" is actually happening.... it is to the "green" movement's benefit to blame humans and demand more control which include limiting the average person's freedom and mobility. What a great plan for them...More control of captive populations = more of everything for the "elites". In my opinion these vultures are "elite" only in their monstrous greed and their lack of personal scruples.

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The primary goal driving this liars is to continue the lie that man is god and can control everything. Never has worked and (thankfully) never will.

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Such arrogance people have to think they are better and wiser than our divine Creator. We have an awesome God who designed the universe in a most exquisite way.

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Question: Is it true that H T eruption also heated the water which eventually made it up to the Gulf of Mexico wicked warmed the waters and may cause stronger hurricanes?

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While HT's eruption was big, as far as daily global temperatures go it is nothing compared to the daily Solar heating of the Intertropical Convergence Zone along the Equator. Have a look at any satellite weather maps of air masses above and below the ITCZ such as 10 year data. Note how hurricanes and typhoons never cross it. Instead, those storms are all spun up either north or south of it. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/7079/historic-tropical-cyclone-tracks.

That said, a volcano can spit enough particulates and molecules into the upper atmosphere to circle the Earth north and south of the Equator. But that tends to cool, not heat the atmosphere. For example, the last big volcanic winter event was likely caused by the April 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia), the biggest eruption in about 1,300 years and punched up in global impact by the 1814 eruption of Mayon in the Philippines. The significant amount of volcanic ash and gases released into the upper atmosphere blocked sunlight leading to global cooling with very serious crop failures in the Eastern USA and across Europe.

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Plus the earth’s crust has cracked which let volcanic heat warm the oceans. This happened around the same time as the HT erupted. Of course the climate scientists won’t tell us about this. Add in the sun being very active and of course the temperatures are going to rise for awhile. Lots of northern states will see the northern lights again for a few days. More southern states like Utah will be able to see them through the camera.

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Re: southern states: That's because of our rapidly diminishing magnetic field. Now that is something the world should be aware of and more worried about than "man-made" climate change.

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Hunga Tonga moved through the Panama Canal? Was that suggestion satire?

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That’s not what she asked, learn to read.

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So glad to hear you read Coffee & Covid!

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At the end of the day it is ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY!!!

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And power and the resulting control of plebs both provide.

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Jeff Childers's substack is always full of great insights. You're right, he actually wrote about the volcano eruption when it happened, because no one else was. And then tied it together with the destruction we're seeing now in NC, SC, TN, GA and FL.

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But always read the comments, too. The community sharing of information is informative, respective, and polite. Mostly.

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Absolutely, the comments can be as rich as Jeff's Substack!

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

I've been working on the integrity of consensus climatology since 2001; originally to find out for myself whether I should be worried. On studying the primary literature, I discovered that the IPCC and climate modelers could not possibly know what they claimed to know.

Since then, I've published about 7 papers. The major ones show that:

1) Climate models cannot predict future climate. Air temperature projections are physically meaningless.

"Propagation of Error and the Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projections"


2) The historical air temperature record is so ridden with error that it cannot tell us the rate or the magnitude of warming since 1900

"LiG Metrology, Correlated Error, and the Integrity of the Global Surface Air-Temperature Record "


3) (just published) Over the last 66 million years, atmospheric CO₂ can be explained as driven by sea surface temperature. That is, Temp drove CO₂. CO₂ did not drive Temp

"Cenozoic Carbon Dioxide: The 66 Ma Solution"


The last paper connects to the topic, here, of volcanoes. It's possible that the sea surface temperature has been driven by submarine magmatic events, such as flood basalts. and not by CO₂ or the sun. Over the past 66 million years, and right up to the present.

Ever wonder how the ocean stays liquid?

It's not from warming by the sun. It's almost certainly by geothermal heat.

Heat coming up through the crust from the magmatic layers below. Including magma ridges at spreading centers, and lava from submarine volcanoes and vents.

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Thanks for this. I am going to read these. Looks interesting. "submarine magamtic events"


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Should have been submarine _magmatic_ events," sorry

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Here are some excerpts from a presentation I made a few years ago.

Climate Past Present Future

• 18,000 years ago, almost all of Canada was covered by giant thick sheets of ice. Both the Cordilleran and Laurentide Ice Sheets were continuous sheets, thousands of kilometers across and several kilometers thick. They melted entirely without human intervention (as did their equivalents in Asia and Europe). They melted so quickly that the rocks they rested on, including the Canadian Precambrian Shield, are still rebounding from the rapid removal of their weight.

• Fifty studies conducted at universities across North America proved that during the COVID lockdowns, while there was 50% less automobile travel, 75% less air travel, and 35% less industrial pollutants, there was zero effect on weather patterns and temperature.

• If we study what has been happening at the geological level for several million years, we realize that the present period is characterized by an extraordinarily low level of CO2. During the Jurassic, Triassic, and other periods, the CO2 level rose to values sometimes in the order of 7000, 8000, 9000 ppm, which considerably exceeds the paltry 400 ppm that we have today. Not only did life exist during those far-off times when CO2 was present in large concentrations in the atmosphere, but plants such as ferns commonly attained heights of 25 meters.

• It's worth noting that approximately 70% of the oxygen present in today's atmosphere comes from phytoplankton, not trees. Contrary to common belief, it is not the forests but the oceans that constitute the “lungs” of the Earth. The real problem is the plastic in our oceans.

• The Icelandic volcano known as Katla produces between 12 and 24 kilotons of CO2 per day on its own! Mt. Etna adds about 16,000 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere each day, or 5.8 million tons per year. In a quiet year, Mount Etna, Italy, produces 1 million tonnes of CO2, while Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, in 1991, produced over 22 million tonnes of CO2 and it actually cooled the planet by 0.5°C for three years due to the sulphur dioxide aerosols which dispersed solar radiation, All volcanoes in a typical year produce 300 million tonnes of CO2, and the Earth uses this valuable plant food material, and nature quickly restores balance without effort.


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warning if all volcano produce 300 million tonnes of CO2 we should not forget that only 0.2 ppm of variation in CO2 atmosferic concentration (that are the uncertainly of NOAA measure), are corresponding at about 1700 million tonnes of CO2, then we see that the production of volcanos remain a minimal part of CO2 annual increment that instead on the last year reach more than 2.5 ppm/year , not only , from 1966 the Co2 variation is about 98 ppm with a corresponding mass increment of 811 billion tonnes .

- NB the CO2 total mass calculation from the concentration increment was my own made with a earth radius of 6356 km , with a distribution altitude of 30 km , with a mean density of 0.5378 kg/m3 (were 30 km altitude of atmosfere include about 99% of mass of all the gasses) .-

To my advice one of the problem is that annual variation of atmosferic CO2 is never correlate with the total annual mass variation of all the fossil fuel parametrized for the own specific emission.

I agreed there are many unclear things for example the adsorbment of co2 from all the oceans is about 40% of annual total emission the adsorbiment is increasing despite the ocean mean global temperature is increasing.

Thanks anyway for your interesting points of reflection

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With climate change there are many natural contributors that cannot be modified and have always been there. I have not done the research but bear with me. If natural negative climate change factors caused by man is 15% of the total then we can probably ignore our impact. On the other hand if man's contribution is 90% of the total then we should be doing something to curtail our contibution. From what I have read mans contribution is exceedingly small compared to mother nature. Canada's forest fires will prevent Canada from ever ending greenhouse gas emissions and forest fires will always be a threat. Therefore we should try to curb human contribution to climate change but its importance is way down on my list. Instead we need to deal first with hunger, economic issues and getting the Neo democratic party of the the US out of office..

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Yup....The demon-rats are intent on giving all our "aid" to foreign nationalists....while U.S. citizens are starving and dying right now in North Carolina. The government has done little to help those whose homes were devastated by the apparently man-made hurricane which has brought this state to its knees.

Rumor has it that NC will be bankrupt and the Feds can then move in and pillage the highly valued lithium and quartz mines in the area.

Time will tell....

I am in Asheville NC right now-- we have hundreds dead and countless homes destroyed. My daughter's house got two trees through the roof....but so far no one at her house has been hurt....The aftermath....in the form of lack of medical care and infections from contaminated water is likely to be horrific.

We just got our power restored this morning at my place--still no city water. I kinda like candles....

The monsters in control think they can do these crimes and get away with it.

I guess it has worked so far...look at Lahina and Paradise Valley. They use their "weather machines" to destroy our homes and grab the land. And we sit and watch.

We sit and watch...

God help me to not hate them....


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Praying that God brings down the enemy.

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I will pray for you and your daughter. I hope you brought supplies to see you and your daughter through the disaster so you can stay longer.

I appreciate your on site description of the devastation as I expect government approved estimates are understating the disaster.

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Yes...they certainly are "underestimating" the damage done by the state controlled weather changers(i.e. HAARP, chemtrails etc.} Criminal is too kind a word for these activities. I have watched these formations in the sky for years now. When I point out their existence to "nonbelievers"....I am met with stunned silence. It's like they cannot handle the "cognitive dissonance"....There are the unmarked planes....there are the long persisting residues. They show up on weather maps....what can I say?

Messing with Ma Nature is a bad plan. And this will backfire.

I am an old woman and hence do not eat much. My heart breaks for the mothers and the children. We have water enough and some food to last for a long time. I am sharing what I have.

Crimes against man and nature for all to see.

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Just like Lahaina, they are hiding the true death toll.

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Funny you should mention chemtrails. My wife counts contrails and chemtrails and she never got to more than 10 until yesterday when there were over 30 in the sky here. We are watching for signs that the government/deep state is going after the population so I keep my eyes open and critical thinking brain engaged. I wish you and your daughter the best of luck to survive the hurricane aftermath with the minimum of discomfort. Remember that us older people need to be careful as our bodies are not as robust as when we were younger.

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Where are you located? I’m an avid chemtrail watcher, like your wife. The clouds in Wa. have been modified here as well. They are lower & darker on the bottom, and flat at the bottom. Very different than I grew up around. I’ve been in Wa. almost 60 years. The clouds look like Denver clouds now. (Fluffy & low )

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We are near London, Ontario, Canada. We are on the air route from Toronto to Detroit and St. Louis, etc. I haven't checked weather reports for the day as more humidity in the air allows contrails to linger longer. There is suggestion that the Tonga volcano eruption threw a lot of moisture in the air that might have raised atmospheric humidity far from the eruption. Chemtrails however are straight so when there are 30+ white streaks in the sky instead of the usual 3 to 8 I get suspicious.

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Thanks for this. The CRIME IN THE SKY needs ultimate exposure because what is happening in North Carolina right now could happen to YOU....though I pray it does not. We all need to ban together and stop the chemtrails. This is what they do....devastate communities and destroy peoples' homes. That is what they are ultimately for.

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Tell me about what shows up on weather maps? From the airplane chemtrails? Ours fly super high altitudes, over 40,000 ft. I’d guess.

And they’re fast! They never land at our international airport, or even closest military base.

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God has his way of dealing with people who care only about money 💰 and they will be judged and sent to where they belong 🔥👺

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This IS Lahaina all over again. Good for you for not wanting to hate. I am livid, and I’m across the country. When that civilian helicopter was told to stop helping retrieve victims, I lost all respect ( whatever was left 🙈), for gov., safety agencies, or authority in U.S.

Lahaina broke my heart, this situation has poured & mashed salt on an open wound.

There isn’t any excuse to not focus our military on dropping food & water, and saving these citizens. The only incentive I can think of is the evil cowards in charge, WANT the highest death toll they can get. Then they can point at the number & blame their climate chaos lies on it.

Chemtrails & geo-engineering is real and it’s harming us. Volcanoes & earthquakes can be manipulated & have been. The coward Covid- planners, that control our weather, don’t get a free pass, even if this hurricane was a natural “ biblical” event. ( it wasn’t, no way.)

Where the hell is our federal gov., military helicopters, food & water for these people?

Seriously, if people are still voting for Harris after this, you have a lot of faith. This scenario will continue to play out over & over with the same deadly result. Why wouldn’t she use this opportunity to be a hero? Unless you’re controlled by a group of power hungry, Agenda 30 advocates. Or you don’t mind if a few hundred republicans die before an election. Whatever the reason, it’s evil & un-American.

Fight back locally & everyone should be watching their city council votes. That’s where U.N. Agenda change is happening. They don’t need a vote of the people to amend their “future development” plans. Check your city & get involved. Push back hard against equitable/ sustainable growth & rezoning. Rosa Koire is a good resource with YouTube videos & a relevant book, “ Behind the Green Mask”.

God Bless you Kathleen & I sincerely hope you & your family stay strong & out of harm.

Keep posting & let us know. Mainstream media isn’t covering the truth. I can’t imagine. 😇💕

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Disgusting 🤮 people who care only for themselves and lie and steal from people who have less than them ! The fires 🔥 of hell await them

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We are not to hate our brothers. Enemies are a different story.

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The focus should be environment not climate, and environment is very much a local issue everywhere there is a problem (eg, air pollution in Beijing or Mexico City). As a local issue the solutions must be local 90% of the time. Water purity may be an issue across much of the globe, whether from too much fluoride, too much metal, too many industrial chemicals, too much human or animal waste, or contaminated water distribution systems. But in every case and in every place both the problem and the solutions are local ones. By no means should there be a GLOBAL movement tied to billions in taxpayer or printed money to attempt to address these local environmental issues. These efforts will likely only prevent real solutions from occurring while enriching those who only want to monetize the problems, actually prolonging them via entrenched cash annuities that amount to grift and money laundering.

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We have an unlimited supply of those who think they are entitled to high bureaucratic salaries for pushing papers and gracing us with their opinions.

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In China they are investing in nuclear power plants to replace coal and diesel generating plants. As one of the worlds worst polluters they are making a start. As seen in the local humanitarian response to Hurrican Helene, bigger organizations just bog down in bureaucratic red tape and political motives so I agree, local is better. People can see where the money goes so grift is harder to cover up.

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A quality water filter = solves it

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A water filter will not remove dangerous chemicals like Fluoride. A distiller will....but there will still be some residue from chemical pollution ....even with distilled water....

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