That fateful day is just another in a long line of rituals designed to usher in a novus ordo seclorum. The Saudi’s are a creation and puppet of the intel community. The history of the House of Saud is well known, and the idea that they would bite the hand that feeds in this manner is preposterous.
No, America was very aware of what transpired that day, much as we were aware of the true origins of Covid.
If we can thank Covid for anything, it’s proof of how long these people are willing to plan and scheme in the dark. The idea of a global conspiracy doesn’t seem so far fetched after watching the entire “civilized” world line up with the Great Reset/Build Back Broker agenda.
I pray that those who have eyes to see like Dr. McCullough finally see what our government truly is.
Always was curious about the uniform way the Towers fell on 9/11; as though mirroring professional demolitions' explosions. Uniformity of the falls themselves indicated uniform heat or convection throughout the whole as they fell systematically virtually straight down.
Was TOO PERFECT. When anything is too good be true, is too perfect; ...Well, it's NOT TRUE. NEVER is there perfect destruction in nature as the World Trade Center Twin Towers except when planned, manipulated, enacted and carried-out by humans. 9/11 scheme ALWAYS SCREAMED 'RED FALSE FLAG OPERATION' to rationalize old H.W. Bush's PROMISED 'War for Profit'. Bet the Secret Society Kiddies with Rothschild's Central Bankers were pretty taken aback when Bush couldn't manifest the little skirmish for their gain when he lost the second term for President.
With Bush Jr., The Basel Tower Buddies FINALLY HAD THEIR PROMISED WAR. What more could be expected from the GREEDY IMMORALITY that sympathized with Hitler and financed both sides of WW2 as MILLIONS AROUND THE WORLD WERE MURDERED AND DIED and countries were destroyed while war industries were not touched and Nazi Banker War Criminals with their Western Nazi Banker Sympathizers were NOT HELD ACCOUNTABLE AND RETURNED TO WEALTH AND PRIVILEGE in a Gaslit Society.
Checked earlier and saw the price. Opted to check our wonderful Library here and THEY HAVE IT. In fact, my Branch has one and I placed a 'SAVE' on the Title. It's to be waiting for PU tomorrow. Thx for reference.
Let me know what you think. It took me several months to read but the book was well worth money and time. By the way I have an advance physics background... Dr Wood is an electrical engineer, applied physicist and both civil and mechanical engineer.
Technocratic, Nazi Central Banker CULT from around the globe marinate together at the bi-weekly posh dinners in Basel at the Bank for International Settlements simmering, cooking, baking and maneuvering for their One World Digital Currency to BRING ON the One World Govt. clutching dystopian dreams of ABSOLUTE POWER.
Careful friend.....your local "5 eyes" departments will not approve of your communication. Stay strong and rest assured you're not alone as you can witness in your likes that many of us agree and support you. I'm Canadian and have my CSE and well as NSA and GCHQ files to which I'm currently privy of. I pray your your welfare and keep publishing the truth and do not bow down nor submit to any intimidation you may encounter.
Honestly, WHAT pray tell, are the descendants of the Nazis and western Nazi financiers/sympathizers going to do? They don't want anybody like me to torture so they can drink my adrenochrome-enhanced blood or eat my body to maintain some delusion of immortality until there's a way to be transported as in Star Trek or Star Wars into the Cloud or an Ai Robot. No doubt, the sadistic would love to torture me or whomever they can clamp onto as they adore SEEING misery as those now politically imprisoned from Jan. 6th at the U.S. Capital Building and in Alberta or Ottawa, Canada can attest to. No doubt some freaks love misery, themselves...But, not to death, huh?
The point is...I'm NOT stupid and have had too much time spent with extreme evil in this life from the education, career path and life followed. There is full cognition to what has been written. It's a matter of perspective, you see. The progeny are the priority as my life isn't so much so at this time. I KNOW JESUS AWAITS...
They can torture and kill me...I can be murdered and what does it matter since there isn't that much time left for me and I'm NOT OBSESSED with Earthly immortality. Am NOT willing to be an Ai-Enhanced Chimeric Freak as they wish to re-imagine (Gosh, can't stand that word); their humans herded from the south to the north 'Owning nothing and being happy.' to be. The priority are the children and Grandchildren and the life they would have again ENSLAVED TO THE WORST EARTHLY EVIL THE MONARCHS NOW CALLED DICTATORS CAN CREATE POSSIBLE in a world where God IS ILLEGAL since THEY WILL INSIST THEY, THEMSELVES, ARE GOD. At least the Monarchs have grown in some aspect of Mental Health to stop pretending to be mere REPRESENTATIVES OF A GOD THEY DON'T BELIEVE EXISTS. They're still EVIL AS CAN BE...But, at least they're now openly delusional to show us their Idolatry in the belief they're God, themselves.
Truth is the best teacher...Modelled through experience and courage in the line of fire. It can only be taught by showing the young what it is. Many of my generation have neglected to SHOW OUR KIDS what 'The Constitution' is or love of country and most importantly, love of God. The Monarchs we now re-imagine (Gosh, can't stand that word. 😉) Dictators enslaved the 'Dirty, Unwashed Masses' throughout all time and there will NEVER be another time for humanity to EVER accept them as Masters and to DE-evolve or regress to SLAVERY ever again.
I'm OLDER...'A Worthless Eater'. Since when in the current time does anything people like me say matter?
An interview with David Martin brings up comments from demolition experts ... I have no references myself ... that the WTC towers collapse looked like a demolition. I did not like hearing that a long time ago, but David brings up some startling facts about the Port Authority insurance policy that expired at 11:59 pm on 9-10-2001 and the building inspectors with expertise in explosives who obtained and “replaced” concrete core samples. More conspiracies? Nothing surprises me any more. Tell there are aliens from the Pleides are living in NY and I will answer, “Of course...where else would they live?
If the Twin Towers were going to collapse because of the plane-strikes and localized damage to the beams by the burning jet fuel, the structural failures would have started at the point of damage and the buildings would have started tipping over because the damage and subsequent loss of support integrity was NOT symmetrically distributed around their perimeters. There is absolutely NO WAY those buildings could have started collapsing at all points of their perimeters at the exact same moment that would have had to occur to make them collapse straight down into their "footprints". And in both cases the collapse originated at the top floors. What those buildings did was defy the laws of physics, if anyone still believes the lies of our very criminal government!
Same with Building 7 that sustained no damage at all from the planes. It was obviously a controlled demolition from the top down. And then there was the matter of the CIA wanting to destroy the documents they had at their offices in Building 7. How convenient! And then we must remember the newscaster who read her script too soon and announced on live T.V. Building 7's collapse BEFORE it happened and while it was obviously still standing behind her!
Actually, considering that the Tower's main support structures were the huge vertical beams around their periphery, any collapse from damage from the burning fuel would have been confined to the interior more central part. The building may have been "gutted" but the outer "shell" would have remained standing. Still ridiculously improbable.
Over 2000 trained with degrees of engineering have completely agreed with that exactness.
Kerosene can not make a fire hot enough to melt steel. It doesn't melt jet aircraft engines either. Jet fuel is a preferred kerosene based operating grade of propulsion for many reasons.
Those buildings were designed to withstand a plane crashing into them. The only way they were able to fall like they did was by cutting core columns and some kind of chemical reaction due to thermite or even a tactical nuke that pulverized structural steel.
I think of all those damaged buildings in Berlin at the end of the war. The exterior structures were mainly intact while the insides were gone. I was always amazed how the exterior walls were able to still be upright.
Indeed the most compelling explanation/argument in concert of the falling mostly into itself.
But the evening news report with owner of WTC 1-2 "Larry", telling the reporter live that he told the NY fire dept to just "Pull It"!! ( bldg 7) as though the firemen are somehow expert demo operators and got nothing better to do, as the fire and injured still visible on scene.
Duh....scripted bad excuse dude. No NY city firemen assisted in the demolition of Bldg 7.
And that as well was investigated by the Firefighters union. Larry made it up.
How long did it burn before it collapsed? Maybe the BBC rightly assumed it would collapse. What is your point? Are you claiming the BBC knew there was a conspiracy? How is it that no American news network knew about a conspiracy that would have been in the works for several years, if it existed.
They call it the British Bullshit Corporation for good reason. It's a gov' mouthpiece, that says exactly what the British gov tells it to.
"How is it that no American news network knew about..." about the clot shots killing people? Dunno, weird innit, the way the American news networks tell you what their gov wants them to tell you?
It's almost like the "news networks" in America are just like the BBC, huh?
Of course you might not believe that, seeing as you didn't see it on the news, right?
" How is it that no American news network knew about a conspiracy . . . "
You have got to be kidding! Since when do conspirators announce their conspiracies as conspiracies? Does the WEF announce that they are taking over the world and planning to kill 7+ billion people with poison bioweapon shots and more engineered pandemics? Has Bill Gates openly announced that his "philanthropic" vaccine programs in Third World countries are depopulation schemes to kill people and get sterilzation drugs into women?
Well, yes, in their own way they are, just not so blatantly.
The "mainstream" media only reports what their controllers want them to report. It is all heavily censored. Remember: 90% of the news is controlled by a small handful of corporations. And in the Western countries, the CIA and their British counterpart control most news services.
Yes, the BBC read the script a few hours too early. The 700ft Solomon Building (7) wasn't "pulled" until around 6pm that night, with a countdown audible on videos. Sage Hana substack has a good recap of the evidence
I would be unable to tell you for absolute certainty if it was a national reporter on the scene,
or the remnant of continued coverage of local affiliates still live and on the scene. I will guess it was a late night younger local reporter that just happened to be in the right place at the right time and knew exactly who Larry Silverstein is or was. Or it too was scripted to deceive viewers
I was caught up more by what he said about NYFD being requested by him to Just pull it!!
Knowing how involved and downright dangerous controlled demolition is. No one enters a burning one with sacks full of explosives on 9/11 in NYCity . No way.
An "on the street live" TV interview with the owner of all those buildings (Larry Silverstein) around 7pm NY time after Bldg 7 Free fall implode Demo, He quoted the following words,
"The firemen said that bldg7 was too far along in uncontrolled interior blaze (it wasn't)
Then he says live on camera "so we asked the fire department to just PULL IT"!! Meaning that the fire dept had an hour or so with nothing else to do on their hands but go into a burning
Bldg 7 with controlled explosives and place them strategically within the structure and then light it up to bring it down. GEEZUZ It takes days of planning not minutes.
F_N lying lying lying! The evidence does not mislead nor need further proof. Planned!
When questioned Silverstein said by “it” he meant the rescue operation, because the building could not be saved and there was no point risking loss of life. The fire chief said the same thing. You are either dishonest or uninformed. There was no evidence that the building was pulled down.
Any honest person with an 80 IQ understands the context inwhich Larry Silverstein is speaking means, "pull it", as in demolition, which is a term he was very familiar. You fkn troll.
I myself am have no ties to the world of explosives. Only what I have sometimes read.
We can do our own research of this type on line and be lost in a shuffle. Please Not today.
How many people on this planet even know what a linear thermite charge is? Or what it's for.
My brothers barely knew what it looked like. It has many designs depending on application . And can sear the steel of a Letter "H" ibeam at a point to rob rigidness that I beams have always been noted for as indestructible under massive loads like open air bridges.
You could show it to me, I'd never know what it was. Probably began as military grade item.
Hmmm....sounding familiar at all? We have lots of items in daily use that once were classified.
As a professional, full-time career firefighter/incident commander with training and expertise in building construction from a firefighter’s perspective I was not surprised at all as I watched the World Trade Center buildings collapse. However, was our government involved in the planning and execution of events that day? Was what actually transpired more than what the conspirators expected or did the conspirators know what I as a firefighter know and planned accordingly? A person only needs to look back to the previous century to see how many millions of people were ruthlessly murdered by their own governments, governments they blindly trusted to protect them. We would be fools to believe anything has changed and to think we are somehow more enlightened, thus it cannot happen again. Be watchful, be prepared! The worst is yet to come.
The World Trade Towers were not ordinary buildings. Their construction was different insofar as their major support was not an internal beam scaffolding like most high rise buildings but rather their support was the massive external vertical beams around their perimeters. That is why their windows were relatively small and narrow. They were designed to be able to withstand large plane impacts. They should have been nearly indestructible. Engineers familiar with ther design said they never could have fallen like that on their own without some serious demolition.
The external beams you talk about are/were properly called an exoskeleton. Back in the 80s a friend and I took several 'official' tours of the buildings. The exoskeleton feature is rare, but there are other such buildings in the world.
Thank you Faith. I watched Loose Change back in about 2005, and like so many others, watching it started me on a long path of research and study. I did not watch the updated version, but have learned much from many other sources, including A&E911 and the now defunct Pilots For 911 Truth. The official narrative is bankrupt. All known facts contradict it.
I’m not an engineer, just a firefighter/incident commander who had the responsibility to know what to be aware of in buildings under severe fire conditions. While fire is a major concern, It’s not the engineers’ overriding concern in their design plans. I was not surprised when the buildings collapsed. The firefighters there risked their lives to save others.
I used to work at 2 WTC on the 103rd floor, changed jobs prior to 9-11 about a year before. Recall prior to 9-11 TWA flight 800 crashed, it has long been suspected that a US surface to air missile accidentally shot it down. My coworkers sister was a flight attendant on that flight. After 9-11 there was another plane that crashed on November 2001, I don't recall the details but I live near the UN and the police were blocking my street and I had to show some ID to get to my apartment. Lastly, the Anthrax scare also was right after 9-11.
Without going into theories about 9-11, I can attest there was a of fear and uncertainty going around during that timeframe. In light of the C19 situation, which has the same feel to me as the time around 9-11. It certainly seems "something smells rotten in Denmark."
It's all lies. We've seen how the FBI fabricates things and this is no exception.
9/11 was a false flag committed by our own government to justify invasions of other countries and curtailment of civil liberties.
This is being released now because the Saudi's have snubbed us and are looking to drop the petrodollar. This is the way the we will pressure them to back off. It probably won't work and we will end up using this to justify confiscating Saudi assets as the US/Saudi relationship further deteriorates.
Excellent metaphor for what’s happening today. We were all 21 years younger and less informed when 9/11 happened. I remember clearly believing my government that Iraq had WMDs and we better be pre emptive rather than wait for a mushroom cloud. At the time, George W Bush had overwhelming popularity polls and polls showed that 95% of Americans supported attacking Iraq. A few years later I couldn’t not find one person other than myself who admitted to falling for the b.s. which was used as an excuse to get us into a decades long fight.
When COVID came around, my b.s. meter was on high alert and I didn’t fall for any of it. But here’s my bet: in five years, you won’t have a single friend who admits that they supported COVID vax mandates (no jab, no job) and they’ll all rewrite the history of their own atrocious behavior in 2020-2022.
I totally bought the 9/11 narrative, until I saw "Loose Change 9/11" last month, as well as Dave Vonkeist documentary, In Plane Sight and Ripple Effect -
I also bought the official narrative until I heard experts talking about how well designed were the Towers and that plane strikes like that couldn't have made them collapse. And then when I logically examined the situation and mentally compared how the Towers collapsed with numerous videos I have seen of the controlled demolition of buildings, of course it was the identical type of collapse!!!! There is no way in hell those two buildings fell down like that on their own! NEVER would have happened!
Smoke and Mirrors ! What about Tower 7 ? what about Mossad ? What about so called pilot who had trouble flying a Cessna 150 doing the gymnastics to get the plane lined up to hit the tower?
False. The building was intact with only a handful of office fires. Seriously, where do you get your info? You have to be a plant or a bot bec you are certainly spreading a lot of misinformation. Or do you work for mossad/our govt?
If you believe that hijackers flew plans they didn't have any training directly into their targets I have a bridge to sell you. Buildings just fall down completely to the ground floor from being hit by a plane too. Oh and kidnapped called from the airplanes on their cell phones, because we send people to the moon. This is concerning propaganda, along with pushing that China is somehow dying which we know is not happening (latest podcast)?
You know what you know, but you don't know what you don't want to know. The Deepstate took those building down, and that's the fact. Just like they (DARPA) are behind these vaccines as Dr. McCullough points out. Joining forces with the mass media and continuing to believe this farce just helps them. Go ahead, but you're the dupe not me.
Yes and they couldn't fly a Cessna. You sound like you have some cognitive dissonance going on and that's ok. No one wants to believe that there are "people" out there that kill with impunity but I hate to tell you TGC, you are very naive when it comes to who rules this world. Bush et al are only puppets. They all answer to a higher power and I don't mean God.
Whatever the amount of money the Pentagon couldn't account for before that (plane) suddenly crashed into it. Believe the farce, you're the dupe not me.
Not one mention of the textbook free fall demolition of thermite rope angled to perfection on steel center core vertical backbone I beams to induce gravity "Shearing" at point of intensive heat to insure separation of load bearing aspects to both WTC buildings and the icing on the demo magic was the text book free fall caught on different cam angles of Bldg 7. Full Stop!!!!
With over 2800 global highest caliber trained Structural Engineers saying "Exactly" that!!
It was one hell of an intelligence test. Did you Pass the test? Or miss an educational about a gravity
effect on controlled free fall demolition? How to drop load 10 lbs of rubble in a 5 lb bag. Classic.
I am going to make a correction about the description made of Thermite rope. it is not a actual rope per say but a fastened charge that spews a cutting system more like a cutting torch from a nozzle. The effects of which can look like a rope on the opposing side of the blast thru.
Sorry to have mis-lead the way may be applied to many uses. Time to shut this off is now.
I was raised by my Catholic parents be honest and fair minded and I was one of only a handful of students in my first year law school class to get an A in evidence. I then spent 42 years as a trial lawyer separating the wheat from the chaff.
Loose Change is garbage. It is as reliable as the Covid. “vaccines”. A lot of people will do anything to make money. Baseball is not America’s favorite pastime.
Why don’t you watch Screw Loose Change? None of the claims of the haters make any sense.
Hah, that is a nice coincidence. I was an alter boy myself at St. James parish in a very small town in Minn. Latin was the only lingo spoken and all the pomp and circumstance was acted to the script.
My now diseased father in law was a Minn Supreme Ct justice for 20 years. COV 19 is bad news.
On some odd parallels as the 9/11 scam JFK/RFK/MLK/ whose loose ends remain in mystery.
NIST never explained why the towers fell. Dr Steven Jones found nanothermite in dust from the towers. How much are you being paid to post your disinfo?
The Bush criminal family. The Obama criminal family. The Biden criminal family. The Clinton criminal family. What a collective bunch of ignorant maggots.
Watching building 7 implode - and seeing/living through how that has been explained away by the government and the media and "THE Authorities" - showcases a lot of facts about how they operate and how evil they are.
No. In the face of so much misinformation learning the truth is hard work. The original Screw Loose Change which I believe was produced 2008 to 2010 was better. I can’t believe how many Americans hate their country.
The Americans I know who most love their country and the principles upon which it was founded are the Americans most disgusted with the people populating the upper ranks of government. They despise their government because they love their country.
I can't believe how wedded to obvious lies, propaganda, and total nonsense so many people like you can be.
People familiar with the false flag nature of the events of 9/11 -- many of whom are commenting earlier on this post -- recognize that "the 28 pages" was always "a limited hangout" discussed to try to distract people away from recognizing that it took months of planning and execution to get three buildings (WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7) to fall neatly into their own footprints, and that the collision of two planes with two of those buildings was always a woefully weak explanation for what transpired.
Appalling dereliction of Congressional DUTY to investigate. And NOT to stop investigating when you discover your perceived 'boss' or your deceptive 'friend' is implicated.
That fateful day is just another in a long line of rituals designed to usher in a novus ordo seclorum. The Saudi’s are a creation and puppet of the intel community. The history of the House of Saud is well known, and the idea that they would bite the hand that feeds in this manner is preposterous.
No, America was very aware of what transpired that day, much as we were aware of the true origins of Covid.
If we can thank Covid for anything, it’s proof of how long these people are willing to plan and scheme in the dark. The idea of a global conspiracy doesn’t seem so far fetched after watching the entire “civilized” world line up with the Great Reset/Build Back Broker agenda.
I pray that those who have eyes to see like Dr. McCullough finally see what our government truly is.
Always was curious about the uniform way the Towers fell on 9/11; as though mirroring professional demolitions' explosions. Uniformity of the falls themselves indicated uniform heat or convection throughout the whole as they fell systematically virtually straight down.
Was TOO PERFECT. When anything is too good be true, is too perfect; ...Well, it's NOT TRUE. NEVER is there perfect destruction in nature as the World Trade Center Twin Towers except when planned, manipulated, enacted and carried-out by humans. 9/11 scheme ALWAYS SCREAMED 'RED FALSE FLAG OPERATION' to rationalize old H.W. Bush's PROMISED 'War for Profit'. Bet the Secret Society Kiddies with Rothschild's Central Bankers were pretty taken aback when Bush couldn't manifest the little skirmish for their gain when he lost the second term for President.
With Bush Jr., The Basel Tower Buddies FINALLY HAD THEIR PROMISED WAR. What more could be expected from the GREEDY IMMORALITY that sympathized with Hitler and financed both sides of WW2 as MILLIONS AROUND THE WORLD WERE MURDERED AND DIED and countries were destroyed while war industries were not touched and Nazi Banker War Criminals with their Western Nazi Banker Sympathizers were NOT HELD ACCOUNTABLE AND RETURNED TO WEALTH AND PRIVILEGE in a Gaslit Society.
There's an interesting lengthy, well illustrated and documented book "Where Did the Towers Go? by Judy Wood
Thank-you. Will seek it and buy.
Checked earlier and saw the price. Opted to check our wonderful Library here and THEY HAVE IT. In fact, my Branch has one and I placed a 'SAVE' on the Title. It's to be waiting for PU tomorrow. Thx for reference.
Let me know what you think. It took me several months to read but the book was well worth money and time. By the way I have an advance physics background... Dr Wood is an electrical engineer, applied physicist and both civil and mechanical engineer.
Isn't it the "Build Back Broken" agenda?
Technocratic, Nazi Central Banker CULT from around the globe marinate together at the bi-weekly posh dinners in Basel at the Bank for International Settlements simmering, cooking, baking and maneuvering for their One World Digital Currency to BRING ON the One World Govt. clutching dystopian dreams of ABSOLUTE POWER.
Careful friend.....your local "5 eyes" departments will not approve of your communication. Stay strong and rest assured you're not alone as you can witness in your likes that many of us agree and support you. I'm Canadian and have my CSE and well as NSA and GCHQ files to which I'm currently privy of. I pray your your welfare and keep publishing the truth and do not bow down nor submit to any intimidation you may encounter.
Honestly, WHAT pray tell, are the descendants of the Nazis and western Nazi financiers/sympathizers going to do? They don't want anybody like me to torture so they can drink my adrenochrome-enhanced blood or eat my body to maintain some delusion of immortality until there's a way to be transported as in Star Trek or Star Wars into the Cloud or an Ai Robot. No doubt, the sadistic would love to torture me or whomever they can clamp onto as they adore SEEING misery as those now politically imprisoned from Jan. 6th at the U.S. Capital Building and in Alberta or Ottawa, Canada can attest to. No doubt some freaks love misery, themselves...But, not to death, huh?
The point is...I'm NOT stupid and have had too much time spent with extreme evil in this life from the education, career path and life followed. There is full cognition to what has been written. It's a matter of perspective, you see. The progeny are the priority as my life isn't so much so at this time. I KNOW JESUS AWAITS...
They can torture and kill me...I can be murdered and what does it matter since there isn't that much time left for me and I'm NOT OBSESSED with Earthly immortality. Am NOT willing to be an Ai-Enhanced Chimeric Freak as they wish to re-imagine (Gosh, can't stand that word); their humans herded from the south to the north 'Owning nothing and being happy.' to be. The priority are the children and Grandchildren and the life they would have again ENSLAVED TO THE WORST EARTHLY EVIL THE MONARCHS NOW CALLED DICTATORS CAN CREATE POSSIBLE in a world where God IS ILLEGAL since THEY WILL INSIST THEY, THEMSELVES, ARE GOD. At least the Monarchs have grown in some aspect of Mental Health to stop pretending to be mere REPRESENTATIVES OF A GOD THEY DON'T BELIEVE EXISTS. They're still EVIL AS CAN BE...But, at least they're now openly delusional to show us their Idolatry in the belief they're God, themselves.
Truth is the best teacher...Modelled through experience and courage in the line of fire. It can only be taught by showing the young what it is. Many of my generation have neglected to SHOW OUR KIDS what 'The Constitution' is or love of country and most importantly, love of God. The Monarchs we now re-imagine (Gosh, can't stand that word. 😉) Dictators enslaved the 'Dirty, Unwashed Masses' throughout all time and there will NEVER be another time for humanity to EVER accept them as Masters and to DE-evolve or regress to SLAVERY ever again.
I'm OLDER...'A Worthless Eater'. Since when in the current time does anything people like me say matter?
You might want to see Loose Change( only on computers and pads) and read The Second Pearl Harbor if you haven’t already!
Loose Change should be required watching for the informed citizen. I will add the book to my reading list, thanks
Another book : Bitten - the Secret History of Lyme disease - helped me wake up some family members.
An interview with David Martin brings up comments from demolition experts ... I have no references myself ... that the WTC towers collapse looked like a demolition. I did not like hearing that a long time ago, but David brings up some startling facts about the Port Authority insurance policy that expired at 11:59 pm on 9-10-2001 and the building inspectors with expertise in explosives who obtained and “replaced” concrete core samples. More conspiracies? Nothing surprises me any more. Tell there are aliens from the Pleides are living in NY and I will answer, “Of course...where else would they live?
No high-rise building has collapsed due to fire.
If the Twin Towers were going to collapse because of the plane-strikes and localized damage to the beams by the burning jet fuel, the structural failures would have started at the point of damage and the buildings would have started tipping over because the damage and subsequent loss of support integrity was NOT symmetrically distributed around their perimeters. There is absolutely NO WAY those buildings could have started collapsing at all points of their perimeters at the exact same moment that would have had to occur to make them collapse straight down into their "footprints". And in both cases the collapse originated at the top floors. What those buildings did was defy the laws of physics, if anyone still believes the lies of our very criminal government!
Same with Building 7 that sustained no damage at all from the planes. It was obviously a controlled demolition from the top down. And then there was the matter of the CIA wanting to destroy the documents they had at their offices in Building 7. How convenient! And then we must remember the newscaster who read her script too soon and announced on live T.V. Building 7's collapse BEFORE it happened and while it was obviously still standing behind her!
Actually, considering that the Tower's main support structures were the huge vertical beams around their periphery, any collapse from damage from the burning fuel would have been confined to the interior more central part. The building may have been "gutted" but the outer "shell" would have remained standing. Still ridiculously improbable.
Over 2000 trained with degrees of engineering have completely agreed with that exactness.
Kerosene can not make a fire hot enough to melt steel. It doesn't melt jet aircraft engines either. Jet fuel is a preferred kerosene based operating grade of propulsion for many reasons.
Kerosene can make a very hot fire in a confined space that retains heat. It can be used as the fuel to fire a kiln.
Those buildings were designed to withstand a plane crashing into them. The only way they were able to fall like they did was by cutting core columns and some kind of chemical reaction due to thermite or even a tactical nuke that pulverized structural steel.
They fell just like how a controlled demolition would cause a building to collapse.
I think of all those damaged buildings in Berlin at the end of the war. The exterior structures were mainly intact while the insides were gone. I was always amazed how the exterior walls were able to still be upright.
Indeed the most compelling explanation/argument in concert of the falling mostly into itself.
But the evening news report with owner of WTC 1-2 "Larry", telling the reporter live that he told the NY fire dept to just "Pull It"!! ( bldg 7) as though the firemen are somehow expert demo operators and got nothing better to do, as the fire and injured still visible on scene.
Duh....scripted bad excuse dude. No NY city firemen assisted in the demolition of Bldg 7.
And that as well was investigated by the Firefighters union. Larry made it up.
Which newscaster was that?
The BBC. Video is available on many sites on the web. Their reporter claimed it had collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did.
Here is one documentary video that includes it. Go to 21:20 to see which building is WTC 7 behind the reporter. About 5 minutes later it comes down:
"BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell" :
Do u have the link?
Sorry that i do not have such a link. It may have been washed away from archives, not sure.
There is a thing called a way back machine. I am unfamiliar with it and never had to use it.
For me personally all things 9/11 are getting to a point of being an entire lifetime ago.
There is so much to be focused on now in the past 3 years make 9/11 a kindergarten.
Good luck on the hunt!
Yes, the further we get away from it the more outrageous the lies.
Yeah , Beautiful can't make this stuff up.
And it is some camera mans personal footage delight. And an Oh shit moment for others.
"BBC Reported Building 7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell":
(Go to 21:20)
How long did it burn before it collapsed? Maybe the BBC rightly assumed it would collapse. What is your point? Are you claiming the BBC knew there was a conspiracy? How is it that no American news network knew about a conspiracy that would have been in the works for several years, if it existed.
They call it the British Bullshit Corporation for good reason. It's a gov' mouthpiece, that says exactly what the British gov tells it to.
"How is it that no American news network knew about..." about the clot shots killing people? Dunno, weird innit, the way the American news networks tell you what their gov wants them to tell you?
It's almost like the "news networks" in America are just like the BBC, huh?
Of course you might not believe that, seeing as you didn't see it on the news, right?
" How is it that no American news network knew about a conspiracy . . . "
You have got to be kidding! Since when do conspirators announce their conspiracies as conspiracies? Does the WEF announce that they are taking over the world and planning to kill 7+ billion people with poison bioweapon shots and more engineered pandemics? Has Bill Gates openly announced that his "philanthropic" vaccine programs in Third World countries are depopulation schemes to kill people and get sterilzation drugs into women?
Well, yes, in their own way they are, just not so blatantly.
The "mainstream" media only reports what their controllers want them to report. It is all heavily censored. Remember: 90% of the news is controlled by a small handful of corporations. And in the Western countries, the CIA and their British counterpart control most news services.
Yes, the BBC read the script a few hours too early. The 700ft Solomon Building (7) wasn't "pulled" until around 6pm that night, with a countdown audible on videos. Sage Hana substack has a good recap of the evidence
I would be unable to tell you for absolute certainty if it was a national reporter on the scene,
or the remnant of continued coverage of local affiliates still live and on the scene. I will guess it was a late night younger local reporter that just happened to be in the right place at the right time and knew exactly who Larry Silverstein is or was. Or it too was scripted to deceive viewers
I was caught up more by what he said about NYFD being requested by him to Just pull it!!
Knowing how involved and downright dangerous controlled demolition is. No one enters a burning one with sacks full of explosives on 9/11 in NYCity . No way.
It was a news anchor reading a script about building 7.
An "on the street live" TV interview with the owner of all those buildings (Larry Silverstein) around 7pm NY time after Bldg 7 Free fall implode Demo, He quoted the following words,
"The firemen said that bldg7 was too far along in uncontrolled interior blaze (it wasn't)
Then he says live on camera "so we asked the fire department to just PULL IT"!! Meaning that the fire dept had an hour or so with nothing else to do on their hands but go into a burning
Bldg 7 with controlled explosives and place them strategically within the structure and then light it up to bring it down. GEEZUZ It takes days of planning not minutes.
F_N lying lying lying! The evidence does not mislead nor need further proof. Planned!
It takes weeks and weeks of engineering alone…
Randall Stoehr
When questioned Silverstein said by “it” he meant the rescue operation, because the building could not be saved and there was no point risking loss of life. The fire chief said the same thing. You are either dishonest or uninformed. There was no evidence that the building was pulled down.
Other than the way it collapsed straight down into it's own footprint
Terence, even the village idiot knows what planned controlled free fall demolitions look like.
As do 350 or more NYFD employees that were active and involved as eye witnesses that day.
Your nagging bullshit is a mute point. This conversation has become useless and needless.
You are free to believe anything that you wish/hope/dream. Best of luck with that.
What's the going rate for writing cr*p?
You can't wire a building for demo in a day.
Terrence...bullshit and you know it.
Any honest person with an 80 IQ understands the context inwhich Larry Silverstein is speaking means, "pull it", as in demolition, which is a term he was very familiar. You fkn troll.
If I remember correctly, thermite was also found on site? No explanation there.
I myself am have no ties to the world of explosives. Only what I have sometimes read.
We can do our own research of this type on line and be lost in a shuffle. Please Not today.
How many people on this planet even know what a linear thermite charge is? Or what it's for.
My brothers barely knew what it looked like. It has many designs depending on application . And can sear the steel of a Letter "H" ibeam at a point to rob rigidness that I beams have always been noted for as indestructible under massive loads like open air bridges.
You could show it to me, I'd never know what it was. Probably began as military grade item.
Hmmm....sounding familiar at all? We have lots of items in daily use that once were classified.
Authorities were awfully quick to clean it all up as well. Any evidence would have been destroyed along the way and they had to know that.
As a professional, full-time career firefighter/incident commander with training and expertise in building construction from a firefighter’s perspective I was not surprised at all as I watched the World Trade Center buildings collapse. However, was our government involved in the planning and execution of events that day? Was what actually transpired more than what the conspirators expected or did the conspirators know what I as a firefighter know and planned accordingly? A person only needs to look back to the previous century to see how many millions of people were ruthlessly murdered by their own governments, governments they blindly trusted to protect them. We would be fools to believe anything has changed and to think we are somehow more enlightened, thus it cannot happen again. Be watchful, be prepared! The worst is yet to come.
The World Trade Towers were not ordinary buildings. Their construction was different insofar as their major support was not an internal beam scaffolding like most high rise buildings but rather their support was the massive external vertical beams around their perimeters. That is why their windows were relatively small and narrow. They were designed to be able to withstand large plane impacts. They should have been nearly indestructible. Engineers familiar with ther design said they never could have fallen like that on their own without some serious demolition.
The external beams you talk about are/were properly called an exoskeleton. Back in the 80s a friend and I took several 'official' tours of the buildings. The exoskeleton feature is rare, but there are other such buildings in the world.
911 was very much an inside job.
Richard— watch this video and tell me what you think about it. I just watched it earlier today. Quite thought provoking:
Thank you Faith. I watched Loose Change back in about 2005, and like so many others, watching it started me on a long path of research and study. I did not watch the updated version, but have learned much from many other sources, including A&E911 and the now defunct Pilots For 911 Truth. The official narrative is bankrupt. All known facts contradict it.
This video is not an update of Loose Change, it is a very deep dive into every one of their assertions. A "must see" video!
I’m not an engineer, just a firefighter/incident commander who had the responsibility to know what to be aware of in buildings under severe fire conditions. While fire is a major concern, It’s not the engineers’ overriding concern in their design plans. I was not surprised when the buildings collapsed. The firefighters there risked their lives to save others.
I don’t know of any others that were struck by a fully fueled passenger airplane.
Thanks for for comment and for all you do! Best
I used to work at 2 WTC on the 103rd floor, changed jobs prior to 9-11 about a year before. Recall prior to 9-11 TWA flight 800 crashed, it has long been suspected that a US surface to air missile accidentally shot it down. My coworkers sister was a flight attendant on that flight. After 9-11 there was another plane that crashed on November 2001, I don't recall the details but I live near the UN and the police were blocking my street and I had to show some ID to get to my apartment. Lastly, the Anthrax scare also was right after 9-11.
Without going into theories about 9-11, I can attest there was a of fear and uncertainty going around during that timeframe. In light of the C19 situation, which has the same feel to me as the time around 9-11. It certainly seems "something smells rotten in Denmark."
It's all lies. We've seen how the FBI fabricates things and this is no exception.
9/11 was a false flag committed by our own government to justify invasions of other countries and curtailment of civil liberties.
This is being released now because the Saudi's have snubbed us and are looking to drop the petrodollar. This is the way the we will pressure them to back off. It probably won't work and we will end up using this to justify confiscating Saudi assets as the US/Saudi relationship further deteriorates.
Yeah, I just commented the same, the timing is just perfect huh?
Which makes me very suspicious...
Excellent metaphor for what’s happening today. We were all 21 years younger and less informed when 9/11 happened. I remember clearly believing my government that Iraq had WMDs and we better be pre emptive rather than wait for a mushroom cloud. At the time, George W Bush had overwhelming popularity polls and polls showed that 95% of Americans supported attacking Iraq. A few years later I couldn’t not find one person other than myself who admitted to falling for the b.s. which was used as an excuse to get us into a decades long fight.
When COVID came around, my b.s. meter was on high alert and I didn’t fall for any of it. But here’s my bet: in five years, you won’t have a single friend who admits that they supported COVID vax mandates (no jab, no job) and they’ll all rewrite the history of their own atrocious behavior in 2020-2022.
Thank you for your work. The veils are being ripped away, one after the other.
I totally bought the 9/11 narrative, until I saw "Loose Change 9/11" last month, as well as Dave Vonkeist documentary, In Plane Sight and Ripple Effect -
I also bought the official narrative until I heard experts talking about how well designed were the Towers and that plane strikes like that couldn't have made them collapse. And then when I logically examined the situation and mentally compared how the Towers collapsed with numerous videos I have seen of the controlled demolition of buildings, of course it was the identical type of collapse!!!! There is no way in hell those two buildings fell down like that on their own! NEVER would have happened!
Read Screw Loose Change. The lies in Loose Change are taken apart one by one.
I said read even though it’s a video because ir uses a lot of text. Here’s a link.m
Who's the debunkers? Popular Mechanics? Or the guys from Italy and france? All shills trying to throw the scent off the trail to the true perps.
Lame and desperate. ps nice trolling.
I just watched it: VERY well done and compelling. Thank you for posting the link!:
How about the "5 dancing Israelis" who admitted they were there to "document"(on video) the event on Israeli TV?
How about the millions of dancing Muslims in the Middle East? Not gonna work this time abdul
Answer his question?
Answer my question?
Sure, they were mostly fake. ABC and CNN took celebration footage and palmed it off as Arabs celebrating 9/11. How old are you, to not know that?
Now, again, answer his question?
Smoke and Mirrors ! What about Tower 7 ? what about Mossad ? What about so called pilot who had trouble flying a Cessna 150 doing the gymnastics to get the plane lined up to hit the tower?
Tower 7 caught fire when debris from another tower landed in it.
False! Watch the free fall videos from many angles. Perfect text book classic demolition.
I heard live what L. Silverstein told reporters . It was totally absurd and scripted to a tee.
Watch this and get a clue.
False. The building was intact with only a handful of office fires. Seriously, where do you get your info? You have to be a plant or a bot bec you are certainly spreading a lot of misinformation. Or do you work for mossad/our govt?
Watch that video! It carefully examines each point.
What about Hezbollah abdul?
If you believe that hijackers flew plans they didn't have any training directly into their targets I have a bridge to sell you. Buildings just fall down completely to the ground floor from being hit by a plane too. Oh and kidnapped called from the airplanes on their cell phones, because we send people to the moon. This is concerning propaganda, along with pushing that China is somehow dying which we know is not happening (latest podcast)?
Here you are Katie. Become more informed and less paranoid. The Muslim hijackers took flying lessons.
No thanks. Building 7 just fell because?
You know what you know, but you don't know what you don't want to know. The Deepstate took those building down, and that's the fact. Just like they (DARPA) are behind these vaccines as Dr. McCullough points out. Joining forces with the mass media and continuing to believe this farce just helps them. Go ahead, but you're the dupe not me.
Yes and they couldn't fly a Cessna. You sound like you have some cognitive dissonance going on and that's ok. No one wants to believe that there are "people" out there that kill with impunity but I hate to tell you TGC, you are very naive when it comes to who rules this world. Bush et al are only puppets. They all answer to a higher power and I don't mean God.
How much for the bridge? Find and read Screw Loose Change and get a clue.
Whatever the amount of money the Pentagon couldn't account for before that (plane) suddenly crashed into it. Believe the farce, you're the dupe not me.
Not one mention of the textbook free fall demolition of thermite rope angled to perfection on steel center core vertical backbone I beams to induce gravity "Shearing" at point of intensive heat to insure separation of load bearing aspects to both WTC buildings and the icing on the demo magic was the text book free fall caught on different cam angles of Bldg 7. Full Stop!!!!
With over 2800 global highest caliber trained Structural Engineers saying "Exactly" that!!
It was one hell of an intelligence test. Did you Pass the test? Or miss an educational about a gravity
effect on controlled free fall demolition? How to drop load 10 lbs of rubble in a 5 lb bag. Classic.
I am going to make a correction about the description made of Thermite rope. it is not a actual rope per say but a fastened charge that spews a cutting system more like a cutting torch from a nozzle. The effects of which can look like a rope on the opposing side of the blast thru.
Sorry to have mis-lead the way may be applied to many uses. Time to shut this off is now.
No evidence whatsoever of thermite. And you thinks it was planted without detection. NIST explained why the towers fell.
They also stated that heat from an unseen interior fire caused the free fall collapse of blg 7 hrs after WTC 1/2 were down. That is impossible!
This may help you.
You have made your choice obvious Terence. And that's ok .
I have watched this Doc so long ago. As did my brothers and his firm of engineers.
We know the game was to cover up all loose ends. Sorry much is at stake for the cover up.
This was the attempt to be the grand daddy of them all. It's like a Wuhan lab all over again.
Divide and conquer with the narratives. But attempts to redirect are an utter failure as such.
No actual experts opinions as to why they all fell into themselves is counter intuitive evidence.
I was raised by my Catholic parents be honest and fair minded and I was one of only a handful of students in my first year law school class to get an A in evidence. I then spent 42 years as a trial lawyer separating the wheat from the chaff.
Loose Change is garbage. It is as reliable as the Covid. “vaccines”. A lot of people will do anything to make money. Baseball is not America’s favorite pastime.
Why don’t you watch Screw Loose Change? None of the claims of the haters make any sense.
Hah, that is a nice coincidence. I was an alter boy myself at St. James parish in a very small town in Minn. Latin was the only lingo spoken and all the pomp and circumstance was acted to the script.
My now diseased father in law was a Minn Supreme Ct justice for 20 years. COV 19 is bad news.
On some odd parallels as the 9/11 scam JFK/RFK/MLK/ whose loose ends remain in mystery.
What is America's favorite pastime? Eating? Lol!
Randall—I just watched the video Terence posted the link to. You really ought to take the time to watch it!
NIST never explained why the towers fell. Dr Steven Jones found nanothermite in dust from the towers. How much are you being paid to post your disinfo?
As a non-American the main thing I know about NIST was they lied in their 9/11 report
The Bush criminal family. The Obama criminal family. The Biden criminal family. The Clinton criminal family. What a collective bunch of ignorant maggots.
They're just the foot soldiers here in America. Look to the Middle East to find the masterminds of 9/11
Watching building 7 implode - and seeing/living through how that has been explained away by the government and the media and "THE Authorities" - showcases a lot of facts about how they operate and how evil they are.
It shows nothing.!
Here’s an actual Wow.
3 hours long. Can you summarize?
Don't bother with the trolls.
I can - it's fool of poop, I only lasted 20 minutes.
No. In the face of so much misinformation learning the truth is hard work. The original Screw Loose Change which I believe was produced 2008 to 2010 was better. I can’t believe how many Americans hate their country.
The Americans I know who most love their country and the principles upon which it was founded are the Americans most disgusted with the people populating the upper ranks of government. They despise their government because they love their country.
I can't believe how wedded to obvious lies, propaganda, and total nonsense so many people like you can be.
You need to watch it to get the details.
Good luck trying to red pill TGC. I think he's either a bot or a govt agent/mossad.
People familiar with the false flag nature of the events of 9/11 -- many of whom are commenting earlier on this post -- recognize that "the 28 pages" was always "a limited hangout" discussed to try to distract people away from recognizing that it took months of planning and execution to get three buildings (WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7) to fall neatly into their own footprints, and that the collision of two planes with two of those buildings was always a woefully weak explanation for what transpired.
Here's a video that I find effective in drawing attention to the obvious lies surrounding that day:
Appalling dereliction of Congressional DUTY to investigate. And NOT to stop investigating when you discover your perceived 'boss' or your deceptive 'friend' is implicated.
And don’t forget Mueller and Barr!!!