If Saudi was involved, it was in connection with the US gov. As an architect, I do attest, three towers could not come down in free fall, to dust, in their foot print, from a plane crash and fire. The whole escapade defies physics and common sense, especially considering that tower, 7 which also imploded like a demolition job, wasn’t even being hit by a plane. Those buildings had explosives planted that caused implosion. Period.

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It seems to me a lot of people don't realize the extent of Israeli involvement in 9/11. Remember the dancing Israelis, some of whom were undercover Mossed agents? That is just the tip of the iceberg. I would go as far as to say that Israeli intelligence orchestrated 9/11 with the help of staunch Zionists within the US goverment, like Dick Cheney, with the intent of tricking Americans into hating Muslims and supporting going to war in the Middle East. https://rumble.com/v46uh6o-christopher-bollyn-solving-9-11-the-deception-that-changed-the-world.html

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But Cheneys endorsement is somehow gold now

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The prime advocate for torture endorses Harris-- what else needs to be said?

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It makes no sense that the Saudis would enrich Larry Silverstein, who leased WTC for 99 years at 3.2B & sought to DOUBLE his insurance payout (3.55B x 2) because the attack was by 2 planes. He eventually got 4.55~4.68B from his lawsuits:


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Saudi, Israeli, and US intelligence agencies have been working together for years.

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Israel staged 911 through Zionist infiltration & control of our Gov & institutions like CIA, but the planes were flown by Islamic terrorist who were trained by Zionists & happy to participate.

We clearly have 2 enemies.


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No planes hit the towers. No Muslims were involved. It was all the Jews handiwork and they blamed Muslim terrorists.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

To state that no planes hit the towers is beyond absurd, and this is propaganda, literally written by Israel to discredit us by association with such nonsensical statements, but also to relieve the Islamic pilots of their part in this.

Every Friday every mosque in North America says a prayer that translates to grant them military victory over the infidel, in case you didn’t understand you and your children are the infidel and military victory means you’re death!

We have two enemies it’s just that Israel controlled are immigration and manipulated the other group to destroy us from within.

Not to mention the dancing Israelis would not have been positioned to record the planes flying into the buildings if there were no planes,

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No, we are goyim.

There was no evidence of planes found, no titanium engines, no plane seats, no luggage, nothing to be found of anything resembling a plane crash site in NYC, D.C. or in Shanksville, PA. And lightweight aluminum planes do not behave that way when crashed into high strength construction steel.

Most people are like you and can't thing for themselves. They let the media put their thoughts in their heads.

Perfectly symmetrical collapse cannot be caused by asymmetrical damage. Any critically thinking person intuitively knows this to be true. I knew it day one. Ask any demolition expert like Governor Ventura. What I didn't expect was the media and the authorities, and even you, would continuously lie about the events of that day, and people are so ignorant as to believe the lies.

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A six- or seven-minute video, mostly drawn from Fox News reports, on Israeli foreknowledge of 9/11. One of the dancing Israelis is shown on an Israeli TV talk show saying "our purpose was to document the event." Fox reporter Carl Cameron says U.S. intelligence has concluded, regarding Israeli intelligence, "how could they not have known?":


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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

Did you read the redacted 29 pages? It would appear that ‘dancing Israelis’ is part of the internet ‘investigation’ but hardly legitimate. There isn’t one mention of Israel, Mossad, etc., anywhere in the information that the government hid from you. Knowing something, and actively participating, are two entirely different things. The US government also knew about this event prior to it happening. Why do you think that the US Air Force was actually having practice trials that mimicked the actual event, at the very time it was happening?

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Please note that the "dancing Israelis" were arrested by the FBI, and are not some sort of made up illegitimate "internet investigation". They were held for 77 days, and then released by the head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, who happens to have Israeli/American parents, and happens to be a staunch Israel supporter. Yes, the intelligence agencies of the US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel all had foreknowledge of 9/11. My point is that it is was Israeli intelligence who orchestrated it, and staunch Israel supporters holding key positions within the US goverment who facilitated it.


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Sep 14·edited Sep 14

Chertoff, the Dept of Homeland Secy under Bush, and one of the leaders that gave you the Patriot Act. This is who you cite. Interesting.

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Yes, Chertoff played an important role in 9/11, which was orchestrated by Israeli intelligence and facilitated with the help of staunch Israel supporters like Chertoff, who held key positions within the US goverment.

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BS! Zionist Schmionist. You know Not of what you speak.

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Please replace the word Zionist with "staunch Israel supporters" if that word triggers you. I'm assuming that you consider yourself a staunch Israel supporter, right? Israel has a long history of doing false flag attacks to trick the US into going into war. Please look up the USS Liberty incident and the Lavon Affair. At the very least Israel knew about 9/11 before it happened and didn't warn anyone about it. But, the evidence points to Israel having a lot more involvement than that. The evidence I'm referring to is linked to in my original comment, which I'm assuming you didn't look it.


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Also that USS Liberty accusation was false.

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First you read This and then you will have clarity on what Zionism

truly is and not from the dupes and biblically illiterate ones you espouse from the tangled websites of lies.

Amos 9:14-15

“I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant them on their land, and they shall never again be uprooted out of the land that I have given them,” says the Lord your God.

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I believe that my USS Liberty accusation is correct. But, if you disagree then please let me know what you think I got wrong. In regards to your posting bible verses to justify your apparent unconditional support for Israel, I'm curious your thoughts on the fact that most Jews think that Christians are gullible morons for believing the virgin birth of Jesus. Also, you do know that Jewish authorities in Roman Judea charged Jesus with blasphemy and sought his execution, and ultimately he was crucified becuase of that, right? According to the evangelical "end times" narrative, which I assume you believe in, the Jews who don't accept Jesus in the end times are all going to burn in hell. I'm Jewish on my father's side and have many friends and family who are Jewish, and I can say quite confidentially that very few Jews will ever be accepting Jesus as their personal savior. LOL. When Jews are around other Jews they talk about how dumb Christians are for believing that Jesus's mom was a virgin and for believing the trinity, or that the father, son, and holy spirit are all God. Lastly, please note that if you were to walk down the street in Israel with Christian garb on, you would be spit on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z581dbGqr08

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You need to research the USS Liberty issue a bit more. The USS Liberty was a spy ship, broadcasting information to the opposition.

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Wow, where to start with you. So your father is Jewish but you blame your own people for unsubstantiated atrocities such as the USS Liberty and you have no clue about the truth of Zion? (I’ll look into the Lavon story) I’m not surprised since both Christians and Jews are deceived and scripturally ignorant in many ways. Now get this, I don’t blame Israel but my own American government for 911. And I know the deeper spiritual reasons for it. The Judean Jews didn’t reject Jesus in whole, it was the fearful threatened religious priestly and governmental establishment that had the Italian Gentiles physically murder Him The Galilean Samaritan Jews largely embraced the truth that He was Israel’s Messiah. Since Israel as a Whole Nation didn’t receive his Kingship He went to the cross! No one had the authority to take His life, since He is God in the flesh, He willfully became the sacrificial Passover Lamb for the forgiveness of sins offered 8-25 years later to the Gentiles through the Apostle Paul and his Gospel of Grace. Of course many Jews laugh at Christians because they didn’t understand their own prophecy then, and they don’t get it now. The virgin birth was clearly stated in Psalms and Micah. His death clearly described in Isaiah 53. BTW no Jews Ever spit on me in Israel. Have you even been there?

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Some MUCH nearer home knew, and were likely involved up to their beady little eyeballs, too! Please find a more reliable source than Wikipedia!

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Yes, some of the staunch Israel supporters working within the US goverment knew and were involved as well. How is Haaretz for a source?


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I knew immediately that something was wrong, what I saw did not match with what was reported. Perfectly symmetrical collapse cannot be caused by asymmetrical damage.

If you want to know who was behind 9/11 read The Trigger by David Icke https://archive.org/details/youtube-neSPfyZ2SqY and Solving 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn. https://archive.org/details/B-001-003-835/mode/2up

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J. Edgar Hoover said, "The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." Even he knew The Hidden Hand was real.

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Exactly. Reality is so insanely evil that people simply refuse to acknowledge. Their world would be shattered into a million pieces. And people are so tribal and convinced that they represent the right side of things.

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The Hidden Hand


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The UK's "beloved" British Broadcasting Corporation (ie the state broadcaster and not so beloved by many) reported that WTC7 had gone down, going over to Jane Stanley, who was shown saying "yes, sadly, a third building has collapsed" etc etc - with WTC7 still standing in the background. But as she spoke it did go down, so that's OK then...

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I’ve seen that footage. The mental gymnastics to make it fit The Narrative are extreme

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Completely agree. I recall reading an engineering study that indicated the same.

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BINGO. While a Larry Silverstien (owner) tells a late evening rookie reporter on the scene,

he asked the NYC FD to just "PULL IT" as the fire was too hot inside.

How is such bullshit even possible?

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IIRC, Silverstein signed a long-term lease for the towers just six weeks before 9/11, and had them well insured for $3.55 billion per event. After a long legal fight he managed to collect $4.55 billion, arguing that the attack was two separate events.

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Roger that Houston....The fix was in....and the dirty deeds done!

Emission control....hosed the John Q Public ....without any condoms.

The bankers way of getting shit done...especially illegally ! Hahaha

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Strange. "In a full-service lease, the lessor pays a certain amount of rent, and the landlord has the responsibility of paying all expenses of the property, including repairs, maintenance, taxes, insurance, and utilities." The lessee would normally carry only liability and business interruption insurance. Shouldn't the owners have received most of the payout for the loss of the buildings? https://www.hayeslegalsolutions.com/leasing-commercial-property#:~:text=In%20a%20full%2Dservice%20lease%2C%20the%20lessor%20pays%20a%20certain,taxes%2C%20insurance%2C%20and%20utilities.

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Whatever was causal did a great job of destroying financial evidence though, eh?

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Yes. It is easy to see esp when you get over the cognitive hurtle of “but our own govt wouldn’t let innocent people get killed” sort of belief

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A typically built standard I-Beam construct NO; however these two building were and are one of a kind design with the ONLY SUPPORT FRAMEWORK going up the 4 outside walls = is why mere rods across held up each floor and why it could and did pancake down thru with the frame work walls pushed out as it did to peel off like a banana- if you will...!

Bldg 7 was a standard internal beam construction and was purposely taken down by demolition and can be heard being done on video...!

My take is as with all the "tragic events" the unelected DeepState CIA + FBI somehow missed but knew were going to happen, as in a "Color War" set many up themselves = which has taken an Awakening for many American's, esp over the last 34yrs to believe it's occuring...!

I still clearly remember(as a much younger man) the hair prickling up on the back of my neck upon hearing POTUS GHWBush gleefully informed us of "the coming NWO"=from a true WWII hero-? then

Iraq-1, RubyRidge-

【 I received the Wash.Times then=best real reports esp on UN activity across America then 】

Then the election of a Arkansas drug dealing rapist- literally left me in a physically & mentally shocked state for 3days, then-




Ok. City-> clearly an inside job, it's effect not yet big enuff for them...!

So they gave it a rest for a few yrs till 9/11 to put us back into ME bigtime this time=$Trillions

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I live in Idaho. Watching the national news media the information was different from the local news. Granted the local news was more focused on local news than the national. National covered Ruby Ridge in fewer minutes. The third source was the local's information was in addition to the local and national media. The national did not have what the local media had. Often the information conflicted. They never identified who their source for misinformation was.

This is when I realized MSM did not tell the truth. I stopped listening to national media. I have always thought Ruby Ridge was a dress rehearsal for Waco.

I forget where but Washington DC had been warned there was going to be an attack on the US. If I remember correctly the countries were Israel, Switzerland, UK and Sweden. They were ignored. I do remember Bush et al, said we were not warned. Bush Jr ignored the warnings, just like FDR ignored the warnings Pearl Harbo was going to be attacked.

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They know about every one of these "tragic events" prior and use them for their preplanned purposes, orchestrating the narrative going forward = "Don't let any opportunity go to waste", yes they set some up to look organic tho like with the Whitmere fake kidnapping by the FBI fell apart it was that same ranking FBI guy they sent to orchestrate J6 = now finally falling apart as a setup...!

HERE's more then you bargained for:


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The characterization you give of the twin towers’ structural system is inaccurate. Vertical load support was not only located at the perimeter. This is a common misconception. This building used a core + tube model. The majority of the vertical load was designed to be carried by columns in the building core; some load shared by the lighter cage structure at the perimeter.

The pancake progressive collapse model is a farce and a lie, complete with falsified reports and ridiculous mathematical models attempting to justify something which does not match the visible evidence.

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One of many 'smoking guns" of 9/11 would be the huge variations of Earth's magnetic field over the 8 hours of that day. It is impossible to be caused by plane crashes. Hundreds of "toasted cars" on the ground prove the use of a directed energy weapon.

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the most significant evidence is what was plainly visible: the structures being atomized as they fell. largely turned into dust.

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lol...I researched the blueprint plans by the Japanese archetech who designed this one of a kind building design after the 1st bombing attempt = in his own words so saw exactly why it peeled outward...do the research...!

NO other bldg was ever built like these two before or since = why they could built so quickly; more or less experimental units...!

Yes the CIA knew about it going down and let it happen tho then had no legal Right to op on U.S. soil, 9/11 yielded the Patriot Act that now put them in a legal drivers seat is one reason WHY they let this happen as well get endless Wars out of it = a twofer one deal PLUS it covered up the $3-Trillion missing funds in the military and more...!

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You must not know how to read the working drawings, then. Yamasaki primarily designed the concept, skin and look. The structural engineering was WSHJ. i don’t know how you would ignore the 47 core columns (which carried 50%+ of the vertical load), but you go on ahead. Just don’t pretend others haven’t done the research. The structural concept for this tower was indeed used in other buildings, including the Hancock center and the Sears tower. ‘peeled outward’ you say. So much wrong there. I’ll leave you to it.

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As an interesting aside, the WTC was owned by NY Port Authority, and it was documented at the time that many corners were cut in order to build this as quickly (and cheaply) as possible.

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I might well be able to accept your perspective based on your qualification. If deception was imposed I am of the opinion it was done by other interests.

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Precisely! See that hotel in Amsterdam, near Schiphol that a plane crashed into! That 1 really was a plane crashing into it!

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Photos of isreali intelligence next to boxes of fuses in the towers. Smoking gun at least for the twin towers. I think Rummy and Cheney were in charge in DC>


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Er nope they did not …..

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Controlled demolition.

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Plus the New and Improved Technology for almost traceless rapid demolition,

known as Angled Thermite Roping, of steel I Beams and Girders.

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Opinions are opinions.

The 3000+ professional, credentialed specialists in Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth have asked for answers to science based “irregularities”. The stakes are so high a court came back and said government agencies (NIST) can LIE, they are NOT legally required to tell We the People the truth. Really?

Why did 3 steel frame buildings collapse from fire FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY?

Why was the crime scene not sealed and examined?

Why was the building rubble-residue shipped to China before analysis?

Why was there molten metal (pools) underground for weeks (Thermite)?

Why did WTC Bldg 7 collapse without being hit?

Why did The Guardian announce that Bldg 7 had collapsed before it collapsed?

Whatever the truth is has NOT been released to America and the world.

Until we get evidence based, historical truth we continue to live a LIE.

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Yes , I can follow your train of thought .

I don’t agree with the conclusions that is so prevalent in today’s comments . So many theories are just so out there - the planes weren’t really there , the passengers were taken and killed , it wasn’t really them the phones …. Etc . It’s craziness .

I’m old enough to have been a grown up at the time and a military wife . When your friend tells you her son was assigned to going through the pentagon the night of 9/11 -9/12 and what he saw … you don’t forget .

Lost in conversation is the World trade centers were built with the exoskeleton on the outside . The steel pillars that are normally running through a skyscrapers were mostly outside the building giving the wide empty expanse of space inside .

Building 7 , next to the world trade and damaged by the collapse and on fire . Owners say Pull it and people go crazy - he was talking about the firefighters and to stop fighting to save it . The insurance on the buildings - you find me a building in NYC without a heap of insurance right now . And the WTC was a known terrorist target already . People take an awful day and demean the deaths by nonsense . And that’s what I think .

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I don’t see you acknowledging the 3000+ architects and engineers or my rhetorical questions. Think again. The stakes here are astronomical.

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Just FYI, your understanding of the structural system of the twin towers is actually very inaccurate. It was not a pure exoskeletal design at all. Without going into the detail (which is not insignificant) it was, in simple terms, a ‘core + tube’ system. The details matter.

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"details" clearly EXOSKELETAL as I said, one of a kind design + build, again IS why 4sides peeled like a banana = whether you like it or not...LOL

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You can believe what you wish. Still incorrect, nevertheless.

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You could by the book "The B Thing" if you have an extra $5000 on you. It shows Isreali intelligence standing next to boxes of fuses for demolition. The fuses came from Haliburton which has ties to Cheney. t.ly/9smJL

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Nanothermite, which I know was not allowed to be carried in commercial airliners, even cargo flights, since at least the early '50s, was found in the rubble of all 3 collapsed buildings. I never heard of using that in construction either... So where did it come from?

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Andrews Air Force Base?

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Great! More evidence that the US was complicit in this. When do we get the pleasure of watching public hangings? Oh that's right... Never.

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Governments don't investigate themselves. And they persecute whistleblowers.

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An interesting angle here is that the deep fake technology may have been used in the viewing that day. Definitely interesting to think about: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-to-tell-whats-real-in-the-land

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If the history of Islam was viewed objectively and it was noted the reality of the religion of pieces was violent, misogynistic, and prejudicially biased against all other religions, including the many murderous moslem terrorist attacks throughout history in western nations, the 1400 year enslavement of blacks and whites, and the on going murders of non moslems in Africa, why were not/are not these people declared as serious dangers to Freedom and Justice, the lives of non moslems endangered, and that it was and is more a political/religious movement with directives from the Koran such as "Kill the infidel wherever you find him" and a plan to take over the world? Thus this all and more being true, why were those as moslems not declared personna non grata in free nations worldwide long ago and to hell with DIEverSHITty?

What is the point in allowing migrants into any free nation who are ordered by their religion to terrorize, torture, subjugate and kill other people who are not moslems? I would like turdo, camelthing, ovomit, macron, merkel, etc to answer that question and if they cannot, all should be arraigned on treason charges, tried and executed the day after conviction because all these traitors are good for is to be executed, and planted to push up flowers for the murder of innocent men, women and children. What in hell has happened to common sense?

It is personal opinions and such questions I have publicly asked/posed since age 18 in editorials, and more recently online that has resulted in criminal harassment, violations of my Charter rights to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and multiple violations of the CCC. The originations of violations of freedom of expression ironicly came from the delusional minds of the CHRC whacko wokists and a bureaucrat over two decades who was enabled by the criminal OPP, specifically by several people, to criminally harass me. That ring leader died unexpectedly in 2023, and I always knew there was a God. The CHRC, the monstrous creation of a frankensteinian fool and enemy of all that is good, Pierre Elliot Trudeau (Pee Error) was recently accused of bigotry and racism by black people who I do support in their claims.

When did Canada become anti freedom Canuckistan under the pseudo leadership of a bigot, liar and hoplophobe with the sense God gave a constipated billygoat and the appeal of a military formation of alternating yellow and green snot rockets standing at attention on the cold hood of a BMW in the middle of winter. Pray tell.

In the USA they had the illegal ovomit illegally elected, then biDUMB who never worked a day in his useless life, and now the fools are trying to ensconce another cackling leftist imbecilic dangerous enemy of Freedom, Justice and common sense into the presidency.

Indeed, the Minutemen are turning in their graves.

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Edward, Muslims are not the problem. My guess is you are familiar with the Talmud. Perhaps it is your holy book. Have you read The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion? Do you know who it is who hates goyim, or gentiles?

Muslims don't have the money power to bribe congress into doing their will. That power is in the hands of the Zionists. Why else does BB get 54 standing ovations in congress? It's bribes, and or blackmail. If that doesn't work, threats do.

Christopher Bollyn has written the definitive work on 911. Here is a copy for your reading pleasure. https://archive.org/details/B-001-003-835

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Yes but it is not real Jews, it is the fake Jew that is a problem. Moslems do present a problem though. They rape. And steal. And their outer garments do not hide the extent of their evil intention to by any means possible achieve world conquest. Then will come oppression, enslavement by the Jizya tax on all non moslems, child bride marriages, no equal standing in the law, sharia law etc. I would think it logical that moslem excesses can and will be used by God to judge western nations who ironically have embraced abominations to God that moslems reject...alcohol, abortion, homosexuality etc

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I am familiar with the Khazarian Mafia. It is also my understanding that many Synagogues have Rabbis that teach from the Talmud. Stuff like the "Jews are the chosen people" horseshit.

If the real Jews don't call out the fake Jews, then those real Jews are complicit in the crimes of the fake Jews. Fake Jews hide behind the Jewish identity and blend in. How often are they called out by real Jews? Can you provide any examples?

Focusing on Muslims is a distraction from the real problem. This is why I think you are being disingenuous.

What was it that Jesus said? "Behold, I make them of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews, and are not, but lie."

And what is the motto of the Mossad? By way of deception thou shalt do war. This doesn't sound like a Christian value to me. Sounds like lying is a Mossad tactic.

This is exactly what happened on 911. They made us believe it was the Muslims behind the attack when it was the Zionists that wanted the US to enter a war in the Mid East. Very successful. And in addition to war we got the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security pushed on us. Did anybody call out the fake Jews, if that is in deed who was responsible? No. And the cover up 911 Commission Report was headed by Phillip Zelikow. Was he a fake Jew or a real Jew? If he is a fake Jew, why aren't the real Jews calling him out? Seems to me that real Jews cover for fake Jews.

I just came across this book of historical significance. It sheds some light on the topic of Jews and their money power, fake Jews or otherwise.


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The whole argument lies somewhere between both sides for there is no denying moslems are bent on world domination and there do exist typesets of Jewish people. My scriptural precepts are violated by the denial of Jesus by Jews as Lord and Savior. That is a serious sin, because salvation is by Him alone. If all lived by adherence to the Ten Commandments all would be well.

As for relatives I have mostly religious hypocrites on father's side who I estrange and sibblings of the same sin, lovers of money. Both groups go to church on Sunday to sing Jesus Loves Me but then defraud, lie, backbite, steal etc the other six days of the week. The worst of them is a greedy idolatrist fake brother who lies and is in bondage to love of money, seeking ways to steal and cheat to his own advantage. How bad is it? The greedy puke makes almost 100 grand a year in pensions but it is still not enough for the greedy lying pos.

I can find both good and bad in every group that exists. But some groups have worst records.

The problem is multiplied by apostate religions but mainly by the religion of wokist wankerism that developed from the religion of dialectic secular humanism, the religion of Satan.

And yes, evil is waxing worse and worse.

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Jews run Hollywood mind control, Jews run media mind control, Jews run the banks, Jews run the politicians, Jews run Big Pharma, Jews run the educational institutions, Jews run the publishing houses. Jews run our government.

You are deluded if you think Muslims can compete with that kind of power.

E. Michael Jones puts it succinctly.


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Jews apparently run your mind, as well.

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Who has committed the terrorism world wide? Raped, tortured, enslaved and murdered? Whose religion says to "Kill the infidel wherever you find him?"

Yes there is power in the areas you mentioned. I do not doubt that. But there are still lots of "little people" Jews. And do you really think that there is any level of violence to compete with millions murdered by Genghis Khan or the slavery of whites and blacks for 1400 years? (Barbary Coast)

Is it an act of jealousy that Jewish people have done so well? I do not begrudge them from working into wealth and advantage. Any Jewish friends I had were good people.

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I agree the good ones are going to need to call out to the bad ones or it will be a problem for all of them.

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Khazars!!! I have to laugh when I read this, as suddenly your discussion loses all credibility. The Khazars were a Turkish sect that actually ‘disappeared’ in 1079, and there is not ONE molecule of DNA from them to connect them to Ashkenazi Jews (or anyone else).

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Laugh all you want. Laughing proves nothing except that you are a disingenuous person. And your description of the Khazars is incorrect. The Khazars secretly adopted Judaism. Jews like you do your best to conceal the history, but diligent researchers shed light on true history.


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Please cite ANY information that alleges any Khazarian DNA. You can’t. You’re spending a great deal of time citing information BS, as well as airing out your own bias.

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The Children of Israel ARE the chosen people, but clearly you have NO clue what that actually means! But not all who claim Abraham as "father" are children of Israel; neither are they all followers of Yhwh God. The Talmud is more the "word" of centuries of rabbis, than the word of Yhwh,which is found in "the law and the prophets". Biblical Christians call that the " old testament".

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Which Bible translation are you working from? The Scofield Bible? The King James?

Christian Zionists are not making the distinction between those who claim Abraham as father and what Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan. They go to Jerusalem and think that land belongs to the Jews. I don’t agree. The Satanists in Israel are murdering the Palestinians, which are among the semitic people living in the area.

Yes, I am familiar with what the Talmud is. And I am also aware that there are many different translations of the Holy Bible. Mauro Biglino goes back to the original Hebrew for his translation. The word Elohim is plural, not singular. Yhwh is but one of what Paul Anthony Wallis calls the “powerful ones.”

The problem is that way too many Christians in the world support the Jews, who slaughter Palestinians. The Jews have too much power as was demonstrated in Congress where BB spoke to multiple enthusiastic standing ovations. More weapons for BB. More spilled blood for BB. Are Americans going to send their sons and daughters to fight in yet more Middle East wars at the behest of our Zionist controllers?

If Mauro is correct, then we have all been deceived, even you my dear.

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9/11 was a trifecta between Jews, Christians and Muslims they banded together for this project.

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No. The holy book is actually the Torah. The Talmud is an observation I/interpretation by rabbis. This is like saying that the interpretation of the Constitution is more viable than the Constitution itself.

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Extremely well stated!

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Try this version Patricia.

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Hey, the July13 Investigation said the different security groups had incompatible comms 24 years after The Blob first used this excuse. The shocking event was the Saudi that went to Tucson to learn to fly passengers jets. He told his instructor he didn’t need to learn how to land the plane. The instructor called the local FBI office and that office sent comm to FBI HQ where the cable was…lost! The Soma is working well.

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Or the unseen 29000 pages redacted by BIG pHARMA COV 19 debacles,

soon to be released in the next 23 years.

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Some food for thought:

Crime Scene to Courtroom: An Unprecedented Film Series Taking Hard Evidence of 9/11 Crimes to Court


“The first 15 episodes expose the overwhelming and irrefutable evidence of the incendiary implosion of Building 7.”

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And Christopher Bollyn's book covers who was behind the attacks that day. https://archive.org/details/B-001-003-835

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No mention of the Israeli "moving company" Mossad team that was dancing with Joy in NJ.

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It takes honest journalists with courage to go that direction. Cristopher Bollyn is one such journalist. https://archive.org/details/B-001-003-835

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Maybe because that was a distraction away from the actual perpetrators? In reading all the comments here, it is apparently quite easy to direct blame to Jews for everything.

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There was a fake moving company. It was a Mossad front. The people were apprehended and given a free pass out of the USA. The people were reported for their visible celebration and jubilation. These are recorded facts. It is apparently quite easy to declare Jews to be innocent victims of everything done by everyone.

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Excuse me, but the ‘dancing Israelis’ were actually a video by one woman in NJ. That’s a ‘recorded fact’.

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That is your whine disguised as truth. The record is clear and all your bleatings are of no import. Mossad "moving" company, Mossad agents celebrating the carnage, Mossad agents detained and (like the Saudis) given a free pass. Story buried. Whenever it appears, some whiner alludes to victimhood, screaming in pain as they knife the truth.

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Would you care to provide some viable links to your assertions?

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"Seek, and ye shall find", as you'll know from your KJV.

"Seek with eyes wide shut, with deaf ears and closed mind, and you'll not find"

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I've been waiting for that. Would you care to educate yourself? No, of course not.

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Excellent writing John, as is your style. Considering what we know now about the aeronautical side of the events of the day, the 29 Pages might easily be described as a limited hangout in spook terms, even though it corroborates so well that the attacks were an inside job all the way. In fact, the "hijackers" were merely characters in an elaborate deception. No flights were "hijacked" that day. The hijackers were real people, but the aircraft that struck the towers were remote controlled drones, NOT American 11 and UA175. There was no UA93 in Shanksville, and whatever hit the Pentagon was NOT AA77. Congress knew it was an inside job. While serving in Congress, Everett Dirksen described Washington DC as "Israeli controlled territory". It was true when he said it, and it is even more true today. A Brooklyn born dual citizen Rabbi was the Comptroller at the Pentagon in the time leading up to 911, and as Jeff Prager and others have documented the destruction of WTC was in part a number of nuclear events.

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Perfectly symmetrical collapse cannot be caused by asymmetrical damage. I knew this day one. I was surprised at how gullible people were to believe the nonsense reported about that day.

Those that really want to know can read this. https://archive.org/details/B-001-003-835

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A rebuttal Kamala would be proud of!

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What about the Israeli art students wiring the buildings?

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Now, now! Artists are very precise!

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Thank you for the important article John. Clearly most of the comments acknowledge the Truth and not the governments BS or Plan B pre-planned BS with the Saudi's. Like the Plandemic Wet Market held to by tooth and nail but when no longer supportable BS lab leak and not the Truth of US Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Neocons involvement and the obvious Israeli involvement. Did 3000 dead Americans on 911 get the "Jew Call" Al Franken's words in his book that he, Mayor Koch and others get? No. Was there an "Italian, Irish, Hispanic, Black" call who were the majority of Americans who were murdered on 911? No, I did not think so. Or the Dancing Israeli's who were there "to document the event" or grubby Lucky Larry Silverstein who bought the WTC a few months before for $10m and the rest was loans and got back billions. How did 911 work out for the Arabs/Muslims? Over 1 million were genocided in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya and there infrastructure destroyed. Who are the only people 911 went well for? Israel and Zionists around the world. I was 3 miles from the WTC when it happen and made a huge study into it. I don't know everything but I know a lot.

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Congress is equally avid to investigate the rise in excess deaths since December 2020.

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ya, ...right.

Avid to ignore it!

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Israel along with American neocons orchestrated a huge con job on all of us that day. We are still feeling the negative effects of what happened that day. Big victory for Israel and the deep state. We have been doing Israel’s dirty work ever since. Our defense contractors profited enormously. The general population paid the price.

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Agree, anyone who needs to know what really happened should read The Trigger by David Icke, or read Solving 911 by Christopher Bollyn available here on archive.org. https://archive.org/details/B-001-003-835

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Can you explain how Israel directed the US Air Force to have exercises that morning, that so mimicked what actually was happening that they didn’t know if the event was part of the exercise or actually real, and so hesitated to respond?

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What I remember about the information we got very soon after 9/11 was that the intelligence community KNEW some of the hijackers were receiving instruction on how to fly commercial jets. It was also stated at the time that they were learning how to fly, but not learning how to land them.

If that was accurate, and it was certainly presented as such, then we already had all the mechanisms we ever needed to prevent 9/11, and so, presumably, similar attacks. Yet Washington used 9/11 as an excuse to expand it's powers via the "Patriot" Act. Which we never needed. We just needed to act on the information we already had ample ability to obtain, and did obtain.

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I knew intuitively on 911 that perfectly symmetrical collapse cannot be caused by asymmetrical damage. What was surprising to me is how many people were fooled, and if you point that out to them, they will call you a conspiracy theorist. They will go to lengths to defend their ignorance.

People fear truth because it causes them to change their world view.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

Yes, human nature seems to be working against us, as always. A small minority are able and willing to keep an open mind and at least try to see what's what. You'd think by now whenever the trigger words "racist", "bigot", conspiracy theorist", "anti-vaxxer" are used it would automatically out the speaker as simply being manipulative, and discredit him. Instead, people being incorrigibly naive and gullible, they still work their magic. On the plus side, they work a bit less than they once did.

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The problem is how we educate children. We do not teach them to think, which should be the objective of a good education, we teach them to memorize mostly bullshit. No wonder kids get bored.

John Taylor Gatto wrote the book, Dumbing Us Down. He was a NYC teacher who received 5 Teacher Of The Year awards He quit teaching and became public educations greatest critic.

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When I was in school it was drummed into us the purpose of higher education was to teach us how to think, not so much absorb facts. I doubt kids have heard that for decades. Even then it only worked on a minority though. I think the biggest factor is basic human nature (of most people). The default for humans is "authoritarian follower".

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I attended the University after a stint in the Army. It was obvious to me that educating critical thinkers was not the objective of higher education. I graduated in 1982 for perspective.

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BA in 1972 here. I began reading about dismaying changes in educational philosophy, specifically shutting down discussion of certain topics, a few years later. That hadn't happened yet when I attended.

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I have a buddy who loudly declares that the US government is a terrorist organization. He’s right. But nit when it comes to 9-11 or Covid. Then they are squeaky clean.

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IIRC, The "Patriot" Act was already written, waiting on his desk for the right triggering event and Shrub's signature.

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